Design Notes
December 29, 2017
Year In Review
On behalf of all of us here at the Artix Entertainment “Secret Underground Lab”, thank you for being a part of our amazing video game community. I wrote you a special "Year in Review" post and am very greatful to be celebrating our 15th year of making crazy games together with you.

December 29, 2017
Unboxing of the Blinding Light of Destiny!
Watch the YouTube video as the team unboxes the real life version of Artix's axe, the Blinding Light of Destiny. It was forged by the legendary MichaelCthulhu.

December 22, 2017
Frostval 2017 LQS Begins December 22nd
Get your gear before the packages disappear!
Nulgath the ArchFiend returns to AdventureQuest Worlds this month for our Frostval Limited Quantity Set. Find Nulgath's Frost Wolf set, the Northlands Defender set, and more at our Limited Quantity Sets page starting this Friday, December 22nd, at 6 PM EST! Each package also comes with a unique badge in your Book of Lore and on your character page!
Restock Schedule
- 6:00 PM EST Friday night, 12/22 (initial stock)
- 12:01 AM (Midnight) Saturday morning, 12/23
- 6:00 AM Saturday, 12/23
- 12:00 PM (Noon) Saturday, 12/23
- 6:00 PM Saturday, 12/23
- 6:00 AM Sunday, 12/24 (final restock)
Nulgath's Frost Wolf Pack
Price: 2000 AdventureCoins
Quantity: 5000
- Frost Wolf armor set
- Frost Wolf pet
- Frost Wolf house guard house item
- Character page badge
Northern Defender
Price: 1000 AdventureCoins
Quantity: 2000
- Northern Defender armor set
- Character page badge
Northern Defender
Price: 10000 gold (for current and past members)
Quantity: 8000
- Northern Defender armor set
- Character page badge
Northern Warrior BattlePet Pack
Price: 15000 gold for all players
Quantity: 15000
- FrostWyrm Rider Battle Pet (member-only)
- FrostWyrm Rider pet
- ShatterFrost Blade
- Character page badge
BattleLord of Ravens
Price: 1000 AdventureCoins
Quantity: 3000
- Battlelord of Ravens armor set
- Character page badge
Ice Realm Portal House
Price: 1000 AdventureCoins
Quantity: 2247
- Ice Realm Portal House
- Character page badge
Ice Fortress House
Price: 2000 AdventureCoins
Quantity: 82
- Ice Fortress House
- Character page badge
Snowmoglin House
Price: 1500 AdventureCoins
Quantity: 2000
- In-game house with 4 rooms (and all the snow innards you could hope for!)
- Character page badge
* Unfortunately, "Anatomically Correct Snowmoglin House" is too long of an item name. SAD DAY!
What is a Limited Quantity Set?
The Limited Quantity Sets are just what they sounds like... each set has a certain quantity and once that number has sold out then that's it. The total number of sets is the same for everyone, everwhere, so if you see 300 items left on the web page, that's what we've got left in stock.
How Do Limited Quantity Sets Work?
- Log into a special LQS webpage on (not into the game!)
- Purchase the set using either ACs or gold
- Log into AQW and find your set badge in the Book of Lore
- Get all the items in the badge shop for 0 ACs (yay free storage!)

December 21, 2017
Frostval 2017 AC Gift
Get Your 500 Free AdventureCoins for Frostval!
Every year, we award free AdventureCoins to all of our heroes who have been battling alongside us through the winter events... and this year is no exception! On Friday, December 22nd (just in time for Frostval!) we are giving 500 FREE AdventureCoins to eligible heroes as our way of saying "thanks!" for logging in and participating in the releases we've created for you!
If you are a hero who:
- Logged on within the last 3 months
- And are at least level 15
ACs will be awarded starting with tonight's release.
2017 Honorable Hero Award Coming in January
Heroes who did not get a mute or ban for 24 hours or longer in 2017 are eligible for our Honorable Hero award! They are what true in-game heroes and role models are, and will receive a new character page badge for the 2017 Honorable Heroes!
To get the 2017 Honorable Hero badge, you need to meet the following requirements:
- Did not receive a 24 hour or longer in-game mute or ban in 2017
- Logged in between January 1st, 2017 and December 31st, 2017
- Are level 11 or higher
- Created your account before January 1st 2018

