Design Notes
November 30, 2017
Coming Soon: Frostval Returns
We're starting our month of giving... with GIFTS!
Frostval is a time of peace, cheer, and spending time with family and friends. Oh, and one more thing -- GIVING GIFTS! It's one of my favorite times of the year, because I love picking out just the right thing to put a smile on the faces of my friends and family. That's why this year... we've got some very special gifts coming for you... and to start the season off right -- you'll get to fight for exactly what you want! (Ok, maybe that is not very peaceful... but it should be pretty FUN!)
/join Frostvale to begin battling through all the previous years of Frostval releases, then test your mettle (and metal!) against the biggest gift of them all: Giefury! He's got all-new gifts for you, too!
* Giefury's name comes from the Old English noun "giefu" for "a giving, gift", which is related to the Old Norse word "gift, gipt" meaning "gift; good luck."
ALL of the seasonal events from previous years will also return - that means you'll get to battle Kezeroth, Quetzal, and more... PLUS get all the holiday seasonal goodies that come with them!
Also happening this month: Honorable Hero awards will go out at the end of the year!

November 30, 2017
December Upgrade Bonus: Rune and Wolf Lords
Upgrade with a Membership or AdventureCoins for exclusive gear!
Starting this Friday, December 1st, at 6 PM EST, buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more to unlock the exclusive RuneLord armor set December upgrade bonus items! Get the Rune Lord gear and the Wolf Lord set with a 12 month membership or 12000 AC package.
12000 AC or 12 month membership packages: Rune Lord + Wolf Lord sets
Get more gear and save more of your real-world gold with our largest upgrade packages! Unlock the following gear with our 12000 AdventureCoin or 12 month membership packages:
- 2 armors: Rune Lord and Wolf Lord
- 3 helms
- 4 weapons: 2 polearms, 1 sword, 1 dagger
- 4 capes
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
2000 and 5000 AC or 3 and 6 month membership package: Rune Lord set
- 1 Armor: Rune Lord
- 2 Helms
- 2 Cape
- 1 weapon: Polearm
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
All packages will also come with the Rune Lord character page badge, so you can show all your friends who REALLY dominates the Mirror Realm! The December bonus gear goes rare January 5th, 2018.

November 29, 2017
December Calendar of Events
This Month: Holiday Battles and Bonuses!
With December comes all our Frostval events! It is a time of joy, hope, and... defending Lore from all the insane monsters that cannot stop attacking it. Read on to see what chilling events await you in AQWorlds.
December 1: 7 Deadly Dragons: Wrath, Part 1 + December upgrade bonus + Holiday AC bonus begins
December 8: Frostval hub town returns + Frostval Quibble + Frostval Collection Chest
December 15: 2017 Frostval event, Part 1 + Frostval Rare Set
December 22: 2017 Frostval event, Part 2 + Frostval Limited Quantity Shop
December 25: Frostval Day pet and weapon drops
December 29: 2018 New Year's update

November 29, 2017
Getting Muted for "Jokes"
There is no tone on the internet. What you say matters.
Hi, everybody! Recently, we've had a couple pretty serious issues crop up, where players in the game have gotten muted for threatening to hack other players, bragging about doing illegal things, or making comments like:
- U 15? [...] Send me nud3s.
- I'm going to come to the lab and shoot you, you pieces of @#$%^#
Both of these bullet points are actual quotes from in-game chat.
We live in a turbulent world today, and the internet reflects that. If we see a player threatening to commit violence, or doing something that breaks the law (like soliciting pornographic images) or threatening to "come shoot up the lab", we have to take that seriously.
Those aren't things to joke about. Even if you are chatting in a public room with your friends, who know you're joking, other players may not. If they report you, our moderators see it. We require them to take action on reports like that, for our players' safety, and our own.
Often, Player Support gets emails arguing that the player was just joking. That may be... but it also might not be. The vast majority of the time, our moderators and Player Support staff cannot know what a joke is, or isn't, from a chat log.
What you say matters. Joking about violence in-game is like when you're in school, or in the work place. Don't do it. If you DO, and you get muted for it, use that as a lesson, and don't do it again.
Our first priority is to create a safe and friendly environment for our players and our team members.
Chat Rules in AQWorlds
The following types of chat violate our terms of service:
- Harassment or defamation
- Obscene or vulgar language
- Threatening or abusive language
- Hate speech based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or nationality
- Advertising bots, hacks, game exploits, or private servers.
- Spamming chat with repeated messages
- Asking for other players’ account or personal information.
Code of Ethical Conduct
As a family-friendly community committed to providing a safe and fun place for people of all ages, Artix Entertainment does not condone any type of illicit behavior from its employees, volunteers, or community members. Engaging in such activities can and will result in immediate termination, dismissal, or suspension of accounts and any information can be turned over to the proper authorities.

