Design Notes
August 27, 2021
This Weekend: SwimSuits of Madness
Wheel of Doom merge shop + Treasure Chest Update
The Summer of Darkness continues with Darkon's SwimSuits of Madness, based on three of the most popular NPCs from his Elegy of Madness Saga. We've added Fa and Re's swim gear to the Wheel of Doom Merge Shop and La's Swimsuit armor and helm drop from Twilly's Treasure Chest quest along with over 215 other items. Read on for more information on how to obtain them all!
Find the following set items in the Wheel of Doom merge shop:
- Re's Swimsuit + Summer Hair
- Fa's Swimsuit + Summer Shades
- Bunny Popsicle mace
- Bunny Swimring mace
Open a Treasure Chest for a chance to get 1 of...
- 49 armors
- 50+ weapons
- 60+ helms
- 10+ capes
- or 3 house items (including the Altar of Caladbolg)
- Plus the new La's SwimSuit armor or La's Summer Goggles helm
Get your Free Wheel of Doom Spins
Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why everyone in AdventureQuest Worlds will get at least one free spin on the Wheel of Doom per week.
- Members get one free spin a day while their upgrade is active
- All players get one free spin a week.
Spin the Wheel, Collect Treasures, Choose Your Prize
Each time you spin the Wheel of Doom, you'll get a Treasure Potion to spend in the Doom Merge Shop. Save up 1,000 and you'll be able to buy a Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness. Each WIoDA lets you choose a rare or valuable item* straight from your account manager.
How to Claim your Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
Redeem IoDA tokens to get even MORE bonuses
For each of the first six eligible IoDA tokens you receive, you'll get a FREE Bonus IoDA. The eligible tokens are the Ultimate, Epic, Platinum, Wicked and Golden tokens. After that, you'll get a free Bonus IoDA for every 3 eligible IoDA you redeem, with no maximum stack. So if you have that dream set of gear you want to create... now you'll be able to.
After you redeem your...
- 1st IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 2nd IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 3rd IoDA, you'll unlock 1free bonus IoDA
- 4th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 5th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 6th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
Then, for every 3 IoDA you redeem, you'll unlock another free bonus IoDA.
After you redeem your...
- 7th, 8th, and 9th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 10th, 11th, and 12th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
And so on. The 3:1 bonus IoDA ratio starts after you get your first 6 free BIoDA, regardless of when you received them. (Example: if you've redeemed a total of 21 IoDA tokens, you'll unlock 11 BIoDA total. The first 6 BIoDA at a 1:1 ratio, and then 5 more at the 3:1 ratio.)
* Exceptions include staff personal items, custom weapon contest prizes, HeroMart items, etc
Treasure Chests Details
There is a small chance to get a mysterious Treasure Chest as a reward drop when you battle ANY monster in-game. Have you found one yet?
Treasure chests are a fun - but completely optional - way to get exclusive items in AdventureQuest Worlds. The chests have a less than 1% chance of dropping from ANY monster in the entire game. Each one contains one of over 215 epic items that you can't get anywhere else (and the number will keep growing)!
- All of the items are 0 AC so you can store them for free
- All of the items are non-member so you can use them forever
There's just one problem. You can't open the Treasure Chests without a Magic Key. The good news is that Twilly (the little red Moglin in Battleon) has a few extras and will happily sell you one for 200 ACs and open your chest for you.
Monthly Membership Perk Arrives Wednesday, September 1st
Members, log in and talk to Twilly this Sunday to claim your two FREE treasure chest keys! Collect treasure chests as you battle through Lore, then use the keys to open them for new free items.
Want to get in on this?
Upgrade your AdventureQuest Worlds character with any membership package to unlock two free Treasure Chest Keys for each month the membership is active.
* We will begin updating the treasure chest rewards again on a regular basis, so if you've already collected all the gear... get ready to unlock more in the near future!

