Design Notes
December 16, 2014
The Queen of Monsters' Frostval
The World Breaks as the Ancients Return!
After the Champion of Chaos let the Queen of Monsters loose, refugees from across the world flee to a new continent as the land grows colder and winter storms rage. Fight alongside Syrrus the Astromancer at the shattered Tower of Winds. Build a planetary gate that will allow a mysterious warrior mage's army to journey across spacetime and add their blades to the battle!
The WorldBreaker Rises as twilight falls across the world.
Journey to a NEW continent to begin the introdution to our new storyline, "Ancient Evils," as the Queen of Monsters gathers strength and begins to build the army she'll use to conquer our world! With 35 quests to complete, new lands to explore, and 7 elemental starstones to locate, you've got more do than just save our winter holiday...
Quibble Coinbiter returns Friday!
Past, present, and future Frostval items freeze the insides of Quibble Coinbiter's pack... and YOUR inventory! AQWorlds' very own time-traveling sales moglin arrives in Battleon this Friday, December 19th, with gear from across space AND time! But he won't be there long, so you'll want to dig through his chest of never-before-seen-slightly-used items and rares while you can!
FrostSpawn Warrior and AstroMancer armor!
Announcing the Coolest Class: CryoMancer!
Just in time for snowstorms, blizzards, and BIG boss battles, we've got the CryoMancer Class arriving this Friday! You can get your winter gloves on this supercool class for 2000 AdventureCoins or through farming for tokens from a Daily Quest. (Members will be able to earn tokens twice as fast!)
- Cryomancer Class (Earned version, 84 Glacera Tokens)
- Cryomancer Class (AC version, 2000 ACs)
Cryomancer Class Armor
Once the CryoMancer Class releases, speak to Syrrus Terminer in the Tower of Winds OR talk to Quibble in Battleon! Both will have daily quests that rewards you with Glacera Tokens when you complete them. Non-members can earn up to 14 a week but there is a special Member version of the quest that will reward Members with up to 21 Tokens per week.
MEMBERS: You will only be able to do ONE of the quests per day. MAKE SURE YOU DO THE MEMBER VERSION!
As always there will be an AC version of the class for those who don't have the time to invest in earning the class for free.
Frostval Limited Quantity Packages Next Tuesday!
Starting next Tuesday, December 23rd at 10:30 AM EST, our Frostval Limited Quantity Packages will go on sale! There are a limited number of packages, so if you want to snag these ice-cold collectibles to boost your rare collector rep, read on to see what's coming!
- Dage's holiday armor set and quest (concept art pictured above)
- J6's Ice Fortress house (with daily quest treasure chest)
- A holiday Nulgath-themed Battle Pet (available to anyone who has EVER purchased a membership)
- and the IceMaster Yeti pet and quest (for all players)
Keep an eye on the Design Notes for more art previews, quantites, and a restock schedule!

December 26, 2012
Friday is Lore's New Year
Save the Sun or the New Year will Never Come!
When the Nocturan Creed, guardians of the night, learn that a young werepyre and the vampire he loves must flee their homes and need sanctuary, they work to ensure that the sun will not harm them, no matter where in Lore they run. But HOW they plan to do that could threaten the survival of everything you know...
Aku of the Nocturan Creed and Etain of the Lumina Votari
Because the Lumina Votari, protectors of the day, have received word that the Creed plans to plunge the world into permanent darkness. Battle through Darkovia and other lands to unravel the truth and ensure that the sun will rise on New Year’s morning!
The Dark Sun Armor will be available from Etain this Friday!
The Last Limited Quantity Shop!
Talk to Khuddar Khamundi in Battleon (he's the shady-looking Black Market dealer) for your last chance to get all of the gear in the Limited Quantity Shop. This is the last LQS we ever plan on releasing and will be available in-game for around 1 more week, but after that, it will NEVER return!
Apocalyptic Warrior sets!
You can still get the Apolcalyptic Warrior armors, the Prismatic SnowStalker Armor, the Zard Rider Armor, Apocalyptic Bunker House and more... but not for long!