November 27, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: November 27, 2017
- Seasonal Black Friday items added to the Bounty Hunter Shop.
- Dark Blademaster Locks fixed and Hair added to Legion Merge Shop.
- Shadowed Berserker eye were not supposed to be CC so are not now.
- Obsidian Blademaster's eyes are supposed to be CC and are now.
- Dark Dragon Defender male foot now stays dark when running.
- Renegade Shadowslayer's eyes on armour and helm no longer changing colour on blink.
- EC Mach 6 Sword and Spear positioning fixed.
- Shadow Void of Nulgath (AC) removed rank 10 Evil requirement. Member version was supposed to have it, and still does.
- Alpha Rogue Hood + Locks and Alpha Hunter Hood + Locks no longer have two toned dye jobs.
- Zard Self arm reconnected. (Unfortunately, the Gorillaphant Self has such an odd shape that it can’t be changed)
- Dungeon Destroyer art fixes.
- Male Evolved BladeMaster and Shadowed Evolved Blademaster eyes now CC.
- Male Cyber Dreadhaven General foot now stays cyberized when running.
- Dreadhaven General Cape put back in game.
- Female Worshipper of Nulgath art fixes.
- Female Card Clasher art fixes.
- Blade of Revontheus The Good (Pet) no longer having an identity crisis.
- Various items rarity tags updated.
- Various typos fixed.
Class Updates from Arklen and team!
Arklen and the Class Design Team will now also be giving some information*** on what they work on each week. Arklen would also like to let you know you can give him feedback on classes on his twitter - @Arklen_AE
- Thief of Hours - ‘Sonic Piledriver’ now applies ‘Deadlock’
- Chrono Assassin - ‘Relapse’ now applies ‘Deadlock’
- ArchPaladin - ‘Hymn of Light’ description has been updated
- Oracle - ‘Edited Timeline’ description has been updated.. again!
***Obviously secret things like details of unreleased classes won’t appear here.

November 27, 2017
Eternal Chronomancer Class Skills
2018 Calendar Class Now Available!
Our 2018 Artix Entertainment Calendar from comes with the in-game Eternal Chronomancer Class and armor set. Read on for more information about the class skills and recommended play-style.
The Eternal Chronomancer comes when you purchase the 2018 Calendar from Heromart. The Immortal Chronomancer variant (with the same skills + different art) will be available for AdventureCoins soon!
Welcome to Eternal Chronomancer!
Eternal Chronomancer is made to play fast and hit hard! You phase through the dimensions and hit your opponent when they least expect it. While powerful on your own, your true potential is only brought out when you have a proper party supporting you. Deadlock is your primary stacking skill and, with a large number of effects applied to both you and the enemy, you’ll have to focus on keeping track of how many stacks of it you have at all times. If you’re able to do this, you’ll find triggering the right skills in the right order can lead to some of those much-loved huge orange numbers. With some skill, and a bit of luck, you’ll be mastering transcendent ways to tear apart your enemies in no time!
- Recommended Enhancement: Luck
- Recommended Stats: Strength, Dexterity, Intellect
- Mana regeneration: Eternal Chronomancers gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on critical hits. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP total.
Skill Breakdown
Time Strike
Deals consistent damage based on your attack power.
Rank needed: 1
Mana cost: 0
Cooldown: 2 sec. cooldown
Type: Physical
Range: Melee
Deals 120% attack power as damage
Eternal Deadlock
Deals moderate damage to a single target and gives you a stack of Deadlock.
Rank needed: 1
Mana cost: 15
Cooldown: 4 sec.
Type: Physical
Range: Melee
Once you have 3 stacks: use Eternal Deadlock a fourth time to Enter Infinity. You start getting stacks of Infinity Rift.
Taking Eternity
Applies Taking Eternity to the caster, decreasing the damage you take by 10% for 30 seconds(stacks to 3).
Rank needed: 2
Mana cost: 10
Cooldown: 10 sec.
Type: Physical
Range: Self
If you have Infinity Rift: get Infinite Damage, increasing your damage based on Infinity Rift stacks (maxed out at 4 stacks, lasts 40 seconds).
If you have Temporal Rift: get Temporal Heal, healing you over 20 seconds. Heal is increased by Temporal Rift stacks.
Speed Abrasion
If you have Infinity Rift: you get Infinite Hit, reducing the enemy’s dodge change for 40 seconds, buffed by more Infinity Rift stacks(maxed out at 4 stacks, lasts 40 seconds).
Rank needed: 3
Mana cost: 35
Cooldown: 20 sec.
Type: Physical
Range: Melee
Rank 4 Passives
Passive 1: Speed of Time - Hit chance increased by 20%
Passive 2: Time of Speed - Haste increased by 15%
The Fourth Dimension
Deals moderate damage to a single target and gives you a stack of Deadlock.
Rank needed: 5
Mana cost: 15
Cooldown: 4 sec.
Type: Physical
Range: Melee
Using this skill after you have 3 stacks enters you into The Fourth Dimension.
You start getting stacks of Temporal Rift. Temporal Rift stacks to 4 and lasts 90 seconds
Rank 10 Passive
Passive 3: Chronoternity - Critical strike chance increased by 15%
Special thanks to Pisces, Eht Cetera, Brittney, Yoshino, and Apus for contribution to the design, testing and balance of this class.

