Design Notes
December 30, 2015
New Year Attack on Northpointe!
The Queen of Monsters is ready for battle in 2016... are you?
2016 is starting off with a bang.. and blasts… and an attack on Northpointe by the Queen of Monsters’ new Captain, Goregrim! The forces of Good, Evil, and Chaos will need to come together, or Northpointe WILL fall!
Starting TONIGHT, log into AQWorlds and /join grimattack to begin the Defense of Northpointe! Quest to unlock different versions of Memet's Fènnù de Hóuzi gear depending on your alignment.
You'll also be able to re-play through all our previous New Year's events! Check out the New Year's events guideon the Lorepedia!
- newyears
- newyearlab
- darksun
And don't miss the New Year's 2016 Rares shop from Tana! You'll be able to find that in your Game Menu starting Wednesday night.
New Year Servers Boosts are LIVE!
Tis the season to be giving... that's why we've doubled the Class Points, Reputation, Gold, and XP rewards on the servers until Monday, January 2nd! When you're not /partying, /cheering on the new year, or celebrating with family and friends, log in and BATTLE ON, because there's no better time to level up!
Holiday Rares and Events leaving soon!
The Frostval Limited Quantity Packages leave this THURSDAY, January 7th. The Frostval events and Quibble Shop leave Friday, January 8th! The New Year's events and Rares shop will leave January 31st.

December 29, 2015
End of 2015 Server Rewrite Update
AQWorlds is Evolving Before Your Eyes!
We've made a lot of changes to AQWorlds over the lcouple years, and gained MANY new players! That's great, because it means there are tons of new heroes for you to quest with, battle with, and talk to... but also puts our servers under a great deal of strain.
To make AQW the BEST game it can be, we need to take the time to FIX the current issues. So... how do we DO that? WE REBUILD AQW'S SERVERS!
Phase 1: Rebuilding the Current Game (90% Complete!)
We had hoped to finish Phase 1 of the Server Rewrite back in September, but as we've said before, a project like this is *not* one that should be rushed. We want to take our time and do it right -- plus Yorumi is making some modifications in the backend that should make it easier for our designers to do more fun things faster once the rewrite is finished.
Though we are taking our time to ensure that all the changes are solid and done well, we don't want to drag our feet! I just got the latest update in from Yorumi, and am really excited to share it with you all!
Phase 1 progress so far:
- Maps
- PvP
- Monster AI
- Combat
- Inventory
- Enhancements
- Stats
- Chat
- Quests are very close
Phase 1 still to finish:
- Shops - 80% done
- Guilds - 95% done
- Houses - 80% done
- Crafting - 80% done
- Parties - 95% done
Each of the above is VERY close to being done, and the additional coding help has been a HUGE boost for Yorumi!
We do still need to finish some existing in-game commands like /goto. The bulleted points above are probably 2 weeks of work and testing. The commands are a bigger project, but the rewrite coders know exactly what's needed and how to do it.
We are currently in pre-live testing for this last round of additions. This is what's going to take the longest part. We're estimating about 4-6 weeks for the remaining testing and bug-fixing. (You do NOT want to see what happens when you /goto your friend and land smack dab in the middle of a frogzard O_O)
Stat changes Design Notes Post
What Comes Next? Phase 2!
If Phase 1 of the server rewrite is porting the game over to the new servers, Phase 2 is where we're planning to make the changes you have all been asking for.
We cannot start adding in Phase 2 functionality like the BuyBack shop until after Phase 1 is complete, but once it is, we can start working on things like:
- friends list syncing
- bank item previews
- the buyback shop
- better PVP and guilds functionality
- adding rank 10 passives to new classes
- cross-server/world chat
- better anti-bot and reporting functionality and more.
PS: the level cap will raise at some point after Phase 1 is complete. We don't want to add in more levels now until there are newer, more crazy boss monsters and content for our high-level players to battle.
To see the full Design Notes post with all the details, click here!