August 27, 2021
Darkon's Saga IV: Cataclysmic Catalyst
This weekend: Darkon's Elegy of Madness continues
Madness is calling to you... will you answer? Log in this weekend as we continue Darkon’s Saga with an all-new chapter! Battle an invasion of nightmarish creatures and fight to learn about the profane practices of the tyrant king. Insanity is waiting in /astraviacastle...
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
New Wicked Reward + Shop Gear
To help you bring the pain to any enemies you encounter in battle, Darkon and Rare crafted a series of incredibly wicked new reward and shop items for you to collect and equip!
Monster drops:
- 2 Astravian Castle house items
- 2 insane sun-themed items
- Astravian Royal Blade
- and more
Merge shop:
- Astravian Musician armor set
- Astravian Royal Guard armor set
- Drago's Attire armor set
- Astravian Royal Spear
Astravian AC Shop:
- Astravian Violinist
- Astravian Musician's Mask + Hair/Locks
- Astravian Violin + Bow
- Astravian Violin Case
- Astravian Rapier + Sheath
More Variants of Calendar Classes Arrive
Starting this weekend, you’ll be able to buy Timelock Keys with AdventureCoins to unlock the final new calendar class variant... the 2021 Necrotic Chronomancer! Or you can buy the class and individual set items for HeroPoints.
How to buy the AC version:
- Talk to Stryche in the /HeroMart map
- Buy the 2021 Timelock Key for the Class for 6,000 ACs
- The Timelock Key opens up a shop with the 0 AC class, armor, and accessories (Talk to Stryche to find your new gear shop)
How to buy the HeroPoints version:
- Buy merchandise from HeroMart. Once your merch arrives, find the HeroPoints code printed on your packing slip.
- Redeem your code on the Portal site and apply the HeroPoints to your AQWorlds account.
- Login to your AQWorlds account and /join HeromartTalk to Stryche to open the HeroPoints merge shop for the Calendar Class you want
- Buy the Class or any of the set items using your HeroPoints
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!
August 31:
- Rare and seasonal item drops released between August 1 - 22nd
- August Seasonal Set: Urban Assassins
- CrimsonFlame Fanatic + other Featured Gear Shop rares sets
- Friday the 13th maps revert to member-only
- Kala and Ultra Kala challenge bosses
September 31:
- Rare August Anime sets
Daily Gift Schedule
Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark the Daily Gift page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts!
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Launcher at, then log in and get back to battling right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

August 23, 2021
Hai Kyuute!! Chest Update
Refunds available for chests purchased before August 21st at 2 AM
Last week, we released the Hai Kyuute!! Anime Collection Chest, which included all of the anime-inspired volleyball gear, pet, and house/house items. Due to a several issues (unclear marketing + an inaccurate in-game shop note), some players purchased the chest thinking it would contain all of the rare armor sets from the Featured Gear Shop.
The homepage + Design Notes image, plus the in-game shop note were fixed around 2 AM EST on August 21st.
If you purchased the chest before the fixes rolled out, you can submit a ticket for a refund until August 27th. Contact Player Support at:

August 20, 2021
Summer 2021 AdventureCoin Bonus
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
NOW AVAILABLE! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy during our Summer AdventureCoins bonus! Our Summer of Darkness event lineup continues all through August, so this is a great time to gear up and top up your ACs.
Gear up and get ready for... the final chappter of our Shadows of War: Fire Realm story, an all-new Friday the 13th event + rares shop, the next part of Darkon's Saga of Insanity, and more!
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

August 20, 2021
August Anime Gear + Collection
Calling all anime fans!
We've got a host of new anime-inspired items for you, from permanent sets in the Akiba Cosplay shop to limited time rare items in your Featured Gear Shop, available in your Game Menu until September 30th.
Featured Rare Items include:
- Risk Taker armor + set items
- Fate's Archer armor + set items
- Frost Vampire armor + set items
- Amethyst Half-Elf armor + helms
- Ethereal Horizon Seeker armor
- Neverland Attire armor + set items
- Academy Uniform armor + helms
Permanently available items from Nekomimi in /akiba are:
- Hai Kyuute!! Collection Chest
- Guardian + Dark Guardian's Overseer armor + set items
- Radiant Knight's armor + set items
- Yaksha Shrine Servant armor + set items
Unlock 30 items in our Hai Kyuute!! Anime Collection
The last ones standing are the victors. Only the strongest survive. If you want to be the last one standing, become strong. Inspired by super-popular sports anime HaiKyuu!!, our newest collection includes 30 items, a house with customization room, and a character page badge for 6,000 ACs (that's 10,000 ACs worth of gear).
The Collection Chest unlocks 30 items, including:
- Exclusive Hai Kyuute!! Chest pet to unlock the full collection shop
- Enchanted Bareboru Uniformu armor (color customizable)
- Hollowborn Volleyball Jersey armor
- Diabolical Volleyball Jersey armor
- Debris Volleyball Jersey armor
- Crystallis Volleyball Jersey armor
- Wings of Victory + Total Victory capes
- Cloak of Flight and King of the Court capes
- Six helms
- Volleyball Pet (with quest for exclusive character page badge + house/house items)
This year's chest also includes the following house and house items*:
- Bareboru House (with customization room)
- Gym Benches
- Volleyball Basket
- Volleyball Net
- Volleyball Scoreboard
- Crystallis Cheer banner
- Darkon's Debris Cheer banner
- Diabolical Cheer banner
- Hollowborn Cheer banner
*Items drop from the quest on the Volleyball Quest Pet in the chest's collection shop.
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pet, all of the gear contained inside the Hai Kyuute!! collection chest shop will also be available to buy individually in the Anime Fan shop from Nekomimi in /akiba. She also has a House Shop where you can buy all of the house items separately.

