Design Notes
January 31, 2020
Featured Gear Set: Silent Wanderer
Now available in your Featured Gear Shop in the Game Menu
New Featured Gear Set: the Silent Wanderer! Crafted specially for you as we /party through our Yokai New Year celebration, the pieces of this terrifyingly beautiful set will be available until February 28th, before it goes rare forever.
The pieces of the set include:
- Silent Wanderer armor
- 8 different helms
- Scissor capes and weapons
- Butterfly Short Sword
- Silent Wanderer's Butterfly Defense cape
- Silent Wanderer's Butterfly Attack cape
- Blood Emperor Butterfly pet

January 31, 2020
This Weekend: Attack on Mythsong
Malgor's ShadowFlame Trolls are attacking Mythsong!
The Shadowflame Army has crashed onto the scene, wreaking havoc in the capital of Mythsong! His army of ShadowFlame Troll moshers smashing every crystal they come across as Malgor searching for a magical composition with the power to... CHANGE REALITY?! Your goal: find the song before Malgor's minions do and drive the invaders out of Mythsong, before the music stops... forever.
Prepare to face...
- ShadowFlame Trolls and Ur-Trolls
- Musical Mythsong monsters
- Oh'Garr the ShadowFlame Troll boss
ShadowFlame War Rewards
Battle to raise the war meter in /shadowsong. Every 25% on the war meter, 2 more quests will unlock. One quest will have pieces of the Shadowsong or ShadowCore Rocker armor sets. The other quest will have merge shop resources you can use to enchant your items, turning them into 0 AC color customizable gear!
Plus, get the war meter to 100% to unlock the boss battle. Take on Oh'Garr for a chance to get the following reward drops:
- Shadowsong Display Guitar house item
- Shadowcore Display Double Guitar house item (member-only)
- Smashy Brute pet (member-only)
- Mythsong Crystal house
Update: Kotaro's Crystals
If you were one of the heroes who farmed for Kotaro's Crystals of Power, Balance, Control, Chaos, Evil, and Good, this update is for you! Due to unforeseen delays, the rewards for collecting Kotaro's crystals will not release in January. They are currently set to release next month. Keep an eye on the Design Notes for more information.

January 31, 2020
February Calendar of Events
It's time to /party all month long!
February is a month of celebration... from the SuperBowl /party all the way to Hero's Heart Day and Carnival! Log in all month long for new holiday events, stories, and gear.
February 1 Obsidian Samurai seasonal set
February 2 Superbowl Sunday: Punt map and team sets
February 7 Into the Deep Challenge Boss + Duality Battlemage Upgrade Bonus
February 14 Seasonal Hero's Heart Day events return
February 18 Breaking Benjamin Battle Concert + rares shop
February 21 Battle Concert Treasure Chest boss + Wheel of Doom merge shop update
February 28 Hero's Heart Day / Carnival Double Event

January 27, 2020
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- The rat in /akibaCNY no longer has Bingwen's apop.
Art Fixes:
- Knight's Shag has been de-pixelated.
- Femme Fatale Morph ears have been checked and upsized.
- Infernal Cyber Doomknight male leg colour fixed.
- All 4 Party Outfits have been de-creased.
- Icestorm Warlord hand underwent a red removal.
- Cursed Jolly Roger Hat and Morph eyes fixed to no longer ... bug out.
Leaving Soon:
The following items will be leaving the game on Friday, January 31.
Drop Items:
Shadow Pyromancer
Quest Drop Items:
Cursed Chalice