December 28, 2015
Infinite Fart-Mas in AQWorlds
Flash Player Bug Causes Sound Engine Bugs
If you logged in on Christmas Eve on Chrome*, you MIGHT have been one of the unlucky few who experienced what we are now calling "Infinite Fart-mas" - where if you did the /fart emote... it would NEVER STOP! This Flash Player bug only happened to a handful of players, but it still stinks... and it was a symptom of a larger issue -
After the latest Flash Player update, any emote or pet (but not armors, weapons, or other items) that made noise would make that noise... FOREVER... until you either turned sound off or refreshed your browser. We are digging into OUR sound engine to see what interactions are happening with the new Flash Player. But until we can find and change things on our end, the quickest fix to keep your ears whole and happy is to remove sounds from the affected pets/emotes.
Affected pets include:
- Chuckles
- Mirror Chaos Twins
- and the Multi-RageFace Moglin
The /fart emote is the only affected emote.
If you find any other items or emotes experiencing the "infinite noise" issue, please report it on the Bug Tracker.
* The team is SO dedicated that they worked from 3 - 5:30 AM testing, then again on 11 AM - 1 PM to put the fixes live. Many thanks to all of you who helped us and reported information!

December 28, 2015
2016: New Year, More Fear
The Queen of Monsters is ready for battle in 2016... are you?
2016 is starting off with a bang.. and blasts… and an attack on Northpointe by the Queen of Monsters’ new Captain, Goregrim! The forces of Good, Evil, and Chaos will need to come together, or Northpointe WILL fall!
Starting Wednesday, December 30th - log into AQWorlds and /join newyearwar to begin the Defense of Northpointe! Quest to unlock different versions of Memet's Fènnù de Hóuzi gear depending on your alignment.
You'll also be able to re-play through all our previous New Year's events! Check out the New Year's events guide on the Lorepedia!
- newyears
- newyearlab
- darksun
And don't miss the New Year's 2016 Rares shop from Tana! You'll be able to find that in your Game Menu starting Wednesday night.

December 24, 2015
Happy Frostval!
Tis’ the season for Frost Dragons, SLAY-bells, and ridiculously-named monsters wearing furry hats-- like Santa Clawg, his 9 rein-dragons, and the unstoppable hero-eating Frosty the Snow Golem. (...must have been some magic in that old helm they found. They told us he would be coming back one day!)
Our video game community is a big family, and are thinking warm thoughts about you. Surprisingly easy since it is so hot outside! Thankfully it is snowing in the town of Battleon. We have been celebrating Frostval together for 13 ice-monster filled years in our video games. Translating literally to “Frost Festival,” it is how we celebrate the season and bring everyone across the world together. We hope you enjoy the events we have created for you this year. Sincerely, thank you for being a part of it all.
Words cannot express how grateful we are for the opportunity to make these video games with you. We are now building something we never dreamed was possible. How crazy is it that you got us greenlit on Steam? AdventureQuest 3D IS GOING TO BE ON STEAM!!! Look how far we have come-- and it is all because of you. We will never forget that… we never do.
Wherever you are, have a fun, warm, safe and happy time this holiday season. Cannot wait until next year when we are celebrating our first Frostval event in AdventureQuest 3D together. Ideas on what our first abominable boss monster should be?
Battle on!
Artix & all of your friends at Artix Entertainment

December 24, 2015
Frostval Quibble Shop Updates
Nulgath Returns with Gear in Quibble's Frostval Shop!
Nulgath the ArchFiend returned to AdventureQuest Worlds last week and brought the CryoFiend and Assassin of Nulgath armor sets to Quibble's 2015 Frostval shop! All-new gear will be added to the shop later tonight at midnight on Christmas Eve!
Quibble's Gear will be available until January 8th... but once his shop leaves, it will be gone forever!

