Design Notes
June 30, 2023
Madness at Midnight
Our main story continues with tears, terror, and... triumph?
This weekend, log in and prepare to battle through Chapter 4 of our Voice in the Sea Saga! The threat grows more deadly and the plot more dire. Steel yourself for what lies ahead... In the darkness... below the waves... Where no one can hear you scream. O_O
In the previous Chapter of our Voice in the Sea Saga, you had to descend to the Twilight Zone of Seabase Undine. Waiting for you at the edge of darkness were old friends, new secrets, a growing sense paranoia. But that's in the past. The Voice in the Sea has become Voices... and they are NOT pleasant, helpful, or kind.
Tonight, log in for:
- Age of Ruin Saga: Voice in the Sea IV
- 2 reward sets in the Midnight Zone merge shop
- New house and house items in the Sea Base House Merge shop
- Two new Hollowborn sets in the Dawn Fortress Merge shop
- Summer 2023 Collection update (Design Notes)
Tomorrow, log in for:
- July's seasonal set: Flameborn Summoner (Design Notes)
- July's Elemental Chronomancer set (Design Notes)
This Weekend's Daily Login Gifts:
- Server Boost: Double EXP
- Saturday: rare Maple Party Twig pet
- Sunday: National Disco Day mace + house item
Voice in the Sea IV Reward Gear
This weekend, we've got a bounty of new rewards for you! Read on to see what you can unlock, and how, then head in-game and get your battle on!
Midnight Zone Merge Shop
Collect Undine Base Scrip and Water Elf Pearls to create:
- Elven Heritage Guardian armor
- 2 Elven Heritage Guardian helms
- Dark Forest Shawl cape
- Silver Edged Lamenter (single + dual wield)
- Elven Heritage Ranger armor
- 2 Elven Heritage Ranger helms
- Rustic Elven Quiver cape
- Immortal Yew Bow
Sea Base House Merge Shop
Collect Undine Base Scrip and Water Elf Pearls to create:
- Undine Office Desk
- Ominous Undine Desk
- Hero Hydration Station
- Sea Base Server Rack
- Ergonomic Engineer Setup
- Base-ic Infirmary Bed
- Flowering Shrub + Table
- Golden Bouquet + Table
- Medical Monitor
- Medical Monitor Trio
- Song’s Seaside Portrait
Monster + Boss Drops
Undead Prisoner
- Experimentation Chair
- Scattered Bones
- Undine Observation Lights
Zone Boss
- Undine Coffee Table
- Water Temple Pedestal
- Wires (... O_O)
- ERAD Arrows
- Sleeping Monitor
- And a handful of other, more spoileriffic boss drops
New Hollowborn Rewards
We're expanding last week's Hollowborn Saga update with even more rewards! This weekend, head back to the /neofortress map. Complete the story update, then battle monsters to collect drops and merge shop resources to make 2 new Hollowborn sets: the BattleMage and Ranger!
Summer Heats Up: Get 50% ACs during our Summer Bonus
Whether you're a real-life digital rare collector or not, this is a great time to refill your AC stash — we've got a flood of gear, gifts, and events heading your way! Get 50% more AdventureCoins with any any AC or Membership pack while our holiday AC bonus is on.
If you're a real-life digital rare collector, then you're going to want to keep an eye on the Design Notes, because we've got a bounty of rare items heading your way this Summer!
- New Summer, Magical, + Celestial-themed gear in the Featured Rare Shop
- 2023 Summer Collection Chest
- Summer Limited Quantity Sets
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).

June 29, 2023
Last Chance to get 500 Free ACs
Valencia's 2022 Holiday AC Gift Leaves Tomorrow
In January, we gave 500 free AdventureCoins to heroes who battled through our 2022 holiday events, but everyone is able to unlock the reward... while it's still here!
How to claim your gift:
- Talk to Valencia in Battleon
- Complete the quest before tomorrow night's update
- Enjoy your reward!
Eligibility requirements:
- Have a confirmed email address
- Be at least level 20
- Log into the game through the Artix Games Launcher
Note: The quest will not appear if you've already claimed your gift.
Last Call: May Rare Set
The Celestial Templar Guardian set is designed for heroes dedicated to battling Darkness... and whatever waits deep below the waves. Find it in your Featured Gear Shop in the Game Menu until tomorrow.
Sworn to protect and serve, the Celestial Templar Guardians will defend any who seek refuge from the terrors that lurk in the Shadows.
The set includes:
- Celestial Templar Guardian armor
- Ascended + regular Aegis of Light Wings
- 3 helms
- Battle Staff of Strength
- Bright Glaive of Guardianship
- Purified Accoutrements of Protection
- Bright Blade of Protection (single + dual-wield)
Seasonal Father's Day Events Leaving
We celebrate dads, grandfathers, and father figures all year long, but our seasonal Father's Day events leave tomorrow night. Battle the boss and monsters in /nursery and /dreadforest to unlock a bounty of gear that would make any father happy!
June Seasonal Set Leaves Tomorrow
To help all our heroes ally with (or battle to defeat) the darkness, this month's seasonal set features the ShadowZard Mount + Rider gear.
Unlock the entire set
Buy pack on the website for $9.99 USD* then find all your gear in your Book of Lore badge shop.
Buy individual set items
Talk to Garek to get items from his shop in Battleon for AdventureCoins.
See the full Design Notes post for more details.
Last Call: Elemental Chronomancer of Light
The Chronomancer of Light is June's seasonal Elemental Chronomancer. It's available now in your Featured Gear Shop, but only until tomorrow night's release arrives! It will return next June 1st.
The Elemental Chronomancer of Light set contains:
- 1 Armor
- 2 Helms*
- 1 Rune back cape
- 1 Ground rune
- 1 Polearm
The Rune back cape each month will be available for free players so you can collect them all! Get more information and the Elemental Chronomancer set schedule in the full Design Notes post.