January 25, 2020
Australia Day 2020
Celebrate the people and land of Australia
Australia is an amazingly beautiful land, with a vibrant culture and a history that stretches back nearly 60,000 years. A few years ago, one of our contest winners requested that the team create an Australia Day shop that everyone could enjoy. We thought her request was so generous, we had to make it happen. So this weekend, log in to find non-member, spiffy prezzies for gold in your Featured Gear Shop!
Today: the AUS-some Cape and Barry the Platypus pet (update: Barry has lost his formal top hat. This will be added tomorrow).
- the Formal Zoo Keeper armor + helm
- the Formal Kangaroo pets
- The Koala Companion and Formal Koala Companion Capes
And now, to get serious for just a minute. Earlier this week, the Dove and Verylrus (the heads of the DragonFable dev team) messaged with a dilemma. Their release for this weekend included a forest fire. Given that Australia is dealing with a very real emergency, they didn't want to appear insensitive. After brainstorming, we crafted the following post for the DF Design Notes:
Real World vs Videogame Worlds: Australia's Wildfires + How You Can Help
The story for this weekend's update -- which includes a forest fire as part of the plot -- was written well in advance. With the severe wildfires raging throughout Australia, the team debated changing our plans for tonight's release. We wouldn't want to come across as insensitive, or for you all to think we were capitalizing on the very real emergencies faced by the people and wildlife there.
We had three real options:
- Change the actual plot of the story
- Leave the plot as is, but revise the release date to a point in the future
- Call attention to what's happening, use this as a starting point for discussion, and let you know how you can help
The choice was clear. Our game stories don't always reflect the real world, but this time, it has, and we want to use that opportunity to educate players about what's happening in the real world and environment.
How the fires have impacted Australia
- Estimated 1 billion (with a b) animals may have been killed (due to the fires, dehydration, starvation, and habitat loss)
- Millions of acres have been burned
- Thousands of homes destroyed and people evacuated
- More than two dozen lives have been lost
If you'd like to help, we've checked out the following charities, and they are legit.
- St. Vincent de Paul society (helping evacuated families recover, providing food and clothing, etc)
- Country Fire Authority (Managing locals providing shelter for evacuated families)
- World Animal Protection (supporting local wildlife organizations across Australia)
- RSPCA New South Wales (evacuating animals to safety)
This is a global emergency, and it will impact more than Australia. We don't usually get quite so serious in our game design notes posts, but this is one of those times where you can be a hero in our videogames AND in the real world.
Doing Our Part to Help: A Donation In Your Name
We've received many messages asking how to help those affected by Australia's wildfires. We're making a a $500 donation on your behalf to to the RSPCA New South Wales, a charity helping rescue animals endangered by the wildfires. Thank you for enabling us to make this donation.

January 24, 2020
Darkon's Birthday Shop + Quests
Happy Belated Birthday, Darkon!
Darkon is a mysterious artifact collector who is willing to sell some of his collection... to make room for more "valuable" things. (In real life, HE is one of our most valuable artists, working primarily on AQ3D, but also on AQWorlds when we can steal him away for a week!)
Find him when you /join garden and check out what he's made for you!
Darkon's Rare Animated, Boosted Weapons
To help you bring the power AND pain, Darkon crafted a series of incredibly rare, powerful weapons. Find them in the Featured Gear Shop for a limited time. Each comes with a damage boost AND a chance to call down a rain of fiery comets.
Darkon's Debris 6: 1,500 AC
Boost: 12% damage to all,
1.5% chance for the comet animation to appear
Darkon's Debris 8: 2,000 AC
Boost: 15% damage to all,
2% chance for the comet animation to appear
Darkon's Debris 11: 1,200 AC
Boost: 10% damage to all,
1.2% chance for the comet animation to appear
The Darkon's Debris 6 and 11 are available in single and dual wield forms. Darkon's Debris 6 and 8 are also available as back items for 500 AdventureCoins each!
Darkon's Debris
This weekend, /join garden and talk to Darkon to begin his quests for THREE new armors and a couple helms. They are pretty wicked but... if you want them, you're going to have to WORK to get'em. Darkon's garden will expand later this year with even more quests, rewards, and areas to explore.