December 23, 2015
Take on Karok TONIGHT!
The Frostval 2015 War is Over... and the BOSS BATTLE is Unlocked!
After less than a week of INTENSE battling, the heroes of Lore DEMOLISHED both of the war challenges we set... but Karok the Fallen will NOT be defeated so easily! Starting this weekend, /join Cryowar to take on Super-charged Karok the Fallen...
... You'll also discover a TON of teasers and new information about the former Champions of Ice, plus where the NEXT Queen of Monsters Saga will take place!
Frostval 2015 War Rewards
Last week, we said if you could get the war meter to 25% by Wednesday, we'd release the 2-room Moglin Hut house for EVERYONE for FREE! We vastly underestimated you, because you beat that within 24 hours... so we upped the ante and said if you got the war meter to 75% by Wednesday, the house would gain an extra room WITH armor customization abilities! (I bet you know where this is going...)
The war challenge was beat on Tuesday, so tonight you can find the 3-room Moglin Hut house from Bido in the Cryostorm Merge Shop for 0 ACs! There's also a ton of new house items and other rewards both in the merge shop and dropping from Karok! Not to mention the REST of the new gear in the merge shop!
Continuing the Queen of Monsters Saga
Though we learn the location of the NEXT Queen of Monsters Saga in tonight's release, we still have TWO more releases in the Brightoak Grove Saga! That will continue in January. But remember, Heroes...
The Queen of Monsters is ALWAYS watching. And she does NOT fear the cold... OR the Frostspawn.

December 23, 2015
Forgiveness (Winter Comes)
New Cruxshadows 2015 Holiday Song!
I just saw Rogue (Lead singer of the Cruxshadows) tweet that they released a special holiday song. Every year our games do new special holiday events… but I never heard of a band doing it before. Apparently it is their 3rd year releasing an original song to pay tribute to the season. This year’s new song, Forgiveness (Winter Comes), is forlorn and beautiful. I will not ruin the songs meaning for you, but it is definitely my favorite of the three. I secretly slipped it into my home’s holiday music selection-- I am eagerly awaiting Trinni’s reaction when she goes, “Wait… what is this?” She will probably instinctively ask if it is Voltaire. Then I will explain, “No, no! It is the Cruxshadows.” followed by how this counts as official Holiday music and if she can have hers on the play list I should be allowed a few slots too. I mean, how many times can one man listen to that song about the guy trying to convince a girl to stay “...because it’s cold outside.”?
The new song and all of the previous ones are available now on the Cruxshadows Website for a single donation of your choosing. Most of their fans give $5. Crazy mega fans go much higher to show their support.
P.S. I was honored that the Cruxshadows appeared in our Anniversary event this year. If you did not know, we met the band and watched them perform many years at DragonCon. They agreed to do the event on short notice, with no compensation, on only a handshake-- just because they thought we were nice people and liked the creative things we are doing. So, when I saw the tweet I personally donated $25 and downloaded a copy of all the holiday songs, then I wrote this post for you to help spread the word. The song is called Forgiveness, but I am celebrating Gratitude. If you enjoy their style, and enjoyed the event, this is a nice way to give a little thanks to them directly.

