Design Notes
August 31, 2017
Get Up to 50% More ACs
This Friday: Get up to 50% more AdventureCoins
Get up to 50% more free AdventureCoins when you buy a 12000 AdventureCoin package from September 1st through 5th during our Back to School AdventureCoin Bonus ! (That is 6000 more free ACs with the 12000 AC package!) If you're excited about our upcoming Talk Like a Pirate Day andanniversary events - or the rare gear they'll bring - this is the best time to stock up!
Get up to 50% more free AdventureCoins when you buy any AC package PLUS unlock the exclusive September Upgrade Bonus Gear!

August 29, 2017
Payment Screen Bug on Firefox
Mouseover Text Ordering Error Fix In Progress
Hello all! We are aware of the in-game payment screen issue on Firefox and Chrome. Developers are working now to fix the the ordering issue where mouseover text for the 12k AC package appears on the 900 AC button.
This text was promoting the "Get 25% more ACs until Friday" bonus offer currently happening.
We apologize for the inconvenience. If you've made a purchase because of this issue, please write to the Help Team and they will refund you.
Edit: the mouseover text has been removed from the in-game payment flow.

August 25, 2017
PTR Update: Combat + Power Level Testing
Player/Monster Power Level Improvements in Testing
Thank you to everyone who logged in earlier this week to give feedback on PTR combat. Your comments were invaluable! The positive feedback was awesome to see, and the constructive suggestions were really well-thought out. After talking with Artix and working with the dev and tester team this week, we've got several new changes up for testing on the dev PTR server.
Look for this on the live PTR later next week, when you'll be able to try out the changes yourself!
Yorumi and Arklen are adjusting:
- your character's power level / damage
- Monster HP
- Monster power level
We have two main goals for this:
- You should feel stronger on the PTR than you do now
- Combat should feel even closer to the live servers
Testers are crunching numbers and taking names to help Arklen and Yorumi refine the new power level scaling. You'll see larger damage numbers and higher crits, and monsters will scale up, too. These larger number ranges will also give us more flexibility as we go back to update and improve older classes.
Note: there are currently several class bugs on the live PTR which affect your damage output. These will be fixed after the new server goes live. If you are play-testing on the live PTR and see lower damage numbers, please try switching to a different class and note the differences.

