Design Notes
May 26, 2023
New Featured Rare Sets
This Weekend: Memes and Mastery
As May draws to a close, we have one final meme-themed set for you, along with a blindingly bright set for heroes dedicated to battling the darkness... and whatever waits deep below the waves. This weekend, find the Celestial Templar Guardian set in your Featured Gear Shop until June 30th, 2023.
Celestial Templar Guardian
Sworn to protect and serve, the Celestial Templar Guardians will defend any who seek refuge from the terrors that lurk in the Shadows.
- Celestial Templar Guardian armor
- Ascended + regular Aegis of Light Wings
- 3 helms
- Battle Staff of Strength
- Bright Glaive of Guardianship
- Purified Accoutrements of Protection
- Bright Blade of Protection (single + dual-wield)
Don't miss our May Meme Sets
You got 99 problems but your STONKS ain't one. You asked for it, so here they are, for a limited time: May Meme sets! Find the all-new Judgemental Spectator set, plus the Satisfied Hero + Villain sets, the GigaShad(owslayer) set, and more in your Geatured Gear Shop until June 9th.
Judgemental Spectator
Not bad, not bad. No monsters are attacking, no squires are dropping the ball in the latest football match... Things are going -- WHAT ARE YOU DOING. Ugh. I spoke too soon.
- Judgemental Spectator Form*
- Contented Spectator armor
- Judgemental Spectator Morph helm
- Judgemental Spectator House Guard
* Armor has unique meme-themed pose while idle, changes on move.
Satisfied Meme Hero
Number go up! Number go down. RNG worst in town.
- Satisfied Trader Hero Suit
- Dissatisfied Trader Hero Suit
- Satisfied Meme Moglin Morph Helm
- STONKS UP GOOD cape (animated)
- NOT STONKS BAD cape (animated)
- Satisfied Corporate Trader Suit
- Dissatisfied Corporate Trader Suit
- Smirking Meme Villain Morph
- Satisfied Trader and Corporate Trader House Guests
- STONKS UP and NOT STONKS display wall items
Plus, find the...
- Gigashadowslayer set
- Cool, Cooler, and Coolest Swords
- Mutated Blade of the Truth*
- Apocryphal Nightmare Hunter Blade*

May 26, 2023
Safety in the Sunlight...?
The Age of Ruin Saga continues this weekend
Beware the whispers from the deep, reaching for your mind... Something is not right in Sea Base Undine, but never fear! Queen Victoria's underwater research lab is completely safe. Staffed by a host of scientists and clerics, they serve the greater good by seeking advances in medical and defensive technology. Log in this weekend and journey deep below the waves as the Age of Ruin Saga continues in the /sunlightzone!
WARNING: Information regarding experimental subject Kathool is restricted. Situation Normal. Base Defenses: 100%
This weekend, log in for:
- Age of Ruin Saga: Voice in the Sea II in /sunlightzone
- New reward sets in Termina Temple and Genesis Garden, new reward drop in Ashray
- New Featured Rares: Celestial Templar Guardian + the final meme set, the Judgemental Spectator
- Saturday's Daily Gifts: Righteous Paladin Wings
- Sunday's Daily Gifts: Twig's Totally FUN-ctional Fishmatronic house item
- Get double Gold, Rep, EXP, and Class Points all weekend long!
Don't miss the any of our upcoming events and releases of this month's update. Bookmark our weekly event here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Voice in the Sea Reward Gear
This weekend, we've got a bounty of new rewards for you, in each of the Age of Ruin: Voice of the Sea zones released so far! Read on to see what you can unlock, and how, then head in-game and get your battle on!