November 26, 2017
Cyber Monday Shop Arrives at Midnight
Gear up and get your glow on!
Congratulations on CRUSHING EbilCorp in our Thanksgiving 2017 war! You drove out Mr. Z and his BogoDrones... and then got to reap the war rewards. But with the feast done and war won, the time for battling is over. Now heroes across the game (and America) are fighting for... NEW GEAR! Set your alarm clocks, because our Cyber Monday gear goes live at 12:01 AM EST on Monday morning.
- Cyber Blood of Nulgath armor: 1,500 ACs or 50,000 gold (member-only)
- Cyber Caladbolg: 1,000 ACs (blue variant)
- Proto Caladbolg: 1,000 Legion Tokens (blue variant)
- Viral Caladbolg: 1,000 ACs (red variant)
- Cyber Bloodletters of Nulgath: 300 AC (blue variant)
- Re-Vitalized Bloodletters of Nulgath: 25,000 gold (member-only, red variant)
- M4tr1x Bloodletters of Nulgath: 300 AC (green variant)
- Cyberlord Blade of Nulgath: 200 AC
- Vampiric M4tr1x of Nulgath: 9,000 gold
- Galactic OmniKnight Blade 1.0: 1,000,000 gold
- Cyber Knight's Hammer: 2,500 ACs
The Cyber Caldbolg is also available for Legion Tokens (find that in the Undead Legion merge shop as the Proto Caladbolg). Plus, the ALL-NEW Moglitech Armor set from Axeros, available for ACs or member gold!
Also available are our Black Friday 2017 items:
- Obsidian Legion Vampire armor: 1,000 ACs
- Onyx Legion Vampire armor: 1,000 ACs or 1,000 Legion Tokens
- Obsidian BladeMaster armor: 1,000 ACs or 100 Legion Tokens + 200,000 gold
- Shadowed Berserker armor: 500 ACs
- Dark Iced Jester armor: 500 ACs
- Shadow Void of Nulgath armor: 1000 ACs or 7 gold (member-only)
- Shadow Fox pet: 25,000 gold (member-only)
- Dark Champion swords: 30,000 gold (member-only)
- Black Blunderbuss gun: 100,000 gold (member-only)
- Dark Midknightgown armor: 10,000 gold
- Dark Chaos Berserker armor: 100,000 gold
Both the rare Cyber Monday and Black Friday shop items will be availalble until Monday, December 4th!