June 28, 2023
Happy Birthday, Lae!
Lae's Hollowborn Birthday Gear
AdventureQuest Worlds artist @Yo_Lae levels up IRL today! And to celebrate, he crafted a new gift for everyone. Wish him a happy birthday, then head in-game and battle the Vindicator General to get your new house item.
Plus, find his seasonal 0 AC birthday blade back on the Shadow Lord in the /shadowrealm map. Fight for a chance to get his 0AC Hollowborn Kindness blade!
Have you explored the Hollowborn Faction yet?
A faction of warriors (or creatures?... or both?!) exists among the shadows of that dark realm. Known only as the Hollowborn, they appear to be lead by man named Lae. We do not know much about him... Yet. If you aren't familiar with them, find Kaselbel in the /shadowrealm and complete her quests to earn Hollowborn Rep and to unlock dark rewards in the merge shop.
- Hollowborn Thunderlord armor set
- Hollowborn Vampire armor set
- and more gear to come in the future
Once you find the enigmatic Lae, if you can convince him to talk, he'll tell you of a deep, dark fortress. Travel there and you'll find a series of quests that only the highest leveled heroes should begin. Complete them to unlock the exclusive Hollowborn Paladin armor set.
All of the set pieces are color customizable (to eye color) and 0 AC for free storage!

