Design Notes
October 30, 2015
WE ARE LIVE! The Cruxshadows star in Halloween Special Event
"...and I believe."
Happy Halloween Weekend! I am so honored and excited to announce that the Cruxshadows special event is now live in AdventureQuest Worlds. The special event is available to all players, and contains a range of monsters so that players of all levels can join in.
Airships, Pyramids, Ancient Evils and awesome music! Login in, uncover the secrets of an artifact known as the Dream Ankh whlie battling through this intense 5-Act adventure. Yorumi even coded a special mini-game just for this event. Complete the event to earn the "The Cruxshadows Defender" badge. The badge lets you open a special shop in your Book of Lore rewarding you with a magical sword, the Kopesh of Dreams. The sword starts with a small bonus against undead, which you can level it up by turning in special items that drop off the boss!
Become an Instant Fan of the Cruxshadows
- Like the Cruxshadows Facebook page
- Follow the Cruxshadows on Twitter
The event features music from The Cruxshadows latest album "As the Dark Against my Halo" (iTunes link)
- Winter Born
- Valkyrie
- Immortal
- And I Believe
Evolved Pumpkin Lord!
Check out the Mogloween seasonal shop for newest 2015 gear. The Evolved Pumpkinlord class, armor, sword, helm and cape are WICKED! The class is 2,000ACs (Or, Members can farm for the member-only version.) The Legion version is obtainable through legion tokens. Also in the seasonal shop you will find all new NPC armors based on the Cauldron sisters, Bubble, Toil & Trouble, as well as a new Vampire set.
Wallpapers! Get in the spirit with wallpapers of the Evolved PumpkinLord armor for you PC Desktop or Smart Phone.
Reward Badge and the Khopesh of Dreams
Complete tonight's special event and you will unlock the "Cruxshadow Defender" badge for your character page and book of lore. Of course, if you check the badge in your book... you will find it also gives you a magical sword, "The Khopesh of Dreams." It has a special bonus against the undead. This bonus starts off very low, but you can level the sword up, increasing the undead bonus, by fusing it with items you get for defeating tonight's all new boss monster.

October 30, 2015
Undead Assault Bug Update for iOS
Apple iPhone/iPad players-- Please join me in an angry, frustrated roar of NOOO to let out all your frustration. When you are done, take a deep breath and be reassured by some GOOD NEWS: This bug will WILL BE FIXED in the next update.
What Happened?
The new Undead Assault update finally went live, but its' primary new feature, the one that lets you link to AQWorlds, unexpectedly broke upon release. I (Artix) feel just like you do... because I use an iPhone, bought on day 1, and have been eagerly waiting to redeem my armor in AQWorlds too. The feature was functioning correctly in testing-- so it was a complete shock when the new update went live and the new screens were not showing like they were supposed to.. The next Undead Assault Apple update will fix this. You do not have to do anything but join me in demonstrating the steel patience of a true undead hunter.
- The next update will fix this.
- You do not have to do anything.
- No, there is nothing you can do to make it work until the next update.
- Yes, we thoroughly tested this before submission. It worked. We are investigating what happened and will share this with you when we get to the bottom of it (because we know you appreciate how open we are about these things with you.)
- If you bought before the update, you will still have the Diamyo pet (you see him on the title screen), but the screen where you buy Daimyo still shows a price tag-- and none of the buttons work. When the next fix goes live, that screen will say "OWNED!" and you will get a redeem button.
- If you bought Daimyo after the update, you see the correct screen but get a 404 error when attempting to redeem. When the next fix goes live, it will simply work as you expected.
- Do not delete your app, you will lose all your gold.
- If you did delete your app, you can restore Daimyo to get him back.
- Apples app approval process normally takes about a week.
- We are going to get on our hands and knees and beg them to push it through faster since this is a critical bug.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support. I look forward to liking your extremely lengthy "NOOOOOOOOs!" in the comment section below. - Artix

October 28, 2015
7th Upholder Ends Sunday
Support AQWorlds and Become a Legend!
October's almost over! If you want to become a 6th Upholder and gain access to all of our new StarSwords, the class, and the all-new Upholder-only zone, be sure to upgrade your account before Sunday night!
* The same way that the Founders got their chance at the birth of the game and the way 1st Upholders got their chance six years ago, 2nd Upholders got the chance five years ago, 3rd Upholders got the chance four years ago, 4th Upholders got their chance three years ago, 5th upholders got their chance two years ago, and 6th Upholders got their chance last year at this time.
What is an Upholder?
Seven years ago, AdventureQuest Worlds went live and players jumped at the chance to become the first Members of AQW. These lucky, early supporters of the game became the game's Founders. Now, we are celebrating AQW's 7th birthday and offering YOU the chance to join the AQW Founders by becoming a 7th Upholder!
The first seven years have been awesome, but you have not seen anything yet. The Queen of Monsters has awakened and begun building her army. We’ve seen two Generals emerge, and just learned of a new one in Brightoak. But that’s not all… we have JUST finished porting over the old server to the new system, and that means even BIGGER changes are coming! AQW is finally being REBORN!
What does a 7th Upholder get?
As a 7th Upholder, you shall receive:
Exclusive Upholder Class: Sentinel Class!*
Rare: Paragon Star Sword
Rare: Mechanical Star Sword
7th Upholder Character Page Badge
Infinite bragging rights
Access to the exclusive Star Sword: Origins zone
Once you become a 7th Upholder, you can easily access these Items in your Book of Lore by clicking your 7th Upholder Badge icon in the Badges tab.
* The Sentinel Class will be available for ALL previous Upholders and Founders as our way of saying thanks for supporting us in the past!
How do I become a 7th Upholder?
All that we ask is that you help support AQW the game undergoes its exciting rebirth!
When you Upgrade your AQW Membership ANYTIME in the month of October, you will automatically become a legendary 7th Upholder.
If you are ALREADY an upgraded Legend, and your Membership expires AFTER November 1st, 2015, then you are already a 7th Upholder. Congratulations!
Check to see when your AQW Membership expires by logging in here.
Please note that only Upgraded Legend Memberships count toward 7th Upholder.
Want to know if you're already an Upholder?
That's easy! Just click the Manage Account link on the left under the ACCOUNT section. As soon as you sign in you'll see when your membership expires. Here's mine:
Cool! When Do I Get My Upholder Gear?
7th Upholder badges, Star Swords, and Sentinel Class will be awarded as you log in, starting October 1st! You will find your 7th Upholder Badge in your Book of Lore in the Other Badges tab.
Only Memberships Count?
Yes. You can use Artix Points on the Portal site or any method in AQW to upgrade, but it MUST be an AQW Membership. AdventureCoins DO NOT COUNT TOWARD 7th Upholder.
Your Support Makes AQWorlds Possible!
Thank you so much for helping us make AQWorlds! Without you, we couldn't make this game, or allow everyone the opportunity to enjoy it for free. We couldn't keep AQWorlds running without every single upgrade and AC that you buy. Nearly every penny you spend goes back into the game.
Though some people prefer buying AdventureCoins and others prefer upgrading, anyone who spends real money on this game deserves to get as much as we can give them, because without their support... there wouldn't BE an AQWorlds for everyone to play!
You may not know this but AQW (like all AE games) is ENTIRELY supported by the players. We have no financial backers and nobody owns stock in the company. Clicking on ads and doing AExtras offers does bring in some money, but not nearly enough to keep AQWorlds free for everyone to enjoy.
That's why we continue to reward the AQWorlds' Founders, who supported us in the very beginning. To make sure they know how much we appreciate that, we are continuing to give them free gear each year!
Thank you for battling alongside us, and for sharing your ideas and love of AQWorlds with us. You truly are the best gaming community on the internet, and I am genuinely grateful for all of you. /bow Thank you for the first 6 years of AQWorlds, and here's to another 5 years, 10 years, and beyond!