November 24, 2017
2017 Black Friday Shop is live
The darkest gear of the year is here!
Our Thanksgiving / 2017 Harvest Fest event launches on Wednesday, November 22nd. On Friday, November 24th, our Black Friday rares shop opens. All-new, dark variants of your favorite gear arrive and the seasonal Black Friday gear will return. Read on for a sneak peek about some of the gear you'll find in the shop!
Sneak peek list of armor prices coming in Friday's rares shop
- Obsidian Legion Vampire armor: 1,000 ACs
- Onyx Legion Vampire armor: 1,000 ACs or 1,000 Legion Tokens
- Obsidian BladeMaster armor: 1,000 ACs or 100 Legion Tokens + 200,000 gold
- Shadowed Berserker armor: 500 ACs
- Dark Iced Jester armor: 500 ACs
- Shadow Void of Nulgath armor: 1000 ACs or 7 gold (member-only)
- Shadow Fox pet: 25,000 gold (member-only)
- Dark Champion swords: 30,000 gold (member-only)
- Black Blunderbuss gun: 100,000 gold (member-only)
- Dark Midknightgown armor: 10,000 gold
- Dark Chaos Berserker armor: 100,000 gold
The member-only Shadow Void of Nulgath has the same gold price as the original armor, and the same rank 10 Evil requirement as the AC version. We wanted members to be able to get (and use) the new armor as quickly as those who bought the AC variant. So if you've got a membership... enjoy!
Many items will also drop from the war quests and boss monsters. Check them out:
- Alpha Rogue and Hunter sets
- Dark Hunting Hood
- Dark Moglin Jester pet
- Renegade ShadowSlayer set (final boss drop)
- Blackrog Blade (1% boss drop)
- Black Bloodriver (mini-boss drop)
- Black Diamond Whip (mini-boss drop)
- Obsidian Reavers (mini-boss drop)
All these dark dark rewards will drop during EbilCorp's Thankstaking war, as they attempt to entice our heroes with wicked and deadly Black Friday-themed items. It's a shadowy recruitment scheme... but EbilCorp will stop at nothing to own YOU!
Featured Player Contributor: Ferozakh
For years now, we've had a Suggestion Shop in Yulgar's Inn, where art suggested by you guys, members of our player community, are created and added into the game. This way, YOU get to help build our world, and become a part of AQWorlds forever. Earlier this year, we began taking those ideas and art sent in by player contributors and featuring them in the weekly releases. This way, their creations can be even more celebrated and appreciated by all our heroes!
This artist has been sharing his art with fellow heroes on Twitter for years. We've been able to watch him grow and evolve as an artist, so we're excited to include Ferozakh in next week's event!

November 22, 2017
EbilCorp Takes Over Battleon
Our Thanksgiving 2017 WAR is live!
Agents of the Battleon Resistance report EbilCorp bots IN TOWN NOW! The free crates full of this year's hottest tech are on shelves now, and EbilCorp BogoDrones are monitoring sales of the eWatch. EbilCorp never gives anything away for free. Ever. This is a trap. Be on guard. And whatever you do… do NOT buy the eWatch.
Thanksgiving War Details
EbilCorp is attempting to take over the people of Battleon... and beyond! They are using BogoDrones to hold all the shopkeepers captive, forcing them to work for nothing, and to sell the eWatch. Equip it and YOU will become a slave to their ebil mission.
- Fight to free the hypnotized shoppers
- Take out the BogoDrones and Dealbots
- Turn in war medals to raise the war meter
War rewards: Alpha Rogue and Hunter sets, Dark Moglin Jester, Obsidian Reavers
War Meter timeline
- 0%: watch the first cutscene + battle to raise the war meter
- 25%: Unlock the second cutscene + 2 more quests
- 50%: Unlock the war mini-boss fight
- 75%: Unlock the war chest (find Bido in Battleon town to get your gear)
- 100%: Unlock the third cutscene + boss fight
Defeat the final boss to unlock the fourth cutscene and get boss drops!
Black Friday Shop arrives 11.24.17
Starting this Friday, find all our 2017 rare Black Friday gear in Mr. V's shop in Battleon. Featured sets: Obsidian Legion Vampire, Obsidian BladeMaster, and the Shadow Void of Nulgath. The shop opens at 12:01 AM EST on Friday, November 24th and leaves December 4th.
Come back on Monday, when we'll add several cyber-themed sets for Cyber Monday!

November 20, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: December 4, 2017
- J6 Gatling Gun can now be purchased.
- Darkblood Blade Pet description updated so it no longer claims to be a battle pet.
- Royal Centurion female armor art fix, area under arm no longer pokes into model.
- Platinum Pirate Mage male blinks now.
- Druid BattleMage art fix, stray pixel removed.
- Blood Ninja & Mazumi Armor will now stop imitating each other.
- Deathripper armor has stopped flashing undies.
- Dragon Self armor back arm is now one piece instead of two.
- Elf Hat’s ear is now CC to skin.
- Helm of the Highlord’s “third eye” gem now CC to eye colour.
- Swordhaven & Shadowfall achievement houses now have rep shops. Brightfall has no rep associated with it, so no shop can be placed in it.
- Swordhaven achievement house no longer eats items
- Various typos.
Class Updates from Arklen and team!
Arklen and the Class Design Team will now also be giving some information*** on what they work on each week. Arklen would also like to let you know you can give him feedback on classes on his twitter - @Arklen_AE
- Chaos Shaper - ‘Death Grip’ description has been updated.
- Paladin(Silver Paladin) - ‘Blinding Light’ description has been updated.
- Artifact Hunter - ‘Shiny Mirror Shield’ description has been updated.
- Oracle - ‘Edited Timeline’ description has been updated.
***Obviously secret things like details of unreleased classes won’t appear here.
****Classes may be subject to change, determined by player feedback. DNs will be posted in that event.