January 24, 2020
Happy New Year, Yokai Heroes!
Get Ready to /Party... Yokai Style
Yokai Isle blends many cultural elements from China, Japan, and other Asian countries to create one of the most popular zones in-game. So every year, we celebrate Yokai New Year in Akiba. This year is the Year of the Rat (and the colors green and blue) in the Yokai Calendar and Akiba’s new year celebration is getting disrupted by… SURPRISE!!!... an infestation of rodents.
Log in this weekend and help Empress Miko and Bronwin the Pied Piper drive these vermin OUT of Akiba! But be careful -- music may soothe the savage beast... or make it even ANGRIER!
/join akibacny and talk to Empress Miko to begin your adventure and get all the returning seasonal items!
This weekend's boss monster has a chance to drop:
- Ratnegade armor set
- Cheese daggers and Rat Bomb
- Ratnegade katana series
- Chibi Shu and Chibifar0 pets
- Yokai Peek-a Helms
- Shu Basket of Surprises cape
- Kawaii Yokai Hair helms
- Lán sè Sh Ninja armor set (member only)
- Lǜsè Shu armor set (available for all players)
- Foo Dog pets
- Parade weapons and accessories
- and more!
In AQW it has become tradition that we sell a Non-Member AC pet to go with the theme of the Yokai New year. This year it's the Darkon's Debris 2020 Pet... but you don't need to buy it. ANY player can /join garden and find it in his merge shop.
Yokai New Year Color Custom Rare Gear
It's not a /party without party favors! This year, we're celebrating Yokai's New Year with Rat-themed rewards! Inspired by the deadly ninja that stalk the isle of Yokai, find all our color-customizable rare event items in the Featured Gear Shop in your Game Menu

January 20, 2020
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
Transcendent BattleBlade of Tercessuinotlim has been made Member only. Sorry about the oops! Please stay tuned to Cemaros' Twitter for more information coming soon on this.
Map and/or dialog fixes at the following locations:
- Greenguard West
- Aria's Pet Shop
- Charred Path
- Pyrewatch
- Greymoor
Art Fixes:
- HypeFiend's Locks and HypeFiend's Locks + Eyemask now have unique art of their very own.
- Yin-Yang Street Wear and Yokai Street Wear got a spot removal done.
- Night Mare Scythe is flipped over now.
- Legion Jolly Roger Armor male now has a chest.
- Grip on Dual Fire and Ice Blades repositioned.
- HypeFiend's Runes re-centered.
- Gothika Vogue has had a few CC issues removed or reworked.
- Sandsea Enchanter arms are as fixed as they can get. This is an almost non-standard shoulder on the coat so it does look out of line in some positions.
- House items Vampiric Void Knight Guard, BloodVoid Knight Guard and Winged BloodVoid Knight Guard have been upsized a bit.
Not Fixed & Why:
- Paladin of Souls Hair and Paladin of Souls Morph Hair not blinking or being CC is to keep them the same as the OverSoul items.
- Enchanted Kitsune Katana flames being transparent are on purpose. They will be harder to see in some maps.
- Enchanted Void Awakening leg detaching during some movements is because Voids are non-standard.
The Big Bad No Class Error!
Chasing bugs is fun, right? Of course it is! It’s even more fun when you are chasing one which had previously known, but fairly rare, reasons for happening. And then suddenly it begins happening all over the place!
Recently, we’ve been getting an increased number of reports that players cannot fully load. In every one of these cases, it was due to having the temporary No Class equipped. In the past, this class would equip to your account if you were wearing a Legend class, and let your upgrade run out and not renewed it. Or if you were trying to exploit a glitch which did nothing but render your account unplayable until a Dev fixes you.
This is no longer the only reasons it happens now. We’ve recently come across a new way it has begun happening. There’s good news though! You can prevent it from happening to you!
First, let me give you a brief explanation of what happens when you obtain a class. During the session you obtain it in, the class will have 1 temporary class point on it. This is to tell the servers that “yes, this is an item”. When you log out and back in without ranking the class up any, this temporary point goes away, and your class now has 0 points. And this is where things get tricky. When an item is listed this way, the server doesn’t allow you to equip it.
So, what has been happening lately is a huge increase in improper saves while ranking a brand new class, resulting in the class being unequipped and the temporary No Class being equipped instead. We’re already looking at ways to make this stop.
The good news is you, Buggy Fans, can prevent improper saves!
When you obtain a new class, we would like to recommend that you first trigger a save state before you begin ranking it, and then shortly after you have any amount of class points on it.
The most effective ways of triggering a save state are:
- Buying or selling anything from your inventory.
- Changing a piece of armor, weapon or cape.
- Going to your house.
- Making sure you use the Logout button in the Options menu, not just clicking the X in the upper right corner. (This one is the most reliable and guaranteed to work!)
Yes, it takes a little extra clicking on your part until we can chase down the root cause and fix it. It saves you hours or possibly days of waiting to get fixed! So for now, please make sure when you obtain a new class, you are forcing save states to occur. THANK YOU!