October 26, 2015
This Friday: The CruxShadows Halloween 2015 Event
Join Musical Guests The CrüxShadows for a Killer 5-Act Halloween In-Game Event!
Music has the power to reach across the world and change lives. That is the mission of internationally-famous darkwave sensation, The CruxShadows. This Halloween, join the band, the entire AdventureQuest Worlds team, and tens of thousands of your closest friends for the ultimate in-game concert in the Sandsea desert! This event is available for all players.
WHAT: Join musical guest stars The CrüxShadows for the ULTIMATE 5-act in-game concert experience
WHEN: Friday, October 30th, 2015 at sundown... the night before Halloween!
WHO: Join tens of thousands of your fellow heroes and the Artix Entertainment team!
WHERE: In-Game, at AdventureQuest WorldsWHY: Because a KILLER in-game concert is better than the sweetest Mogloween treat!
Event Features!
- 5 acts of music, monsters, and mayhem
- Featuring the music of The CruxShadows
- An all-new minigame
- A MONSTROUS new threat plus TWO new mini-bosses
- An event rares shop, a merge shop, monster drops PLUS new gear in hte seasonal Mogloween shop!
Follow The CruxShadows!
If you are a long-time fan of The CruxShadows, these links will be very familiar to you! If you are not, though, you should follow them and check out their music (like their new album, linked below) - it is really inspiring, but with a dark feel that hits home.
Evolved Pumpkinlord Class is coming!
For years, heroes have been asking us to release an evolved version of the Pumpkinlord Class, and THIS is the year! Dage has been working on the art, while Zereldo (one of our Class Designers) and Arklen have the skills tested and ready to go!
The Class, Armor, and Helm will be available in three ways:
- To all players for 2000 AdventureCoins (if you do not want to farm)
- As a member-only drop Great Pumpkin King
- For members in the Mogloween Merge Shop for Glowing Pumpkinseeds
This gear will ONLY be available during Mogloween each year, so don't miss out!
Birthday Wishes PS:
Thank you, all for the birthday wishes! The kind comments, pictures, and well-wishes are why I sincerely believe we have the best online gaming community on the internet. We've developed a real bond building these games alongside each other week after week!
Though I've never had a birthday shop before, I think this year is a good time to start. And because we GIVE presents on our birthdays here at AE... the Poison's Kiss blade released today in the Alina's Armory shop in the Alchemy Academy.
This weapon is avalailable for all players and requires rank 10 Alchemy rep plus completion of the Poisonbane Saga (talk to the Alina NPC to begin!). If I get some extra time later this week, I'd like to toss a birthday hat on the ferret pet, (because the only place I dress up our ferret pets is IN the game) for our rare gear lovers!
You guys are the best, and the reason why I love what I do. Thank you all for battling alongside us, and me, as we build AQWorlds each week!

October 24, 2015
Undead Assault Climbing the Charts
Thanks to you, Undead Assault Hit #18 on the Top New Free Games List
Our gratitude to all of you who got and rated our new game, it is climbing its way up the charts! That simple action you took is making a real difference.
If you haven't tried Undead Assault, our new infinite runner mobile game, you can get it now for Android and Apple devices at!
See what other players are saying
Absolutely love it! I downloaded this as soon as I woke up this morning and I haven't stopped playing it since. It’s addicting and can be quite challenging at times. I love it. 5 star rating from me :D - Justin Serina
This game is awesome!!! It's about time we have a running game that also does other things instead of just running lol! - Julio Miranda
Good ol' Undead Slaying Fun! Explosions, Undead Dragons, and TONS of rad unlockables! I'm pretty confident that I'll be playing the heck out of this between classes. :') - Z. Cantrall

October 23, 2015
Undead Assault: The Hoard is LIVE
Take on 50,000 Evil Undead in Undead Assault: The Hoard!
One zombie dragon. An army of 50,000 evil undead. And an ancient chainsaw katana that could destroy them all... IF you can survive to claim it! Battle through Darkovia alongside Artix this week in an Evil Dead / Walking Dead / Undead Assault homage-parody-quest of OMG ZOMBIES!
Batle to discover the fate of an elite cadre of zombie slayers, fight for a chance to get all new monster-drops, and quest to create gear from The Hoard merge shop!
- Chainsaw Katana and Dual-wield Chainsaw Katanas
- Zombie Slayer Bow, Hammer, and Polearm weapons
- Evil Undead Slayer armor set
- Betrayed Slayer armor set
- Ghost Turtle Pet and more!
Get the Undead Assault new mobile game in App Stores NOW!
Our new undead-slaying infinite runner, Undead Assault is LIVE for Android and iOS devices! Battle as Artix the Paladin… the town people’s only hope against a horde of skeletal zombie warlords!
Play Undead Assault NOW on Apple and iOS devices!
Get Undead Assault on the Google Play App Store and the Apple iOS store for free NOW and be the first to battle an unstoppable and crazy army of the undead!
• 5 Paladin weapon & armor sets… each with a “special” attack O_O
• “Battle on!” theme song by One-Eyed Doll
• Upgradable Power Ups!
• Collect rare loot… no idea what it does, but it is collectible. So. Yeah. Collecting!
• “Legend of Artix” book… can you find the mysteriously missing pages?
• Unlock the Artix's Golden Paladin Armor, helm, and Axe in AdventureQuest Worlds when you buy the 3X Gold Multiplier!
Undead Assault Limited Time Shop in Your Game Menu!
Undead Assault, one of our new mobile games, is coming soon, but the Limited Time Shop to celebrate its impending arrival is here now! If you haven't heard the latest news about Undead Assault, head to! But first, log in and get your gauntlets on the gear we've released in AQWorlds to help everyone get excited!
The shop is in your game menu as contains:
- Undead Assault Infantry armor
- 8 different weapons
- 2 pets
- 3 capes
- 1 helm
You can find more information at the Undead Assault website, or follow the Undead Assault Facebook page for more updates!

October 23, 2015
Become a Dragon Samurai NOW
Buy a 2000, 5000, or 12000 AdventureCoin package to unlock the gear!
Unlock one of the most elegant and deadliest Samurai sets yet, and learn how to channel the power of the Dragon! Starting tonight at 6PM EST, when you buy either a 2000, 5000, or 12000 AdventureCoin package you'll unlock the exclusive color-customizable Dragon Samurai armor plus all its accessories and character page badge!
The set comes with:
- Dragon Samurai Armor (color custom)
- Crest of the Dragon Samurai Cape
- Reversed Dragon Samurai Katana
- Dragon Samurai Katana
- Dual Dragon Samurai Katanas
- Dual Reversed Dragon Samurai Katanas
- Dragon Samurai Mask
- Dragon Clan Shag
- Dragon Clan Locks