Sea Base Undine Sets
Collect Sunzone Chits and Undine Base Scrip to create:
- Fa's Casual Ensemble armor (color-customizable)
- Mi's Casual Ensemble armor (color-customizable)
- Mi, Fa, and Song's helms
- Undine Doctor armor
- Undine Defence Director armor
- Undine Researcher armor
- Stern Song House Guest floor item
- Tara's Temporary Rest Guest floor item
- Disgruntled Mi Guest floor item
- Disgruntled Song Guest floor item
Battle Cleric of the Dragon Set
Talk to Lady Celestia in /terminatemple. Complete her quests and defeat Termina Defenders to gather Termina Sigils and DragonGuard Badges, then create the pieces of the set in her merge shop.
Jus Divinum Lieutentant Set
Head to the /genesisgarden to unlock the Jus Divinum Lieutenant armor, helm, and cloak! The set is in the Genesis Garden Merge shop and will require the base armor/helm/cape to create, plus the Jus Divinum Scale from the Wheel of Fortune quest.
New Member-only pet drops
- Defeat the Spectral Jellyfish in the /sunlightzone
- Defeat the Ghostly Eel in /ashray

May 26, 2023
Baby Fluffy the Dracolich is waiting...
Log in now to get your free rare pet
We know you have been through a lot this year. As the saying goes, you fight fire with fire, so to combat doom and dread, we're bringing you... an a-D'AWWW-rable new 0 AC pet: Baby Fluffy the Dracolich is rising to the occasion.
How to unlock your gift
- Log in and /join Museum
- Talk to Valencia and click button for Special Codes
- Enter code: DoomDracolich
- Claim your prize!
The pet will be available from Valencia until Friday, June 2nd, when the release rolls live.

May 26, 2023
May the Fourth Be With You
Final Weekend to battle through May holiday events
Our out-of-this-world MogWars gear and seasonal adventures returned earlier this month, along with an all-new adventure featuring Baby Twiggu. This weekend is your last chance to battle through all our May the Fourth holiday zones to collect the seasonal gear and battle the bosses. Running out, time is. Log in, you must.
Conquer our holiday + pop-culture parody before it is too late!
- /join Mayhub: new hub town with links to this month's holiday events + May staff birthday NPCs!
- /join murdermoon for this year's Baby Twiggu farming quests
- Fight the Frogzard in /battleontown to get our new Cinco de Mayo set
Don't miss any of our May the Fourth maps:
- Murdermoon: expanded with this weekend's reward farming adventure!
- Zorbaspalace
- Zorbaspit
This is the Way... to Wicked Rewards
All of the items below were crafted for you by AQW artist, D Black Star to help you celebrate this one-of-a-kind holiday. Each of the sets below draws inspiration from the Star Wars universe and then fuses it with elements from AdventureQuest Worlds.
- Zardian Pilot set: monster drop from this weekend's new event in /murdermoon
- Astravian Enforcer set: merge shop set in /murdermooon
- Grievous Fiend set: available for a limited time in the Featured Gear Shop
- Galactic Gladinster set: a rare daily gift drops arriving this weekend
- Galactic Makai pet + Grievous Spear: daily gift items arriving later this month

May 19, 2023
New Featured Rare Sets
This Weekend: Forces of Light & Dark
May the Fourth may only be one day long, but here in AdventureQuest Worlds, we celebrate this pop-culture internet holiday ALL MONTH LONG! This weekend, we've added even MORE intergalatic items to the Featured Rare Gear Shop. Find the Grievous Fiend Spear, Underworld Fifth Master and NovaStriker sets available until June 16th, 2023.
Underworld Fifth Master Set
A powerful fouth wielder that has embraced ambition and greed, leader of the Sunless Sabers. Though they're peerless in skill and cruelty, the Fifth Empire commands them at their own peril. The Sunless sabers ultimately only serve themselves.
- Underworld Fifth Master
- Sunless Master's Hair + Locks*
- Sunless Saber Hooded Visor
- Sunless Saber Hood
- Underworld Fifth Master Cape
- Sunless Master Saber (single + dual-wield)
- Sunless Master Twin Saber (single + dual-wield)
Nova Striker Set
Nova Strikers, so named for their craving to kill stars. And they must kill these celestial bodies, or they and their devestating power will fade as quickly as a shooting star.