January 17, 2020
Treasures of the Djinn Guardian
Log in and celebrate Crulon's Birthday!
Crulon is one of the guardians of the Djinn Realm... and also one of AQWorlds top item artists. He celebrated his real-life birthday earlier this month, and to share in the joy he felt, he’s created a host of new treasures for you! This weekend, log in and battle to find 12 elemental keys; find them all and the rewards are yours!
Plus, log in this weekend and find…
- New gear in Nulgath’s Birthday Shop/Collection
- New ArchFiend farming reward sets
- Permanent gallery shops added in /artistalley for item artist, Crulon, and map artist, Arlette
More Adventures in the Djinn Realm
Being a Djinn Guardian, you come across a LOT of mystical chests. Last year, Crulon found one locked with three magical seals. Decipher his riddles, locate the monsters, and fight to get the seals you need.
Talk to him in /djinn to begin his quests. Complete his Seal of Approval quest and to collect the pieces of the Serpent Knight gear. Find his Sandsea Enchanter set in his birthday shop or the Featured Gear shop in your game menu.
Real Life Quest: Wish him a happy birthday on Twitter!
Crulon, Guardian of the Djinn Realm, summons you!
Long ago, the Guardians of the Djinn Realm fought - and defeated - a powerful evil. But now, the seal binding Gedoz the Malignant has been shattered, and the Realm is once more under attack. Quest to recover the Guardians’ weapons and answer Crulon’s call to battle!
Log in and journey to the Djinn Realm to help stop Gedoz the Malignant and unlock out of this world rewards!
Djinn Realm Guardian Armor Sets
After you complete the story, battle to create the Djinn Realm Guardian armor sets shown below! Talk to Crulon to begin his Unseen Essences farming quest. There is a 10% chance to get the merge item resources from the quest, and an additional chance to get even more from each monster you kill!
Artist Alley Showcase: 2020 Edition
You cannot make a game without art! And some of the most talented artists I have ever met make (or have made) gear for you in AdventureQuest Worlds. We wanted to recognize their talent by giving each of them a space in-game to craft gear that they felt most showed who they are as artists. So /artistalley was born! The shops in our Featured Artist Alley contain gear by individual AQW team and community artists.
This weekend, /join artistalley to meet them and see all of the items they've crafted escpecially for you! We found Crulon, Arlette, Lae, Darkon, Kotaru, Dage the Evil, J6, Ghost, and many of our other artists when they began playing our games, just like you and all of the artists featured this weekend.
This weekend's artist alley update features:
- Crulon, Item Artist Extraordinaire
- Arlette, J6's landscape/map background apprentice
And if you're new to Artist Alley, don't miss the shops by our other artists:
- Aegis, Aranx, and Arklen
- Blade, Dage, and Diozz
- Ghost, Hizu, J6, and Jemini
- Memet, Mido, and Nulgath
- Roroth, Solrac, and Veneeria
- Vokun and Zoshi
- Lae, Tyronius, Kotaro
- Bido, Ferozakh, PP2, and Hikari