October 22, 2015
Undead Assault Update!
Yesterday we launched our newest mobile game, the infinite runner - Undead Assault! Get it at now and let the undead slaying begin! Then share the game with your friends and give us a 5 star review on the app store if you like it! (Buying the 3X Gold Multiplier also unlocks the Daimyo pet in the mobile game and the Artix's Golden Paladin gear in AQWorlds!)
While YOU take on legions of the undead, Kraken (the lead coder) is wielding his battle-axe to slaughter some of the bug reports we have received.*
If you have been experiencing any bugs while playing Undead Assault, read on to see what will be fixed in the next patch:
- Pressing the purchase button causes a delay and the screen doesn't pop up fast enough (on Android devices)
- Daimyo running in place when you die or playing in an armor other than the Golden Paladin
- Gold respawns leading to Daimyo sliding along behind you
- Getting stuck in the special ability animation
- Clicking too many times during the starting cutscene causes you to become stuck in place at the beginning of the stage
These patches should be out on Android devices tomorrow if all goes well and on Apple as soon as they put the patch live. **
For everyone on Tab and Note devices, we haven't forgotten you! Kraken is addressing core bugs first, and then he has some ideas for how to optimize the game to improve your performance. That will take time but he DOES have ideas on how to give your game a boost!
The AQW account linking is not live for Apple devices... YET but will be coming very soon (3-5 days, we hope. It will be up as soon as Apple publishes our update!) The linking is live on the Google Play Store right now!
* ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Undead Assault had the fewest bug reports upon release - AWESOME job by the alpha testers! (If you would like to help us test our mobile games in the future, keep an eye on the Design Notes to see when we are hunting for more testing help!)
** As with all updates to our mobile games on Apple devices, we cannot control how quickly Apple publishes the updates, but we will let you know as soon as we see they are live!

October 21, 2015
Undead Assault is LIVE!
Our New Infinite Runner Mobile Game Now Available!
We just went LIVE on Android and iOS with our new undead-slaying infinite runner, Undead Assault! You are Artix the Paladin… the town people’s only hope against a horde of skeletal zombie warlords!
Sure, you start this infinite runner wearing your underpants and swinging around a rusty sword… but a dozen brag worthy high scores later you can replace that useless hand of yours with a chainsaw. Undead slayers forever... “So slay we all!”
Play Undead Assault NOW on Apple and iOS devices!
Get Undead Assault on the Google Play App Store and the Apple iOS store for free NOW and be the first to battle an unstoppable and crazy army of the undead!
• 5 Paladin weapon & armor sets… each with a “special” attack O_O
• “Battle on!” theme song by One-Eyed Doll
• Upgradable Power Ups!
• Collect rare loot… no idea what it does, but it is collectible. So. Yeah. Collecting!
• “Legend of Artix” book… can you find the mysteriously missing pages?
• An inspired re-make of the original viral hit flash game, Undead Assault!
• Yup, Daimyo, the Undead Slaying Pomeranian, is actually a real dog.
• Truth, justice and righteousness are an excellent source of calcium when served with milk.
AQWorlds players get a special perk for buying the 3X Multiplier
Get the Daimyo Pet in Undead Assault and unlock the Artix's Golden Paladin armor, helm, and axe in AdventureQuest Worlds when you buy the 3X Multiplier. Head into AQWorlds and find the Undead Assault badge in your Book of Lore, then equip your gear and get to Undead-Slaying! (The set will also come with a character page badge... which will get added in tomorrow!)
The AQW account linking is not live for Apple devices... YET but will be coming very soon (3-5 days, we hope. It will be up as soon as Apple publishes our update!) The linking is live on the Google Play Store right now!
Your Objectives
1. Do not die.
2. Do NOT die.
3. Rescue Villagers
4. Kill them Undeadz (um… can you kill something that’s already dead??)
5. Level up
6. Equip new Loot
7. Kill more baddies
8. Unleash special attacks to dominate the battlefield (like summoning a giant dragon or an undead-slaying Pomeranian, because... WHY NOT?)
9. Collect Gold and Experience
10. Get the high score!
11. Repeat steps 1 thru 11
Recruit More UndeadSlayers
Once you have downloaded the game and slain the undead, your mission is... Help this game go viral faster than a zombie outbreak! Please Like and share Undead Assault on Facebook and Twitter to bring even MORE Undead Slayers to the Party!

October 20, 2015
Unlock Gear in the Achievement Tracker
The more you play, the more rewards you'll unlock!
Every time you log into AQWorlds, you've got some goal - whether it's to meet up and battle alongside your friends, rank up your class, or finish that last Chaos Lord Saga and start the Queen of Monsters storyline - and the sense of satisfaction when you accomplish that goal is one of the best things about playing AQW! But if you think you've done everything inside AQW and gotten all the best gear... guess again! The Achievement Tracker is HERE!
NEW Achievement Tracker Rewards for 2015
- 7 years played: Light Mage armor set
- 6 years membership: Fiend and Void Pets, and Orb Pets with quests
- 300,000 ACs: Swordhaven Mansion House
These rewards will launch next Friday, on October 9th!
What IS the Achievement Tracker?
If you're just hearing about the Achievement Tracker, it is one of the ways we reward you for staying, playing, and supporting AdventureQuest Worlds!
- 3 different achievement categories: Sagas completed, Time Played, Loyalty
- 48 badges and 170+ items
- 3 of the badges are NEW this year: 7 years played, 6 years upgraded, and 300,000 ACs
- 170+ permanent reward items for you to unlock, including the NEW gear below!
The Achievment Tracker will let you more easily display those accomplishments to your friends and show you new goals to strive for. Some of these rewards may take a while to unlock, but don't worry... they will never leave, so you can keep battling towards your goal!
Time Played Badges track how old your account is (1 week, 1 year, 5 years, etc)
Sagas Completed Badges track which of the main storyline sagas you've finished
Loyalty Badges tracks the support our Legends and AC buyers have contributed
And the best news: ALL of the progress you've ever made count towards the Achievement Tracker! So on Friday, be sure to check your Book of Lore to get all of the gear you've already automatically unlocked!
How to unlock your rewards:
- Once you see an achievement unlocked on your Tracker, head in-game
- Open up your Book of Lore and go into the Achievements tab
- Scroll through your badges until you find your new badge and its shop
- Open the shop and get all the gear (0 ACs for free storage!)
Now... on to this year's NEW rewards!
7 Years Played Reward: Light Mage Armor Set!
Unlock all 10 items in the Light Mage set - the Light Mage armor and accessories, plus bonuses and animations - when you play AQWorlds for 7 years!
6 Years Membership Reward: Nulgath Evolution Armors!
Unlock Primal Orb 2.0 and Void Orb Pets PLUS the Evolved Fiend of Nulgath PET and the Evolved Void of Nulgath PET when you when you purchase 6 years of membership! Then head in-game and begin the quests to unlock the armors, helms, and weapons* that match the pets!
*helms and weapons will be added this Friday!
These armors are based on two of Nulgath the ArchFiend's most popular armors from WAY back in the early days of AQWorlds. Legendary artist Zee has paid homage to those originals while bringing them into 2015. you can see how here: Fiend Evolution and Void Evolution!
But beware, we are going with the same quest requirements (exceot for rare items) that the original armors required, so you will get instant rewards in with the four pets, but to unlock the armors, you'll need to get in there and BATTLE ON!
We want to give the members who have shown so much support a real over-the-top reward, and these are some of the most amazing and popular armors we've put out recently. To me, these are truly a way to honor those players, and since so many of you long-time supports are real, hard-core Nulgath fans, this will be a real blast to the past!
300,000 ACs Reward: Swordhaven Mansion!
Unlock the Swordhaven Mansion House with its four interior rooms (plus armor customizer room!) when you purchase 300,000 AdventureCoins!
Don't Miss all the rest of the Tracker Gear!
Check out all the other gear you can unlock by playing and supporting in AdventureQuest Worlds in this Design Notes post! The 45 badges have over 150 reward items for you to unlock!