August 25, 2017
This Weekend: Battle Killek DeadChewer
The Dragon of Lust's story continues this Friday!
Last week, we release Lascivia's zone, the latest update in our 7 Deadly Dragons Saga. With an enchanting-but-evil dragon (from the human point of view, at least), beautiful royal captives to save, and a plot twist that'll have your neck cracking, the Dragon of Lust became a fan favorite for the storyline. If you aren't caught up on the story, head in-game and /join lust to begin the adventure! If you are.... prepare to meet Killek Deadchewer this Friday.
The Story of Killek Deadchewer
Not much is known about Killek's life before devoting his blood, breath, and blades to the Dragon of Lust. What IS known is that he was one of the most ferocious warriors in the Bonebreaker Bandit Brigade -- before being exiled for having a midnight snack... on his comrades.
Of all the creatures on Lore, only Lascivia, Dragon of Lust, understood his hunger and rage, and what he needed to feed them. He became the most devoted of her admirers... until he grew TOO dangerous to the rest of the hoard.
With great sorrow, she ordered him locked away, to protect the rest of her princes and princesses. But after the events in last week's release, Killek is even angrier. Hungier. DEADLIER.
With his mistress gone, he MUST be...restrained. Good luck, heroes.
Killek Deadchewer: the First Battle
AdventureQuest Worlds is a timey-wimey game and, much like the nature of time itself, it's not always linear. This week, in addition to battling Killek in the present, if you have the BoneBreaker Adventure Pack, you can head back in time to 2014 and encounter him Braddock Bonebreaker's fortress.
If you have access to the BoneBreaker adventure pack, I recommend going there and completing Shara KinRunner's 5 new quests to (re)introduce yourself to Killek, then head to the new 7 Deadly Dragons update.
Learn the backstory of how Killek came to leave Braddock Bonebreaker's fortress; why he needed to venture out into the world, where he met Lascivia, the Dragon of Lust. Then battle him to unlock his armor!
BoneBreaker Adventure Pack Update
Back in 2014, we released the BoneBreaker Fortress: an exclusive zone, quests, boss battles, and gear. All you need to gain entrance is the Adventure Pack OR an active membership.
The Adventure Pack comes with:
- 3 armors: BoneBreaker, Minion, Outcast
- BoneBreaker Fortress map
- Character page badge
- Access to the /bonebreakfortress
- Boss Drops and a merge shop
- A farming quest that will reward 1 of 15 potions or game boosts plus merge shop resources
- 3 months of membership*
- And 2000 AdventureCoins!
This Friday, the zone will get:
- New armor: Bonebreaker DeadChewer **
- New cape: Dark Spikes of Bonebreaking
- New axe: Axe of Boneshearing
* Plus all the usual member perks
** The art (used to create the Killek monster) is a variant of the Bonebreaker set originally released with the update, and is only available from the /bonebreak map.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why an expansion package instead of a normal upgrade set?
We had a ton of players excited for Dage's new Bonebreaker Berserker set, and so were we! But rather than just attach the armor set to a 3 month membership package, we wanted to do more with the character and give you more value for the money you'd be spending.
Can I access this if I have an active membership but don't buy the package?
YES! To access the /bonebreak map, you'll need to buy the package OR have an active membership. The achievement badge is exclusive to those who buy the package. (If you buy the package, you can access the map at any time, even if you do not have an active membership.)
Will this be part of the main story?
The quest chain and boss battles are all optional side content and will not feature in the main story, but you'll get to battle a massive boss (seriously, this guy's beefy!) and reap the rewards of your victory! If you defeat him, you'll unlock a quest to plunder his hoard to unlock additional prizes!
How long will the package be available?
The Bonebreaker expansion package, unlike our other upgrade sets, is not planned as a limited time offer.
How to Unlock the BoneBreaker Package?
- Buy the BoneBreaker package in-game, on our website, or through the Portal site
- Get the “Bonebreaker Fortress Map” item in BoL Badge Shop
- /join Bonebreak (if you do not have the item in your inventory, you cannot join map)
- Talk to Shara Kinrunner in /bonebreak to begin the adventure!

August 24, 2017
New: Dungeon Destroyer Set
Available for a limited time!
Descend into the depths this weekend to find the color customizable Dungeon Destroyer set in your Featured Gear Shop, available for AdventureCoins until September 1st, 2017!
You'll be able to get the following gear:
- Dungeon Destroyer armor
- Dungeon Destroyer hood
- Elven Shag hair
- Chainbreaker Axe
- Backbreaker Blade
- Enchanted Dungeon Spirit
The red and blue parts of the armor shown above can be changed to any color! There is a non-color customizable variant available in this week's new 7 Deadly Dragon's release, as well.
Void Spartan Farming Set
Earlier in the summer, we made plans with one of our legendary (though not very active) guest artists -- Zee the Legend -- to release a set we knew all you Void-loving heroes would love as much as Lascivia's attendants loved her.
It was a set to DIE for... but unfortunately, real life got in the way. That's ok, though, because NOW we've got the gear, and instead of adding it into the new Dragon of Lust zone, /tercessuinotlim has received a new update. This weekend, head there to begin the quest to unlock the 0 AC Void Spartan set! (And if you see him in-game, shoot Zee a hearty "happy birthday"!)

August 21, 2017
Solar Eclipse 2017 starts NOW
Spot the Mysterious leZard Men and get special event gear
Solar eclipses are a super-rare, incredibly cool real-world event. The devs at Artix are pretty huge science and astronomy fans (and of urban legends!) so we're celebrating this historic event with special gear and an event-only town makeover.
Deep in the forests of Southern Greenguard live a mysterious race - the leZard Man - that only emerge during Solar Eclipses. (This is a real thing, according to the internet!) Log in and get your leZard Man armor, helm, animated Solar Eclipse Cape, and more until Wednesday!
Solar Eclipse 2017 Viewing Party
We had an impromptu viewing party at the labEveryone went down near the fountain and we had a bunch of different viewing methods. I made an old-school pinhole projector, Llussion made a box projector from a cereal box. Nightwraith brought the actual glasses. And Artix went full-on tech geek and ripped out the heart of a zip drive. Rolith is holding that up in the pic below.
Safety was super important, even for cell phones. So Zhoom held the drive heart over his phone as he took a picture. Artix took a picture of him taking a picture... eclips-ception!
Not to be outdone, Gravelyn got into the act and gave us the DOOM eclipse!