January 13, 2020
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Cutscene at /darksun typo fixed.
- Robina has been lectured about flirting and has agreed to stop winking at folks in the Infernal Invasion travel map.
- Crested TideWalker's Wrap can now be bought in the collection chest.
A few items had to be removed from from Yulgar’s Dual Wield Shop. The Dual Wield and Dual Wield Drop Off shops now match for items in them.
- Blade of the Fallen
- Destiny Dragon Blade
- Grimlord Blade of Nulgath
- Legion Flesh Ripper
- Oblivion Blade of Nulgath
- Ragnarok
- Sanguine
- Soul Ripper
- WarpForce Black Beamsword
- Golden Flintlock Pistol
- J6 Wedding Shotgun
- Legion Vampire Scythe
- Soul Harvester Spear
- Vampwing

January 13, 2020
2019 Honorable Hero Rewards
Log in to get your Honorable Hero Prize
As a way of saying "thanks!" to the AQWorlds heroes who did not get muted or banned in 2018, and as an incentive to keep following the rules in 2020, we are awarding players who helped keep AQWorlds a positive, fun, and family-friendly game!
What's an honorable hero, you ask? Good question! They are what true in-game heroes and role models are, and we want to reward them for a year's worth of good behavior... with 500 FREE AdventureCoins and a character page badge!
Starting today, if your hero account meets the following requirements:
- Did not receive a 24 hour or longer in-game mute or ban in 2019
- Not currently disabled
- Logged in between January 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2019
- Level 11 or higher
- Created your account before January 1st, 2020
You'll get 500 AdventureCoins and a character page badge on your next daily login (automatic awards are added the first time you log in for the day).
When will I get my prize?
The fastest, easiest way to get you your rewards is to automatically give them to you the next time you log in after the daily server reset. Servers reset at midnight EST. So if you are logging into AQWorlds for the first time today, you'll see your award. If you already logged into the game today, you'll get your rewards when you log in tomorrow.

January 10, 2020
Nulgath's Birthday Shop + Collection
Unlock 60+ rare items in Nulgath's Birthday Collection
Nulgath the ArchFiend’s birthday celebration is this weekend, and we want everyone to get in on the /party! Join us as we bring back his seasonal birthday gear and a new shop FULL of wicked rare items! And for all you real-life rare hunters, the first-ever Nulgath Collection Chest is here! Get all of the event rare gear, including bank pets, 8 armor sets, and a rare character page badge for 10,000 ACs! (Over 20,000 ACs worth of gear)
This week, Nulgath's Collection Chest unlocks over 45 items, including:
- Nulgath's Larvae Gift Pet (with a quest for the exclusive character page badge)
- Nulgath's Fiendish Gift Bank Pet
- Trascendent of Tercessuinotlim armor set
- Dragon Tamer of Tercessuinotlim armor set
- HypeFiend of Nulgath armor set
- Underworld Heretic armor set
- Void TideWalker armor set
Next week, the rest of Nulgath's Birthday rare gear will be added to your chest:
- Jolly Void Pirate armor set
- OverSoul Paladin armor set (with and without shield variants)
- Evolved Legacy of Nulgath armor set
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Frostval Collection chest will also be available to buy individually in Nulgath's birthday shop.
Rare Farming sets
Next week, several additional farming sets will be added as we continue celebrating Nulgath's birthday! The following sets will be available in Nulgath's Birthday Rares Shop / collection chest OR by completing Nulgath's quests (so if you've been stocking up on your Diamonds and other resources... get ready)!
- Evolved Legacy of Nulgath armor set
- Transcendent of Tercessuinotlim armor set
- Hypefiend of Nulgath armor set*
The permanent farming addition, Void Cowboy armor set will also be added.**
* This armor set was accidentally left off of the list last week. The chest/shop variants will receive boosts to the existing set. (edited 14 jan 20)
** This armor was accidentally listed as rare. It is a permanent armor.