November 20, 2017
Twilly’s Completely Harmless Holiday Shopping List
Oishii still needs....
- Turdraken
- Cranboggy Juice
- Whipped Seedspitter Balls
Ok. We are in the clear.
Battleon Resistance Communication Module
Agents of the Battleon Resistance have spotted EbilCorp bots scouting locations in town. Shopkeepers have been sent FREE crates full of this year’s hottest new Black Friday tech: the eWatch. EbilCorp never gives anything away for free. Ever. This is a trap. Be on guard. And whatever you do… do NOT buy the eWatch. Not until we know more. Additional messages will be posted here.
700 hours: Culinary Specialist Oishii begins preparations for the Harvest Feast on schedule. It is imperative that EbilCorp agents do not realize we know their plans.
900 hours: Zorbak has disappeared from his cage in Battleontown. In its place is a very lifelike dummy. This does not bode well.
1100 hours: Logistics Specialist Yulgar has been called to an Emergency Meeting of the Lorian InnKeepers and Crafters Kabal (LICK)... This organization is unknown to us. Agents dispatched to recover LS Yulgar while the imposter put in his place remains under surveillance.
1200 hours: EbilCorp's slogan is "EbilCorp. A name you can trust." I do. I trust them to corrupt all that is good and wholesome about our Harvest Feast. I have heard rumors that a drone has been made in Twilly's image. I doubt they'd create a Healbot, so... if it DOES exist, it's sure to be much more nefarious and consumer-centric.
1400 hours: Mmmm, mmm. you can smell Culinary Specialist Oishii's roast turdraken for the feast all the way across town. I am surprised the EbilCorp agents haven't followed their noses to find our base. Better engage the Smell-o-Shields to keep us hidden.
1500 hours: Twig keeps disappearing to check the lastest Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales on Oishii's Culinary Compotater. I keep telling him shopkeepers do not accept fish for goods.
1600 hours: Something is watching us... But our scouts have not found anyone. Or anything. The fur on the back of my neck is prickling.
1900 hours: A squad of Guardian Tower knights are preparing for patrol through the town. They have been instructed not to "see" anything suspicious, but to just let their presence be known.
Note: EbilCorp agents all have augmented eyes. This font was designed to change encoded messages into completely harmless grocery items.

November 17, 2017
2018 Calendar Now Available
Orders begin shipping next week from HeroMart!
This year is Artix Entertainment's 15th anniversary. All year long, we've been looking back at some of the best, most classic moments in our games. As we went down the memory lane the one thing became very apparent, we could not have done it with you by our side! We took those epic battles and crazy moments, then gathered artists from across our game teams to build the 2018 Calendar. The 2018 Artix Entertainment Calendar pre-order begins tonight at HeroMart!*
* Delivery sneevils expect them to arrive at the lab early next week. We'll begin shipping as soon as they get here.
Unlock rewards in multiple Artix Entertainment games!
The Eternal Chronomancer art is by far my favorite, out of all the years! When you get the 2018 Calendar, you'll unlock in-game rewards inside AQ3D, AQWorlds, AdventureQuest, and DragonFable!
- AQWorlds: Eternal Chronomancer Class + armor set
- AQ3D: Eternal Chronomancer armor
- DragonFable: Epoch Class + Eternal Epoch Orb
- AdventureQuest: Eternal Chrono Daggers
Coming soon: Immortal Chronomancer! The in-game version of the Eternal Chronomancer class and armor set - the Immortal Chronomancer - will be available later this month (after the physical calendars begin to ship). Buy an Inifinity Key for 6000 AdventureCoins from Chronix in Battleon to unlock the shop.
The Infinity Key will unlock:
- Immortal Chronomancer Class
- Immortal Chronomancer Armor + accessories
Note: the Infinity Key cannot be sold... so make sure you really want the class before buying the key!
2018 Calendar: Collector's Edition
For those of you SUPER collectors, we've got a really sweet treat this time around. The Collector's Edition includes a limited "Darkovian Bloodlust" Collectors print as well as a signed copy of the 2018 calendar!
Eternal Chronomancer Class Skills
The Eternal Chronomancer Class is in progress... Arklen is just finishing up the attack animations and icons. We'll have a class skills writeup for you early next week. Until then, check out a sneak peek of the class skills.
Time Strike
Eternal Deadlock
Taking Eternity
Speed Abrasion
Rank 4 passive: Speed of Time
Rank 4 passive: Time of Speed
The Fourth Dimension
Rank 10 passive: Chronoternity
Note: the skill details posted before were from an earlier version of the design doc and do not reflect the current/final version of the skills. Please keep an eye on the Design Notes next week for the final details.