August 20, 2021
Shadows of War: Fire Realm Invasion Finale
The world's on Fire, how 'bout yours?
That's the way we like it, and we never get bored. Hey now, you're a hero! Get your battleon, go play! Log in this weekend as The Shadows of War: Fire Realm Invasion Saga comes to a scorching-hot conclusion! Tyndarius has arrived on Lore and his presence threatens to destroy the entire planet. Battle alongside Galanoth as you face off against Elius and his men, then make your way to Tyndarius and stop the Shadowflame Onslaught once and for all!
In the last chapter update, WarFury Gauntlet, you traveled to Justitica Per Belli, Varga the Warfury’s training ground, where she put you through a rigorous set of exercises to fully prepare you to face Tyndarius.
Shadows of War: ShadowFlame Onslaught
- Chapter 1: begin the adventure in /fireplanewar
- Chapter 2: play through the next chapter in /shadowfireplane
- Chapter 3: battle our newest update in /fireinvasion
- Chapter 4: fight to prove your skill in /wartraining
- Chapter 5: beat the heat (literally) in /fireavatar
The Shadows of War saga so far...
- The First Encounter: /join shadowwar
- Teja the Pirate Queen: /join granitecove
- Jinx the Cat Burglar: /join junkhoard
- Attack on Arcangrove: /join shadowgrove
- Mahou the Spirit Mage: /join aozorahills
- Attack on Mythsong: /join shadowsong
- Alliance of Evil: /join darkally
- The Chaos Twins: /join chaosamulet
- Chaos & Shadows: /join lagunabeach
- Attack on the Mirror Realm: /join shadowoff
- Shadows of Chaos: The Queen's Past - /join forestreach
- Happening now: ShadowFlame Onslaught
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Avatar Tyndarius Challenge Fight
After you finish this week's quests, you can take on Ultra Avatar Tyndarius, the true form of the battle between the Hero and Tyndarius in fire avatar form. Fight him to earn 2 Avatar Tyndarius insignias per day, which can be used to purchase the Infernal Flame Pyromancer armor set, laden with boosts and fashionable charm.
The fight is permanent, so take your time figuring out the boss and building parties with your friends to challenge this battle! This may be the hardest challenge you've taken on in AdventureQuest Worlds yet...
Ultra Avatar Tyndarius battle tips:
- While you don't need to defeat the two Ultra Fire Orbs to damage and defeat Tyndarius, the two orbs grow stronger, tankier, and debuff you further the longer they're alive. Consider your target priorities!
- Tyndarius gets a significant power boost when his abilities begin activating. Consider bringing long-term suppression.
- The debuffs from the Ultra Fire Orbs affect your entire party and can quickly wear down your defenses. Plan your battle strategy accordingly to keep these effects under control.
More Variants of Calendar Classes Arrive
Starting this weekend, you’ll be able to buy Timelock Keys with AdventureCoins to unlock new variants of the 2019, 2020, Class sets*. Or you can buy the class and individual set items for HeroPoints.
- Timeless Chronomancer: 2019 Corrupted Chronomancer Class variant
- Overworld Chronomancer: 2020 Underworld Chronomancer Class variant
How to buy the AC version:
- Talk to Stryche in the /HeroMart map
- Buy the Timelock Key for the Class for 6,000 ACs
- The Timelock Key opens up a shop with the 0 AC class, armor, and accessories (Talk to Stryche to find your new gear shop)
How to buy the HeroPoints version:
- Buy merchandise from HeroMart. Once your merch arrives, find the HeroPoints code printed on your packing slip.
- Redeem your code on the Portal site and apply the HeroPoints to your AQWorlds account.
- Login to your AQWorlds account and /join HeromartTalk to Stryche to open the HeroPoints merge shop for the Calendar Class you want
- Buy the Class or any of the set items using your HeroPoints
2021 Calendar Class update: the AC and HeroPoints versions of the 2019 and 2020 Calendar Classes are now available. The 2021 Class variant will arrive next week due to an art delay.
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!
August 31:
- Rare and seasonal item drops released between August 1 - 22nd
- August Seasonal Set: Urban Assassins
- CrimsonFlame Fanatic + other Featured Gear Shop rares sets
- Friday the 13th maps revert to member-only
September 30:
- Rare August Anime sets
Daily Gift Schedule
Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark the Daily Gift page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts!
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Launcher at, then log in and get back to battling right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