June 28, 2023
Exclusive Interview with YouTuber Korey
Man’s got more views than the population of Venezuela!
Why, hello there heroes! It’s Beleen, here to bring you something new – and something pink! – on the Design Notes today. As if the title of this post didn’t already spoil the surprise, allow me to squeal with excitement over getting to interview MMO YouTuber, @Koreyx! Korey’s videos have been watched nearly 30,000,000 times, so there’s a pretty good chance you’ve already seen Korey in action. Speaking of action – let’s jump right into this interview already!
Beleen: Hey Korey! It’s so awesome getting to do this interview with you today. Please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your channel.
Korey: Hi, hello, howdy. My Name is Korey and I have a YouTube Channel where I post news and updates for AQW.
Beleen: So what sparked your interest in MMOs and inspired you to start a YouTube channel?
Korey: I always grew up with video games in the house. My dad was very big into it. He was building his own PC and had a lot of the consoles back in the 90s. I would be more surprised if I was not into games. MMOs in particular just came from being bored and looking for free games to play on PC. Back in 2008, the landscape for free to play games was not anything close to how large it is now. Also, around the same time I started playing AQW, YouTube was becoming more and more popular. My friend in grade school, James, told me about YouTube; he wanted to share some cool Lego stop motion videos. The first few channels I made are probably still out there… somewhere online… when I was way too young to be posting videos.
Beleen: Your secret is safe with me 😋 Now, could you share with us your most memorable moment in AQW and why it stands out?
Korey: Being able to search in my inventory and having a cape with my logo on it is very surreal. Still very crazy to me that I have an item in a MMO I play.
Beleen: I know the feeling! My chinchilla, Chongo, was the first in-game item made for me, so I feel the feels you’re feeling, man! Now, if you could be any character from a video game in real life, who would you choose and why?
Korey: Max from Scribblenauts. He has a book where anything you write in it appears in real life. So if I wanted a talking pink dinosaur, it would just spawn. Cure for cancer, sure, here it is. You would become very overpowered as Max IRL.
Beleen: Oddly enough, a pink dinosaur curing cancer is my spirit animal. And speaking of overpowered things IRL, let's delve into the technical side of YouTubing. What kind of equipment and software do you use for creating your videos?
Korey: You do not need much to start making videos. I started on a really cheap laptop that had a hard time running a browser window and a headset mic that I bought to use voice chat on the Wii. Today, my setup is a lot different but none of it is necessary. If I was starting from scratch, I would prioritize getting a decent mic. The second thing I would get is a second monitor; if you are using a single monitor – even if you are not streaming or making videos – you need to look for a cheap one… it is such a game changer. I offered my brother my old GPU that would have been a large PC upgrade for him, and he gave it back to me after he figured out that he could no longer use his second monitor with it since the monitor was old and did not have the right display connector. All of the Software I use is free except for Photoshop – you need to pay the Adobe tax for that one. I use Shotcut for editing videos and OBS for recording and streaming.
Beleen: I remember my first “gaming PC” was an eMachines computer, and it was the cheapest setup a child could buy after raking pine needles all summer long. I’m like 99% sure they stopped making eMachines when I stopped raking pine needles…
And thanks for the helpful advice on the video editing stuff! Now, let’s delve into seriously helpful stuff: how do you handle negative feedback or criticism? Any advice for content creators (or other human beings) dealing with similar situations?
Korey: My mindset on people that will post something negative online is that they are probably not in a good situation and are looking for an outlet. Responding to that in most situations feeds it. Now, being negative and having criticism can feel similar to the person receiving it, but if it is real criticism, I take it and see if there is anything I can take action on, and I have in the past made changes to my channel and content based on feedback.
Beleen: That's a really great approach, Korey. What other advice would you give to aspiring MMO YouTubers who want to start their own channels?
Korey: DO IT. If you think you can do it, stop thinking and upload something. Keep uploading. Watch videos other people make to learn and upload more. Just like with anything, practice is the only way. Content matters over everything; at the end of the day, if you can convey that content in an entertaining way, your channel will grow.
Beleen: Korey the Motivation Speaker could be your next channel idea :p But you’d definitely need a personal assistant to help you out. So! If any NPC from AQW could be your personal assistant in real life, who would it be and why?
Korey: Safiria. First off, and a **spoiler** this would mean she is no longer dead. Second, vampires now exist in the real world. Growing up I thought vampires were pretty lame, but I played Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines and It completely changed my opinion on them. Third, she is very overqualified to be anyone's personal assistant so I imagine she would do an amazing job.
Beleen: Hahaha! That last line has me in stitches! So what was your favorite AQW event (other than Birds with Arms, hehehe)?
Korey: This is a very easy answer: Throne of Darkness! The whole event felt like it had good direction. If I recall, it started in the summer and ended in the fall so it did not overstay its welcome like some quest lines will do. A ton of classes were released during the event. I think it was like one every 2 weeks which is nuts compared to the one or two that are released a year now. Map art was unique and well made. Cutscenes were great. Just all in all a great event.
Beleen: I actually didn’t play it– but now I have just got to check it out! Hey readers: if you want to play through Throne of Darkness too, just type /join darkthronehub in the in-game chat and head there right now! But before I myself head out, I should probably conclude this interview, huh?
Any future goals or milestones for you and/or your channel, Korey?
Korey: It would be nice to hit 100k on YouTube at some point in the future. YouTube gives you a cool silver play button for that.
Beleen: 100,000 subscribers would be HUGE!! I beleen in you! 🤭 And finally, do you have any special messages or shout-outs you'd like to share with the AQW community?
Korey: If you read all of this, I hope you found some of the answers interesting. Big thanks to all the people who watch my channel. Some have been watching for half a decade or more at this point.
Beleen: The Artix Entertainment community really feels like family, huh? It’s so wonderful to have such great friends surrounding us for so many years – and to think I myself started working on AQW 14 years ago! I guess it’s true what they say: time flies when you’re having pun.
Aaaand that cringe comment concludes our interview with Korey! We've learned so much about his passion for MMO games, the content creation process, and some valuable input on IRL and in-game events. It's been a pleasure having Korey here with us today, and the AE team wishes him continued success on his YouTube channel! Thank you Korey for sharing your adventures with us today and everyday you upload a new AQW video 💖
Keep adventuring, keep gaming, and above all else, keep having fun everyone!
Battle on!
Beleen, Korey, and the AQW team
PS: Many thanks to AdventureQuest Worlds hero + wicked-talented artist, Zeyles, who is the creator of the Korey art + chibi Korey used in the image above! Check out his other work here: Zeyles' Twitter

June 23, 2023
Our Summer Bonus Heats Up
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
Whether you're a real-life digital rare collector or not, this is a great time to refill your AC stash — we've got a flood of gear, gifts, and events heading your way! Get 50% more AdventureCoins with any any AC or Membership pack while our holiday AC bonus is on.
If you're a real-life digital rare collector, then you're going to want to keep an eye on the Design Notes, because we've got a bounty of rare items heading your way this Summer!
- New Summer, Magical, + Celestial-themed gear in the Featured Rare Shop
- 2023 Summer Collection Chest
- Summer Limited Quantity Sets
This Summer's events include:
- Father's Day of DOOM (now available!)
- the next chapter of the Hollowborn Saga (now available!)
- New main story updates
- Tanabata (aka the Star Festival)
- and a permanent in-game concert event featuring the NPCs*
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
*if we can reach an agreement with their booking agent, that is...