November 17, 2017
This Weekend: Mutations and Mayhem
Celebrate Memet's Birthday with a Nightmarish New Adventure!
True heroes defend the innocent, whenever - and wherever - they need help. This weekend, journey to a super-secret biological laboratory where the experiments were too cute to be evil… until Genetech got ahold of them!
As the good Dr. Ian Malcolm said in the original Jurassic Park... "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should." Genetech's scientists should have watched more movies... but now, they've become part of their very own HORROR show.
- A mysterious contagion is spreading through the lab.
- All of the lab animals have been abandoned.
- The most deadly experiment of them all is loose... and VERY VERY ANGRY.
Deadly (and Adorable) Rare Birthday Gifts
AdventureQuest Worlds writer + artist, Memet, is leveling up in real life. She’s crafted deadly (and adorable) new gear for you this week! Find her gear in the Featured Gear Shop in your game menu until December 1st, 2017!
- Hedgehog Kurugami Armor and Helm
- Nightmare Moglin Kurugami Armor and Helm
- Wistar-287 Bank Pet

November 13, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: November 13, 2017
- Blood Sorcerer no longer flashing his undies on run.
- Steam Engine Daggers grip adjusted.
- Single and Dual Grimlord Blade of Nulgath now have same damage range.
- Valtrith Top Hat’s ear is now CC.
- Bright Paladin Spires no longer tilts.
- Forge Token misc item can no longer be equipped.
- Cursed collector armor’s eyes are fixed.
- Turdraken Down Cloak will no longer have a yearly tag from now on.
- Swordhaven Castle house - the dragon statue has been convinced to stop flying away.
- Brightfall Fortress house’s hair customizer now works.
- Various map fixes and changes to make things smoother and easier to understand.
- Various typos fixed.

November 10, 2017
This Weekend: Harvest Fest Returns
Help Oishii and Battle the Wretched Rider!
Before you can sit down to the hero-worthy feast Oishii's cooked up, talk to Ergotth in Feast. This ShadowMan has a mission for you, and a monsterous creature to defeat. Deal out its just deserts*, and then YOU can sit down to dessert!
Take on the Wretched Rider
This weekend, talk to Ergotth in the /harvest map to find our more about this ancient undead creature (based on the real-world mythological creature called a dullahan), and why he is a threat to the residents of Greenguard.
All your favorite Fall holiday gear returns, then battle the Wretched Rider for a chance to earn a new seasonal reward set from Bido! The Undead Wretched Rider armor also drops from the boss quest.
Limited Time Set: Primal Wraith
Find the Primal Wraith set from Axeros in the Featured Gear Shop in your game menu until December 1st!
The set contains:
- Primal Wraith armor
- Wraith's Shadowed Hood, Skull Face, Crowned Skull, Shadowed Crown helms
- Wraith's Backblades, Wings, Flight of the Wraith capes
- Wraith's Cursed Daggers
- Wraith's Lantern Mace
- Wraith's Soul Collector Polearm
- Wraith's Cursed Blade
Olantern's Undead Edge
The October Custom Weapon winner, Olantern, has graciously decided to share his prize with ALL of our heroes for a limited time! You can find his weapon, the Olantern's Undead Edge, in the /underworld until November 17th.
He's gotten a lot of feedback from all of his friends and fellow players, and we'll be making some adjustments to the stats and adding a 0 AC tag to the item later this week.
* Just deserts are not just for dessert.
J6 Birthday Gear and Contest Prizes
J6's seasonal birthday gear will return to the Hyperium shop later this weekend and if you were one of the Pumpkin Carving contest winners, you'll see your Artix Points and AQW prizes on your accounts this weekend, too. (The AQ3D prizes will take a little longer to award, but are coming soon).