- Nova Striker Armor
- Nova Striker Faceguard
- Nova Striker Visor
- Nova Striker Wings
- Nova Striker's Armored Wings
- Nova Striker's Blade
- Nova Striker's Armblades
Don't Miss Last Week's Rare Sets
You got 99 problems but your STONKS ain't one. You asked for it, so here they are: May Meme sets! Gear up to celebrate May with new main story updates, improvements in Dwarfhold Keep, and now... Memes! Find the all-new Satisfied Hero + Villain sets, the GigaShad(owslayer) set, and more in your Geatured Gear Shop until June 9th.
Satisfied Meme Hero
Number go up! Number go down. RNG worst in town.
- Satisfied Trader Hero Suit
- Dissatisfied Trader Hero Suit
- Satisfied Meme Moglin Morph Helm
- STONKS UP GOOD cape (animated)
- NOT STONKS BAD cape (animated)
- Satisfied Corporate Trader Suit
- Dissatisfied Corporate Trader Suit
- Smirking Meme Villain Morph
- Satisfied Trader and Corporate Trader House Guests
- STONKS UP and NOT STONKS display wall items
GigaShadowSlayer Set
A GigaShadowSlayer is known by the size of their chin... or grin. They are so fierce and feared that no shirt can contain their dark power.
- GigaShadowSlayer armor
- UltraShad's Chin + Grin helms
- UltraShad's Chin + Cap (male / female)
Plus, find the...
- Cool, Cooler, and Coolest Swords
- Mutated Blade of the Truth*
- Apocryphal Nightmare Hunter Blade*

May 19, 2023
Return to Dwarfhold
New Gear + Polish Updates added to Dwarfhold
This weekend, the miners of Dwarfhold Keep (and their gems) get a polish update! We streamlined the flow of the storyline quests, added explanations and changed how some of the "invisible quests" were set-up to make it easier for new players to progress through the zone. We've also added quests and rewards for all you experienced heroes to enjoy!
Log in now for:
- Exodus Guardian Pack
- Dwarfhold Saga Remastered: experience + art improvements
- 3 new reward sets in Dwarfhold from Bro Nez and Ty Tanium
- Blood Ancient Class update + armor
This weekend's daily gifts:
- Saturday: Drakel Warlord set from Warlord Pax in /deathpitarena
- Sunday: Dark Astravian General Lance from Creature 35 in /garden
- Get double EXP all weekend long
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
These New Sets Will be Mine(d)!
Talk to Bro Nez and Ty Tanium in /dwarfhold. These dwarven Prospectors have new quests for all heroes, and gear you can create... if you work hard enough. Plus, a new set just for high-level heroes with gold to spare.
Dwarfhold Merge Shop
If a Dwarfhold Prospector is respected enough to wear gold, then they have enough experience to appraise gems by feeling in the dark alone. The googles are more for eye protection than magnifying what's in their sight.
- Armored Dwarfkeep Prospector
- Dwarfhold Prospector's Braided Beard
- Dwarfhold Prospector's Spectacles (male + female variants)
- Practical Dwarfhold Rucksack
- DwarfHold Geometric Silver Axe (single + dual wield)
- Gilded DwarfHold Prospector
- Gilded Prospector's Braided Beard
- Gilded Prospector's Goggles (male + female variants)
- Versatile Dwarfhold Rucksack
- Honored Gilded Axe (single + dual wield)
High-level Heroes: this one's for you! Talk to Gole Den in /dwarfhold to begin The Empty Mountains Cold quest. Requirements: Level 75+, rank 10 Dwarfhold Rep, and a LOT of gold! Completing the quest will unlock the entire Aureate Aegis set.
Aureate Aegis Set
A new breed of warrior was born in the unforgiving darkness of the mountain's veins. Chaos Lord Vath's conquest will not happen again, even if the Dwarves must risk the mountain's fury by draining enchanted gold from its heart.