Post-Apocalyptic Bunker House!
In the future, we'll be doing more Limited Time Shops instead of the Limited Quantity Shops, so you rare hunters will still have a chance to get the exclusive gear you want!
Sword of the Legion Shop Arrives Friday!
If you were held on to the Sword of the Legion Dage released in this past Summer's Evil War, then you've got a dark gift coming this Friday! Talk to Dage in Shadowfall to open the sword's shop!
Undead Champion Prime Armor Awaits!
The items he sells will require the following:
- UndeadChampionPrime: Sword of the Legion, 200 Legion Tokens, 0 gold
- Quintenii's Legion DrowBlade: Sword of the Legion, 100 Legion Tokens, 100,000 gold, LvL 30
- Quintenii's Skull Daggers: Sword of the Legion, 100 Legion Tokens, 100,000 gold, LvL 30
- Hawk Blackwell's Legion Axe: Sword of the Legion, 150 Legion Tokens, 100,000 gold, LvL 30
To acquire each of these items, you will need much dedication and MANY victories in battle! Good luck!
New Base Class Art on the Horizon!
Dage is working feverishly from the SouthWestern Secret Lab Annex on the Base Class and Verification Shop art re-vamps! The new Verification Shop art will launch this week, but until he's got a preview of that ready, take a look at how epic the new base classes will look!
These will go live NEXT week!*
You will be able to get these new looks without creating a character; they'll be sold in Battleon. And if you liked the blue version of the Healer Class art instead of the red, never fear, you'll be able to get THAT, too!
And as we mentioned last week, we will ALSO be restructuring Battleon itself. Let us know on the forums and Twitter what you'd like to see in the new town!
* We haven't forgotten about the reward version of Chronomancer Chaos Lord Iadoa's armor! That will come in early January, once Dage finishes these revamps he's working on.
Thank You for Being Awesome in 2012!
We hope you're having a fantastic holiday with your family and friends! Thank you for battling alongside us throughout 2012,and for supporting us with through purchasing Memberships and AdventureCoins! We hope you'll be there with us as we work to make 2013 the most explosive year in AQWorlds' history!

December 17, 2012
Kezeroth's Icy Apocalypse
We will NOT let Our World End on 12-21-12!
Sharpen your blades and bring your friends - we're going to break a prophecy! Log in this Friday at sundown. because we will ALL need to join together if we're going to defeat the Beast Quetzal! Kezeroth is still free to play his deadly game... and time is running out before he uses Quetzal's the power to claim his prize: the destruction of Lore itself!
Make sure you've reached the bottom of FrostDeep dungeon first, otherwise you won't be able to start this Friday's release.
Defeat Kezeroth + Quetzal to save the world!
There will be all-new quests from Yorumi in /snowyvale for the Chronomancer, ChronoCorruptor, and TimeKiller classes! Members will also get a quest exclusively for them!
Limited Quantity Shop: Saturday at 2PM!
Save the world from Kezeroth and the Beast Quetzal to unlock the Broken Prophecy Limited Quantity Shop! We're not going to let the world end, and that means we'll still be here for the end of 2012... and you'll be able to log in at 2PM server time for the shop!
Apocalyptic Warlord
Don't miss Solrac's Apocalyptic Warriors (Warlord, Deathbringer, Infector, Miser) or J6's Post-apocalyptic Survival Bunker House! More art previews tomorrow!
And if you haven't been with us for a Limited Quantity Shop before, here's what's happening:
When we open up a Limited Quantity Shop in Battleon, the items listed will be in the shop with the stated prices and quantities. (Coming Wednesday!)
Once that item is sold out, it is never coming back. Ever. If you see something you like, then you're going to want to make sure you're awake and have the gold or ACs on hand to buy your chosen equips!
Here's a handy online time zone converter to make logging in at just the right moment a little easier!