December 23, 2015
Frostval 2015 Limited Quantity Packages
Limited Packages Go on Sale this Wednesday at 11 AM EST!
Head to our Limited Quantity Package page to grab some holiday rares and cheer! Only a few heroes in AQWorlds will ever be able to equip them, which means once the quantities run out, they become instant status symbols for you rare hunters. Each package also comes with a unique badge in your Book of Lore!
Dage's Glacial Commander Armor Set (AdventureCoin gear)
Price: 2000 ACs
Total Quantity: 4100 (Initial stock: 2000, 150 per restock)
Package includes armor, 6 helms , 1 capes, and 1 weapon.
Ice Realm Portal House (AdventureCoin house)
Price: 1000 AdventureCoins
Total Quantity: 4100 (Initial stock: 2000, 150 per restock)
Package includes in-game house.
Doom Claws Suit (Member gear)
Price: 50000 gold
Total Quantity: 8040 (Initial stock: 4000, 360 per restock)
Package includes armor, 3 helms, weapon
Shatterglass Weapon Pack (For all players)
Price: 25000 gold
Total Quantity: 75,400 (Initial stock: 25000, 3600 per restock)
Package includes 3 weapons and a 0 AC pet
What are Limited Quantity Packages?
A Limited Quantity Package is a group of items sold together which has a set quantity. Once the gear has sold out, that's it. The total number of packages is the same for everyone, everwhere, so if you see 300 packages left on the web page counter, that's what we've got left in stock. These items are non-refundable, so once you click the "confirm purchase" button, that set is yours to keep!
How Do They Work?
Excellent question! Starting this Wednesday, December 23rd, at 11:00 AM server time, the intial stock of our Limited Quantity Packages will be released. Once they are, you'll need to:
- Head to the Limited Quantity Package page*
- Select the package you want to buy
- Confirm your purchase
- Log into your AQWorlds account
- Open your Book of Lore and go to the Other Achievements tab
- Find the Package Badge and open the shop to get your gear!
Limited Quantity Package Restock Schedule
We have more than doubled the number of restocks to make sure everyone has a fair chance at getting the items they want*! Package quantities restock throughout the weekend to give everyone a chance to get the gear they want, no matter what timezone or country they live in. Restock times for the Dragon LQP are:
- 11:00 AM Wednesday, 12/23 - initial
- 3:00 PM Wednesday, 12/23
- 7:00 PM Wednesday, 12/23
- 11:00 PM Wednesday, 12/23
- 3:00 AM Thursday, 12/24
- 7:00 AM Thursday, 12/24
- 11:00 AM Thursday 12/24
- 3:00 PM Thursday 12/24
- 7:00 PM Thursday 12/24
- 11:00 PM Thursday 12/24
- 3:00 AM Friday 12/25
- 7:00 AM Friday 12/25
- 11:00 AM Friday, 12/25
- 3:00 PM Friday, 12/25
- 7:00 PM Friday, 12/25
If you've got more questions about Limited Quantity Packages, check out our Frequently Asked Questions Page.
** The quantities are roughly the same as previous Limited Quantity Packages, but the distribution is spread out more evenly across timezones.

December 23, 2015
Frostval DOUBLE Server Boosts are LIVE
Get More Rewards while you Wreck the Halls!
Tis the season to be giving... that's why we've doubled the Clsas Points, Reputation, Gold, and XP rewards on the servers until Monday, Dcember ! When you're not wrapping presents, eating cookies, and spending time with your family, log in and BATTLE ON, because there's no better time to level up!

December 19, 2015
Frostval War Challenge VICTORY
You got the war meter to 25%... but now Karok's reinforcements are on the way!
Congratulations! You took out the FIRST wave of Karok's Horde much easier than he expected! (We knew you could do it!) But now... oh now! Revenge is best served cold, and that's EXACTLY what he's planning to do! If you've watched the 3rd cutscene* you know that Karok is about to throw MORE monsters at you and Cryostorm Village! But we have confidence in you, Heroes!
Every few hours, more monsters will be added to the war meter, and you'll soon see some unfriendly new faces joining the Horde in /cryowar. He's going to make you FIGHT for your victory... for REAL!
Karok is NOT playing around -- he's out to destroy you, Frostval, AND find the Champion of Ice before the Queen of Monsters recalls him.
Frostval 2015 War Challenge... Part 2!
You BLASTED through the FIRST war challenge and unlocked the 2 room house for free! If you can get the war meter to 75% by Wednesday, you'll unlock an additional room WITH Armor Customization on the Moglin Hut House for free!
* Rejoin /cryowar (or re-log in) to see it in all its ice-cold glory!

December 18, 2015
Frostval 2015: Cryostorm Assault
Karok Returns, and he's Hunting for the Champion of ICE!
Frostval is the season of hope and joy, a celebration of light and life. But this weekend, we return to Drakonus as the Queen of Monsters' icy General, Karok the Fallen, disobeys her orders and begins hunting for the new Champion of Ice. If he can destroy him before he unlocks his powers, he will be... UNSTOPPABLE!
This weekend, /join cryostorm to help the villagers of Cryostorm prepare for Frostvale. But beware, because Karok and the Frostspawn Horde are marching across the face of Snowspire Peak, and and this little town is right in the way of their warpath!
Complete the story quests to unlock the FrostSpawn Horde WAR!
Once you've helped the villagers of Cryostorm decorate for Frostval... it's time to WRECK the halls, because the Horde is invading, and they'll need your help to stop it!
Raise the war meter in Cryowar up to 25% to unlock the 2nd cutscene, and find out just what Karok has in store for you! But beware... he has more forces hidden around Snowspire Peak - if he unleashes them, the war meter WILL rise! But once you DO get the war meter to 25%, you'll also unlock the Cryostorm Merge shop, filled with ice-cold gear! (Choices, choices!)
After completing the storyline in Cryostorm, /join CryoWar and take on the Frostspawn Horde! If you can get the war meter to 25% before Wednesday, the 2-room Moglin Hut house will be free for EVERYONE!
A 3 room version (armor customization room!) MAY unlock... if you defeat the second challenge! But you won't find out about that until the first one is won... or lost!
And remember, Heroes...
The Queen of Monsters is ALWAYS watching. And she does NOT fear the cold... OR the Frostspawn.