August 18, 2017
Talk Like a Pirate Day Quibble Preview
YARRRRRRR You Readyyyyyyyyyy?!
We've got a boatload planned for this year's Talk Like a Pirate Day event, and art (and teasers) are starting to come in! We won't spoil the event for you yet. Instead, I leave you with 5 words -- Skypirates. Dragons. Kaiju. Naval battle. (And all the farmable rewards that go along with the event... ok, 15 words.)
We know one of the most anticipated shops of the year is the Talk Like a Pirate Day Quibble shop, and this year our artists have outdone themselves! There were so many great ideas, and so many requests for colors and styles that not even a warship would be able to carry all of them! So here's what we're going to do!
We've locked in plans for 2 of the 3 Naval Commander themes (a 4th may happen... if the sea gods are with us) and a Pirate Captain. Those are:
- Dragonborn Naval Commanders: 12 different color versions... choose your favorite!
- Paladin and Obsidian Paladin Naval Commanders
- Kaiju Pirate Captain
- (Plus the returning Naval Commander Class)
Get the Dragonborn Naval Commander gear (2 versions show below) or any of the other Naval Commander armors and accessories listed above from Quibble's shop just like always.
We received so many requests for color variations on the Dragonborn Naval Commander that Quibble's shop frame broke when he tried to fit all the gear for all the sets in! (Each of the Dragonborn Naval Commander sets comes with over 10 accessories)
So we're introducing a new way for you to get full Naval Commander sets. Just like how we sell entire sets of gear for one price in our Limited Quantity Shops, this Talk Like a Pirate Day, you'll be able to buy an entire set of gear (with a sweet discount for getting it all at once).
Dragon Chests of Many Colors
Because dragons come in many colors and species, so will the DragonBorn Naval Commander! Talk to Quibble to unlock color-specific Dragon Treasure chests with either the red, orange, gold, green, blue, purple, brown, black, white, crystal, shadow, or pink Dragonborn Naval Commander sets.
(Color) Draconic Treasure Chest: 2000 ACs
- 1 Dragonborn Naval Commander armor of your color choice
- A full set of accessories (helm, cape, weapons)
- Parrotagon Pet (only available from treasure chest)
To get the Blue DragonBorn Naval Commander set, talk to Quibble for the Blue Dragon Treasure Chest, etc
Dragon King Treasure Chest
If you're the one Dragon King to rule them all... we've got you covered! The Dragon King Treasure Chest contains over 120+ items (all the gear from the 12 variant sets above, plus an exclusive bank pet and bonuses).
Dragon King Treasure Chest: 10000 ACs
- 9 DNC armor sets
- House items
- Damage boosts on items
- Exclusive Pirate Wyvern bank pet
This is a BOATLOAD of loot, but for you collectors (and would-be dragon rulers) out there, the dragon-themed treasure will overflow!
Note: yesterday's post was updated to adjust shop options and clear up confusion about what comes in each different set.
* The treasure chests cannot be sold.

August 18, 2017
The Dragon of Lust is READY
The 7 Deadly Dragons Saga continues this weekend!
Deep inside a fortress, hidden from sight and out of reach of the family who would seek to reclaim them... Lascivia, Dragon of Lust feasts and frolics and delights in the antics of the kidnapped, enchanted princes and princesses - her royal horde hoard!
This weekend, battle to aid Princess Cecily in her quest to free her fiance and rescue the other members of Lascivia's Hoard'em!
Regal Gear for the Royal Hero!
Lascivia's Hoard'em is full of royal princesses and princes. Many serve as her attendants, waiting on her hand and foot. Others dance for her amusement, or serve as Royal Hoard guards. Those she favors receive enchanted armors which change color as the bearer chooses.
Find the Royal Centurion set and other regal gear in the Featured Gear Shop, available for AdventureCoins until September 1st, 2017!
Friday, the following gear arrives:
- Royal Centurion Armor
- Royal Centurion Cape
- Royal Centurion Crested Helm
- Royal Centurion Pike
- Enchanted Royal Attendant Armor
- Enchanted Royal Attendant Cape
- Royal Warrior Blade