October 19, 2015
This Friday: Battle for the HOARD!
Take on 50,000 Evil Undead in Undead Assault: The Hoard!
One zombie dragon. An army of 50,000 evil undead. And an ancient chainsaw katana that could destroy them all... IF you can survive to claim it! Battle through Darkovia alongside Artix this week in an Evil Dead / Walking Dead / Undead Assault homage-parody-quest of OMG ZOMBIES!
Batle to discover the fate of an elite cadre of zombie slayers, fight for a chance to get all new monster-drops, and quest to create gear from The Hoard merge shop!
- Chainsaw Katana and Dual-wield Chainsaw Katanas
- Zombie Slayer Bow, Hammer, and Polearm weapons
- Evil Undead Slayer armor set
- Betrayed Slayer armor set
- Ghost Turtle Pet and more!
Undead Assault Limited Time Shop in Your Game Menu NOW!
Undead Assault, one of our new mobile games, is coming soon, but the Limited Time Shop to celebrate its impending arrival is here now! If you haven't heard the latest news about Undead Assault, head to! But first, log in and get your gauntlets on the gear we've released in AQWorlds to help everyone get excited!
The shop is in your game menu as contains:
- Undead Assault Infantry armor
- 8 different weapons
- 2 pets
- 3 capes
- 1 helm
You can find more information at the Undead Assault website, or follow the Undead Assault Facebook page for more updates!
GreyWolf Commander Gear Leaves Friday!
Until this Friday, October 23rd, you can unlock our one of our most rugged sets - the Greywolf Commander - when you buy a 2000, 5000, or 12000 AdventureCoin package!
This exclusive set was handcrafted by by one of AQWorlds' newest artists, Lily, and includes an armor, 4 helms, a cape, 2 weapons, plus a character page badge!

October 17, 2015
Ultra OmniKnight Class
13th Anniversary Class Skills Breakdown!
You’ve fought enemies across multiple different universes, learned to harness the unstable energies from their worlds required to stop them, and earned the right to call yourself an Ultra OmniKnight! Channel powerful auras from their universes through your trusty weapon to ultimately control the ebb and flow of battle.
In order to best enhance your own magical abilities, consider using Wizard or Spellbreaker enhancements for damage, Healer for added survivability, or Luck for extra critical hit damage.
How to Get the Ultra OmniKnight Class!
You can buy the class (and all the extras for once) from Ragnar in Battleon OR when you talk to Loremaster Maya in Ravenbreak until the class goes rare around our NEXT Birthday. However, until the birthday event closes on November 13th, you will be able to EARN the class and all the extras completely free! BUT before you can begin earning the class... the good people of Lore need your help taking out Vaxen's army!
Get the war meter to 100% to unlock the Ultra OmniKnight farming quests (NOT daily), then talk to Loremaster Maya to begin slaying away! There are no dailies this time, just a little effort and you can earn the class as fast or slow as you want! Members get the added bonus of being able to earn the class THREE TIMES faster than non-members.
Just REMEMBER, the chance to earn the class is a special bonus for those of you who were here to help celebrate AE's 13th anniversary and AQW's 7thth birthday! Once the birthday event goes rare in 1 month, then you will no longer be able to earn the class. Don't Worry. 1 month is PLENTY of time for anyone to earn it.
You will need to turn in the quests and re-accept them every time. We've been forced to take this measure to help combat botters so you can thank those people if you find that a little annoying.
Now let's talk about the class a little.
Base Stats for levels 1 and (65)
Strength: 1 (30)
Intellect: 5 (164)
Endurance: 3 (100)
Dexterity: 2 (55)
Wisdom: 2 (75)
Luck: 2 (75)
Suggested Enhancements
Omni Attack
Rank Needed: 0
Mana Cost: 0 Mana
Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Deals spell damage and has additional effects based on Inverted Light’s aura
Note: Deals 150% spell damage
Ah, it’s just a simple auto attack, right? Wrong! Though you wouldn’t initially think it, a skill so seemingly insignificant that you don’t even need to tap it is literally the most important tool in Ultra OmniKnight’s arsenal. Depending on Inverted Light’s sword aura, this auto attack can dish out some seriously crazy damage or allow the user to survive prolonged periods of time. And if that isn’t impressive enough, it also deals 150% Spell Damage! If this was ice cream, it would be awesome flavored ice cream with extra awesome exploding magical sprinkles on top!
Grand Sweep
Rank Needed: 1
Mana Cost: 20 Mana
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Swing your sword in a large arc, crushing anything in its path. Enemies hit by your attack become Crushed, weakening their damage output for 4 seconds.
Note: Deals 70% weapon damage and is always a critical hit. Applies Crushed, weakening enemy damage by 35% for 4 seconds.
This skill acts as a safety cushion for Ultra OmniKight. The stacks from Inverted Light take a while to build up, and sometimes you don’t quite have time to wait for that Heal Over Time to accumulate. Grand Sweep lets you get on your feet by weakening enemy damage and giving you time to stack those auras. Whether you’re trying to suppress enemy damage just long enough to knock it out, using the damage mitigation to cling on to those last few health points, or simply trying to dish out more damage so whatever you’re fighting dies faster, you’ll find that Grand Sweep brings a lot to the (round) table. And if Invictus is active, you can even loop the effects of Crushed so that it never fades!
Inverted Light
Rank Needed: 2
Mana Cost: 45 Mana
Cooldown: 20 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Magically enhance your sword with powerful auras. Calling upon the power of light applies Resplendent Aura, a Heal Over Time that grows stronger as you attack more. If Invictus is active, you instead call upon the power of shadow and apply Destructive Aura, increasing your damage output with every strike.
Remember how I mentioned how the auto attack is what really makes this skill shine? Well, this is why. Inverted Light allows Ultra OmniKnight to be one of the most flexible, efficient classes in AQW. Looking to deal raw damage? Try keeping Destructive Aura active for 20 attacks and you’ll see high numbers flying. If you’re in a tough boss fight and your only goal is to survive, apply Resplendent Aura and stack up the Heal Over Time combined with Grand Sweep’s damage debuff to keep yourself around. One thing to note, however: Destructive Aura and Resplendent Aura cannot be active at the same time. If you want to deal damage, you don’t get to heal. And if you want to heal, you have to sacrifice your damage. Luckily it’s easy to change auras, and knowing when to switch auras will be the key to using this class successfully.
Rank Needed: 3
Mana Cost: 30 Mana
Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Your will is unconquerable, as are you. Draw upon the empowering forces of multiple universes to increase your haste, crit chance, and crit damage for 10 seconds.
Note: Increases Haste by 30%, Crit Chance by 20%, and Crit Damage by 10%.
The biggest thing to remember about this skill is this: Using Inverted Light while Invictus is active will apply Destructive Aura. If you’re trying to heal, do NOT use Inverted Light until this skill fades. As for this skill itself, the haste and crit boosts are both hugely welcome buffs. The haste boost increases your auto attack speed so auras stack quicker and allows you to loop this skill and Grand Sweep so their benefits never fade, the crit damage boost increases your overall damage output, and the crit rate boost increases damage and the amount of mana you will ultimately recover. Pretty much the only time you shouldn’t be using this skill is when you’re trying to apply Resplendent Aura.
Omni Blade
Rank Needed: 5
Mana Cost: 40 Mana
Cooldown: 35 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Channel the aura enhancing your blade and instantly release the power accumulated from your attacks in one concentrated strike. If Resplendent Aura is active, consumes stacks of Recovery and massively heals the user. If Destructive Aura is active, consumes stacks of Devastation and deals massive damage.
Note: Consumes Destructive Aura and Devastation, or Resplendent Aura and Recovery. If no aura is applied, this skill will deal 0 damage.
Omni Blade really ties the class together. If you want to change auras and time everything just right, or happen to have some spare mana, you can make the most of your current aura stacks before resetting back to 0. If you’re barely hanging on in that tough boss fight but need just a little bit more time, this skill can bring you from the brink of death to nearly full health. If dealing damage has gotten old and it’s time to heal, you’ll certainly go out with a bang if you use this. The cooldown may seem long, so be sure to stack your auras really high to take advantage of all the benefits this skill can offer.
Note: there is currently an invisibility bug with the original Omni Blade skill, so it has been replaced with the Omni Attack's abilities until our coders can look at it on Monday.
Passive Abilities
Aura Specialist
Rank Needed: 4
Type: Passive
Description: Increases spell power by 20% and haste by 10%
Ultra Armor
Rank Needed: 4
Type: Passive
Description: Reduces incoming damage by 25%
Homing Blade
Rank Needed: 10
Type: Passive
Description: Increases accuracy by 30%
Recommended Allies!
When it comes to allies, the first that come to mind are healers like Acolyte, Oracle, and Paladin Highlord. With their support, Ultra OmniKnight never has to switch auras to heal and can consistently deal high damage. Alongside healers, Ultra OmniKnight also appreciates extra damage mitigation from classes like Chaos Slayer, Berserker, and Naval Commander to avoid receiving too much damage. Arachnomancer and Archfiend can weaken enemies and massively increase the damage Ultra OmniKnight can do, while Bard and Legendary Hero provide more consistent stat boosts.
Though it can deal more damage per second than most other classes, Ultra OmniKnight can also serve as a tank. For tough boss battles, classes that deal a lot of damage with minor utility roles such as Alpha Omega and Evolved Dark Caster make excellent allies, allowing Ultra OmniKnight to serve as the dedicated survivor class if they cannot last the entire battle.
Note from Alina
HUGE thanks to Pisces for designing such an AMAZING class, to Memet for the AMAZING Class art, and to Dage the Evil for the EPIC sword art! Check out what some of our players are saying about the class!
AQWorlds_leserk says: Thanks so much for the Ultra Omniknight Blade and Class. They look so cool and the class is awesome!
NegativeInteger says: The class is actually very interesting. Feels much like Dragon Knight but, requires more thought into playing it.
Ledgends_AE says: Those effects are really unique and i just LOVE IT!