June 23, 2023
This Weekend: Hollowborn Saga Update
Chapter 2: Vinidication of Light
This weekend, log in as we continue the story of a character you only think you know... Lae, First of the Hollowborn. Your mission: infiltrate the Dawn Vindicator's fortress to villagers kidnapped by Lord Gramiel's soldiers. Keep to the shadows to avoid detection, search for the villagers, and get out alive. Be wary, Hero... something is not right here. There is darkness hidden inside the light.
New game release:
- New chapter in the Hollowborn story
- Four new Dawn Vindicator set in /neofortress
- New Hollowborn Assassin of Thorns set in /shadowrealm
- Our Summer 2023 Collection gets a beachin' new buff
This Weekend's Daily Login Gifts:
- Server Boost: Double Class Points
- Saturday: Battle the Multo ng Bai in /ghostbeach for 6 new seasonal Chancla maces + 1 cape
- Sunday: Complete Valencia's quest for sweet new dandelion + kiwi themed gear
The Story So Far... Chapter 1: Dawn vs Shadow
Back in 2021, we began a new story adventure exploring the background Lae, First of the Hollowborn. /join Trygve to battle through Chapter 1 of the Hollowborn Saga (it is required to begin Chapter 2).
Fight to save the villagers of a town where many of his brethren lived, died, and were reborn. The threat? A group of knights investigating rumors of a young girl possessed by a malicious spirit. The Dawn Vindicators dedicated to rooting out the evil and spreading their truth... at any cost.
Dawn Vindicator Gear
Whether you live in the light or prefer to fight through the shadows... we've got a host of new reward gear for you! This weekend, head to the /neofortress map; complete the story update, then battle monsters to collect drops and merge shop resources to make 4 new Dawn Vindicator sets!
Neofortress monster drops:
- Vindicator Soldier’s Hair*
- Gilded Scout's Quiver + Vindicator Scout's Bow
- Vindicator Hound pet + Armored Vindicator BattlePet
- Blessed Rune + Sigil of Vindication
- Hammer of Vindication**
- Battlegear of Vindication
Dawn Vindicator Merge Shop:
- Dawn Vindicator Archer armor
- Vindicator Scout armor
- Dawn Vindicator General armor
- Vindicator Captain armor
- Vindicator Archer's Hat*
- Vindicator Scout's Hat*
- Vindicator General's Hood*
- Vindicator Captain's Hood*
- Blessed Hammer of the Dawn**
- Bright Bow of the Dawn
- Blessed Shield of Vindication
- Battlegear of the Dawn
* Male + female helm variants
** Single + dual-wield variants
And don't miss all seven of the Dawn Vindicator reward set in Trygve!
Monster drops:
- Blood Eagle and Rune Piglet pets
- Silver Vindicator Recruit gear
- Silver Vindicator Soldier gear
- Dawn Vindicator Lieutenant armor + helm
Merge shop:
- Dawn Vindicator Recruit gear
- Dawn Vindicator Soldier gear
- Dawn Vindicator Captain gear
- Dawn Vindicator Inquisitor gear
For the Dawn Vindicators seek to purge beasts of all forms from Lore in the name of our Master's lost love. When the last of the fiend's fall, the world will finally become the sacred garden it was meant to be. A garden for the human race. - Genevieve, Dawn Vindicator Flag Bearer

June 23, 2023
This Weekend: Hot New Summer Collection
New holiday rares in our Sweet Heat Summer Collection
The Summer 2023 Sweet Heat Collection chest just got a beachin' new update as we bring the 2nd batch of super-heated gear for all you real-life rare hunters and holiday-loving heroes. Unlock over 140 rare summer items when you get the chest for 10,000 AdventureCoins or buy individual items from the shop in your game menu.
- Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs (that's over 25,000 ACs worth of gear) or
- Check the Sweet Heat Rares shop from Quibble Coinbiter to buy individual items from the collection
New this week in Quibble's Shop + Collection Chest
Even Quibble Coinbiter likes to kick back and chill out in the summer time. And to get keep the pool /party rockin' he's brought super-hot gear from the past, present, and future for you to check out. This weekend, find Pyroclastic and Glacial Swimwear sets, plus the Pyroclastic, Abyssal, and Hollowborn BeastMaster sets in Quibble's Shop + Collection Chest!
The Pyroclastic, Glacial, & Hollowborn Swimwear sets include:
- Swimwear armor
- Summer Hair, Locks, Twin Tails, and Beard
- Surfboard & Water / Hail Guns (single + dual-wield)
The Pyroclastic, Abyssal, & Hollowborn BeastMaster sets include:
- BeastMaster armors (backhand weapon changes at random)
- BeastTamer armor
- Bestial Horns + Helmet
- Wrap, Battlewrap, and Rune capes
- Ground Rune
- Greatsword, Spear, and Great-Axe weapons
- Beast's Rage Flame (single + dual-wield)
Last week's update Quibble's Shop + Collection Chest featured:
- Lavarock Destroyer armor
- Horned Lavarock Fiend Hood + Horned Lavarock Helmet
- Lavarock Destroyer's Bow
- Lavarock Destroyer's Blade (single + dual-wield)
- Obsidian Swirling Shadow ground rune
- Floating Molten Lava Orb + Lavawave Wings capes
- Chaotic Summer Leisure Wear armor
- Chaotic Summer Tattoos armor
- 4 Chaotic Summer helms
- Chaotic Life Ring weapon (single + dual-wield)
- Justified Summer Leisure Wear armor
- Justified Summer Tattoos armor
- 4 Justified Summer helms
- Justified Life Ring weapon (single + dual-wield)
- Sinister Summer Leisure Wear armor
- Sinister Summer Tattoos armor
- 4 Sinister Summer helms
- Sinister Life Ring weapon (single + dual-wield)
- 2 Summer Leisure Shades helms (color-customizable)
- Prismatic Magus armor
- 2 Prismatic Magus helms
- Prismatic Rune ground item
- Resplendent Prism cape
- Refraction Wand
- Glass Refraction Dagger (single + dual-wield)
- Prism of Possibility (single + dual-wield)
- Dark Prismatic Magus armor
- 2 Dark Prismatic Magus helms
- Dark Prismatic Rune ground item
- Cold Visions Prism cape
- Dark Refraction Wand
- Dark Refraction Dagger (single + dual-wield)
- Prism of Cold Illusion (single + dual-wield)
- Sweet Chinchilla Pet
- Seraphic Swimsuit armor
- Seraphic Swimgear armor
- 11 Seraphic Summer helms
- Seraphic Flag, Umbrella, and Water Rifle capes
- Summer Seraph ground rune
- Seraphic Boom Box, Flag, Skateboard maces
- Heat Resistant Parasol and Duffelbag maces
- Seraphic Water Rifle (single + dual-wield)
- Strawberry Twilly Badge pet (with quest for exclusive character page badge)*
Still to come in the Summer 2023 Collection Chest:
- Enchanted Summer Swim Gear (seasonal gear, included in this year's collection chest)
- Summer 2023 Surfboards
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive quest pet, all of the gear contained inside the Beachin' Summer Collection shop will also be available to buy individually in the Beachin' Rares shop in your game menu.
* Quibble's shop has a version of this pet without the quest for the exclusive collection character page