December 21, 2017
2018: Year of Revitalization and Enhancements
Zone Revitalization Roadmap
In the last (close to) 10 years, we've introduced over 1,000 unique zones, 3,000+ monsters, and almost more gear than a hero can count. With your help, we've had an incredible amount of amazing adventures, and have built a game we are truly proud of.
But a hero never stops training, and WE never stop working to improve AQWorlds. We've released a new update each week (sometimes multiple updates per week) for over 450 weeks. In any area of life, it is much easier to focus on the NEW and the NOW - whatever you are currently working hardest on. That's true for our teams, too. But it's also really important to make time to revisit what we've done before and improve it where we can.
That's why, each month in 2018, the development team will revisit one of the game's early zones to polish, enhance, and improve what we've created.
The Goal: take the early zones in AQWorlds and polish them until they shine as bright as new.
- Smooth out quest progression and story flow (you should always know exactly where to go and what to do next)
- Clean up monster levels and balance, and revise target levels per zone (so you know if the monsters in an area are too high or low for your level)
- Add new reward drops to monsters, giving experienced heroes a reason to return to earlier areas
- Other adjustments, changes, fixes, and improvements depending on the zone
We want to make sure all the new heroes joining us each week have as polished and fun an experience as possible, and that we address any outstanding issues lingering in the favorite zones of our long-time, legendary heroes.
Before each revitalization begins, we'll give all our players, old and new, a chance to give targeted, focused feedback on the coming zone. We'll use that input as we map out plans for each area's adjustments, fixes, and improvements. Keep an eye out for where you can submit your Battleon and Greenguard feedback soon.
Revitalization Schedule
January: Battleon + GreenGuard
February: Prologue + Invasion + The Truce
March: Chiral Valley + Dwarfhold
April: Yokai
May: Darkovia
June: Doomwood
July: Friday the 13th (all previous events)
August: Mirror Realm + the Chaos Twins
September: Talk Like a Pirate Day (all previous events)
October: Mogloween (all previous events)
November: Harvest Fest
December: Frostval
Important Details
Will the art change?
We also know that many of you heroes who've been with us since the beginning LOVE the art style of the earlier areas. Do not worry -- we will not be giving these areas a facelift -- the NPCs, monsters, and gear you know and love will stay the way you remember. Our focus with the zone revitalizations is to improve the feel and flow of each area, not overhaul its appearance.
Will this reset progress in the storylines?
No, your progress should not be reset in any of the storylines.
How deep will these changes go?
The revitalization will be the full focus of the dev team each week, so changes and improvements will go as deep as we can/as needed.

December 21, 2017
January Calendar of Events
A Month of Good, Evil, and Mysterious Magics
2018 is the year of AQWorlds 10th anniversary! We have been on an incredible journey together, battled titanic bosses, and unleashed forces that have reshaped our world. The adventures will continue all year long, so gear up and get ready to /SLAY!
January 5: Guardians of the Djinn Realm + January upgrade bonus gear
January 12: 7 Deadly Dragons: Wrath finale + Crulon's Birthday Shop
January 19: Polish: Minion of Mystery + Nulgath's Birthday Rare gear shop
January 26: Zone Revitalization: Battleon + Greenguard Druid Featured set

December 18, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: December 18, 2017
- More seasonal items readded.
- Renegade PhantomSlasher repositioned so it sits better in your hand.
- Dark Dragon Defender male chest is now properly CC.
- Dark Chaos Berserker skin colour issues fixed.
- Dragon Whips and Hammerhead Whips no longer masquerading as each other.
- BladeMaster eyes and Undead Infantry eyes touched up.
- Bedhead Hairstyle got a colour improvement.
- The Unholy of Vokun female arm stays same size now.
- Male Frostval Healer boot and foot are attached to the leg now.
- Crimson Vampire Hair got a face lift.
- Battlefield no longer sends you to the empty void when you leave it.
- Artix in Swordhaven will allow access to his shop again.
- Loyalty Blade of the Nation has been upsized.
- Various typos.
Class Updates from Arklen and team!
Arklen and the Class Design Team will now also be giving some information*** on what they work on each week. Arklen would also like to let you know you can give him feedback on classes on his twitter - @Arklen_AE
- Arklen and fiends have nothing to report this week. They are still taking any feedback you care to send them though!
***Obviously secret things like details of unreleased classes won’t appear here.
****Classes may be subject to change, determined by player feedback. DNs will be posted in that event.