October 16, 2015
13th Anniversary, AQWorlds, and THE FUTURE
Thank You for 13 Years of Amazing Games!
The first thing I do every single morning when I wake up, is think of all the things in life I am grateful for. Which means I have started every day thinking of you and your fellow players every morning for 13 years. You believe in us and make it possible for us to build amazing video games. You inspire us to keep raising the bar. You stick by our sides when we screw up and when we go through dark times. We have accomplished so many things people said were impossible at the time. I am not sure anyone outside of our gaming community realizes just how insane it is that we have been updating the games for 13 years straight. I am extremely grateful for the incredible and talent team members who creating the new stories, maps, monsters, items, and features in our games. I see them at the lab at 10pm on Friday nights… and online fixing emergency problems at 4am. Our community and staff has real, proven staying power. You should be very proud. If you are reading this, you played an important role in making this happen. From the deepest most sincere place in my heart… thank you. I will never forget it.
Our game studio has a lot of exciting things releasing at the end of this year. But, instead of talking about our new mobile games like AdventureQuest 3D, BioBeasts, or Undead Assault… I want to jump directly to something VERY important for you to hear. The incredible future and evolution of AdventureQuest Worlds! The short version… in 2016 you will be able to play AdventureQuest Worlds on your phone, tablet, and even download & install it on your computer. Sure, you will still be able to play it in your browser too. But needless to say, this is a brilliant move to future-proof your game. The code name for this project is Project Omni: AdventureQuest Worlds. This was always our plan... and the server re-write is naturally the vitally important first step. I look forward to talking about this a lot more with you in the near future.
Thank you again for our first 13 amazing years… raises frothy stein of moglinberry juice may our gaming community grow for 100 more!

October 16, 2015
Double Server Boost Weekend
Happy 13th Anniversary, Artix Entertainment!
To help Artix Entertainment celebrate its 13th anniversary, we have a DOUBLE server boost weekend happening now! Log in all weekend long to get double the rep, xp, gold, and class points all weekend long!
DOUBLE Bonus: EpicDuel's NightWraith just announced the EpicDuel servers are also having a celebratory Double Boost! /cheer
(Hint: with the NEW Ultra OmniKnight Class just released, now is an excellent time to make use of the double Class Points Bonus!)

October 16, 2015
The Shadow DragonGate is OPEN
Artix Entertainment's 13th Multi-Game Anniversary Event WAR Begins!
For several weeks, across our games, the dark council has been tricking you and your fellow players into gathering artifacts from our greatest villains. Why? They used the parts to create a new villain - Vaxen! A warlord powerful enough to conquer entire universes. First… his army is coming for all of ours!
Starting tonight, /join ravenbreak to begin the event that started earlier this month when Dark Loremasters appeared in each of our five main games! See the 13th Anniversary event page with details for events in AdventureQuest, DragonFable, MechQuest, and EpicDuel here!
Ravenbreak War Rewards and Rares Shop!
Talk to Loremaster Maya to access to Ravenbreak Merge Shop and battle to get the merge resources to create gear ripped from the gauntlets of Vaxen's fallen minions! You'll find the 13th Anniversary Rares Shop in your Game Menu until Friday, November 13th!
Ultra OmniKnight Class!
Talk to Ragnar in Battleon or Loremaster Maya in Ravenbreak to get the Ultra OmniKnight Class for 2000 AdventureCoins and begin battling INSTANTLY!
If you want the farmable version, battle to get the war meter to 100% (500,000 turn-ins needed) to unlock the boss battle against Vaxen AND the farming quests for the ULTRA OMNIKNIGHT CLASS!
The quests to farm for the Ultra OmniKnight Class are not daily, and will be available for a full month. For more information, check out the Ultra OmniKnight Skills writeup from Pisces! Players who have unlocked the class are already loving it!
AQWorlds_leserk says: Thanks so much for the Ultra Omniknight Blade and Class. They look so cool and the class is awesome!
NegativeInteger says: The class is actually very interesting. Feels much like Dragon Knight but, requires more thought into playing it.
Ledgends_AE says: Those effects are really unique and i just LOVE IT!
Ultra OmniKnight Blade!
Talk to the Dark Loremaster in Battleon and complete his quests to get the Legend of Vordred item, then use it in the merge shop to instantly create the Ultra OmniKnight Blade! All you need to do to unlock the Ultra OmniKnight Blade in EACH of our five main games is complete the quest for that game's Dark Loremaster... but it is more fun to complete ALL of them!
7th Upholder Still Available!
This year is AQWorlds 7th Birthday! That's means we are once again offering the chance to become an AQW Upholder!
What does a 7th Upholder get?
As a 7th Upholder, you shall receive:
Exclusive Upholder Class: Sentinel Class!*
Rare: Paragon Star Sword
Rare: Mechanical Star Sword
7th Upholder Character Page Badge
Infinite bragging rights
Access to the exclusive Star Sword: Origins zone
Once you become a 7th Upholder, you can easily access these Items in your Book of Lore by clicking your 7th Upholder Badge icon in the Badges tab.
How do I become a 7th Upholder?
All that we ask is that you help support AQW the game undergoes its exciting rebirth!
When you Upgrade your AQW Membership ANYTIME in the month of October, you will automatically become a legendary 7th Upholder.
If you are ALREADY an upgraded Legend, and your Membership expires AFTER November 1st, 2015, then you are already a 7th Upholder. Congratulations!
Check to see when your AQW Membership expires by logging in here.
Please note that only Upgraded Legend Memberships count toward 7th Upholder.