June 16, 2023
Double Update Weekend
Voice in the Sea x Father's Day Story Updates
This weekend is Father's Day; join us as we celebrate fathers and father figures in-game and in real-life! Our seasonal Father's Day events return this Friday, and with travel between Sea Base Undine's floors temporarily suspended, we're seizing on this chance to showcase Yulgar and his daughter, Aria.
This weekend, log in for:
- Age of Ruin Saga: Father's Day Interlude in the /sunlightzone
- seasonal Father's Day events in /nursery and /dreadforest return, with new gear in /nursery
- The Summer 2023 Collection arrives
- Saturday's Daily Login Gift: Battle the Leviathan Mindflayer in the /twilightzone
- Sunday's Daily Login Gift: Battle Dark Sepulchure in the /sepulchure map
- Weekend Server Boost: Double EXP all weekend long
Our Father's Day seasonal events in /nursery and /dreadforest will be available until June 30th, 2023. The side story featuring Aria and Yulgar is a permanent addition to the Voice in the Sea saga and will not leave at the end of the month.
(Note: you'll need to have completed the /twilightzone release in order to access Aria + Yulgar's side story)
Double Dark Defender Rewards
This weekend, head to the /nursery map and /sunlightzone to unlock all new rewards perfect for any hero looking to defend the ones they love.
Sunlight Zone Merge shop:
- Poisonous Rogue armor
- Nightshade Thorn Assassin
- Reversed Blade of Thorns (single + dual-wield)
- Envenomed Gauntlet
- Envenomed Whip of Agony
- Elven Assassin Hair (male + female)
- Elven Assassin’s Scarf (male + female)
- Nightshade Assassin Guardian cape
- Poisonous Thorn Wreath
Monster drop in /nursery:
- ShadowScythe DragonBlade Plaque from GleebleGlarble
Merge Shop in /nursery:
- Gravelyn's Doom Gift armor*
- Harried Doom Spikes Helm
- Legacy of Doom helmet
- Furious Legacy of Doom helmet
- Furred Shoulder cape
- Fur-ious Cape of Doom
- Dark Legacy Doom Blade
- Furious Legacy Doom Blade
* Emperor Sepulchure can't remove his own armor, but the design of this set is nostalgic somehow. His daughter was the one who designed and comissioned it, sharing Sepulchure's dream of their proud and secure future.
Discover more about Drakath's Father Figure
Travel back in time and play as young Drakath after he fled the castle of his Father, King Dethrix. Meet the warrior who would become like a father to him, teaching him the battle skills he'd need to survive. Blood. Sweat. Tears. If you would be king, there is much you'll need to sacrifice.
Battle the boss and monsters in /dreadforest to unlock a bounty of new gear that would make and bandit happy!
Item Drops:
- 11 Weapons of Dread (drop from the monsters + boss in /dreadforest)
- Runed Knight Accessories: 2 Helms, 1 Cape, 2 Weapons (drop from the boss in /dreadforest)
- King Dethrix's Armor, Helm, and Axe (drop from the boss in /ebondungeon)
DreadForest Merge Shop:
- Runed Knight Armor, 2 Helms, 2 Capes
- 11 Enchanted Weapons of Dread
Lore's Darkest Dad: Sepulchure the DoomKnight
This weekend is Father's Day, and this year, we want to /cheer on all our fathers. But especially Sepulchure, the most maligned, misunderstood father an Empress could ever have. Travel back in time to the days when Empress Gravelyn was knee-high to a skeletal warrior. Try to survive her first experiments into necromancy. He is a VERY PROUD PAPA. Making her cry might be the LAST thing you ever do. Literally.
- Battle to round up the necro minions Baby Gravelyn loosed into the halls
- Clean up after her... experiments (EW)
- Give Baby Gravelyn her "snackies" (but do NOT ask about the ingredients)
- Battle Baby Gravelyn's bestest, newest friend! (If you DARE)
Complete the adventure in the /nursery zone to unlock the One Final Task farming quest. Each time you complete it, you'll be able to choose another piece of the Shadow Phoenix armor set (shown above).
Plus, for all you shadow-loving heroes out there, complete the zone to unlock the ShadowScythe House Merge shop.
- Sepulchure's Wing House: 5 rooms, available for all players
- Shadow Family Quarters: 7 rooms, member only (shown above)
Happy Father's Day from Artix Entertainment
Happy Father's Day from Artix Entertainment to all the fathers, grandfathers, uncles, mentors, and father figures in our videogame community. Your guidance and love help create real-life heroes.