August 18, 2021
Yarrr The TLaPD Contest Begins Now
Avast! Our 2021 Talk Like a Pirate Day Suggestion Contest is here
Blimey! Can it be true?!?! The AQW Crew wants ye to help create some new loot fer Talk Like a Pirate Day! But look smartly there, sailor. Ye haven't tie to swing th' lead, 'cause this contest only lasts from today until Friday, August 27, 2021.
How to Enter
- Draw your Talk Like a Pirate Day set suggestion
- Reply to AE_Contests' AQW TLaPD Design Contest post on Twitter with your entry by:
Friday, August 27, 2021. - Make sure your reply includes: your entry, AQW character name, and the #AQW_TLaPD2021 hashtag
Contest Categories
- Naval Commander set
- Pirate Captain set
- Original pirate-themed set
- Original pirate x holiday set (ex: Frostval pirate)
Contest Entry Guidelines
- You can enter a design for any (or all) of the contest categories
- Entries can be hand-drawn then scanned in or drawn digitally using a tablet/software
- If your entry is made in Adobe Flash, please note that in your contest post.
- Your entry must be made by you.*
- Include your game character name on the drawing. This way we really know it’s made by you!
- Be posted to the AE_Contests Twitter account
*Do not copy someone else’s hard work. That, my friend is called cheating, and you will be disqualified for it.
Design Templates
Follow these links for an armor template used in AdventureQuest Worlds. You do not need to use them, but you may find them helpful.
- FLA: armor template .FLA
- PNG: armor template .png
Note: You do not need to use the reference art. It exists as a guide for those who want to draw on top of it / use it to compare sizing, positioning.
Grand Prize Winner/s from each category will get:
- Winning design created and released in-game
- 2,000 AC prize
- Free 2021 TLaPD Collection Chest
- To choose a friend (or alt account) to also receive the free TLaPD chest
- Character page badge
Victory Circle Winner/s from each category will get:
- 2,000 AC prize
- Character page badge
- Winning designs will be recreated/translated into Flash by one of the AdventureQuest Worlds team artists. If your design only includes a single gender, the AQW artist working on it will create the other gender.
- If your winning entry is submitted in Flash, we may reach out to work with you directly on creating the set for the game rather than having a team artist translate it.
As always, we reserve the right to reward contest entries that go above and beyond, or show incredible creativity or passion.
Good Luck!
The entire AQWorlds Crew cannot wait to see what you landlubbers come up with!