- Aureate Aegis Armor
- Aureate Shield Aegis (armor w/ built-in shield)
- Aureate Aegis Mask
- Aureate Aegis Cloak
- Aureate Aegis Cloak and Sword
- Incandescent Back Claymore
- Incandescent Claymore (single + dual wield)
Blood Ancient Class Update
In addition to our Dwarfhold improvements, we updated the Blood Ancient Class skills, added the armor, and revised the quests for members that haven't completed them yet.
Blood Ancient Revisions
Blood Ancient, one of our member-only classes, has been completely reworked into a mid to late-game dodge class that utilizes the HP bar in order to strengthen itself.
The original version of Blood Ancient didn't fill any particular roles, nor did it feel like it was embodying the strength of multiple vampire warlords. Therefore, the Blood Ancient rework aims to bring a fresh take to dodge classes, while also giving it a more vampire-like feel.
Farming Method Changed
To reflect Blood Ancient's new power level, the latter half of the Blood Ancient farming quests have been updated and the quest line now has a level 50 requirement to begin it. The class now also only requires x1 Ancient Vitae to merge it instead of 25. Finally, like previous reworks, anyone who already has the class gets to keep it with its new skills!
How to unlock the Blood Ancient Class Armor:
- /join Safiria
- Talk to Orlok
- Shop requires membership + level 50+
You can read more about the changes here.

May 19, 2023
Become an Exodus Guardian
Unlock the Full Set for a Limited Time
The world you battle through was created when the timelines of several other universes merged. But sometimes, relics of the past still find their way to our world. This weekend, log in and find the Exodus Guardian in Battleon. Unlock the entire set when you buy the titan-sized house guard for 2,000 AdventureCoins. Equip it in your house to access his shop full of rare, 0 AC gear. The Exodus Guard items will be available until June 16th.
Exodus Guard Set
A tear in space lead to a neverending fall, where shadows writhe and titans rage. Though a Dragonlord travelled through time to quell the wrath of their kin, still others wait for their chance to devour the sun.
- Exodus Guardian House Guard
- Exodus Guardian
- Exodus Guardian's Horns
- Exodus Guardian's Skull
- Exodus Guardian's Portal
- Exodus Guardian's Blade
- Exodus Guardian's Scythe
- Banished Spirit Cape (color-customizable to Accessory)
The Exodus Guard will DOMINATE your home, intimidating everyone you know, have known, or will ever know.

May 12, 2023
Age of Ruin: Voice in the Sea, Pt 1
Our New Main Story continues in Ashray Village
Voices from the depths are bubbling to the surface O_O... With your new headquarters in the Temple of Light set up, the time has come to seek other Elemental Champions. Varga's guidance leads you to the fishing village of Ashray, where secrets old and new will be uncovered in the ebbing tides. Log in this weekend as we continue our new main story, the Age of Ruins!
This weekend, /join ashray to continue your adventures!
- Explore the village of Ashray to find Aria and your allies
- Investigate the strange sounds you're hearing near the shore
- Assist a perfectly real doctor with real credentials
Don't miss the any of our upcoming events and releases of this month's update.
Bookmark our weekly event here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Ashray Village Rewards
Complete the Doctor's quest to learn more, then talk to Talis the Seaview Innkeeper in Ashray Village. He's got a bounty of gear left by previous visitors to his Inn. Bring him items in trade and he might just make a deal.
- Ashray Villager Armor
- Gold-trimmed Tricorn
- Ashray Lass' Locks
- Gemme Numari Bandana (male + female)
- Stingray Leather Sheath + Blade
- Seaview Inn Mug (single + dual wield)
- Ashray Pyromancer + Merchant Mariner armors
- Ashray Defender's Hair + Locks
- Blazing Defender Parrot Pal cape
- Ashray Defender's Hook
May Event Calendar Update Delayed
Hello all! In the lead-up to my vacation this week, I ran out of time to get everything onto the May event calendar. My apologies! I'll be back on Monday, and will get everything caught up ASAP. It was a much needed break with visiting family members. They've gone home, and I'll be glad to get back to the lab, working with the team, and updating all of you.