June 14, 2023
Summer 2023 Limited Quantity Sets
Set your alarms! The sets go on sale Friday, July 14th at 6 PM EST!
Summer is heating up, and what better way to chill out than with all-new, super-cool gear? Head to the Account Manager site starting Friday, July 14th, at 6 PM EST, to find all-new limited quantity packs, plus returning gear that hasn't sold out yet.
To get the gear:
- Go to your AQW Account Manage site
- Find the Limited Quantity Shop section (visible shortly before 6 PM EST)
- Once the items are available, grab yours before they're gone!
Name | Price | Total Qty | Initial Stock | Restock |
Frozen Dracolich Lord | 1,500 AC | 5,000 | 1,500 | 500 |
Pyroclastic PaladinSlayer | 1,000 AC | 3,000 | 1,050 | 350 |
Pyroclastic PaladinSlayer | 100,000g mem | 15,000 | 4,500 | 1,500 |
Frost & Flame BattleGear | 75,000g | 30,000 | 7,600 | 3,200 |
Eternal Cosmic Dragon | 3,000 AC | 830 left | -- | None |
Primal Frost Tiger | 2,000 AC | 2,239 left | -- | None |
Northlands Getaway House | 100,000g mem | 3,223 left | -- | None |
DoomKnight Titan | 100,000g mem | 12,144 left | -- | None |
Each package comes with a unique set of gear and a badge in your Book of Lore and on your character page.
Frozen Dracolich Lord
Price: 1,500 AC
Total # of sets: 5,000
Initial stock quantity: 1,500
Restock: 500
Pack includes: 12 items
- 2 armors: Frozen Dracolich Lord + Underworld Dracolich Lord
- 2 helms, 1 cape, 6 weapons, and 1 pet
- Character page badge
Pyroclastic PaladinSlayer (AC)
Price: 1,000 AC
Total # of sets: 3,000
Initial stock quantity: 1,050
Restock: 350
Pack includes: 8 items
- 1 armor
- 2 helms, 1 cape, 2 weapons, 2 pets
- Character page badge
Pyroclastic PaladinSlayer (Member)
Price: 100,000 gold (for current and past members)
Total # of sets: 15,000
Initial stock quantity: 4,500
Restock: 1,500
Pack includes: 8 items
- 1 armor
- 2 helms, 1 cape, 2 weapons, 2 pets
- Character page badge
Frost & Flame BattleGear
Price: 75,000 gold
Total # of sets: 30,000
Initial stock quantity: 7,600
Restock: 3,200
Pack includes: 6 items
- 5 weapons
- 1 sword pet
- Character page badge
Eternal + Frost Cosmic Dragons
Price: 3,000 AdventureCoins
Total # of sets: 2,000
Initial stock quantity: 950
Restock: 150
- 2 armors
- 8 helms, 4 capes, 4 weapons
- Character page badge
Primal Frost Tiger
Price: 2,000 AdventureCoins
Total # of sets: 3,000
Initial stock quantity: 900
Restock: 300
- 4 armors
- 4 helms, 4 capes, 20 weapons, 2 pets
- Character page badge
Northlands Getaway House
Price: 100,000 gold (available for current and former members)
Total # of sets: 15,000
Initial stock quantity: 4,500
Restock: 1,500
- 1 House with armor/hair customization room
- Character page badge
Doom Titan Pack
Price: 100,000 gold (for current and past members)
Total # of sets: 15,000
Initial stock quantity: 5000
Restock: 2500
Pack includes: 5 items
- 1 armor
- 1 helm, 1 cape, and 2 weapons
- Character page badge
Note: This pack includes the regular Doom Titan armor set.
Restock Schedule
- 6:00 PM EST Friday night, 7/14 (initial stock)
- 2:00 AM Saturday, 7/15
- 6:00 AM Saturday, 7/15
- 10:00 AM Saturday, 7/15
- 2:00 PM Saturday, 7/15
- 6:00 PM Saturday, 7/15
- 10:00 PM EST Saturday, 7/15 (final restock)
What is a Limited Quantity Set?
The Limited Quantity Sets are just what they sounds like... each set has a certain quantity and once that number has sold out then that's it. The total number of sets is the same for everyone, everwhere, so if you see 300 items left on the web page, that's what we've got left in stock.
How Do Limited Quantity Sets Work?
- Log into your account manager on (not into the game!)
- Purchase the set using either ACs or gold
- Log into AQW and find your set badge in the Book of Lore
- Get all the items in the badge shop for 0 ACs (yay free storage!)