December 16, 2017
This Weekend: Frostval 2017 Event Finale
Defeat the Deceiver to save Frostvale
Last week, an ancient horror lured the children of ColdWind Valley down to his frozen lair. This week, the Deceiver’s true nature will be revealed! Defeat it in battle to end the cycle of terror and reunite the human, moglin, and yeti families before Frostval morning dawns!

December 15, 2017
2017 Holiday Cookie Contest is ON!
Last year’s winners did SUCH a great job creating totally scrumptious works of art and we cannot wait to see what you come up with this year.
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too: The Prizes
Along with an endless amount of internet fame, the Grand Prize Winner(s) will receive 2,000 AdventureCoins AND a one-of-a-kind pet! Additional AC prizes may be awarded for other super sweet desserts. Will you be a Grand Prize winner this year? One way to find out!
How the Cookie Crumbles: The Rules
This contest will range from NOW until 11:59pm EST on Sunday, December 31st. The winner(s) will be announced on the Design Notes early in January.
The rules and guidelines are short‘n sweet but MUST be followed accordingly for your edible entry to be eligible. I repeat, in boldface and in red font, ‘cuz a lot of people miss this: YOU must follow EACH rule if you want your entry to be considered eligible.
The easiest way to make sure your hard work gets judged: Read all of the rules before submitting your entry!
• Your dessert MUST be created by YOU.
Do not copy someone else’s hard work. That my friend is called cheating, and you will be disqualified for it.
• Include an index card/piece of paper/ icing signature that says your AQW Character Name alongside your tasty treat.
This way we really know it’s made by you! And NO, photoshopping your name onto your picture DOES NOT COUNT, and you will be disqualified if you do.
• Your dessert MUST be created in some sort of Artix Entertainment theme.
Create anything you want from AQW, EpicDuel, BladeHaven, DragonFable, MechQuest, AdventureQuest, and WarpForce! If we cannot tell what it is from our games, you will not be qualified.
• Your canvas must be a cookie, cake, pie, or any other form of holiday dessert.
Mmmm, get creative! (Note, judges have final say as to what counts as a "dessert")
• The photo of your dessert should be of the Highest Quality.
The more clear the picture, the better and tastier it will look, upping your chance at the Grand Prize!
• Remember to post a VALID link to your dessert photo!
Uploading your photo to your Facebook does not allow us to see the photos via the Forums. Also, if you upload your photo to your LOCKED image-sharing account, we cannot see it either. So make sure your link is valid and isn’t locked to the public!
Preheating The Oven: Enter the Contest!
Now that you are ready for the 2017 Creative Cookie Contest, it’s probably a good idea to know WHERE to post your delectable desserts!
Submit your yummy creations to the official AE Contests Twitter account!
The BattleOn Games Team is really looking forward to seeing all of your wonderful ideas and delicious cookie creations! There is only one way to win—and it starts by entering this contest!
Best of luck to you all =D Eeeeeeeep (Many thanks to Beleen for the layout of this post.)

December 15, 2017
This Week: Immortal Chronomancer + Quibble Gear
Get your gear before it's gone!
This weekend, talk to Quibble Coinbiter in Battleon this weekend to see all of his new Frostval 2017 rare items, available in his shop and Frostval Collection Chest. Plus, unlock the Immortal Chronomancer Class and armor set when you buy the Immortality Key from Vinara in Battleon town.
Quibble's Frostval Rares Update
Last week, Quibble Coinbiter returned to Battleon bearing all-new, icy gear from the past, present, and future. This week, he's back with another bag of goodies for his shop, including the:
- Ebil Claws armor set
- Frostfang Paragon Rider bank pet
- Frostvale ULTRA TopHat
And if you have Quibble's Frostval Collection Chest, you'll find his new gear in your shop automatically this Friday.
Immortal Chronomancer Class
This Friday, unlock the Immortal Chronomancer Class and armor set when you buy the Immortality Key from Vinara in Battleon town*. This is the in-game variant of the Eternal Chronomancer Class, which is unlocked when you get the 2018 Artix Entertainment Calendar from HeroMart.
If you purchased the 2018 Calendar from HeroMart, when you log in this weekend, you'll find the Immortal Chronomancer set in your calendar badge shop.
Historically, in-game Calendar Classes were only available when you bought a physical calendar from HeroMart. Last year was the first year we released an in-game variant, due to issues with rising shipping prices and payment provider availability (example: Paypal was no longer accepted in certain countries).
Over the last year, Stryche from HeroMart has worked tirelessly to reduce the cost of international shipping costs, and we are in the process of getting additional payment methods for countries that are currently locked out.
Because of those improvements, this is the last year we will feature an in-game calendar class variant. Next year, we'll go back to having the Calendar Classes as HeroMart-exclusive rewards, as the calendar classes were originally intended to be.
* The 2017 Timelock Key and ShadowStalker of Time gear has been moved from Chronix to Vinara, as well.