January 10, 2020
Nulgath's Birthday Returns
New Birthday Rares, Farming Rewards, and a new Story!
Nulgath the ArchFiend, lord of the OverSoul, has gathered around him many followers, creatures, and allies over the centuries. This weekend, as we celebrate Nulgath’s birthday once more, log in and battle to uncover more information about one of his mysteriously silently minions, the sentient Rock Beast known only as… Crag.
Talk to Bamboozle in /cragglerock to begin your quest. Collect special gems for his best boulder bud to earn the special gear that only a powered-up Crag can create.
Complete Bamboozle's quests to reawaken (or at least... partially /heal) Crag to collect stones for his merge shop and to rank up the new CraggleRock faction.
And if you're a true member of Nulgath's Nation, you'll want to find Lae in the /tercessuinotlim zone! He's got a bounty of new gear for you... IF you can pay his price. All crafted by Yo Lae for members of Nulgath's Nation to celebrate the ArchFiend's birthday!
Nulgath's Seasonal Birthday Shop Returns
Last year, in honor of the Flame Dragon Invasion, we brought 1Nulgath's Void Rebirth and Void Awakening sets from OverSoul into AQWorlds. These sets will return every year for his birthday, as our way of helping all his fans celebrate!
Nulgath's seasonal Birthday Shop features:
- Void Rebirth armor set
- Void Awakening armor set
- Shielded variants of both armors
- Nulgath's Bounty Hunter Drone Pet (with two quests)
- Nulgath's Birthday Gift Pet (with one quest)
Next week, even more gear will be added to celebrate Nulgath's birthday, including the Void Jolly Roger set, the OverSoul Paladin, the Void Cowboy, and more!
Not sure who Nulgath is? Read on!
Nulgath the ArchFiend is the in-game persona for Nulgath-the-team-member, one of AQWorlds' original artists. Though he no longer works regularly for Artix Entertainment, his art style (prevalent in early AQW and featured in Oversoul) and the character itself remain hugely popular with many of our long-time heroes. To recognize their dedication and enjoyment, we hold an event in-game each year to celebrate the character and give them a hefty dose of the gear they love.
Honorable Hero 2020 moved to next week
It has been a CRAZY week! Reens (the dev in charge of weekly releases, item set-up, and testing) set up over 150 items sent in by our artists, updated 11 in-game maps, and set-up 24 quests... Her gift to Nulgath's Nation and the ArchFiend himself is a mighty one. Now, all that's left is for you to enjoy it!
But because of just how huge this week was, to keep the team sane, we've shifted the Honorable Hero 2019 awards to next week.

January 03, 2020
It's Time to Bring in the New Year
But the Spirit of 2019 is NOT READY to let go
The Chrono-Phoenix is a part-organic, part-mechanical creature created to track the cyclical death and re-birth of the year. But its gears are going haywire, and if you don't help Lucca the Chronomancer fix it, 2020 might NEVER arrive!
Once you finish battling the 2020 Ball monster in our /newyear map, head to /chronophoenix to begin our new New Year event!
- Help Lucca the Chronomancer extinguish the rampant Chrono Phoenix flames
- Stabilize the rift in spacetime
- Defeat rogue Chrono Assistants
- Battle the Spirit of 2019 and the ChronoPhoenix itself!
Our Featured New Year Gear: Monster Drops + Holiday Shops
We have 32 (!!!) new holiday monster drops ready and waiting for you this weekend! Plus, find 31 more RARE holiday items in our Featured Gear and New Year's shops, only available until January 31st!
- Boss drops: ChronoPhoenix Guard armor set + pet
- Monster drops: Spirit of 2019 pet + morph helm and the Battle Party Gear armor set
Find the rare Silver Party Outfit in your Featured Gear Shop along with the Aurora and Twilght armor sets until January 31st!