June 12, 2023
This Weekend: Father's Day Returns
Voice in the Sea x Father's Day Story Update
This weekend is Father's Day; join us as we celebrate fathers and father figures in-game and in real-life! Our seasonal Father's Day events return this Friday, and with travel between Sea Base Undine's floors temporarily suspended, we're seizing on this chance to showcase Yulgar and his daughter, Aria.
This weekend, log in for:
- Age of Ruin Saga: Father's Day Interlude in the /sunlightzone
- seasonal Father's Day events in /nursery and /dreadforest return, with new items in /nursery
- The Summer 2023 Collection arrives
- Saturday's Daily Login Gift: Battle the Leviathan Mindflayer in the /twilightzone
- Sunday's Daily Login Gift: Battle Dark Sepulchure in the /sepulchure map
- Weekend Server Boost: Double EXP all weekend long
Leaving with this update:
- Exodus Guardian Limited Time Set (Design Notes)
- May 19th Featured Gear Shop sets: Underworld Fifth Master + NovaStriker (Design Notes)

June 09, 2023
Our Summer AC Bonus is Here
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
Whether you're a real-life digital rare collector or not, this is a great time to refill your AC stash — we've got a flood of gear, gifts, and events heading your way! Get 50% more AdventureCoins with any any AC or Membership pack while our holiday AC bonus is on.
If you're a real-life digital rare collector, then you're going to want to keep an eye on the Design Notes, because we've got a bounty of rare items heading your way this Summer!
- New Summer, Magical, + Celestial-themed gear in the Featured Rare Shop
- 2023 Summer Collection Chest
- Summer Limited Quantity Sets
Also happening this Summer:
- New main story updates
- Father's Day of DOOM seasonal events return
- This year's Father's Day of Doom focuses on Aria + Yulgar
- the next chapter of the Hollowborn Saga
- Tanabata (aka the Star Festival)
- and a permanent in-game concert event featuring the NPCs*
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
*if we can reach an agreement with their booking agent, that is...

June 09, 2023
New Featured Gear
/Cheer for new Cherry Blossom Fairy Sets
Like sunny Summer days, cherry blossoms are beautiful because they're so fleeting; they remind us to live in the moment and cherish each day. This weekend, find our Cherry Blossom Fairy and Sakura Fairy in Shadow sets. They're light and airy; the perfect gear for any Summer /party... and that Sweet Sakura Fox pet is a-DAWWWW-rable! This weekend, find both sets in your Featured Gear Shop.*
Cherry Blossom Fairy Set
Soft as snow, yet bright as spring. Dance alongside the graceful bloom and fall of cherry blossom petals.
- Cherry Blossom Fairy armor
- Sakura Petal hair helms
- Sakura Petal + Shades helms
- Bright Blossom Wings cape
- Sparkling Sakura Sprites cape
- Sparkling Blossom Wings cape
- Spirit of the Sakura Blossom gauntlet
- Sweet Sakura Petal Fox pet
- Scent of Sakura wand
- Sweet Sakura Perfume Bottle mace (single and dual wield)
The seasonal Cherry Blossom Sakura set will be available every Summer. This year, it will stay in-game until our Summer events are removed.
Sakura Fairy in Shadow Set
Night falls and the regal dance of the sakura continues on a moonless night. Though no one might be there to see, it doesn't make them any less beautiful.
- Sakura Fairy in Shadow armor
- Shadow Sakura Blossom Morph helms (male and female)
- Shadow Blossom Wings cape
- Magical Midnight Sprites cape
- Magical Midnight Blossom Wings cape
- Spirit of the Shadow Sakura gauntlet
- Shadows of Sakura Fox pet
The rare Sakura Fairy in Shadow set will be available until our Summer events are removed. Then it will go rare forever.
Image Note: The Sweet Sakura and Magical Midnight Sakura wands shown in the image above will arrive this weekend as rare Daily Login Gifts.
Still Available: Celestial Templar Guardian
If you're a hero dedicated to battling the darkness and whatever waits deep below the waves, this is the blindingly-bright set for you!
Celestial Templar Guardian
Sworn to protect and serve, the Celestial Templar Guardians will defend any who seek refuge from the terrors that lurk in the Shadows.
- Celestial Templar Guardian armor
- Ascended + regular Aegis of Light Wings
- 3 helms
- Battle Staff of Strength
- Bright Glaive of Guardianship
- Purified Accoutrements of Protection
- Bright Blade of Protection (single + dual-wield)
Find the Celestial Templar Guardian set in your Featured Gear Shop until June 30th, 2023.