August 13, 2021
The Legend of DeadFly
Our seasonal holiday Friday the 13 event returns this weekend!
Log in and join special guest Aurelio Voltaire and your fellow heroes in a battle through a tale of love and loss. Rage and revenge. The Legend of Deadfly comes to life this weekend. Say his name three times... IF YOU DARE!
The Legend of Deadfly
Many years ago, when Sepulchure ruled the ShadowScythe, a young Loremaster fell deeply in love with one of her master's skeletal minions. But minions are meant to be mindless, and romance forbidden. His punishment? Destruction, and his soul banished to the Underworld. His love has turned into rage so strong, part of his spirit has stayed connected to our world.
The legends say, anyone foolish enough to summon him will meet a fate worse than his. If you dare… stare into the portal and say his name three times. Deadfly. Deadfly. Deadfly.
Aurelio Voltaire Returns for Friday the 13th!
Friday the 13th and Aurelio Voltaire go together like Evil Armies of Undead and Horror Movies. So of course, this Friday our always-positive, family-friendly game team and community want to welcome him back for another musical event!
Aurelio Voltaire is the maker of music, films, books, comics, toys and... mayhem. He has appeared in almost ALL of the AQWorlds Friday the 13th events... and has become a fan-favorite for our players (not to mention beloved by goths, trekkies, and music-lovers in general).
This weekend, slay your enemies to the sound of music from his 2017 single "Monsterous Lovers" as his adorably-globular goblin companion looks on, then get your own Globlin Hand Sanitizer cover from his online store.
On behalf of the entire AdventureQuest Worlds team, we want to thank Aurelio Voltaire for being a part of this special event!
Dark and Deadly Rewards
Battle through this weekend's event to unlock a merge shop full of dark and deadly reward items! And defeat monsters in /deadfly or /rotfinger to collect new item drops.
Legend of Deadfly rewards include:
- Macabre Meat Horror armor set
- Deadfly armor + morph
- Doom Deadfly armor + helm
- Necro Deadfly armor + helm
- Thirteenth Goalie Mask
- Rotfinger's bow, armblades, scythe, and staff
- Necro Rotfinger's bow, armblades, scythe, and staff
- BlackSkulls weapon kit pet
- 13th Zard pet
Friday the 13th Event Rare Gear
Find all-new wicked-cool Friday the 13th event rare items in your game menu now, available through Friday, September 3rd.
The Friday the 13th Event Rares Shop features:
- BlackSkulls armor set + accessories
- BlackSkulls Centipede cape
- Deadfly's Hollowborn armor + helm (color customizable)
- Rotfinger's Hollowborn bow, armblades, scythe, and staff (color customizable)
- Elegant Necro Armor set
Friday the 13th DOUBLE Server Boost
Your luck is in! Log in at battle through our Friday the 13th update this weekend and get 2X gold, reputation, class points, and experience when you defeat monsters and complete quests.
ShadowWalker/Stalker/Weaver of Time Class Changes
ShadowWalker greatly undershot our balance goals last week so we’re giving it a bit more love. These changes should bring scaling back to its Umbral Stigma DoT while also keeping its power level under control in groups. We’ve also made some adjustments to allow for better ease of use.
Passive - Shadows of Time:
- Now increases outgoing damage by 100%
- Now unlocks at rank 4
Passive - Harbinger of Shadows:
- Now unlocks at rank 10
Rift of Shadows:
- Base damage decreased
- Cooldown: 1.5 seconds > 1.2 seconds
- Chaos Rift duration: 4 seconds > 8 seconds
- Base damage decreased
- Exude DoT damage decreased
- Devour HoT amount decreased
Vendetta/Umbral Stigma:
- Base damage increased
- Umbral Stigma DoT damage reduced
- Mana Cost: 20 > 30
Silhouette/Shadow Warp
- Base damage decreased
- Health Cost self DoT damage decreased
Temporal Eclipse:
- Turbulent Rift no longer increases damage taken
New BludrutBrawl-style map: /bludrutpvp
We're working on some improvements to PVP, and first stage is testing out a new pvp map. Check it out and let us know what you think!
Special rules:
- Monsters have 100x their normal HP
- When monsters die, no score is added, and round does not end

August 06, 2021
August Class + Alchemy Potion Changes
Alchemy Makes a Splash
We’ve heard your requests to mix potions and make spellscrolls efficiently again for a long time. In response to that, Alina in /alchemyacademy has decided to open a new line of business!
Now, you can purchase Dragon Runestones and Arcane Quills for gold, or directly purchase some of the potions you can craft for a (high) amount of gold. You decide what your time is worth!
This weekend:
- Two shops reopened: Dragon Runestones + Arcane Quills are now purchaseable at 100,000 gold each.
- New shop allowing you to purchase pre-made potions! These include a list of popular potions from other vendors, and powerful potions for each of the primary and secondary stats, and a more powerful damage potion. Additionally, the stack limit for all of the affected potions are now 300.
Due to this, the affected potions have been moved out of their original shops, and will now be sold from /alchemyacademy. So if you can’t find your favorite Dragonheart Philtre, Vigor Potion, or other favored consumables, check at the Alchemy Academy!
Class Changes for August 6, 2021
Today’s update brings changes to a few classes that saw an unexpected power spike in PvP with the introduction of the Mythril PvP Amulet and Awe Enhancement updates. Additionally, we have also made adjustments to a few of the calendar classes and have given a certain Nulgath Nation class a much needed buff.
Read on to see all of the class changes that went live today!

August 06, 2021
Return to Nusantara
Indonesian Independence Day: Kala Batara Challenge Boss
This weekend, we celebrate Indonesian Independence Day with a return to Nusantara - home of emerald islands, 1,000 temples, and some of Lore's bravest warriors. Log in and /join kala for a new story adventure, rewards, and challenge boss!
New Seasonal Challenge Boss - Batara Kala
After you have finished the puppet show, take on Batara Kala to earn Kala Insignias, which can be used to purchase the Kala Helmets and Dalang Sinden armor. Only one Kala Insignia one can be earned per day, so be sure to collect the full set before the event leaves for the year on September 3rd.
- Dalang Sinden: Requires level 75. Deals 25% more damage to all monsters when equipped.
- Living Kala Helmet: Requires level 75. Gives 30% More XP, Class Points, Gold, and Rep when equipped.
Batara Kala battle tips:
- He is extremely resistant to hard hitting attacks
- He heals for a lot, can you do anything about it?
- The longer you fight him, the hungrier he gets.
- His powerful Club Smash shreds your defenses, be prepared!
Featured Gear Shop: Singaporean Formal Batik!