December 18, 2015
New Star Wars-Inspired Gear for Frostval
Find these limited-time items in the December Specials Shop in your Game Menu!
The Force(s) of Fandom and the many, MANY requests we got from both you guys and our team members meant we could not let this weekend pass without a bounty(hunter)'s worth of gear celebrating the new Star Wars movie! Find our Lore Wars items in the December Specials Shop until January 1st!

December 18, 2015
Updates to Blademaster Assassin and Shaman
BladeMaster Assassin Changes
Iaijutsu: Lowered cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds.
Death's Dance: Increased Dodge from 20% to 30%.
Simple Solution: Lowered cooldown from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.
Slicing Winds effect duration lowered from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
Umbral Shuriken: Lowered mana costs from 32 to 30
Lowered initial DoT by 25% (this helps balance out the lower cooldown cost)
Lowered Decay, Cannot Heal! effect duration from 6 seconds to 5 seconds.
Evolved Shaman and Shaman Class Changes
Elemental Embrace: 100% chance to hit
Elemental Grasp: 100% chance to hit
Hydrophobia: added 6 second Heal over Time and damage doubled
Ancestor: damage doubled
Why Did You Change the Class Skills?
Good question, faceless-internet-person! We experienced several issues during the release of the Blademaster Assassin Class during our Black Friday shop (where certain skill values released with higher-than-intended values). When those issues were corrected, we got a lot of feedback from fans of the class saying it was not as fun to use.
When we update classes, that's never our intention - we never want to make something less fun to play, or make things worse in order to make something else better. So there was only one real solution - re-fix Blademaster Assassin in a way that kept its balance but brought its power level back up in line with what the class owners wanted. Finding a middle ground can be pretty tricky, but Sync, Arklen, and our other class designers and testers found a way to make it happen:
Buff Blademaster Assassin AND make sure there were classes that couple compare to it. That is why the Evolved Shaman and Shaman Classes got some pretty sweet buffs this week, too!
Click here to read more about why these buffs happened.

December 17, 2015
A Gift for our Honorable Heroes
In AQWorlds, it pays to play nice.
As a way of saying "thanks!" to the MILLIONS of AQWorlds heroes who did not get muted or banned in 2015, and as an incentive to keep following the rules in 2016, we are awarding players who helped keep AQWorlds a positive, fun, and family-friendly game!
Thank you, Honorable Heroes!
During the the first week of January 2016, we'll award the 2015 Honorable Heroes. If you meet the following requirements*, you'll receive 500 FREE AdventureCoins and a NEW character page badge** the next time you log into AQWorlds!
- Did not receive a 24 hour or longer in-game mute or ban in 2015
- Logged in between January 1st, 2015 and December 31st, 2015
- Are level 11 or higher
- Created your account before January 1st 2016
*Please note, the Badge and ACs will not appear until you log in!
** This will be a new character page badge for 2015 Honorable Heroes.