12 Days of Holi-Daily Quests!
Log in Friday and every day after until January 1st, complete all 12 Holi-Daily Quests, and you'll unlock a New Year's shop with two all-new armors! Each day, you'll get 1 more merge item (the quest will reward either member or non-member merge items) until you have all 12 and can create your new gear!
The member-only version of the armor will be color-custom! The merge items AND reward armors will be 0ACs so you can store them for free... forever!
Beleen's Birthday/Quibble Shops NEW Update!
Get your gear before it's gone! Quibble Coinbiter's holiday gear will leave in early January. Beleen's birthday shop will move to her NPC in Frostvale so that you have a little while longer to stock up on your favorite festively-pink gear!

September 20, 2012
Coming Up!
Coming Friday
With guilds soft launch yesterday, we found a few bugs in guild creation and naming but nothing to stop Phase 1 from fully launching tomorrow!
It may not seem like much of a release to you guys, but we've worked for a REALLY LONG TIME on phase 1, Yorumi is still working on as I type this and will still be working on it up the minute we launch tomorrow.
You can look forward to a lot of guild upgrades in Phase 2 and beyond including Guild Halls that you can build, decorate and grow together as a team, Guild renaming options, Customizable Guild banners so your group can unite under one flag, Guild name and banner displayed on your character page, special guild only challenges and more!
To kick it off J6 will have a few special Guild Battles for you this weekend. You will need to work together with your guild as a solid unit to defeat these special challenge fights. You MIGHT be able to take them on with a group of well trained strangers but I wouldn't suggest it. There will, of course, be Special drops and a merge shop to rewards your successful efforts.
4th Upholder Coming in October
October is not only AQW's 4th Birthday but also Artix Entertainment's 10th Birthday! We are planning something larger than we've ever had before for our special AE birthday event but I'll save that for later.
October is also a special time for our supporters as it's your chance to become an AQW UPHOLDER!
When AQW launched we gave everyone who supported us the chance to become an AQW Founder. Since then our Members have the chance to uphold the tradition by supporting AQW with a Membership every year around this time.
Upholders get a special Character Page Badge, a rare Star Sword (This is the year of CHAOS so... CHAOTIC STAR SWORD!) some insane bragging rights and the knowledge that they helped support AQW! There are two ways to become a 4th upholder.
- If you have an AQW Membership that expires ON OR AFTER November 1st, 2012 then you're in the clear. You are already a 4th Upholder and will automatically receive the badge as soon as it's made.
- Option 2 is simple. Just upgrade to a Member (3 months or longer) any time from October 1st to October 31st, 2012. Poof, you'll become a 4th Upholder that very second.
That's pretty much it. I will be posting a picture of the Chaos Star Sword and the badge a little closer to October.
LQS and TLPD Staying
The Limited Quantity Shop and the Talk Like A Pirate Day shops will both remain in Battleon through the weekend and possibly longer. We don't have any set dates on the shops removal, otherwise I'd just tell you when it was.

March 31, 2012
Limited Quantity Shop is Live
Mount up, Hero! It's ZARD-riding time!
Battle your way to /battleon RIGHT NOW for the first Limited Quantity Shop of 2012! Khuddar has epically awesome armors and items this time around, including the Zard Rider and Dragon Rider Armors, as well as the Dragon on your Back Cape! Quantities are limited, so get your gear while it's still here!
First things first: Zard Riders /dance2 conga line. Go!
And if you haven't been with us for a Limited Quantity Shop before, here's what's happening:
We have opened up a Limited Quantity Shop in Battleon. The items listed below will all be in the shop with the stated prices and quantities.
Tame a dragon... or ride one!
Once that item is sold out, it is never coming back. Ever. If you see something you like, then you're going to want to make sure you're awake and have the gold or ACs on hand to buy your chosen equips!
Here's a handy online time zone converter to make logging in at just the right moment a little easier!