November 06, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: November 6, 2017
- New Achievement badges in Achievements now, and art added.
- Midnight Assassin helm no longer oversized.
- GrimBlade is held correctly now.
- Non-CC Paragon Plate eyeglows fixed.
- Bright/Shadow Claymore pets and battlepets identity crisis resolved. They are now aware they are not Sword Of Nulgath.
- Snowball Amberarms is officially rare, and Zoshi’s apop has been updated.
- Various typo fixes.
- Various map fixes for monster spawns.
*Apop is shorthand for 'a pop up', what we call those nice interaction panels on NPCs

November 06, 2017
This week: Harvest Fest Returns
Help Oishii and Battle the Wretched Rider!
This week, the majority of the team is working hard to bring you our EbilCorp Thanksgiving event, which releases November 3rd. While they do that, we're bringing back all our seasonal Harvest Fest events for you to battle through PLUS...
Take on the Wretched Rider
This weekend, talk to Ergotth in the /harvest map to find our more about this ancient undead creature (based on the real-world mythological creature called a dullahan), and why he is a threat to the residents of Greenguard.
All your favorite Fall holiday gear returns, then battle the Wretched Rider for a chance to earn a new seasonal reward set from Bido!
Olantern's Undead Edge
The October Custom Weapon winner, Olantern, has graciously decided to share his prize with ALL of our heroes for a limited time! You can find his weapon, the Olantern's Undead Edge, in the /underworld until November 17th.
He's gotten a lot of feedback from all of his friends and fellow players, and we'll be making some adjustments to the stats and adding a 0 AC tag to the item later this week.

November 03, 2017
Pumpkin Carving Contest Winners
Congratulations to all who entered!
Last month, we held our 2017 Pumpkin (and other weird, random, funny objects) Carnving contest. We had a lot of REALLY amazing entries, including a few that went WAY above and beyond! We were all so impressed, that we buffed the contest rewards to show our appreciation of all the skill and creativity the entrants demonstrated. Read on to see who won our Grand Prize, and take a look at all the winning entries.
Grand Prize Winner
Congratulations, BloodyKnight_Rami111! You'll receive:
- 3000 Artix Points
- the Mogloween 2017 Item Collection in AQ3D
- the BloodMoon Treasure Chest collection in AQW
- and the Mogloween Cauldron t-shirt from HeroMart!
We will be in touch next week to get your t-shirt information, then will ship it to you.
Platinum Pumpkin Winners
Congratulations to:
Carvers in this patch will receive:
- 3000 Artix Points
- the Mogloween 2017 Item Collection in AQ3D
- the Blood Moon Treasure Chest collection in AQW
"Spoopy Pumpkin" Above and Beyond Patch
Congratulations to:
- Dralir
- Infantry
- Artemis Fowl
- Norritt (not actually a day late... timezones are funny/confusing constructs)
- Lyabel
- Fireskill
These carvers went above and beyond in some way that really WOW'ed our judges. They'll each receive 2000 Artix Points!
Winners Circle
Congratulations to:
- R A Y N E
- Cairus
- Eddie99
- Doom Regin Doom
- Dodge (AQ3D character name)
- Fear Spectrum
- Spoon and Fork
- Loukurra
- Oscar Lin
- Kammyo
Carvers in this patch will receive:
- 1000 Artix Points
Congratulations to all who entered, and to everyone who won! Prizes will be awarded next week.
Many thanks to all our contributor judges, who spent much time pouring (and salivating) over the entries and voted to help determine the final winners.

November 03, 2017
Good and Evil and Golden Battles
This weekend: Golden Gauntlet, Achievement Tracker, and more!
We've got a lot planned for this weekend, and the team is already pushing full steam ahead to get everything ready for Friday. Because of how much we've got planned for you, in this week's update we return to the Celestial Realm's Arena to take on some of the brightest bosses in the game!
Golden Gauntlet in the Celestial Arena
This week's battles will send you to some of your favorite zones before you can blast through Aranx's shiniest bosses! Starting Friday, /join goldenArena and talk to Aranx to begin his quests: defeating original bosses to gain THEIR Champion Badges. Once you do, you can return to him to unlock the Golden Gauntlet boss versions.
- Greenguard Dragon
- Grand Inquisitor
- Gladius
- Karok the Fallen
- Queen of Envy
Battle the golden bosses to get merge shop resources. You'll use these to collect the pieces of each boss's armor set! (The Blessed Inquisitor's gear is already available in the Celestial Arena)
Achievement Tracker Update
The 2017 Achievement Tracker rewards launch this weekend. Each of the 2017 Achievement Tracker houses is an exact replica of the zones themselves (except for Brightfall, which has been expanded to more closely match the size of ShadowFall).
- 8 years membership: Swordhaven Castle House
- 500,000 ACs: BrightFall Fortress House
- 9 years played: ShadowFall Fortress House
Each house will also have:
- Color Customization room
- Hair / Appearance room
- Bank room
- NPC to greet you and give access to rep shops
Princess Victoria, Gravelyn, and the BrightScythe Gravelyn NPCs will also be added to the houses on Monday, to welcome you to your new home. See this year's Achievement Tracker update post for more details on how to claim your rewards.
NostalgiaQuest Update
Last year's 8 Year's Played achievement was an entire zone called "NostalgiaQuest" - a place where long-time heroes could go to relive some of their fondest memories and get new versions of their favorite gear. See everything the town holds in this post.
Both the team and players from around the internet sent in ideas for the update. Here's what made the final cut:
- Mazumi NPC Armor (with male and female art), backblade, and locks
- Original AdventureQuest Mage, hood, cape, and staff (based off the very first Mage art Artix made back in 2002)
- Enchanted Celestial Staff
- Dual Iron Spears
- Dual Undead Plague Spears
- Dual Sanguine
- Dual Oblivion Blade of Nulgath
- Dual Grimlord Blade of Nulgath
- Dual Legion Flesh Ripper
- Dual Mighty Sword of the Dragons
- Single-wield Butcher Knife
If you choose to change your base weapon (by enchanting it or making it dual-wield) you'll also have the option to revert it back to its original form.