December 17, 2015
Get Free AdventureCoins for Frostval
Login 15 days during December to get 300 Free AdventureCoins!
Get Free AdventureCoins for Frostval! We're giving away 300 free AdventureCoins to every account that logs in at least 15 days in December! The count started on Monday, December 7th, and the ACs will be awarded on Monday, January 4th, to all heroes who complete the log in mission.
All you need to do is log into AQWorlds on 15 different days*. No quest completing, no monster battling. Just show up and have fun! But we've got so many cool releases, shops, and activities coming that we hope you'll stay around and enjoy all of it!
If you've been hungering for one of Quibble's fantastically frozen Frostval rares or the new gear Nulgath is making, then make sure to claim your free ACs or want to grab a wicked-coolsouvenir from the new Frostval storyline, this is the gift for you!
* Tracking will only count the first login of each day. Logging on and off multiple times a day will not buff your count!

December 16, 2015
AQ3D Hits First THREE Stretch Goals
The power of our community is OVER 9000!
Thank you all so much for your support! We hit our first THREE stretch goals for the AdventureQuest 3D Kickstarter in the first 48 hours thanks to you guys. Let's keep this momentum going - together we're making AQ3D amazing!

December 16, 2015
Last Chance to become a Doom Lord
The 13th Doom Lord gear leaves this Friday!
DOOM and MORE SKULLS are waiting for you... but they won't be here for long!the 13th Doom Lord gear leaves this Friday, December 18th at 6 PM.
12000 AdventureCoin package: 8 items
Our best offer is your best bet for having the MOST SKULLS in all of Lore! You'll get the:
- Armor
- Helm
- 3 capes
- Sword and Daggers
- An exclusive floating sword pet WITH shadow animation*
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
* Exclusively exclusive to the 12000 package only
5000 AdventureCoin package: 6 items + Boosts
- Armor
- Helm
- 2 capes
- Sword and Daggers
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
2000 AdventureCoin package: 4 items + Boosts
- Armor
- Helm
- Cape
- Sword
- 3 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
All packages will also come with the 13th Doom Lord character page badge, so you can show the world that YOU appreciate MORE SKULLS!
Correction: the Brightoak Avenger Blade was removed on December 11th. The Brightoak Avenger rares shop will still leave tomorrow, December 18th.

December 15, 2015
Beleen's Birthday Pinkageddon!
As Lore Prepares for war... Beleen's Birthday means MORE PINK!
Yesterday was Beleen's birthday* , and to celebrate her real-life level-up, we've created the pinkest gear of the year to help you stun (or terrify!) your enemies! Gear UP in preparation for the Frostval onslaught as Karok's horde marches toward Cryostorm... then take your enemies DOWN in style!
Find Beleen's birthday gear in the December Special Shop in your game menu:
- Sparkling Royalty Armor and helms
- Bedazzled Villager Armor
- Pink Entity Armor
- Snifflesparkles Pet
Fans of Nulgath and Beleen will be tickled pink to get their gauntlets on the blades shown above! To unlock these blushing beauties, you'll need to battle for'em!
- Complete the "Demanding Items of Nulgath" quest to get Beleen's Dragonblade
- Complete the "Kindness of Nulgath" quest for a chance to get Beleen's SUPER-PINK Dragonblade
These items will all go rare on January 4th, so get them while you can... before they're gone in a burst of sparkles and new year craziness!
* Beleen is the Pinkomancer, She Who Colors Lore, the Beauty among Beasts! She used to write for Artix Entertainment, but now spends her days traveling across the country, making balloons, and spreading cheer.