This weekend, log in for:
- The first two May Meme sets
- Part 1 of the Age of Ruin Saga: Illusive Tides
- New pirate-themed reward gear in Ashray Village
- Saturday's Daily Gifts: Rouge Raider Set
- Sunday's Daily Gifts: Cybermonk Set
- Get double Gold all weekend long!

May 12, 2023
This Weekend: May Meme Gear
New Featured Rare Gear Available for a Limited Time
You got 99 problems but your STONKS ain't one. You asked for it, so here they are: May Meme sets! Gear up to celebrate May with new main story updates, improvements in Dwarfhold Keep, and now... Memes! Find the all-new Satisfied Hero + Villain sets, the GigaShad(owslayer) set, and more in your Geatured Gear Shop until June 9th.
Satisfied Meme Hero
Number go up! Number go down. RNG worst in town.
- Satisfied Trader Hero Suit
- Dissatisfied Trader Hero Suit
- Satisfied Meme Moglin Morph Helm
- STONKS UP GOOD cape (animated)
- NOT STONKS BAD cape (animated)
- Satisfied Corporate Trader Suit
- Dissatisfied Corporate Trader Suit
- Smirking Meme Villain Morph
- Satisfied Trader and Corporate Trader House Guests
- STONKS UP and NOT STONKS display wall items
GigaShadowSlayer Set
A GigaShadowSlayer is known by the size of their chin... or grin. They are so fierce and feared that no shirt can contain their dark power.
- GigaShadowSlayer armor
- UltraShad's Chin + Grin helms
- UltraShad's Chin + Cap (male / female)
Plus, find the...
- Cool, Cooler, and Coolest Swords
- Mutated Blad of the Truth*
- Apocryphal Nightmare Hunter Blade*
Don't Miss Last Week's Rare Sets
The Alliance has almost completely shattered, but you must not let yourself be distracted. Threats await you, no matter what alignment you are. Gear up with good and evil battlemage sets from your Featured Gear Shop, then head begin exploring Termina Temple as we start the next chapter of our main story. Find our two new new rare sets and more in your Featured Gear Shop in the game menu for AdventureCoins until May 26th.
Swordhaven Cleric Set
Clerics raised and trained in Swordhaven, a Kingdom that protects the weak and the trapped. They are a welcome sight in every home, castle, and even prisons. Everyone has a right to be healed and live well.
- Swordhaven Cleric Armor
- Mystical Cleric's Hood
- Enchanted Cleric's Wrap
- Blinding Hammer of Light (single + dual wield)
The armor, helm, and cape are color-customizable to Base, Trim, and Accessory. The Hammers are color-customizable to Base and Accessory.
BeastBane BattleMage
Ruthless as the beasts whose hides they've taken for their own, these battlemages hunt apex predators and legends. The more they devour, the more powerful their magic grows.
- BeastBane Battlemage armor
- Beastbane Battle Helm + Locks
- Furled Beastbane Wings
- Wings of the Beastbane (25% class points boost)*
- Beastbane's Blood Blade (25% gold boost)*
- Beastbane's Blood Blades (25% rep boost)*
- Beastbane's Blood Spear (25% XP boost)*
* originally released in EpicDuel

May 05, 2023
May's Elemental Chronomancer is here
Elemental Chronomancer of Nature available all month long
April showers bring May flowers, and that's why it's time to get ELEMENTAL with... the Chronomancer of Nature! Find our newest addition to the seasonal Elemental Chronomancer series in your Featured Gear Shop until May 31st.
The Elemental Chronomancer of Nature set contains:
- 1 Armor
- 2 Helms**
- 1 Rune back cape
- 1 Ground rune
- 1 Polearm
The Rune back cape each month will be available for free players so you can collect them all!