January 03, 2020
January 2020 Event Calendar
A Month of Good, Evil, and Birthdays!
January is here! That means it's a new year and a new decade. But there's one thing that never changes -- EVIL! In AQWorlds, this month is also a month of BIRTHDAYS! We're celebrating the new year and a host of AE team member and guest artist birthdays, including Nulgath, Crulon, Kotaro, Hikari, and (belatedly) Darkon. The adventures will continue all month long, so gear up and get ready to /SLAY!
January 1: New Year's 2020 update + January ArchFiend Overlord Seasonal Set
January 3: Chrono Phoenix story + BloodVoid Knight of Nulgath upgrade bonus gear + Free AC gift
January 10: Nulgath's Birthday: "Who or WHAT is... Crag?!" + Nulgath Birthday Rares + Honorable Hero 2019
January 17: Crulon's Birthday Scavenger Hunt + Artist Alley update + more
January 24: Yokai New Year celebration + new items in the Featured Gear Shop + more
January 31: The Shadows are growing restless... Malgor has been silent for too long.

January 03, 2020
Become a BloodVoid Knight of Nulgath
Our neweset upgrade bonus set is now available!
Nulgath the ArchFiend's BloodVoid Knights are used to hunt his unluckiest prey.They hide in the shadows, waiting until just the right moment to strike in his name. Unlock all 24 items in the color-customizable BloodVoid Knight of Nulgath armor set when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.
Pack Details
Choose the color-customizable BloodVoid Knight of Nulgath pack to unlock all 24 pieces of the set, including:
- BloodVoid Knight of Nulgath armor
- Vampiric Knight of Nulgath armor
- 7 helms
- 3 capes
- 7 weapons
- BloodVoid Greatsword Blade Pet
- BloodVoid Knight's Orb Pet (with a quest for 3 additional Knight House Guards)
- Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the BloodVoid Knight of Nulgath bonus set on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the BloodVoid Knight of Nulgath gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the BloodVoid Knight of Nulgath gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Upgrade to unlock your choice of exclusive bonuses
When you buy any AC or membership pack worth $10 USD or more, you'll be able to choose one of the following bonus sets:
- BloodVoid Knight of Nulgath sets
- GlacialFrost Royalty
- Apocalyptic Werepyre armor sets
- ShadowFlame DragonMage and Enchanged DragonMage
- Galactic and Solar Pirate Commanders
- Yami no Akuma / Hikari no Akuma and floating Guardians
- Infernal Invoker / Enchanted Invoker / Legion Pyromancer
- DoomDragon's Master mount/rider armors
- Infinity Titan Class / Throne / House
- Galactic Captain / Galactic Battle Pilot
- Paragon Fiend / Legion Paragon Fiend Rider
- Akiban Defender
- Copper Void ChronoKnight
- Golden Northlands Royalty
Fans of Nulgath the ArchFiend's Void series, don't miss the Copper Void ChronoKnight set upgrade bonus set. It's the perfect blend of Nulgath's style and our New Year event theme! Find this gear along with all the rest listed above in your account manager.
With our upgrade pack bonuses, you get even more options and choices in your rewards. Plus, each time you upgrade, you get to choose a new reward!
Important Details
- ALL of the upgrade bonus gear for a set will be available when you buy an AC or membership pack worth $10 USD.
- Each time you upgrade, you'll be able to choose another bonus set. If you've already unlocked all the available sets, once a new one releases, you'll be able to choose it immediately.
If you buy a 12,000 AC or 12 month membership pack, in addition to choosing an upgrade bonus set, you'll also get 7x Game Boosts, a character page badge, plus 10 Wheel of Doom Fortune Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs).
Last Chance to get up to 50% more free AdventureCoins!
Our 2019 Holiday AC Bonus Event ends this Monday! Get up to 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins when you buy any Adventure package until January 6th. All our Frostval holiday event rare gear also leaves Monday, January 6th, so now's the best time to top up your ACs and get even more for free.
The bigger the AC package you buy, the more free AdventureCoins you'll get!
12000 AC pack: 6000 extra ACs (50% more ACs)
5000 AC pack: 2000 extra ACs (40% more ACs)
2000 AC pack: 500 extra ACs (25% more ACs)
900 AC pack: 100 extra ACs (11% more ACs)
* Note: bonus AdventureCoins are only available with AdventureCoin packages. The special bonus offer does not apply to membership packages.