August 14, 2017
AQ:Dragons Changes are Live
Flame Dragon Warrior Package Available in AQW Tonight
Good news - we updated AdventureQuest:Dragons on Google Play and the iOS app store!
What's new:
- Updated to Unity 5
- Banner ads removed
- More free keys
- Krumblor the Cookie Dragon now availale with any purchase
During the update, we had to remove the AQW account linking feature which awarded the Flame Dragon Warrior gear in AQWorlds. Because we did NOT want this set to go perma-rare, we are making it available directly on our upgrade page for the same price as the original AQ:Dragons upgrade package ($9.95 USD) .*
Why did you have to update?
One of the biggest challenges about creating and maintaining mobile games is the way the app stores and software developers are also required to update and maintain their products. That can lead to version conflicts which require updating different components of a game or, like with the most recent changes to AQ:Dragons, significantly overhauling parts of it.
BUT on the plus side, if you didn't have a device which could run AQ:Dragons, you'll be able to unlock the Flame Dragon Warrior set in AQW!
* As of today, buying the AQW Flame Dragon Warrior package will unlock a unique character page badge. AQ:Dragon Founders will get to keep their exclusive character page badge AND unlock the new badge for free.
Flame Dragon Warrior set + Class
Buying the Flame Dragon Warrior set unlocks the full armor set PLUS the Flame Dragon Warrior CLASS! After purchase, check your Book of Lore for the link to the shop to get the gear.
The Flame Dragon Warrior is a VERY powerful class with a skillset that's extremely useful for either boss fights (like taking down dragons), pvp (slaying DragonSlayers) or just everyday use farming (in the Dragon's Lair) .
Flame Dragon Warrior Class Skills
Auto Attack: Pretty basic. 2 second cooldown.
You need to be able to swing around your weapon somehow.
Fire Dragon's Roar: 10 Mana, 4 second cooldown
Blast 3 targets with flame to deal fire damage.
Builds stacks of Dragon's Roar which affects other abilities.
This is the ability you want to keep stacked. Stacking this ability will allow you other skills (Which we will go over) an extra kick to them
Burn Of Akriloth: 25 Mana, 15 second cooldown
Akriloth grants you the power to do a 400% DoT for 10 seconds, with a 25% chance to stun your opponents for 6 seconds with Smothering Smoke, Stacks of Dragon's Roar increase damage.
Yes, all those words and numbers are correct. You can get an extremely high DoT AND do a pretty nifty amount of damage too and even a good chance for stuns. This skill is really good for beating down something (or someone) really quick without hassle.
Note: The DoT CAN be applied even without stacks of Dragon's Roar, BUT YOU WILL NEED THE STACKS if you wish to do damage as well.
Dragon Strength: 20 Mana, 12 second cooldown
A Moderate Damage Skill. Applies Ablaze which increases Strength by 25% for 8 seconds. If stacks of Dragon's Roar are present, removes all stacks of Dragon's Roar and applies Extra Defense which reduces all damage taken by 40% for 15 seconds.
Feeling a tad too squishy? Want to buff yourself up like a (small) tank? With stacks of Dragon's Roar, your defense power grows AS WELL as your strength! It's a GREAT thing if you want to survive a few more hits and make sure you can take your opponant down. Goes great with a healer.
Fire Dragon's Scales & Dragon's BloodRank 4 Passives
The magic of dragon scales gives you 30% spell resistance.
The power of dragons blood gives you 30% endurance increase
Neat little passives. Helps you survive more. Not much to say about it.
Burning Rage: 30 Mana, 15 second cooldown
DESTROY with the power of your rage and damage! Also applies a 350% DoT over 8 seconds.
Double the DoTs, double the fun! The fun WILL be doubled with this skill! This is your boomshot, the skill you *wisely* use as you don't wanna waste your mana compltely (I'm bad with mana at times...) Anyways, as well as getting a decent strike off, you also get another DoT just to be more of a bother. Works quite nicely with Dragon's Strength.
Rank 10 Passive: Dragon's Burn
Increases your DoTs by 30%
Do you like your DoTs? Of course you do. Do you want to make them even better? OF COURSE YOU DO! Similar to Dragon Shinobi's Rank 10 passive, Dragon's Burn will give your DoTs even BIGGER damage ranges! it's a PERMANENT increase!
Overall, you can survive pretty well with the class. Your power can be used for high damage and DoT or tank it out, taking hits from everything that decides to come your way.