- Zard Rider - 1,000 ACs - 9,000 quantity
- Dragon Rider - 1,000 ACs - 9,000 quantity
- WyrmTamer - 800 ACs - 7,500 quantity
- Toxica Armor - 725 ACs - 6,000 quantity
- Solrac Legacy - 38,500 member gold - 10,000 quantity
Get ready to /spar while riding a dragon. Epic!
- Zard Rider Hat - 85 ACs - 9,000 quantity
- Toxic Horns - 85 ACs - 6,000 quantity
- WyrmTamer Hood - 75 ACs - 7,500 quantity
- WyrmTamer Helm - 75 ACs - 7,500 quantity
- Legacy Locks - 16,500 member gold - 10,000 quantity
- Shorn Legacy Hair - 16,500 member gold - 10,000 quantity
MUCH better than a monkey on your back!
- Toxica Scythe - 200 ACs - 5,000 quantity
- SolarEdge Armblades - 35,000 member gold - 10,000 quantity
- Toxic Smasher - 35,000 free gold - 20,000 quantity
Members can utilize cyborg power in Solrac's Legacy armor!
- Dragon-back Cape - 500 ACs - 8,000 quantity
- Sol-Wrap Cape - 10,000 free gold - 12,000 quantity
Toxica Armor, Horns, and Smasher!
And once you're done browsing Khuddar's shop, make sure to /join poisonforest to play the latest release!
As we said on, this weekend you'll see that Good and Evil aren't always what they seem to be! The question is: what are YOU willing to sacrifice to save a life? Lions and poisons and burning, oh my! Members of the Alliance rally and two NPCs decide to battle side by side for the rest of their lives!
Play through the storyline to get your very own invitation to attend the in-game wedding of Rolith and Alina on AQW's fourth birthday on October 12, 2012!

March 29, 2012
Limited Quantity Shop Details
Mount up, Hero! It's ZARD-riding time!
Battle your way to /battleon this Saturday at 10AM EST (server time) for the first Limited Quantity Shop of 2012! Khuddar has epically awesome armors and items this time around, including the Zard Rider and Dragon Rider Armors, as well as the Dragon on your Back Cape! Quantities are limited, so get your gear while it's still here!
First things first: Zard Riders /dance2 conga line. Go!
And if you haven't been with us for a Limited Quantity Shop before, here's what's going to happen:
At 10 AM server time on Saturday, March 31st (that's THIS Saturday!), we will open up a Limited Quantity Shop in Battleon. The items listed below will all be in the shop with the stated prices and quantities.
Tame a dragon... or ride one!
Once that item is sold out, it is never coming back. Ever. If you see something you like, then you're going to want to make sure you're awake and have the gold or ACs on hand to buy your chosen equips!
Here's a handy online time zone converter to make logging in at just the right moment a little easier!
- Zard Rider - 1,000 ACs - 9,000 quantity
- Dragon Rider - 1,000 ACs - 9,000 quantity
- WyrmTamer - 800 ACs - 7,500 quantity
- Toxica Armor - 725 ACs - 6,000 quantity
- Solrac Legacy - 38,500 member gold - 10,000 quantity
Get ready to /spar while riding a dragon. Epic!
- Zard Rider Hat - 85 ACs - 9,000 quantity
- Toxic Horns - 85 ACs - 6,000 quantity
- WyrmTamer Hood - 75 ACs - 7,500 quantity
- WyrmTamer Helm - 75 ACs - 7,500 quantity
- Legacy Locks - 16,500 member gold - 10,000 quantity
- Shorn Legacy Hair - 16,500 member gold - 10,000 quantity
MUCH better than a monkey on your back!
- Toxica Scythe - 200 ACs - 5,000 quantity
- SolarEdge Armblades - 35,000 member gold - 10,000 quantity
- Toxic Smasher - 35,000 free gold - 20,000 quantity
Members can utilize cyborg power in Solrac's Legacy armor!
- Dragon-back Cape - 500 ACs - 8,000 quantity
- Sol-Wrap Cape - 10,000 free gold - 12,000 quantity
Toxica Armor, Horns, and Smasher!
And once you're done browsing Khuddar's shop, make sure to /join poisonforest to play the latest release!