December 15, 2015
AQ3D was Greenlit on Steam
Yesterday was a VERY good day for us. In addition to the AQ3D Kickstater reaching its goal, AQ3D was also approved by STEAM GREENLIGHT!
Best. Day. Ever.
I probably don't need to tell you but we were jumping up and down as the Kickstarter ticked over the $200,000 mark, but about an hour later when STEAM approved us, we were going out of our minds! Now, we've calmed down. These are both amazingly good things for AQ3D and AE, but they also represent a LOT of work ahead of us.
Being Greenlit DOES NOT mean that AQ3D is on Steam yet.
Being Greenlit on Steam means that you and the Steam community have upvoted the project, made us the #4 most popular game on Greenlight, Steam took notice and has decided that AQ3D would be a good fit once we have a version of the game ready to distribute.
It means that, once AQ3D is ready, it WILL appear on Steam.
We are currently working in the Steam SDK and taking our first steps toward having a Steam-ready version of AQ3D but even an early release version probably won't be ready until AT LEAST summer, same as the mobile beta releases.
Until then we will be keeping you updated on the development of the game on the AQ3D design notes.
Kickstarter Continues!
The Kickstarter is still going on! We have reached our goal but we will keep taking pledges until the campaign ends on January 1st. If you want to become a backer and Founder of AQ3D, you have until January 1st to make your pledge.
The Kickstarter has raised over $208,000 for AQ3D. These are the funds that we're going to use to MAKE the game for the next 6 months or so. We have a decent alpha which many of you are already testing but it has a long way to go to become the game of our dreams. Now, thanks to you, we have the funding to complete AQ3D. These funds will be allocated to development costs like software (more Unity5 licences and existing plugins and tools to help us build the game, etc), hardware (servers, etc), and paying the developers.
We won't see any of the Kickstarter funds until January 1st, when the Kickstarter ends, but we're still working hard on the game until we get the funding which you have provided.
Now that we are funded, we are over-funding and unlocking stretch goals. The first two stretch goals were reached in the first day and the more the Kickstarter earns for AQ3D, the more we are able to use those funds to develop the game further.
Failing to reach a stretch goal does NOT mean that item won't be in the game. For example, if we don't hit $300K there might still be pets in the game in some form in the distant future, but hitting the $300K stretch goal guarantees that pets WILL be in AQ3D and much sooner. The more funding the game gets, the more resources we have to make the game better.
If you were waiting until we were funded or Greenlit to back AQ3D then NOW is your time!
I just want to remind you that YOU are the backers who are making AQ3D possible and YOU are the ones who made us the #4 game, out of thousands of games, on Steam Greenlight. We are in your debt, literally. We owe you a great game and we won't let you down.

December 14, 2015
This Weekend: Karok the Fallen Returns
Fear the Fallen this Frostval... because WAR is coming!
Frostval is the season of hope and joy, a celebration of light and life. But this weekend, we return to Drakonus as the Queen of Monsters' icy General, Karok the Fallen, disobeys her orders and begins hunting for the new Champion of Ice. If he can destroy him before he unlocks his powers, he will be... UNSTOPPABLE!
This weekend, /join cryostorm to help the villagers of Cryostorm prepare for Frostvale. But beware, because Karok and the Frostspawn Horde are marching across the face of Snowspire Peak, and and this little town is right in the way of their warpath!
- Complete the storyline quests to unlock the Cryostorm Assault WAR this Friday
- Battle over the weekend to unlock the boss fight on Wednesday, December 23rd! (If the war meter hits 100% before Wednesday, you will get an EXTRA reward!)

December 13, 2015
The Loremaster's Tome
The Elemental Titans So Far...
Each of the main storylines in the Queen of Monsters features one of the Elemental Titans that were put to rest so very long ago on the Forgotten and Forbidden Island of Drakonus...
- Fire: The Phedra, in the Firestorm Caldera
- Earth: Gaiazor, in Brightoak Grove
Once all 8 are awake, the dawn of a new era will be at hand... and YOU (the Hero), will regain ALL of the powers that have been stripped from you!
Our Loremasters have been collecting stories, tales, and rumors of the Elemental Titans since the Council of Loremasters was formed so many centuries ago. Though most of the Loremasters were slain in the months after the Queen of Monsters rose to power, one - Loremaster Maya - still travels with you, and keeps the old tomes close at hand.
Loremaster Maya Flips Open to the Chapter on Elemental Titans
"...After constant warring, the Elemental Avatars wanted to stop their destruction, to create a world of elemental harmony. They came to Lore, making alliances and shaping the rock of the barren world anew.
The world of Lore itself wasn’t enough to ensure the shaky truce between the Avatars, though. As the Elemental Avatars collaborated on the restoration, they created elemental guardians - the Titans - to protect them, each infused with the element of its Avatar: Earth and Darkness, Ice and Water, Fire and Light, and Wind and Energy.
They were meant to protect the Lords as they labored… but not all of the Titans were content in their role as protector.
They battled one another, fought with the dragons and crushed lesser races, and over time, the Titans too became threats, not protectors... until they were finally forced into slumber by the Avatars.
And, in a last attempt to safeguard themselves and the world they had reshaped, the Elemental Avatars gifted separate races, other than elemental, with their power in order to gain their trust and service, and they created their Dragon guardians and the Champions who battled alongside them."