The NAME set contains:
- Formal Batik armor
- Formal Celebration hairs
- Golden and Orchid Celebration Keyswords
These items will be available for AdventureCoins until September 3rd, 2021. Then they'll leave game until next August.
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!
August 13:
- Seasonal Frostval in July maps + rewards leave
August 15:
- Rare and seasonal item drops released between July 16 - 31st
August 31:
- Rare and seasonal item drops released between August 1 - 22nd
- August Seasonal Set: Urban Assassins
- CrimsonFlame Fanatic + other Featured Gear Shop rares sets
- Friday the 13th maps revert to member-only
September 3rd:
- Formal Batik featured gear set leaves
Daily Gift Schedule
Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark the Daily Gift page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts!
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Launcher at, then log in and get back to battling right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

August 06, 2021
Become a ShadowFire Lord
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive armor sets
Shadows + flame combined create a force darker and more deadly than any sane mortal can withstand. Get the ShadowFire Lord Upgrade Bonus Set when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock 21 items and a character page badge.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the ShadowFire Lord Set to unlock the full armor set.
- Gold and Platinum ShadowFire Lord armors
- 6 helms
- 3 capes
- 10 weapons
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the ShadowFire Lord Set on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
40000 AC package rewards:
- ALL the ShadowFire Lord Set gear
- Mythic Item of Donated Awesomeness (redeem for almost any rare item in the game!)
- 15 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the ShadowFire Lord Set gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the ShadowFire Lord Set gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
NOW AVAILABLE! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy during our Summer AdventureCoins bonus! Our Summer of Darkness event lineup continues all through August, so this is a great time to gear up and top up your ACs.
Gear up and get ready for... the final chappter of our Shadows of War: Fire Realm story, an all-new Friday the 13th event + rares shop, the next part of Darkon's Saga of Insanity, and more!
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

August 05, 2021
HeroMart T-Shirt Order Update
If you've been waiting for a HeroMart order, read on!
Thank you for the support! So many people placed orders after the re-launch of HeroPoints that we had to order more shirts & prints! This is the BEST "problem" but has caused some delays.
We currently process orders 2x a week due to covid regulation, but because of an issue with our supplier and the large number of orders received, the HeroMart shipping sneevils could not send out your packages.
We have had delays filling orders that included the following items:
- AQ Time shirt
- AQ Logo shirt
- AQW Logo shirt
- DF Logo shirt
- MQ Logo shirt
- Legion Pride shirt
To show our appreciation for your patience, we are emailing a 2,000 Artix Points gift certificate code to anyone who:
1) placed an order between July 9 to August 5 and
2) experienced a delay in receiving their order because it included one of the items above

August 04, 2021
Midnight Class Balance Change Update
Class balance changes released while still in testing
Hi guys! A quick middle-of-the-night class balance update and clarification. We've gotten a lot of questions about some class changes that rolled out VERY early when we launched the first round of AQLite feature integration yesterday.
These changes were still deep in testing, and not ready for prime-time for a while. Once Reens is online later today, we'll revert the classes that have seen the largest performance impacts (ex: TimeKiller).
But wait, there's more! We've got a list of class changes that are scheduled to go live this week.
- ChronoCorruptor: Overall performance
- Dragon of Time: PvP adjustments, Overall Performance
- Frost SpiritReaver: PvP adjustments
- Infinity Knight: Overall performance
- Sentinel: PvP adjustments
- ShadowWalker of Time: addressing an unintentional damage scaling mechanic
- Vindicator of They: PvP adjustments
- Void Highlord: Overall performance
Addition for Challenge Bosses: Boss Shields
An update from Immortal Joe, class/quest designer and balancer with news on the new Boss Shields:
Although we encourage various methods of approach to taking on challenge bosses, certain compositions and strategies lead to them being defeated almost instantly, completely removing any challenging aspects of the fights. So starting today, all current and future challenge bosses will now have boss shields, which reduce the damage the boss takes over a set value. This cap and resistance is individually set per monster. This means that only damage you deal ABOVE the cap is reduced, and none of your other damage is affected.