As we said on, this weekend you'll see that Good and Evil aren't always what they seem to be! The question is: what are YOU willing to sacrifice to save a life? Lions and poisons and burning, oh my! Members of the Alliance rally and two NPCs decide to battle side by side for the rest of their lives!
Play through the storyline to get your very own invitation to attend the in-game wedding of Rolith and Alina on AQW's fourth birthday on October 12, 2012!

March 27, 2012
Mid-Week Member Class
Become a Blood Ancient!
Vampires are a VERY old race on Lore and with society full of immortals they don't really have much need of records. If you want to learn a spell that was created 2000 years ago, just go talk to the guy who made it.
But accidents, battles and wars can claim the unlives of even the most powerful vampires. Powerful secrets of vampire lore are lost get lost in the pages of history. That is where Orlok comes in.
Orlok is Queen Safiria's Vampire Loremaster and his job is to search what records there are and use his keen intellect to rediscover lost vampire secrets. Recently he has come upon one such secret and if you help him complete his research you might become Lore's first BLOOD ANCIENT!
Tomorrow, the Mid-week will take place in the Safiria map, where you will find Orlok standing outside Safiria's castle. Complete his tasks to unlock a single farming quest which will allow you to purchase the first Mid-week CLASS, the vampire based Blood Ancient!
Blood Ancient Class, armor and helms designed by Solrac.
I will be doing another Design Notes tomorrow with the skills breakdown but I will tell you that it is warrior based, good for solo-ing and PvP and, like all Mid-Week Releases, MEMBER ONLY!
Earning the class will NOT require any reputation. All you have to do is complete the Mid-Week quests and farm for the merge items necessary to buy the class (and either or both of the helm hairstyles shown above). It will take some time to earn it but far less time than grinding a Reputation to Rank 10.
For those of you who don't have the time for the Mid-Weeks and don't want to wait until the weekend to put in the time to earn it, a 2000 AC version will be available from Itzachi (class only, no helms). The 2000 AC version will ALSO be MEMBER ONLY. This class is part of a mid-week release and mid-week releases are intended to be Member Perks.
Both versions of Blood Ancient as well as the both helms will be tagged as AC items so you can store them all for free.
I know that I said over Twitter time and time again that we would probably never have time to do a class in a mid-week considering the time and effort that it takes to create one and the skeleton crew that contribute to the mid-weeks, but considering how many of you have asked and that everyone who asked MUST all be Members, it became a priority for me to try and make it happen.
Come back tomorrow for the Skills Breakdown!
Limited Quantity Shop Reminder
10:00 AM Server Time on Saturday.
The die has spoken. Be there or don't.
Artix and Sepulchure Collectible Action Figure Toys Coming Soon!
I know that is a mouth full but some people don't know what Action Figures are. Just calling them toys doesn't do them justice considering the quality with which they seem to be made and the fact that they are in-game swag pinatas.
You can get Artix and/or Sepulchure! Each figures comes with their own weapon. There are rare BLACK variants of each toy (which look pretty awesome.
Artix figures come with:
- Paladin's Castle In-game House
- Paladin High Lord Class
- Palaldin High Lord Armor
- Artix's Helm (Legendary item!)
- High Lord's Battleaxe of Destiny
- Paladin High Lord Character Page Achievement
- FIVE original cards to modify your AQW Battle Card deck! (different from Seppy's toy's cards)
Sepulchure figures come with:
- DoomKnight's Fortress In-game House
- DoomKnight Overlord Class
- DoomKnight Overlord Armor
- Sepulchure's Helm (Legendary item!)
- Overlord's DoomBlade
- DoomKnight Overlord Character Page Achievement
- FIVE original cards to modify your AQW Battle Card deck! (different from Artix toy's cards)
These will be available in Toys R Us in the United States and on HeroMart shortly after that. I'm sad to say that I STILL have no fixed release date for you, but I keep getting told "Late April, Early May".