October 16, 2015
Quibble's Pirate Armors Leave Tonight
Reminder: Quibble's Talk Like a Pirate Armors Leave Tonight!
Don't miss your last chance to get the Paragon and Mechanical Naval Commander armors or the Arcan Pirate Captain sets! The Naval Commander CLASS and armor will return with NEXT YEAR'S Talk Like a Pirate Day Quibble shop, but none of the other rare gear will ever be available again!
Quibble's Pirate Adventure House Leaving Soon!
Since we had to move Quibble's shop into the game menu, his house shop was temporarily unavailable this past week. So, while his Rare GEAR Shop will leave tonight, his Rare HOUSE Shop will be available for one more week! You'll find that back in your game menu until next Friday starting with tonight's release!

October 16, 2015
The CrüxShadows Arrive on 10.30.2015
Join Us for a Massive Musical Mogloween In-game Concert!
Mogloween is one of the most anticipated holiday events of the year - and this year's event is going to be STELLAR! We'll be joined by internationally-famous darkwave musical guests, The CrüxShadows - they're going to rock your Mogloween as you battle to the beat through waves of monsters and mayhem!
The Creative Process... is ALIVE!
Artix, Rogue from The CrüxShadows, and I had another call this week to pin down the final details of this year's event and I am 1000% more excited because... the plans have COMPLETELY changed into something even more amazing! (When creative people get together and begin brainstorming, ideas organically grow and change and... if you are lucky... they will evolve into even more incredible creations over time)!
The team is shifting into SUPER-HYPER ASSET CREATION MODE for the event starting TODAY! Next week, we are changing up the planned release schedule from the next Queen of Monsters: Brightoak Grove story to "Undead Assault: The Hoard" so Ghost can spend TWO full weeks animating the 5-act in-game event.
Darkovia Scarbucks update: The plans for Khalu Bash's Grand Opening of Darkovia's first-ever Scarbucks have been delayed until November (because we will use the DARKEST, FUNNIEST, DEADLIEST, GORE-AND-GOURDLIEST storyline it hints at for Thankstaking instead, because PUMPKINS!!!!)
Who Are The CrüxShadows?
If you have not heard of The CruxShadows before, you should head to their website, Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube and start checking them out! Their music has a really positive message with a dark and driving sound that a lot of us here at the lab really connect with personally.
Hands down one of the most popular Darkwave bands in the world, the Crüxshadows formed in the early 1990s in north Florida. Pairing lyrics that move the spirit and rhythms that drive the feet (and beat), their success has earned them "a near legendary underground status."
They've played shows across the world, and were one of the first Western acts to play in Romania and Serbia following the Cold War. They were one of only a handful of Western alternative bands to perform at the Greenpeace Midi Open-air Festival in Beijing, China. They've produced over 18 CDs, a DVD, and countless compilations, plus have two Billboard #1 hits in the US (Sophia in 2006 and Birthday in 2007).
It's easy to see The Crüxshadows have been slaying crowds for years, both in and out of the US -- AQW player xNightStormx tweeted: "@Alina_AE @ArtixKrieger CRUXSHADOWS ON AQW??? I'VE WANTED THIS FOR 5 YEARS. I'M CRYING RIGHT NOW. TEARS OF JOY." Here in the Secret Underground Lab, Artix, Nythera, and Memet are among the 'Shadows super-fans, but we are ALL just as excited as xNightStormx to have them guest start for Mogloween!
If you are already a fan of The CrüxShadows, tweet the name of your favorite songs and some of your best 'Shadows memories to me and Artix on Twitter!

October 15, 2015
"Dragons are cool." - Artix
Long before humans, Dragons ruled our world. I could write a entire books on the vast breeds, personalities, and legends of the Dragons that roam our skies. But for those less patient, know that dragons play a vital role in our world's history and future. Of the many things a hero should know adventuring in a world full of dragons... the following is the most vital:
A baby dragon. It can be hard for the untrained eye to determine which kind of dragon a Drake will grow into. Depending on the breed, some Drakes will not start growing their arms nor legs until they reach 50 years of age. Warning! Never get in between a Mother Dragon and her baby Drake.
Beast Dragons
Not all dragons are intelligent... take the Beast Dragons for example. They are feral and savage. They cannot speak, nor cast magic spell. But do not underestimate one! Beast dragons have terrifyingly powerful breath weapons. They are greedy, territorial, and endlessly hungry. When you hear a lone dragon has been eating a famer's livestock, or travelers were attacked on a road, be suspect it is a beast dragon.
Elemental Dragons
While all Dragons are bred with one of the elements that makes up our world, we refer to Elemental Dragons with greater respect. They are intelligent and can cast magic spells of their element. Like other intelligent species this means they can be both evil or good. These elemental Dragons can use their powers to control monsters that match their elemental type. Throughout our history we have seen several powerful Elemental Dragons raise armies and attack our towns. They are extremely hard to kill since only certain weapons can even hurt them. Thankfully, these Elemental Dragons are smart and tend avoid conflict unless provoked. Should you encounter one of these dragons... draw and weild your sharp wits before your sword.
Great Dragons
Massive, impossibly powerful, god-like Dragons... they are also bigger than the largest Titans. The last Great Dragon we saw in our word was the Great Fire Dragon, Akriloth. Few survived through the tragic war he started to tell the tale of what actually happened. There has not been a single sighting of a great dragon since. Which means either they are all extinct... or really, really, really, well hidden away somewhere. Sleeping. Dreaming. Waiting.
EXTRA: It should be noted that the egg of Akriloth's grandchild was reported to be discovered, but it never hatched. Museums from many towns are sending treasure hunters to try to secure it for their collection.
Energy Dragon (On Twitter I mistakenly called it a Frost Dragon, but "I saw the light"... well, the lightning breath.)
Today, as I write this to you, Dage is finishing painting the first of Xero's AdventureQuest 3D Dragon Models. Which is good news for all of you DragonSlayers out there... because it means we will see at least one Dragon go live with the BETA.

October 15, 2015
13th Anniversary Rewards Preview
Scourge Overlord Gear Coming to the 13th Anniversary Rares Shop tomorrow!
The conclusion to the Artix Entertainment 13th anniversary multi-game event begins tomorrow night with the Rise of the Shadow Council WAR in AQWorlds... and with it comes the 13th Anniversary Rares shop! The Scourge Overlord and Crimson Scourge Overlord gear will be available until Friday, November 13th! (MUAHAHAHA!)
MORE Rewards Coming tomorrow night!
There's more than just a rare gear shop coming tomorrow night! We've also got a merge shop filled with Scourge minion gear, plus boss drops that are the tops! (Helms, that is!)
And don't forget, starting tomorrow night, if you've completed the Dark Loremaster's quest, you can turn in your Legend of Vordred page to instantly unlock the Ultra OmniKnight Blade!