August 03, 2021
Along came an AQLITE Spider...
We are integrating AQLite’s features into the official game client

Artix: So, did you guys hear that we contacted the creator of AQLite.... and we started working together to make it the official game client for AdventureQuest Worlds?
Entire playerbase: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Artix: Yeah! So....
Entire Playerbase: No... wait. WHAT!?!?!?
Artix: Like I was saying we...
Entire Playerbase: You are Artix Entertainment... when the @#$% did you start doing smart things?
Artix: Right. So... here with us today for an interview is Spider, the creator of AQLite!
Spider: Hi.
Artix: Players want to know about AQLite? Can you tell us about it and the story of how it started?
Spider: So, I made AQLite because I wanted to add a custom drops UI, because I had this really good idea, and I didn’t know where I could go to implement that idea. So I decided I could just try my hand at it and add it in myself.
Artix: How did it catch on and spread like fire through the playerbase?
Spider: Eventually I showed it to the AQW Reddit and everyone seemed to have really positive feedback. So I thought, why don’t I just keep updating it, keep adding onto it. And maybe eventually we could add it into the game.
Artix: It got big! So big that superstars from our community were using it...
Alina: Right! That’s why we took a closer look at it. When we saw it wasn’t a bot, and didn’t give some players an advantage over others, we made an exception to the “no third party programs” rule. That way, anyone who wanted to could use it without getting in trouble.
Artix: And man, a lot of people have been using it.
Alina: Yep. Players kept messaging us about it, and I’ve had a lot of our team members over the last two years ask me when you could join, too. We all saw how awesome your work was, and how much players loved it. We just needed all the puzzle pieces to fall into place before we could reach out to you.
Spider: About that... Sometimes, very rarely… I check my Twitter DMs. I almost never do, and it’s on me for not responding. But sometimes, I get suggestions there, too.
Alina: So… wait, you never check your Twitter DMs?!?!?!
Spider: Yeeeah. We got really lucky. One of the few times I checked, I just happened to see your message.
Alina: OMG
Artix: Tommy Wiseau stopped responding to my private messages too.
Spider: It’s still hard to believe this all happened. I’m just so happy that so many people like it. And that you guys like it, too. It’s kind of mind-blowing.
Alina: It’s so clear how passionate you are. I can hear it when we talk, and it shows in the project. It’s no surprise that so many people love it!
Spider: At first, I didn’t expect it to be as big as it got. But everybody seemed to love it, and it started spreading by word of mouth. When I’d go to Youtube, I’d see videos of it, and people kept talking about it. And it just… wow, it made me really happy. It’s just a client filled with the most requested features from players.
Alina: Which is exactly why they love it so much.
Alina: So, I talked to Artix and we both had the same idea. We should reach out to you and see if there was a possibility of us all working together.
Spider: I felt really happy when you did. I thought “this is it, this is the moment!” But my friends were like…. “Are you sure they aren’t trying to, you know, SUE you?”
(Alina's note: We were not.)
Artix: Can you tell us what improvements the AQLite client brings to AdventureQuest Worlds?
Spider: It's really hard to just say everything out. I added a bunch of features, as well as wish list features from players into the game. I’ll send you a list to include in the Design Notes so everyone can see what’s new!
Artix: I was really happy when we got to talk on Discord for the first time.
Spider: It felt kind of… real, if that makes sense. Maybe surreal. I was seven when I started playing your games. But in my head, you were just your NPCs. All I see is your NPCs when we’re talking.
Artix: That’s exactly what we look like.
Spider: And all I could think about when we got into that chat with Zhoom is, “he’s probably going to give me some quest for a ranger class. He does that in EVERY GAME.”
Artix: My mother happened to be visiting while we were on that first call, and I told her this reminded me of that first call when I met Captain Rhubarb. You really made an impression.
Artix: I realize this is going to come as a shock to a lot of players, but what you does is exactly how we started building releases for our game community in the first place. You listens to player feedback and integrate the features and improvements into the game.
Spider: I should probably mention, I don’t always reply, but I always read the messages I get and I read them (except DMs). I’ve taken it in and put it onto my giant Trello Board of Ideas (™)... I just don’t always reply.
Alina: How about in game? Do you talk much to players there?
Spider: My in-game name is 133spider. When I was in Battleon, a guy messaged me and I thought he was going to ask me about AQLite. But he thanked me for making DragonFable Cheats! That really surprised me. I haven’t made cheats in years.
Artix: One of the reasons Alina and I had the conversation with you was because AQLite was not a cheat tool, but a really high quality game client with tons of improvements that players want.