The final I CAN HAS MOD contest is coming to a close and the drawing will be held on Friday. Then, as usual, we will contact the winner through the e-mail that the character has provided to us. Remember that if you don't check your e-mail then you can't win.
Also remember that for every month of Membership you get one extra chance to win and with the new class coming it might be the right time to Upgrade (shameless plug). You can also get one extra entry for every AEXtra that you complete on the AEXtras offers page.
See you guys tomorrow for the Mid-Week mini-release and the skills breakdown.

March 26, 2012
Poison, Member Class, LQS!
Poison: Good or Evil?
Death. Life. All contained within a single vial - the power of poison. To harm or heal, cure or kill... to be Good or Evil... all contained in a single drop. We all must make choices, and we must all grow into our decisions. Life is not black and white and, as we've seen, neither are alignments. Even the most toxic poison can sometimes cure*.
Lion lion, metal-bright, will we
do what you think is right?
Return to the Potionmaker storyline this Friday as Alina decides whether to remain passively making potions or take up her poisoned blade to save a life... and change her future! To begin the Potionmaker storyline, head to Swordhaven castle and take a right when you reach the drawbridge. You'll find Alina with a tale to tell and potions to sell!
* That also means the most potent medicine can kill.
Mid-week Member-only release: BloodAncient Class!
We didn't think it could be done, but it looks like we WILL be able to release a member-only class during one of Cysero's mid-week releases! To that end, prepare yourselves for the BloodAncient Class! With skills like Draw Blood, Soul Grip, and Aspect of Mist, you'll find the battlefields left bloody in your wake!
You will be able to earn this Class just by playing this week's mid-week release in Darkovia OR by purchasing it from Itzachi in Battleon for Adventure Coins! (But ONLY members will be able to use ACs to buy the class.)
Limited Quantity Shop: Saturday, March 31st at 10 AM!
For epic rare items galore, you'll want to log in this Saturday at 10 AM EST, no foolin'! The Spring Limited Quantity Shop will feature awesome armors, wicked weapons, and amazing accessories from your favorite AQWorlds artists! Check out our first art preview from Solrac, Solrac's Legacy:
His legacy is Cyborg technology.
Watch the Design Notes for more art previews throughout the week, and make sure you know when the shop opens for YOU with this timezone converter!
I Can Haz Mod Contest!
Remember, the last I Can Haz Mod contest ends THIS FRIDAY, March 30! So if you haven't purchased your Last Golden Cheezburger from Cleric Joy in Battleon, hurry! The winner will be granted one selfless wish AND get to spend 2 hours with their favorite AQW dev or mod, AND get temporary modship (and all attendant privileges) for 2 hours!
Coming up!
- Look for a skill breakdown for Blood Ancient Class to come this week!
- Next week: Treasure Chest loot update!
- Next week: Suggestion Shop update!
- Next week: Grenwog returns!
- Artist Livestream Week! 1 AQW artist a day will stream live in-game to show how art for AQW is created!

May 05, 2011
Celebration-Shop Sensation!
The Limited Quantity Shop Returns this Saturday
You can expect to see Khuddar and his Limited Quantity Shop THIS SATURDAY starting at exactly 10:00 AM server time. The shop will be around for one week (or until all items are gone), and pricing is still to be determined. As usual, items which haven't sold out from the last shop will be included in THIS shop, which will contain at least:
- 5,000 of Dage's Aurus Via set (armor, helm, and weapon)
- 9,000 of Mennace's Electric Thunder Battle-Axe
- 20,000 of Mennace's Earth Piercer Axe
An elite rank of Paladins, Auros Via warriors- Defenders of the Golden Way- are marked by the distinctive winged helm and the solid gold trim. The plating is treated with a Prismatic Potion, and changes color according to the warrior's whim. Only those who have proven their honor, bravery, and steadfastness are considered for the title. Wear it well, Hero!