Seasonal Set Schedule
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
January: | Chronomancer of Lore |
February: | Chronomancer of Love |
March: | Chronomancer of Darkness |
April: | Chronomancer of Energy |
May: | Chronomancer of Nature |
June: | Chronomancer of Light |
July: | Chronomancer of Fire |
August: | Chronomancer of Wind |
September: | Chronomancer of Water |
October: | Chronomancer of Chaos*** |
November: | Chronomancer of the Void*** |
December: | Chronomancer of Ice*** |
* Have you noticed the Elemental Lords growing more involved in our world... and with your Hero? O_O
**You can click to show/hide the goggles and mask on each helm in the Darkness set.
*** And as an added bonus during the holidays... the Elemental Chronomancer of Dessert will also arrive. Because Twig's Plane of Breakfast is riddled with boulders of ice cream and rivers of hot fudge... just to help you stay in the /party mood.

May 05, 2023
Revenge of the Fifth
Our May the Fourth Event Continues this weekend!
Yesterday, all our out-of-this-world MogWars gear and seasonal adventures returned. This weekend, log in as our May the Fourth celebration continues in... The Cries of Twiggu! When the Fifth Lord Sepulchure's minions mog-nap baby Twiggu, he was lucky enough to be (mostly) rescued by the Fourth Spirit. But she can't leave, and it's imperative you get Baby Twiggu home safely. Your quest this is. Succeed, you must.
Your quest to conquer our holiday + pop-culture parody update begins now!
- /join Mayhub: new hub town with links to this month's holiday events + May staff birthday NPCs!
- /join murdermoon for this year's Baby Twiggu farming quests
- Fight the Frogzard in /battleontown to get our new Cinco de Mayo set
Don't miss any of our May the Fourth maps:
- Murdermoon: expanded with this weekend's reward farming adventure!
- Zorbaspalace
- Zorbaspit
This is the Way... to Wicked Rewards
All of the items below were crafted for you by AQW artist, D Black Star to help you celebrate this one-of-a-kind holiday. Each of the sets below draws inspiration from the Star Wars universe and then fuses it with elements from AdventureQuest Worlds.
- Zardian Pilot set: monster drop from this weekend's new event in /murdermoon
- Astravian Enforcer set: merge shop set in /murdermooon
- Grievous Fiend set: available for a limited time in the Featured Gear Shop
- Galactic Gladinster set: a rare daily gift drops arriving this weekend
- Galactic Makai pet + Grievous Spear: daily gift items arriving later this month
Featured Rare Set: Grievous Fiend Gear
ArchFiend or not, you must realize... you are doomed. (Nulgath better watch his back, if you're approaching him with THIS gear equipped!). This weekend, log in and check out our new and returning May the Fourth events, then find the rare Grievous Fiend set in your Featured Gear Shop in the game menu until June 2nd.
Grievous Fiend Set
The Nation has spread to the void beyond the stars, bringing distant planets and their dark ambitions into the Archfiend's fold. Fiendish features grow the moment the contract is signed.
- Grievous Fiend armor
- Grievous Fiend Visage + Morph
- Backblades, Cape, + Combo
- Grievous Fiend Saber (single + dual-wield)
- Grievous Fiend Twin Sabers
- Astravian Enforcer Saber (single + dual-wield)

May 05, 2023
Cosmic BountyHunter Bonus Set
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive armor sets
Cosmic Bounty Hunters never forget a face... or a debt. If you're lucky, they'll consider the thrill of hunting you down to be enough to settle what you owe. Get both color customizable sets in the Cosmic BountyHunter upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock all 16 items plus a character page badge.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the Cosmic BountyHunter upgrade bonus to unlock 2 color-customizable armor sets:
- Cosmic BountyHunter armor
- Cosmic Bounty Biker mount armor
- 4 Helms
- 4 Capes
- 2 Daggers
- 2 Gauntlets
- 1 Sword
- 1 Handgun
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the Cosmic BountyHunter pack on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Cosmic BountyHunter gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Cosmic BountyHunter gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Galactic General Set
When the Fifth Lords clash with NaNdroid General, nowhere in the galaxy is safe... unless you use the power of the Fourth to save the day! Get the Galactic General upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock 4 armor sets, the Crystallis Space Station House, and a character page badge.