December 11, 2015
Poison Spreads in Brightoak Grove
Return to the Queen of Monsters Saga in Brightoak
This Friday, the Queen of Monsters General is going to ROCK your world when you /join DarkHeart! As General Nevanna's poison spreads up the roots of the World Tree to its heart, time grows short - for Brightoak AND the rest of Lore!
Even though Nevanna has the Horn of Protection AND control over all the beasts in Brightoak, she REALLY doesn't know who she's up against! She might work for the Queen of Monsters, but this dried up druid ain't got nothing in Lore's legendary Hero (that's you!)
This Friday, tackle some of the worst beasts Nevanna's got to throw at you to prevent the rise of the Earth Titan, GAIAZOR! Should this beast FINALLY emerge from his resting place, General Nevanna will have a weapon of MASSIVE destruction at her beck and call. It's up to YOU to prevent that from happening, Hero!
After you've finished this weekend's release, quest to unlock pretty wicked Druid-themed gear from the Dark Heart Merge Shop!
If you haven't begun the Queen of Monsters Saga in Brightoak Grove, now's your chance to get caught up!
- /Join Brightoak and talk to Ravinos to discover the threat that is attacking the Heart of the Grove... and what you can do to stop it!
- Then head to Rivensylth to discover more about the General attacking the forest!
- Then battle through Elfhame to see what happens when General Nevanna raises an ancient forest guardian and commands it to attack!

December 11, 2015
Quibble Coinbiter's Frostval Rares are here!
Grab the Coolest Gear of the Year This Weekend!
Past, present, and future Frostval items freeze the insides of Quibble Coinbiter's pack... and YOUR inventory! AQWorlds' very own time-traveling sales moglin is in Battleon NOW with gear from across space AND time! But he won't be there long, so you'll want to dig through his chest of never-before-seen-slightly-used items and rares while you can!
The shop includes:
- Frozen Royalty Armor set
- Ice Rogue and Evergreen Rogue armor and helms
- The Ice Giant Armor set
- The Crystorm Troll Armor set
- the Snifflewaggle and Ice Giant pets
- PLUS the Bright Paragon Pet
Introducing the Bright Paragon Pet
Find the Bright Paragon Pet in Quibble's shop tonight! This blindingly-brilliant pet comes with 3 quests - 1 for ALL players with 2 weapon rewards, and 2 quests exclusively for Undead Legion members! The Legion quests reward a ton of Legion Tokens and thanks to fellow AQW player sudz16's suggestion, will soon drop a Legion Token Pile house item, too!
This is the first update to Quibble's 2015 Frostval Shop - check back next week, when he'll have even MORE gear to chill and thrill you with!

December 09, 2015
$10 Kickstarter Package with AQW Rewards
Unlock AQW Gear with the AQ3D Kickstarter Hero Starter Pack!
By popular request, the AQ3D team has added Kickstarter backer package below the $25 Guardian package. The $10 Hero Starter Pack will come with in-game items for AdventureQuest Worlds, DragonFable, and the original AdventureQuest!
If you're already a backer then you know that you get everything at your backer level AND everything in every backer package that came before it.
EXAMPLE: If you're pledge $500 for the Design-A-Weapon Package, you also get everything that comes at the $120, $60, $50, $25, $10 and $1 backer levels.
This INCLUDES the new $10 package. Everyone who has already backed us at the $25 Guardian level or higher will also get everything in the new $10 package.
We could have made it a $10 add-on but we're not trying to milk you guys. We need the funding to make AQ3D but we also want you to feel like you're getting a deal for your pledge, so we included this package for everyone who has already backed us and anyone who pledges $10 or more from now on. We hope that this added a little sugar on top of your existing pledges.
To see all the rest of the news from Cysero's latest AQ3D Kickstarter update post, head to the AQ3D Design Notes!