Cinco de Mayo Supplies
It's the Fifth of May, and that means mad Cinco de Mayo celebrations are underway! And to join in the fun, we're bringing back a shop full of crazy-awesome accoutrements for you to equip. If you're looking for colorful gear that will let you look your best while busting through enemies like they were filled with candy, check out:
- Maracas 11 mace
- Dos Maracas 11 daggers
- Pinata 11 pet
- Sombrero and Big Sombrero helms
- and the Mariachi Armor 11
Rock out for Randor the Red's Birthday
Help us with a very happy birthday to our favorite wallpaper-maker, Randor the Red! And to celebrate, he wants to give YOU gifts, instead of the other way around. So for the past few weeks, he's been laboring in secret (and not so secret, since he's posted some previews on Twitter) to bring these gifts to you:
- Forest Tiger 11 pet
- Dragonwings of Destiny 11 daggers (CC and non-CC)
- Raised and Lowered Goggles helms
- Shocking Raised and Lowered Goggles helms
- Spiky Raised and Lowered Goggles helms
- Raised and Lowered Aviatrix helms
- Crustacean Crusher 11 daggers (CC and non-CC)
The Cinco de Mayo and Randor birthday shops leave on Monday. Enjoy the mini-release day and be sure to join us tomorrow for our weekend release (We're starting an all-new story and will release our Mother's Day shop on Sunday!) And remember...
AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE ARTIX POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Premiere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!
Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free Artix Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!

April 06, 2011
Fear not, my friends!
Well…actually…. fear A LOT!
Ooooohh! I just got the chills! And it’s not from the weather… since us Floridians are enjoying the 80 degree sunshine right now =D
I’ve got the chills in preparation for Friday’s release!
A new threat has presented itself to the world of Lore. They are called Terrorkind, a race of monstrous beasts deriving from an unknown dimension... a dimension comprised entirely out of fear! And about 3 million of them are headed THIS WAY! O____O Yikes!
Have you seen this Monster?
The Terrorkind must be stopped. If we can thin their ranks… perhaps we can get some answers as to who… or what… is behind this fearful onslaught…
Like good ‘ol Cysero said yesterday, you have to defeat waves of monsters in order to raise the War Meter. Once the meter increases by 25%, a new area of the battlefield will unlock. As you progress, you will venture further and further into enemy territory until you reach the Fear Feeder who is behind all these attacks… and only then may we get some answers!
But this war is ganna be a bit different. Each monster has a chance to drop up to 5 different Fear Trinkets (name is pending!). And you will be able to use these Trinkets in the War Merge Shop to score some awesome never-before-seen items!
Because we all know how difficult farming for merge items can be, we decided to add a…uh…I don’t know what you would call it…but basically you can use these Trinkets to buy other Trinkets in case you have a bagillion FearTrinkets1 but really need just one more FearTrinket4 to get that epic sword from the merge shop.
Did that make any sense? Or did I just confuse you? Good—my job here is done =p
Limited Quantity Shop
Wowie! Khuddar the Black Market Dealer in Battleon has nearly SOLD OUT of his epic loot!
Just like the name suggests, all the items in his shop are limited in supply. And once they sell out completely… that’s it—no more will EVER be released. So it looks like this might be your last chance to score the remaining items from his shop before it’s too late!
What sort of items would you like to see in the next Limited Quantity Shop? No release date is determined…yet… but we would like to know what sort of rare items you would like to get your hands on. We don’t know when the next shop will come… or what time it will come… but just like this LQShop, we will give you ample warning time so that everyone across the globe will have a fair chance at getting the next shipment of items ^___^

April 01, 2011
Happy April Fools Day!
We’re not fooling about today’s massive release full of Derps, Huuurrps, Limited Quantity Shop, Steampunks, Ranger Class, Player Suggestion Items, and Skyguards.
DUUUURRP! Did you guys enjoy our April Fools Day release? I love it when I get to draw—as you can see, this is why Artix and Cysero won’t allow me to draw on a regular basis =D
Herpaderp your way to Battleon by Monday (April 4th) to see the totally derptastic transformed town and score my derpalicious loot! You'll huurp until you can't deeerp anymore!