Pack Details
Choose the Galactic General to unlock all four armor sets + new house* with armor and character customization room.
- NaNdroid General armor set
- Dark Lord of the Fifth armor set
- Fourth Count armor set
- Galactic Warrior Monk armor set
- Galactic Space Shield cape with a quest for the...
- Crystallis Space Station house (with character and armor customization room)
- and a character page badge
Unlock the Crystallis Space Station House: Click on the Galactic Space Shield cape and complete the 'Crystallis Ship Quest' quest to unlock your 0 AC house.
Thank you for battling alongside us!
We are pushing hard to bring you more of what you've asked for: improved combat, quality of life updates, epic items, and a darker main story. If you're enjoying the updates (and you're able to), please consider supporting the game's development with an AC or Membership pack.

May 04, 2023
May the Fourth Be With You...
Our MogWars events are back!
Our fan-favorite pop-culture Login now and talk to Zoda the Space Moglin in /zorbaspalace. To guide your path he has come. Craft a weapon of your own fate you will. Then journey to the /murdermoon, where Fifth Lord Sepulchure (the most feared villain in the galaxy) awaits you... and your destiny. Return tomorrow for an all-new adventure, rewards, a new set for Cinco de Mayo set, and this month's upgrade bonus pack!
Check out all our MogWars event maps now:
- Zorbaspalace
- Zorbaspit
- Murdermoon
After completing Zoda's quests in /zorbaspalace to craft our seasonal Laserblades, talk to Memet for even more adventures!
- Battle Palace Enforcers + Cactus Creepers
- Fight Thwompcats
- Take on Zorba the Bakk
Then head to MurderMoon map. Fifth Lord Sepulchure is the most feared man in the galaxy, and has conquered countless worlds for the Fifth Order. He will NEVER stop until his master is satisfied. Talk to Hammer Wateru; he needs your help to destroy the Fifth Order's superweapon and ensure the Freedom Fighters' victory!
Find all the out-of-this-world armor sets in Zoda's Merge Shop in /zorbaspalace now. Here at the Secret Underground Lab, we are all game developers but also HUGE nerds, and I have to say... these ARE the rewards you're looking for!
Don't miss any of the interstellar seasonal gear that released in previous years.
- Necho Tech V2 armor set
- Gurgle pet
- Techno Light of Destiny laser axe (click to activate the laser blades + get 20% more Class Points when equipped)
DarkLord Class
In 2021, we brought back the original DarkSide Class skills paired with new art so ALL players can enjoy that gameplay. Talk to Hammer in /murdermoon to to create a cargo-hold's worth of space-gear... including ALL of the items in the DarkSide Class.
The blue variant of the seasonal DarkSide 2.0 class is available for ALL players. A diabolically-evil red armor set variant will be locked to higher-level heroes. (Original Darkside class not required.)
May the 4th is a holiday? WUT?
Well... it's not, really. Unless you're a particular breed of nerd. And you KNOW here at the Secret Underground Lab, we totally are.
For those of you just learning about the "internet holiday," the Intergalactic Space Wiki (run by wookies, of course) tells us:
"May 4 is considered a holiday by Star Wars fans to celebrate the franchise's films series, books, and culture as well as strict religious rituals. The date was chosen for the easy pun on the catchphrase "May the Force be with you" — "May the fourth be with you". Even though the holiday was not actually created or declared by Lucasfilm many Star Wars fans across the world choose to celebrate the holiday."