Design Notes
December 26, 2012
Friday is Lore's New Year
Save the Sun or the New Year will Never Come!
When the Nocturan Creed, guardians of the night, learn that a young werepyre and the vampire he loves must flee their homes and need sanctuary, they work to ensure that the sun will not harm them, no matter where in Lore they run. But HOW they plan to do that could threaten the survival of everything you know...
Aku of the Nocturan Creed and Etain of the Lumina Votari
Because the Lumina Votari, protectors of the day, have received word that the Creed plans to plunge the world into permanent darkness. Battle through Darkovia and other lands to unravel the truth and ensure that the sun will rise on New Year’s morning!
The Dark Sun Armor will be available from Etain this Friday!
The Last Limited Quantity Shop!
Talk to Khuddar Khamundi in Battleon (he's the shady-looking Black Market dealer) for your last chance to get all of the gear in the Limited Quantity Shop. This is the last LQS we ever plan on releasing and will be available in-game for around 1 more week, but after that, it will NEVER return!
Apocalyptic Warrior sets!
You can still get the Apolcalyptic Warrior armors, the Prismatic SnowStalker Armor, the Zard Rider Armor, Apocalyptic Bunker House and more... but not for long!
Post-Apocalyptic Bunker House!
In the future, we'll be doing more Limited Time Shops instead of the Limited Quantity Shops, so you rare hunters will still have a chance to get the exclusive gear you want!
Sword of the Legion Shop Arrives Friday!
If you were held on to the Sword of the Legion Dage released in this past Summer's Evil War, then you've got a dark gift coming this Friday! Talk to Dage in Shadowfall to open the sword's shop!
Undead Champion Prime Armor Awaits!
The items he sells will require the following:
- UndeadChampionPrime: Sword of the Legion, 200 Legion Tokens, 0 gold
- Quintenii's Legion DrowBlade: Sword of the Legion, 100 Legion Tokens, 100,000 gold, LvL 30
- Quintenii's Skull Daggers: Sword of the Legion, 100 Legion Tokens, 100,000 gold, LvL 30
- Hawk Blackwell's Legion Axe: Sword of the Legion, 150 Legion Tokens, 100,000 gold, LvL 30
To acquire each of these items, you will need much dedication and MANY victories in battle! Good luck!
New Base Class Art on the Horizon!
Dage is working feverishly from the SouthWestern Secret Lab Annex on the Base Class and Verification Shop art re-vamps! The new Verification Shop art will launch this week, but until he's got a preview of that ready, take a look at how epic the new base classes will look!
These will go live NEXT week!*
You will be able to get these new looks without creating a character; they'll be sold in Battleon. And if you liked the blue version of the Healer Class art instead of the red, never fear, you'll be able to get THAT, too!
And as we mentioned last week, we will ALSO be restructuring Battleon itself. Let us know on the forums and Twitter what you'd like to see in the new town!
* We haven't forgotten about the reward version of Chronomancer Chaos Lord Iadoa's armor! That will come in early January, once Dage finishes these revamps he's working on.
Thank You for Being Awesome in 2012!
We hope you're having a fantastic holiday with your family and friends! Thank you for battling alongside us throughout 2012,and for supporting us with through purchasing Memberships and AdventureCoins! We hope you'll be there with us as we work to make 2013 the most explosive year in AQWorlds' history!