Limited Quantity Shop
Khuddar the Black Market dealer is back in Battleon! And he’s got some of the coolest (and RAREST!) items ever seen in Lore.
This shop was released at 1:00pm EST so if you’re just joining us now… some of the items might already be sold out. It is called a Limited Quantity Shop after all! If you want to get a piece of AQW history, then you better stop reading this and head into game before it’s too late!
Calling all Skyguards!
Stratos, Captain of the Phereless, has pulled into port at the Skyguard's airship docking and refueling station. After exploring the steamy halls of this amazing floating city, why not spend some time aiding the Hover-base's residents? With a stock of steampunk items in the stores and a copious number of quests to complete, you'll be able to begin building your Skyguard Reputation!
Only select Members will be able to arm themselves with magi-technical armaments, constant companions, secure item storage, and steampunk hairstyles straight out of the VicLorian Era! If you haven’t already upgraded your Membership… now is the best time to do so! Because the only way you can get into the Skyguard’s Hover-base…. and other member-only areas…. and equip pets… and increase your weapon damage with the best Enhancements… and use special Classes… and access the member-only servers… and use some of the coolest items in game… and supporting your friends who make AQWs possible… is by becoming a Member ^_____^
Ranger Class!
Rangers are stealthy, wealthy and wise to the ways of their opponents. Able to take down tyrants without blinking an eye or breaking a bowstring, you’ll range far and wide in this armor. And it's NOW available in the Sandsea Rep Shop!
When you’ve accumulated Rank 10 in Sandsea Reputation, talk to Zhoom and become the greatest Ranger the world has ever seen! So let us begin the Ranger Class write-up!
And as a newfound Ranger, it is important to understand how the Class works. Rangers regain mana when they strike an enemy in combat and when they doge any attack, also restoring some HP. Rangers heavily rely on their Strength, Endurance, and Dexterity stats, so choosing Enhancements that aid these three things will aid you in battle. A great starting Enh would be Thief.
- Mark for Death, Rank 1
5 mana, 1.5 sec cooldown
Deals light damage and applies Death Mark to your foe. Death Mark can stack up to 5 times unless consumed by a skill or allowed to fade, and reduces foe’s damage up to 5% until consumed.
- Scorching Arrow, Rank 2
15 mana, 10 sec cooldown
Launches a flaming arrow at your enemy, dealing moderate damage, also burning them with a fire Damage over Time (DoT). Fire damage over time can be increased by Death Mark.
- Explosive Bolt, Rank 3
25 mana, 3 sec cooldown
This arrow has an explosive tip which explodes on impact, dealing high damage. Nearby foes can also be caught in the explosion for minor damage. Damage increased by Death Mark.
- Ranger Secrets, Rank 4
Passive Ability
Increases Dexterity by 15%.
- Target Vitals, Rank 4
Passive Ability
Crit chance increased by 8%.
- Vampiric Shot, Rank 5
40 mana, 30 sec cooldown
You fire a magic arrow inscribed with runes at your target, dealing moderate damage to them but also applying a HoT effect to yourself. Both Damage and Heal Over Time effects are increased by Death Mark.
Remember, this Class can only be obtained by those who have their Sandsea Reputation maxed out at Rank 10. If you have already completed the Sandsea saga and still need more Rep… try asking the NPCs in the Oasis and farm those quests! The dailies there award massive amounts of Rep, too!
NEW Player Suggestion Shop Items!
WOAH! Even more items? And even MORE player suggested items? How wonderful is this?
We wish we could put every player-inspired item in Yulgar’s Inn…. but we just don’t have enough artists (unless you want me to DERRRP all of your masterpieces! Ahhaa!) But if you wanna have a chance at seeing your item in game, head to the forums and post your pics there!
*looks up and realizes how PINK text there is*
Tehehe… well it looks like I’ve done my job at “summing” everything up! On behalf of the entire Team, we hope that you enjoy this HUGE release and have a great time playing through the weekend!