August 11, 2017
Dragon of Sloth Boss Fight
Part 2 of Phlegnn, Dragon of Sloth's Story this weekend!
Moving the plague-ridden Dragon of Sloth against his will seemed like an impossible task… but not for a Hero like you! The 7 Deadly Dragons Saga continues this week as we battle Phlegnn, now faster, stronger, and fueled by rage after your victory last week!
We last left Galanoth, your hero, and the Dragon of Sloth in the middle of shenanigans (concocting potions, cures, hoses, and SCIENCE were involved. It got a bit messy). This week, you'll need to tackle a bigger, stronger, faster Phlegnn, then find (if you can!) two bonus battles: the Actual Sloth Dragon and the Dragon Virus monster!

August 11, 2017
Elemental Dragon Summoner Packages
Get them before they're gone!
As the summer of our 7 Deadly Dragons rages on, we bring you... the Elemental Dragon Summoner Limited Quantity Sets! It's been quite a while since our last limited quantity gear was available. Featuring the Elemental Dragon Summoner armor set, the Summoner Twilly pet + Elemental Dragon Weapons, and the Dreadhound Rider battlepet and house item, these are the ultimate in rare collectibles!
This weekend, a selection of the limited quantity sets that did not sell out the first time 'round will also become available again! Once their quantity reaches 0, they will never become available again... which means, they become instant status symbols for you rare hunters. Each package also comes with a unique badge in your Book of Lore!
Restock Schedule
Quantities for the new packages wil partially restock throughout the weekend to give everyone a chance to get the gear they want, no matter what timezone or country they live in.
Restock times:
- 6:00 PM Friday, 8/11 (initial stock)
- 6:00 AM Saturday, 8/12 (restock)
- 12:00 PM Saturday, 8/12 (restock)
- 6:00 PM Saturday, 8/12 (restock)
- 12:00 AM Sunday, 8/13 (restock)
Note: Returning packages will not restock, as their quantities are so low... so get them while they're available!
Elemental Dragon Summoner set
Price: 1000 AdventureCoins
Quantity: 1000 sets
Restock: 250 sets each
Dreadhound Rider BattlePet and House Item
Price: 40000 gold, member package
Quantity: 20000 sets
Restock: 10000 sets each
This package is available to all current and former members
The Dark Makai Shop Vendor house item will open up Nulgath's Diamond merge shop, for those heroes who do not want to travel far to create their gear!
Summoner Twilly Pet + Dragon Weapons
Price: 25000 gold
Quantity: 20000 sets
Restock: 10000 sets each
Available for all heroes, for gold.
What are Limited Quantity Packages?
A Limited Quantity Package* is a group of items sold together which has a set quantity. Once the gear has sold out, that's it. The total number of packages is the same for everyone, everwhere, so if you see 300 packages left on the web page counter, that's what we've got left in stock. These items are non-refundable, so once you click the "confirm purchase" button, that set is yours to keep!
How Do They Work?
Excellent question! Starting this Friday, August 26th, at 11 AM server time, the intial stock of our Limited Quantity Packages will be released again. Once they are, you'll need to:
- Head to the Limited Quantity Package page
- Select the package you want to buy
- Confirm your purchase
- Log into your AQWorlds account
- Open your Book of Lore and go to the Achievements tab
- Look under the "Other Badges"section
- Find the Package Badge and open the shop to get your gear!
Isn't this gear rare, though?
Good question! Limited Quantity Sets aren't considered "rare" until they've sold out. (These aren't limited time packages, they are limited quantity packages!) Once they do sell out, then they will never become available again!

August 11, 2017
Save 25% on HeroMart T-Shirts
HeroMart Summer T-Shirt Sale Ends Soon!
Stay cool offline with HeroMart's real-life gamer merch! Save 25% on any regular T-shirt* through September 4, 2017. Check out all of our gear at to unlock HeroPoints for special in-game item rewards.
* Except the Paladin and Legion Armored T-Shirts… our shipping sneevils say the platemail is too heavy!