Spider: Full transparency, I had created custom servers in the past.
Artix: Aye, we know.
Spider: I am pretty sure a lot of people might already know that. If it wasn’t for those experiences, I wouldn’t have the knowledge I do today.
Artix: You were younger back then. You should tell them what your job is now.
Spider: I work as a cyber security teacher for a local college.
Artix: Throughout our community there are a rising number of talented individuals who did some... um... rule-breaking things in the distant past, who have grown into people that the team and I would like to work with.
Artix: Alina, when will the new client be ready for everyone to test?
Alina: Right now! As soon as players stop reading this, they can log and test out the new official version of the AQWorlds client with all of the AQLite features on the official launcher.
Spider: Well, all features except for that one feature related to mount speed. And the profanity chat filter toggle for players 18+. We're saving the introduction of that for after Nythera gets back from vacation next week.
Artix: How long have you been working on this?
Spider: I started working on this over two years ago.
Alina: And we contacted you almost exactly 2 weeks ago. At this point, you’re at, what, a little over 100 hours into the porting? Must be, because I don’t think I’ve seen you sleep at all.
Artix: What was it like working with the team?
Spider: So far everyone has been so welcoming and constructive. I've been working with Captain Rhubarb, Yorumi, and the testers.
Artix: Well, your hard work is officially live and officially supported now. Alina, how can everyone try this new game client out?
Alina: It is a special button on the Artix Games Launcher right next to the normal "Play" button for AdventureQuest Worlds.
Spider: We should probably mention that using the old version of AQLite is going to break the game. So everyone should go log in and play on the Spider Test version of the official AQWorlds game launcher.
Artix: There are only two things left to say. Thank you, and welcome to the team, Spider!
Spider: Great! Can’t wait to break the game! :P
- Able to click through yellow text updates
- Added Bank Filters
- Added Detailed Quest Rewards & Previews
- Added Item Boosts Indicator & Fixed positioning of item descriptions
- Added Feature: Battlepets & Cleared queued player animations when combat is exited
- Added Feature: Cache Players
- Added Feature: Camera Tool
- Added Feature: Chat Filter
- Added Feature: Customized Chat view (toggle between old UI and new UI)
- Added Feature: Class Auras/Actives UI
- Added Feature: Clean Reputation List (Alphabetized, Rank 10's will appear as 0/0)
- Added Feature: Client-Sided Show/Hide
- Added Feature: Color Picker
- Added Feature: Color Sets
- Added Feature: Continuous Quest Progress Notifications
- Added Feature: Custom Chat UI
- Added Feature: Custom Drops UI
- Added Feature: Decline All Drops & Added warnings when changing options
- Added Feature: Detailed Item Drops
- Added Feature: Detailed Quest Rewards
- Added Feature: Disable Chat Scrolling
- Added Feature: Disable Monster Animations
- Added Feature: Disable Quest Tracker
- Added Feature: Disable Skill Animations
- Added Feature: Disable Weapon Animations
- Added Feature: Display FPS
- Added Feature: Draggable Drops
- Added Feature: Freeze / Lock Monster Position
- Added Feature: Hide Monsters
- Added Feature: Hide Player Names
- Added Feature: Hide Players
- Added Feature: Inventory Search
- Added Feature: Monster Type
- Added Feature: Open Bank with Keybind
- Added Feature: Quest Pinner
- Added Feature: Reaccept Quest After Turn-In
- Added Feature: Smooth Background
- Added Feature: While already in your house, pressing the house button will move you to your house entrance
- Added Feature: World Camera
- Added Features: Mouse Wheel Scrolling for Inventory, Shops, Bank, and Quests
- Added Features: Untargetting Dead & Self
- Added Item Drops Blacklist
- Added Merge Panel Scrollboxes for length merge items
- Added Rank 10 Passives to CharpanelMC
- Added Travel Menu
- Added Try Me! buttons
- Added extra portrait options
- Also fixed the "up" scrollbar button not working in Bank & Merge Shop
- Removed temporary mutes from profanity and replaced them with censoring
Soon: Players who are 18+ years old will be toggle the profanity filter on/off.
Artix: Bonus Question.... 133spider? I need to know. How did you come up with that username?
Spider: My username actually takes me way back to when I first started PC gaming ever. When I went to register an account for an online game, I didn’t know what my username would be. My oldest sister came up with the mix of my birthday date (13th of September) and my favorite childhood superhero which was Spider-Man. She came up with “133spider” and I’ve used that name for the entire time I’ve been on the internet. So, my in-game name is “133spider”. Not to be confused with anyone else.
Artix: Like 1337spider...
Spider: Hah! I’ve seen people refer to me as 1337spider or even 123spider.
Artix: Your version is more French.... LeeSpider (le’Spider).
Spider: Actually, it is one three thee spider.
Artix: Well, now we know XD Merci beaucoup!