December 13, 2017
This Weekend: The Wilde Hunt Begins
Battle to find the children of Coldwind Valley before Frostval!
Frostval is a time of music, magic, and… missing boys and girls?! The children of ColdWind Village’s human, moglin, and Yeti tribes have mysteriously disappeared. If we don’t find them soon, this holiday will be their last! Log in this weekend and fight to get bring them home in our new 2017 Frostval holiday event!
Frosty Fights, Cool Rewards
If you journey down the /snowpath to Frostvale, you'll find an enchanted Snowman waiting for you. But beware -- this isn't some friendly, gift-giving creature. This is an ice-cold monster under a deadly enchantment.

December 12, 2017
Coming Soon: The Wilde Hunt Finale
Frostval 2017 Event Boss Battle
Your journey to find and free the young of ColdWind Valley will take you deep underground. One thing stands between you and victory: an ancient horror’s ravenous hunger. Log in Friday, December 22nd, for the finale of this year’s Frostval event!
Battle the event mini-boss and boss for all-new seasonal reward drops:
- the Ragnarok Cavalier set
- the Festive Frolic set
Much Gift, Many Carols WOW
For all you meme-lovers and Doge fans out there, we've got 2 new Frostval gift helms just for you! On Friday, December 22nd, battle the Giefury boss in /frostvale for a chance to get the Frostval Doge and member-only RuDoge helms!

December 11, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: December 11, 2017
- Character Page badges are back in their proper places.
- Cryostorm seasonal quests, shop, and drops put back in.
- Eternal Chronomancer face parts stay on face now.
- Plasma Pyro (male) shoulder and upper arm no longer thinks it needs to use a different colour scheme.
- Digitalrecruit map no longer trying to hold you hostage.
- Hidden Bunker House has been told to stop hiding the name of the owner.
- Level 1, 2, 3 shops in /swordhaven will now reopen without having to open a new shop first.
- Competitive AQWorlds Cup Mace is now the same size as other Maces
- Khopesh of Dreams badge now has art instead of default dragon.
- Various Typos.
Chronix has gone to Friday the 15th to check on his replacement, and make sure he has all the information needed. The new Chronix will be arriving this week, with access to 2017 and 2018 items.
Class Updates from Arklen and team!
Arklen and the Class Design Team will now also be giving some information*** on what they work on each week. Arklen would also like to let you know you can give him feedback on classes on his twitter - @Arklen_AE
Eternal Chronomancer is the only one with changes to report this week:
- ‘Speed of Time’ 20% Hit chance passive increased to 25%
- ‘Time Strike’ damage 120% attack power changed to 100% weapon damage
- ‘Temporal Heal’ heal duration 20 seconds lowered 10 seconds
- ‘Temporal Heal’ amount have been buffed
- ‘Infinite Damage’ now gives a crit damage buff
- ‘Taking Eternity’ now consumes ‘Enter Infinity’ and ‘The 4th Dimension’ buff
- Skill descriptions have been updated within the class
- New animations have been made for the class
***Obviously secret things like details of unreleased classes won’t appear here.
****Classes may be subject to change, determined by player feedback. DNs will be posted in that event.