November 03, 2017
This Weekend: BrightScythe Knight
Upgrade with a Membership or AdventureCoins for exclusive gear!
Starting this Friday, November 3rd, at 6 PM EST, buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more to unlock the exclusive BrightScythe Knight November upgrade bonus items! Get the Golden Raider gear and the ShadowScythe Knight set with a 12 month membership or 12000 AC package.
12000 AC or 12 month membership packages: BrightScythe + ShadowScythe Sets
Get more gear and save more of your real-world gold with our largest upgrade packages! Unlock the following gear with our 12000 AdventureCoin or 12 month membership packages:
- 3 armors: BrightScythe Knight, ShadowScythe Knight, and ShadowScythe BattleMage
- 5 helms
- 5 weapons: 2 swords, 2 dual swords, 1 staff
- 4 capes
- ShadowScythe Claymore floating sword pet
- ShadowScythe Claymore BattlePet (member-only)
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
2000 and 5000 AC or 3 and 6 month membership package: BrightScythe Knight Set
- 1 Armor: BrightScythe Knight
- 2 Helms
- 2 Cape
- 2 Weapon: sword + dual swords
- BrightScythe Claymore floating sword pet
- BrightScythe Claymore BattlePet (member-only)
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
All packages will also come with the BrightScythe character page badge, so you can show all your friends who REALLY dominates the Mirror Realm! The November bonus gear goes rare December 1st.

November 02, 2017
AQWorlds, Feedback, and the Future
Reposting from Twitter to share with everyone
I've seen a lot of feedback screenshots going around lately. When in Rome (or on Twitter), do as the Roman Tweeters do.
One of the best things about our community is how close all of you guys feel to the team, and how much we get to directly interact with you. I remember how I felt back when I first started playing AdventureQuest in 2006. The direct responses from the game makers was crazy to me; I'd never played a game where the devs talked to me directly, and considered my ideas.
We've always said that we make our games for and with you guys - it was true then, and it's still true today. (With as many ideas as you guys send in, we could make 5 different games... if we were also able to bend space and time).
We care about all our games, and the feedback you give for them, as much as you do. And we know you care a LOT. The passion and dedication we see on our Twitter feeds is awe-inspiring.
When you send specific feedback, we read it and internalize it... even if we can't act on it immediately. And sometimes (ok, maybe a lot of the time), the plans we made a year or two ago need to change because the game, the community, and the internet itself are changing. WAY faster than most people (or programs, or browser plug-ins) can keep up with.
But that doesn't stop us from coming in each week and doing everything we can to make the best (aka funny, punny, grand, and slightly insane) games we can. Every day, we strive to do our best, and our best is almost always bigger and bolder than what we did the month before.
One hurdle our teams face right now is "scope creep" and managing expectations. AQWorlds is 9 years old; many of you have been playing our other games even longer than that. Making new content each week that feels as fresh and as "grand" as what came the week before would only be possible with a team 20 times as large as we currently are.
For as long as we've been around, we are still an indie company.We don't have investors; we're able to do what we do because of your support, and because we love the games we make and the community we make them for.
What we all do here, together, is my life, and Artix's. That's true of all our developers and designers. It's what we do to feed our children, (and/or) our pets, and our cars (gasoline is like car food, right?).
That's true because you -- and all our players -- care about our games. A lot of you want to see a lot of things in AQWorlds, AQ3D, AQ, and all our other games improve. So do we.
That's what we will keep doing, every week, incorporating as much of your feedback and suggestions and ideas as we can, because WE are Artix Entertainment.