October 14, 2015
2016 AE Calendar Coming!
We are building this years new Calendar! Thyton was painting at the lab into the wee hours of the night... so I took a picture of what he is working on with my cell phone. YUP! A repainting of the classic DragonFable login screen focing on the DoomKnight Sepulchure!
This year's calendar features paintings of favorite characters (Sepeulchure, Gravelyn, Galanoth, Artix), and never before seen NEW CHARACTERS that will be appearing next year in our games! Here is a preview of the cover.
Dage also contributed several of his personal works for this calendar... making it an incredible collector's piece. We really raised the bar on this one... it is best described as 12 limited edition prints combined into one epic 12 page, full size, painted calendar. Yes, like our previous calendars it will include in-game items. More on that coming soon.
The Artix Entertainment 2016 Calendar will go on sale at at the end of this month.
QUESTION: Which of our previous calendars was your favorite? (Personally, I think the Dragons calendar was the best... but the AQWorlds one from a few years prior had so much character. I liked that the poster calendars were flippable, I still have them on my wall. But getting an epic change of scenery every month makes the flip calendars better in my opinion. After the year is over, I can cut out the picture parts and hang them like limited prints.)

October 09, 2015
Artix Entertainment's 13th Anniversary
Rise of the Shadow Council
It is Artix Entertainments 13th Birthday and Mysterious Loremasters have appeared in each of our main games, warning us of an ominous - but as yet unknown - danger!Collect the items they seek, drive back the danger once it is revealed, and unlock rewards in all our games to display your victory!
- Complete the Mysterious Loremasters’ quest in AQWorlds, AdventureQuest, DragonFable, MechQuest, andEpicDuel to learn all of the event backstory!
- Battle through this week's war in AQWorlds to complete the event!
- Unlock the Ultra Omniknight Blade in our 5 main games once the war is over, and buy (or battle to unlock) the Ultra OmniKnight CLASS in AQWorlds!
- Find the 13th Anniversary Rares shop in your game menu until November 2nd!
Vital Details
What: Cross-game invasion to save the worlds
When: Friday, October 16th, 2015 at sundow
Who: Join tens of thousands of your fellow heroes and the Artix Entertainment team
Where: AdventureQuest Worlds, EpicDuel, AdventureQuest, DragonFable, MechQuest
Why: Unlock the ULTRA Omniknight Blade in each game once the event ends!
Find the Dark LoreMaster in Battleon and complete his quests to unlock the "Legend of Vordred" item. Once the war ends, you'll be able to turn that item in to get the Ultra OmniKnight Blade!
13th Anniversary Release Schedule
October 1: Quest for Carnax’s Tentacle in AdventureQuest...
October 2: Investigate Caden’s cursed DNA in EpicDuel…
October 9: Search the Darkness and secure Vordred’s Skull in AdventureQuest Worlds…
October 9: Retrieve Valoth’s Blade in MechQuest...
October 13: Hunt through the ruins for Sepulchure’s Helm in DragonFable…*
October 16: Discover the source of the danger each Dark Loremaster warned about as WAR begins in AdventureQuest Worlds!
* DragonFable's release was going to go live tonight, but then the mysterious loremasters realized tomorrow is the 13th, and decided it would be more auspicious to release the quest on the 13th.
How to Participate
1. Log in to each game: AQWorlds, EpicDuel, AdventureQuest, DragonFable, MechQuest once their quest is released
2. Find the Dark Loremaster in each game’s hometown
3. Accept their quests and recover the items they seek. (Save your quest reward!)
4. Log in to AQWorlds on October 16th and battle through a new war
5. Once the war ends, turn in your quest reward from each game to unlock the Ultra OmniKnight Blade!
Rare and Merge Shop Rewards
Battle through the war to earn Shadow Shards to unlock the armor and helms you see below, and find the blade in this Friday's 13th Anniversary rares shop!
Ultra OmniKnight Class Arrives Friday
Begin the quest for the Ultra OmniKnight CLASS in AQWorlds OR buy it starting this Friday for 2000 AdventureCoins from Loremaster Maya in Ravenbreak Ridge!
With Class art by Memet and sword art by Dage the Evil, the Ultra OmniKnight set combines the efforts of two of AQW's most dedicated and talented artists. Equipping it will display to every other Hero in AQWorlds that you are truly a defender of Artix Entertainment's universe (and team members O_O)!

October 09, 2015
BattleCon 2015 is LIVE!
AQWorlds' 7th Birthday Event Begins NOW With a DOUBLE Server BOOST!
This weekend, get your /party on at BattleCon 2015: an In-Game Convention! The only way we can meet ALL of the heroes who make our games possible is inside AQWorlds... but the smell of trouble is ALREADY in the air (that's not just con-funk you're smelling!) The shadows are beginning to act strangely, and mysterious NPCs have started to appear in other Artix Entertainment games.
This October is AQWorlds 7th birthday AND Artix Entertainment's 13th anniversary PLUS our 7th Mogloween event... followed closely by our 13th Friday the 13th event! Keep your blades sharp and your wits sharper, Heroes!
Get as much information as you can from LoreMaster Maya, the Dark LoreMaster, and Khalu Bash... they hold the key to the events coming this month!
BattleCon 2015 Event Details
We want to meet the heroes who make our games possible! Every year, we attend conventions in person and get to hang out with some of our players, but the only place we can meet ALL of you at once is in AdventureQuest Worlds! We’ve pulled in team members from ALL our games to create the most EPIC in-game convention EVER!
/Join Arena and head on up to the screen to watch videos in-game!
Meet the team, challenge your friends to a glow-stick dance-off, get sweet cosplay-themed rewards, and explore the secret underground lab in this year’s extra-extreme 13th Anniversary / 7th Birthday event!
Once BattleCon begins, get ready to:
- Go on Loremaster Maya's quests to investigate mysterious behavior by... the shadows themselves?!
- Quest for your BattleCon badge
- Slay Con crashers for your Con Kit (every hoopy frood needs a Con towel)
- Defeat the Brutal BattleCon Gate Guardian, as he stalks the grounds of the Coliseum
- Meet members of the AE team!
- Get your badge signed by all the AE team members
- Sneak through the Hall of NPZZZzzz's
- Get your Rave, Rave, Rave on in the Timezard's Ballroom
- Explore the Secret Underground Lab
- Get sweet cosplay rare gear and new permanent merge gear
NEW Queen of Monsters Trailer is LIVE!
Talk to LoreMaster Maya to see the NEW trailer for the Queen of Monsters saga! Created through the combined efforts of Yergen and Ghost, this AMAZING cinematic will get your blood pumping and your blade READY for action!(Funny story - when we were doing the voice acting, Dage just could NOT get his line right... until I ran and got a real live sword for him to hold!)
If you have not played any of the new Queen of Monster Saga storylines, you can start the first one when you /join Embersea, or play the current one when you /join Brightoak!
The Dark LoreMaster is in BattleOn!
Talk to the Dark LoreMaster when you land in Battleon this weekend and complete his quests... because we ALL must prepare for the coming invasion during Artix Entertainment's 13th Anniversary event - the Rise of the Shadow Council!
AdventureQuest, EpicDuel, and MechQuest have each already seen their Dark LoreMasters arrive, and the Darkness Matrix around DragonFable's timeline is pulsing... We must complete the LoreMasters' quests or who knows WHAT will hit AQWorlds next Friday?!
Hint: it's this guy.