December 08, 2017
This Weekend: New 2017 Frostval Rare Gear
Quibble Coinbiter is here with the coolest gear of the year!
Our very own time-traveling sales moglin arrives in Battleon this weekend, bringing with him ice, snow, and really cool rare gear from the past, present, and future. Talk to him in Battleon to see all his wares, or - for all you rare collectors - get EVERYTHING he's got, plus 2 exclusive pets and a character page badge, in our Frostval 2017 Collection Chest!
Many of this year's Quibble items also incorporate a Norse and/or Northlands theme as a nod to our all-new Frostval story, which begins next week.
This week's Quibble shop update brings:
- Frostborne Lord armor set
- Asgardian Knight armor set
- Merry Quibble Bank Pet
- Giftbearer Quibble Bank Pet
- Seasonal Quibble Bank Pet
Next week's shop update will bring:
- Ebil Claws Suit set
- Frostvale ULTRA top hat
- Frostfang Paragon Rider Bank Pet
Frostval 2017 Collection Chest
Unlock all 3 weeks of Frostval Quibble event rare gear with our 2017 Frostval Collection chest for 10,000 AdventureCoins (that is 15,000 ACs worth of gear)!
The Frostval Collection Chest includes: over 30 items, plus a character page badge and 2 exclusive pets.
- Frostborne Lord armor
- 7 Frostborne Lord helms
- 2 Frostborne Lord capes
- 2 Frostborne Lord weapons
- Asgardian Knight armor
- 3 Asgardian Knight helms
- Asgardian Knight cloak
- 2 Asgardian Knight weapons
- Frostfang Paragon Bank pet
- Giftbearer Quibble Bank Pet
- Merry Quibble Bank Pet
- Swindle Claws pet (with quest for character page badge + Swindle Claws' Holiday Hut pet)
- Ebil Clawsuit armor (coming next week)
- 3 Ebil Clawsuit helms (coming next week)
- Frostval ULTRA Top Hat (coming next week)
Collection Chest Exclusive Pets
When you unlock the 2017 Frostval Quibble Collection chest, in addition to all our event rare armor sets, the Frostvale ULTRA Top Hat, and the Frostfang Rider Paragon Pet, you'll ALSO unlock 2 extra exclusive pets:
- Frostval Collection chest pet (has shop for all the gear)
- Swindle Claws pet (with quest for character page badge + pet)
- Swindle Claws Holiday Hut pet
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Frostval Collection chest will also be available individually in Quibble's shop.

December 06, 2017
Return to Frostvale This Weekend
Battle through our returning seasonal events!
Frostval is a time of joy, hope, and... defending Lore from all the insane ice monsters that cannot stop attacking it?!?! Log in this weekend to battle through all our winter holiday events and unlock seasonal rewards!
/join Frostvale to begin battling through all the previous years of Frostval releases, then test your mettle (and metal!) against the biggest gift of them all: Giefury!*
This year, Giefury has NEW gifts for you:
- Frostvale Healer armor
- Frostvale Mage armor
- Silver Frostvale Hat and Locks
- Frostvale Wand
- Holiday Flail
- and the Moglinster Tree pet
* Giefury's name comes from the Old English noun "giefu" for "a giving, gift", which is related to the Old Norse word "gift, gipt" meaning "gift; good luck."
ALL of the seasonal events from previous years will also return - that means you'll get to battle Kezeroth, Quetzal, and more... PLUS get all the holiday seasonal goodies that come with them!
Journey to Frostvale
Once again the Frost Moglins of Frostvale are opening the snow-covered gates of their town to all of Lore as they prepare for the merriest of all of Lore's holidays... Frostval! If this is your first year with AQW then you get to play through all of the previous adventures:
- Save Frostvale,
- Stop the Ice Symbiote infection
- Watch a young Empress Gravelyn experience her first Frostval
- Fight to survive as Kezeroth and Karok, ice giant brothers from another world, battle to take OURS
- and get SO MANY presents with the return of Tinsel's Seasonal Frostval Shop
That's all leading up to NEXT WEEK's ALL NEW FROSTVAL ADVENTURE (where we meet an ancient horror with an elder-god sized hunger). You are welcome to all of the great Frostval seasonal rares and the heart-warming Frostval stories.
And don't miss:
- Quibble Coinbiter's Frostval rares shop
- Frostval 2017 Collection Chest
Immortal Chronomancer new release date
With 9 years of Frostval events, Quibble's Shop, and the Collection chest to bring tonight, we've had to shift the clock ahead one week - the Immortal Chronomancer Class and armor set will release in Battleon town next Friday, along with the next Quibble shop update and our new 2017 Frostval event.

December 06, 2017
Next Friday... It Wakes
Join us for our all-new 2017 Frostval event!
Deep underneath the frozen Northlands, the darkness rumbles. Aboveground, human, yeti, and moglin children play, excited for the coming holiday. Faint sounds of laughter and music filter down through rocks and snow, and an ancient horror stirs. It wakes knowing only one thing… HUNGER.