August 08, 2017
Dragons, Vacations, and LQS update
Summer is on fire, and so is the 7 Deadly Dragons Saga
Happy Tuesday, party players! We've got a lot going on this week, so let's get right down to it. (Unlike Phlegnn, Dragon of Sloth we are ready and rarin' to move right along).
7 Deadly Dragons: Sloth, part 2
If you haven't completed last week's release, stop reading now, log into the game, /join sloth, and get your battle on. Spoilers are ahead! If you HAVE finished with last week's release, you may continue. (Unless you are a rebel...
... Are you a rebel?
... Ok. I can respect that. Onwards!)
We last left Galanoth, your hero, and the Dragon of Sloth in the middle of shenanigans (concocting potions, cures, hoses, and SCIENCE were involved. It got a bit messy).
This week's release focuses on the 2nd boss fight of the Sloth Dragon storyline, and picks up where last week left off. Normally, we would have put both boss fights into one week. BUT several things happened in the week's leading up to this one which made splitting them a wise choice:
- Multiple team members have taken/had to take time off in the last 2 weeks (vacations, birthdays, illnesses, and more)
- We had several requests for some additional fun monsters (like the Actual Sloth Dragon monster... a bonus hidden battle)
- We've been getting a lot of feedback from you guys saying it feels like the dragon zones are "moving too fast" and that you want more and fuller stories.
We can make that happen! The next three dragons will each have 2 part releases, intentionally spaced out to let us expand on their stories.
The final 3 Deadly Dragons:
- Lascivia, Green Dragon of Lust
- Maloth, Darkness Dragon of Envy
- Gorgorath, Undead Dragon of Wrath
We also took a look at what we want to do with the Slayer's Rise story, and there is just TOO much to Galanoth's history with Akriloth to fit in one week. So we're expanding that into a 4-part story which will begin in January of 2018. There will be a one-week break between the Dragons of Envy and Wrath as we celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day, too. YARRRRRR!
Elemental Dragon Summoner LQS Previews
It's been quite a while since our last limited quantity gear was available. That all changes this Friday as we bring you the Elemental Dragon Summoner LQS! Get a first look at the new gear releasing, and check back later this week for final stock times, quantities, and prices.
Elemental Dragon Summoner set
1000 AdventureCoins
Dreadhound Rider BattlePet and House Item
40000 gold, available to all current and former members
The Dark Makai Shop Vendor house item will open up Nulgath's Diamond merge shop, for those heroes who do not want to travel far to create their gear!
Summoner Twilly pet and Elemental Dragon weaponsHouse item
25000 gold, available for all heroes

August 04, 2017
Now available: Void DragonGuard Gear
Unlock our August Upgrade Bonus Sets Now
Not all who battle despise dragons. Some humans recognize their power, might, and majesty. This month, we honor those DragonGuards with the Void DragonGuard set for our August upgrade bonus gear. Unlock the full set when you buy any membership or AdventureCoin package worth $10 USD or more starting now.
Unlock the color customizable Dark DragonGuard set AND all the Void DragonGuard gear when you buy a 12 month membership or 12,000 AdventureCoin package! This upgrade bonus leaves September 1st, 2017.
Tier 1: Void DragonGuard
Shown on the left in the image above
Get the Gear with a
Tier 2: Dark and Blood DragonGuards
Blood DragonGuard shown on the right in the image above
Get all the gear with a
Unlock the rewards

August 01, 2017
August Calendar of Events
Don't miss any of our deadly dragon events!
Our summer saga, the 7 Deadly Dragons, has got the entire team fired up for our August releases! You'll battle alongside Galanoth, head of the Order of DragonSlayers, to take down 2 more of the 7 fiercest dragons our world has ever known!
August 1: Reens's Birthday Double Server Boost
August 4: Dragon of Sloth, Part 1 + August Upgrade Bonus
August 11: Dragon of Sloth, Part 2 + Elemental Summoner limited quantity set
August 18: Dragon of Lust, Part 1 + Event Rare gear
August 25: Dragon of Lust, Part 2 + Event Rare gear