January 03, 2020
New Year's Gift: 500 Free AdventureCoins
Confirm your email to unlock your New Year's 2020 gift of free ACs!
Every year, we award free AdventureCoins to all of our heroes who have been battling alongside us through the winter events... and we wanted to start 2020 off right with FREE AdventureCoins! Starting tonight, we are giving 500 FREE AdventureCoins to all heroes with a confimed email address as our way of saying "thanks!" for logging in and participating in the releases we've created for you!
To unlock the free ACs, you'll need to:
- Have a confirmed email address
- Make sure your character is level 10 or higher
- Log in at before January 31st, 2020
- Enjoy your free 500 ACs!
Make sure you have a confirmed email address and log into your game account before January 31st! If your email is already confirmed, THANKS! If you have not already logged in today, you can log in NOW to get them immediately. (If you have already logged in today, the ACs will be awarded the next time you log in starting tomorrow, Janaury 4th)
Not sure if your email is confirmed? Log in to your Account Manager (Make sure the URL you use is to avoid scam sites).
You should see:
Need to update your AQW Account with an active email address?
- Head to
- Enter your Username and Password, then Login
- Click on the Change Email link on the left
- Insert your New Email, and Retype New Email, and Submit (see picture below)
- In a bit, you should have an email in your inbox from: AdventureQuest Worlds MMORPG ([email protected]) with a subject line of: =AQW= AdventureQuest Worlds Confirmation
Confirm that you will get the AQW Weekly Newsletter
- Go back to
- Enter your Username and Password, then Login
- Click on the Newsletter link on the left.
- If your Status reads as "unconfirmed" please click: Resend Email (see picture below)
- In a little while, you should have an email in your inbox from: AdventureQuest Worlds MMORPG ([email protected]) with a subject line of: =AQW= AdventureQuest Worlds Confirmation
- Click the “CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT” link in that email and you’re all set!

January 01, 2020
January Seasonal Set: ArchFiend OverLord
Available every year from January 1st - 31st
January is a month of new beginnings and birthdays in AQWorlds! To help ALL our heroes celebrate the new year and Nulgath's birthday, this month's seasonal set features the ArchFiend OverLord.
January Set: ArchFiend OverLord
Starting this Tuesday at 12:01 AM EST (that's server time), unlock the ArchFiend OverLord armor and all its accessories!
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 5,400 ACs, so getting all the gear from the Northern Wanderers pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 3,400 ACs).
The set includes:
- ArchFiend OverLord Armor
- 5 helms
- 7 capes
- 7 weapons
- character page badge
Seasonal Set Details
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
Seasonal Sets
January: ArchFiend OverLord
February: Obsidian Samurai
March: Legion Warseeker
April: Bio-War Cultist
May: Lord of the J-Sixth + Lightning Lich Lord
June: ShadowZard Mount + Rider
July: Flameborn + Underworld Summoner
August: Urban Assassins
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December: Northern Wanderer
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus?
Monthly upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY January, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in 2019, or 2020, or 2021, etc.
If this isn't the monthly upgrade bonus, what IS the bonus in January?
The next upgrade bonus will be available starting January 3rd, and contains the BloodVoid and Vampiric Knights of Nulgath set.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through January 31st.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.