December 04, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: November 20, 2017
- CC issues with the Renegade Shadowslayer items fixed (again, sorry about that one folks!)
- Dark Legion Vampire Helm from Black Friday Shop renamed to Black Legion Vampire Helm to prevent confusing it for the one from 2012.
- Eternal Chronomancer description shortened to it doesn’t cover the preview pic.
- Cyberlord Blade of Nulgath got into the growth potions. It’s normal size now.
- 0AC Dragon Chest Pets from Dragon King Chest now sellable.
- Reinzard On Your Back has better placement when running now.
- Proto Caladbolg now sits in your hand instead of above it.
- Holiday Paragon now has Jingle Skulls on female belt.
- Dage’s Underworld House preview no longer hijacking the entire screen.
- General of Cerberus shield on back arm repositioned. ***
***We need to remind everyone that non-standard items like this, where extras are built in may look or perform different and cannot always be 100% ‘fixed’.
Class Updates from Arklen and team!
Arklen and the Class Design Team will now also be giving some information*** on what they work on each week. Arklen would also like to let you know you can give him feedback on classes on his twitter - @Arklen_AE
Nothing to report on class changes this week. Keep an eye on this section for more in the future though!
***Obviously secret things like details of unreleased classes won’t appear here.
****Classes may be subject to change, determined by player feedback. DNs will be posted in that event.

December 04, 2017
November Custom Weapon Winner Update
The hunt is still on!
We've chosen 3 custom weapon winners in succession, and have not heard back from any of them. The hunt is still on for a November custom weapon winner -- if you upgraded in October, please keep an eye on your email inbox, you still have a chance to win!
December Custom Weapon Winner
We will reach out to the December custom weapon winner this week. if they don't respond within a week, we'll move on to the next person in the list.
Check your email address!
Make sure the email attached to your AQWorlds game account is accurate and you have access to it. That's how the team reaches you if you win any prizes, and how Player Support contacts you about your issues.
What is the Custom Weapon Winner?
Back in March, we started a new upgrade incentive to show our appreciation for all the heroes supporting AdventureQuest Worlds. Each month, we choose one account that upgraded the previous month, and work with them to design their own custom weapon.
March: Zay_M8
April: Haan
May: DeleteQ
June: EthanObi
July: Chadough
August: Teiboku
September: Olantern
October: Less
November: waiting on a reply from the winner
December: choosing a winner this week

December 01, 2017
Get up to 50% more FREE AdventureCoins
2017 Holiday AC Bonus Begins Tomorrow!
Starting NOW and until January 5th, buy any Adventure package and get up to 50% more FREE bonus ACs!
The bigger the AC package you buy, the more free AdventureCoins you'll get!
12000 AC pack: 6000 extra ACs (50% more ACs)
5000 AC pack: 2000 extra ACs (40% more ACs)
2000 AC pack: 500 extra ACs (25% more ACs)
900 AC pack: 100 extra ACs (11% more ACs)
* Note: bonus AdventureCoins are only available with AdventureCoin packages. The special bonus offer does not apply to membership packages.
Upgrade in December to Unlock the Rune Lord set!
Starting this Friday, December 1st, at 6 PM EST, buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more to unlock the exclusive RuneLord armor set December upgrade bonus items! Get the Rune Lord gear and the Wolf Lord set with a 12 month membership or 12000 AC package.
12000 AC or 12 month membership packages: Rune Lord + Wolf Lord sets
Get more gear and save more of your real-world gold with our largest upgrade packages! Unlock the following gear with our 12000 AdventureCoin or 12 month membership packages:
- 2 armors: Rune Lord and Wolf Lord
- 3 helms
- 4 weapons: 2 polearms, 1 sword, 1 dagger
- 4 capes
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
2000 and 5000 AC or 3 and 6 month membership package: Rune Lord set
- 1 Armor: Rune Lord
- 2 Helms
- 2 Cape
- 1 weapon: Polearm
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
All packages will also come with the Rune Lord character page badge, so you can show all your friends who REALLY dominates the Mirror Realm! The December bonus gear goes rare January 5th, 2018.
UPDATE - If you purchased an upgrade package after 4:30 PM EST (when the release went live) but before 6 PM EST tonight (when the packages/bonus go live), we'll run a query on Monday to make sure you get your upgrade gear / bonus ACs.