October 09, 2015
Announcing... The CrüxShadows at Mogloween
Mogloween 2015 Event Kicks Off With The ULTIMATE In-game Concert!
The CrüxShadows, lead by lead vocalist Rogue, and their killer DarkWave sounds have captivated members of the AE team since we started attending Dragon*Con years ago... and now we are THRILLED to announce they'll be appearing in Concert in Darkovia on Octobe 30th to kicki off this year's 2015 Mogloween event!
Before you smash, slice, and squash your way to VICTORY through the mayhem and monsters in Darkovia, The CrüxShadows will crank your energy levels up to 11 in the ultimate in-game concert!
This weekend:
Talk to Khalu Bash in the BattleCon 2015 Arena for hints about what's to come this Mogloween... because it will be one of the DARKEST, FUNNIEST, DEADLIEST, GORE-AND-GOURDLIEST Mogloween events we have seen in YEARS...
Next Friday:
Make your way to Darkovia for the Grand Opening of Darkovia's FIRST EVER Scarbucks, and get your FREE promotional drink, courtesy of Khalu Bash's super-sweet, marketing-savvy master. This spicy-sweet drink will have all of Darkovia talking, so get in line while the drinks are still flowin'!
Who Are The CrüxShadows?
Hands down one of the most popular Darkwave bands in the world, the Crüxshadows formed in the early 1990s in north Florida. Pairing lyrics that move the spirit and rhythms that drive the feet (and beat), their success has earned them "a near legendary underground status."
They've played shows across the world, and were one of the first Western acts to play in Romania and Serbia following the Cold War. They were one of only a handful of Western alternative bands to perform at the Greenpeace Midi Open-air Festival in Beijing, China. They've produced over 18 CDs, a DVD, and countless compilations, plus have two Billboard #1 hits in the US (Sophia in 2006 and Birthday in 2007).
It's easy to see the Crüxshadows have been slaying crowds for years, both in and out of the US -- AQW player xNightStormx tweeted: "@Alina_AE @ArtixKrieger CRUXSHADOWS ON AQW??? I'VE WANTED THIS FOR 5 YEARS. I'M CRYING RIGHT NOW. TEARS OF JOY." Here in the Secret Underground Lab, Artix, Nythera, and Memet are among the 'Shadows super-fans, but we are ALL just as excited as xNightStormx to have them guest start for Mogloween!

October 02, 2015
Mogloween Returns This Weekend
October Begins with a Return to MystCroft!
Candy, costumes, & craziness are in season this Mogloween! If you haven't joined us for this event before, Mogloween is the fall seasonal event where you Trick or BEAT your way through the spookiest, creepiest releases we've put out over the last five years! Just /join mogloween and get ready for bats, brawls, and LOTS of hallow-SCREAMS!
Welcome to MystCroft!
It is a dark and stormy night, fog creeps through the trees and into the houses of Battleon. When you step outside, a beacon pulses in the darkness. As you walk towards it, ghostly moans grow louder. When you enter a clearing you KNOW wasn't there before, you see a portal that takes you to... MystCroft, realm of spookily-delicious Mogloween adventures!
Find the Cauldron sisters, Bubble, Toil, and Trouble, when you /join mogloween and help them play their tricks to save Mogloween... and all the delicious treats that come with it! You'll also have a chance to unlock some of our most awesomely spooky (and most popular gear) of the year!
NEW in MystCroft: the NecroNaut!
If this isn't your first time battling through our Mogloween event, we've got NEW quests and a boss monster for you to tackle - starting today, replay everyone's favorite spooky holiday from years ago & get 2015 Seasonal Rare items. Then, SQUASH the Gatekeeper’s quests and take down the Necronaut in the new Mystcroft challenge area!

This being hails from the Afterlife area of Delta V (also known as the world of Epic Duel, Artix Entertainment's multi-player PVP game), and in AQWorlds, you can talk to the GateKeeper to complete his quests. The new map frames were created by volunteer Epic Duel artist Bido, who has also begun working with AQW background artist J6 to assemble NEW maps from existing art!
The Necronaut and Ultra Necronaut both have a chance to drop the following house item rewards:
- Happy and Sad Tryx Cauldrons
- Green Pumpkin Patch
- Sad and Sadder Pumpkin
And you'll be able to find the Necronaut Limited time Shop in your Game Menu with the:
- Necronaut Armor and Helm
- Doom Necronaut Armor and Helm
- Necronaut and Doom Necronaut Pets
This shop will leave on October 16th, so get your necro gear while it's still here!
Unlock 7th Upholder When You Buy Any Membership
AQW is coming up on another birthday! That's means we are once again offering the chance to become an AQW Upholder!
What does a 7th Upholder get?
As a 7th Upholder, you shall receive:
Exclusive Upholder Class: Sentinel Class!*
Rare: Paragon Star Sword
Rare: Mechanical Star Sword
7th Upholder Character Page Badge
Infinite bragging rights
Access to the exclusive Star Sword: Origins zone
Once you become a 7th Upholder, you can easily access these Items in your Book of Lore by clicking your 7th Upholder Badge icon in the Badges tab.
How do I become a 7th Upholder?
All that we ask is that you help support AQW the game undergoes its exciting rebirth!
When you Upgrade your AQW Membership ANYTIME in the month of October, you will automatically become a legendary 7th Upholder.
If you are ALREADY an upgraded Legend, and your Membership expires AFTER November 1st, 2015, then you are already a 7th Upholder. Congratulations!
Check to see when your AQW Membership expires by logging in here.
Please note that only Upgraded Legend Memberships count toward 7th Upholder.
Mark your calendars: October of OMG-AWESOME!
This is not the only new holiday event happening this month! Not by a LONG shot!
- Thursday, October 1: 7th Upholder begins
- Friday, October 2: Mogloween Hub Town returns, Mirror Realm Rares leave
- Friday, October 9: BattleCon returns for the 7th AQWorlds birthday event!
- Friday, October 16: Artix Entertainment 13th anniversary event in AQWorlds
- Friday, October 23: New Brightoak Grove release - Battle for Rivensylth
- Friday, October 30: NEW holiday event begins!

October 02, 2015
Sentinel Class Update
Upgrade Now to Automatically Become a 7th Upholder!
7th Upholder is live in AdventureQuest Worlds! As a 7th Upholder, you'll receive this year's starswords, a character page, access to the Dragonroad area, and the exclusive Sentinel Upholder Class! And this year, the Class's skills have received updated skills!
The Sentinel Class can be found in any upholder or founder store in the book of lore. If you don’t have it yet don’t worry. You have a chance to become an upholder every year and our 7th upholder offer is currently going on now! If you do have the Sentinel class be sure to take it out for another spin and see the new changes for yourself.
Sentinel’s Strike
Damage output slightly reduced
This is to account for the huge amount of DPS that can be achieved from using adrenaline rush.
Active endurance
Cooldown reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
The heal was not sufficient enough. The class is much more sustainable and won’t cave under pressure if used correctly
Adrenaline rush
Cooldown reduced from 22 seconds to 8 seconds
Attempting to stack results in a slightly bigger self DoT (You don’t have to stack it)
The original idea behind sentinel was that it was high risk high reward. If you want to risk it you can loop it and do increased damage and attack more often (that includes healing a lot more often too) Have fun with this.
Damage slightly reduced
This is to account for the huge amount of DPS that can be achieved from using adrenaline rush.
War Veteran
Changed from 15% increased to Strength to a 15% incoming damage reduction.
This should help Sentinel survive more effectively.
Rank 10 passive
Changed from a 15% Dexterity buff to a 10% Dexterity and Strength buff
This is to account for the changes to the first passive.
These changes should make sentinel more useful and give you more options while using it. This class is much more sustainable and powerful now. Remember the timing of adrenaline rush at the right time is key and you will probably always be wanting to spam your heal.
You have a distinct damage and recovery phase which you can essentially swap between at will. If you have a healer, or support class you should be able to stay under the effects of adrenaline rush permanently so it still encourages team play like the original version.