June 09, 2023
Terror in the Twilight
The Age of Ruin Saga continues this weekend
The sea is dark and full of terrors, but what about your dreams? This weekend, return to our main story with Chapter 3 of the Voice in the Sea Saga. Once you descend to the Twilight Zone of Seabase Undine, you'll find old friends, new secrets, a growing sense paranoia, anfd if you're lucky... the information you seek.
This weekend, log in for:
- Age of Ruin Saga: Voice in the Sea III in /twilightzone
- New reward gear in the Twilight Zone and Sea Base House Merge Shops
- New Featured Gear: Cherry Blossom Fairy set + Sakura Fairy in Shadow set
- Saturday's Daily Gifts: Sea Beast's Gifts I
- Sunday's Daily Gifts: Summer Sakura Gifts
- Updates to the Frost SpiritReaver Class
- Get double Gold all weekend long!
We've got a host of new content for you! Then next weekend, we combine our Father's Day + Voice in the Sea stories to bring you a heartwarming look at Aria and Yulgar's relationship as we celebrate all the dads (and dad-types), digital and IRL. Don't miss the any of our upcoming events and releases of this month's update. Bookmark our weekly event here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Voice in the Sea III Reward Gear
This weekend, we've got a bounty of new rewards for you! Read on to see what you can unlock, and how, then head in-game and get your battle on!
Twilight Zone Gear
Collect Undine Visitor Badges, Sundered Tentacles, and Leviathan Scales to create:
- Evacuation Protocol Suit
- Emergency Scuba Hood
- Evacuation Drill hair helms
- Sea Base Flotation Device
- Sea Base Emergency Hose
- Sea Base Flotation Ring (single + dual wield)
- Mindflayer's Infested Bow and Arrow
- Devouring Sea's Blade (single + dual wield)
- Eldritch Twilight Dirk (single + dual wield)
Sea Base House Merge Shop
Collect Undine Base Scrip, Sundered Tentacles, and Leviathan Scales to create:
- Undine Office Desk
- Ominous Undine Desk
- Hero Hydration Station
- Sea Base Server Rack
- Ergonomic Engineer Setup
- Base-ic Infirmary Bed
- Flowering Shrub + Table
- Golden Bouquet + Table
- Medical Monitor
- Medical Monitor Trio
- Song’s Seaside Portrait

June 05, 2023
Featured Gear Shop Update
Looking for the Underworld Fifth Master? Never fear!
Last Friday, the Underworld Fifth Master set, Novastriker set, and the Grievous Fiend Spear were accidentally pulled from the Featured Gear Shop early. They have been added back now and stay until June 16th, as originally announced.

June 02, 2023
Lavarock Hydra Boss Battle
If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the volcano
This weekend, log in and head to this Summer's newest boss battle in Lavarock Bay! Prinsesa Anina needs your help to quell the fury of the volcano's guardian dragon, Kalayo. Defeat it, and she'll reward you with some of the hottest gear of the year!
Kalayo is a dragon that has come to nest in the caldera of the Lavarock volcano. Though hatched far away, on the shores of her homeland, it has taken on a divine duty. It prevents intruders from tainting the pure flames of the volcano with our mortality.
Head to LavaRock Bay and talk to Prinsesa Anina for super-heated boss battles:
- All heroes: battle Kalayo in /lavarockbay
- Level 75 and up: battle Kasuko in /lavarockshore
- Quest to create fiery versions of fan-favorite weapons
Plus, this weekend, we're also bringing you:
- Our Summer seasonal events return, along with a new /summerhub map
- Battle the Multo ng bai + Wisterrora monsters in /ghostbeach for seasonal drops
- The Chronomancer of Light, is now available in the Featured Gear Shop
- Find Mi and the Pride shop permanently available in the Shinkansen map
- Updates to the Blood Titan Class
- The DeepSea Defender Upgrade Bonus is now available
- Our Summer AC Bonus is happening now!
Lavarock Rewards
- Lavarock Guardian armor
- 2 helms
- 1 cape
- Kalayo's Oath Blade (single and dual-wield)
- Molten Lava Rock Mace (single and dual-wield)
- Blaze of Awe
- Burning Sword of Doom
- Blazing Light of Destiny
This week's boss battle was inspired by the mythology of the Philippines. As we approach Filipino Independence Day, we wanted to honor all of our Filipino heroes who've battled alongside us for so many years.

June 02, 2023
Seasonal Summer Events Return
Summer is here, and so is the hottest gear of the year!
Log in this weekend to get your battle on at the beach! Head to /summerhub for our new Summer hubtown, plus find all our returning seasonal maps and rewards return in the /summerbreak zone.
- summerhub
- summerbreak
- lavarockbay - new this year!
- burningbeach
- blazingbeach
- beachparty
- freakitiki
- coralbeach
- lunacove
Summer Sun, Sand, and... SHARKS?!
Cast off those heavy armors and woolen mage robes. It's time to soak up some rays while chillin' out with your friends at the beach -- Burning Sands Beach has all the sun, sand, sharks (?!?) and sweet rewards a vacationing hero could hope for.
Find all the returning seasonal items you guys love to battle through the beach in, and keep checking back as we continue to add more new gear all summer long! New 2023 exclusive surfboards will be added to the Summer shop soon, and 2023 graduation gear will arrive next week.
Summer Days Shop gear:
- Summer Style armor
- Summer Rave armor
- Prismatic Summer Rave armor
- Summer Rave accessories
- Victory and Battle Swimwear armors
- Robes of Knowledge
Seasonal surfboard staffs:
- Artix Dragon surfboard
- Treasure Map surfboard
- Surfboard of the Nation
- Surfboard of the Legion
- Surfboard of Destiny
Burning Beach is Under Attack!
Fight fire with fire as we return to Burning Beach. Blazebeard (Lore's most notorious pirate) gained access to one of Pyromancy's greatest artifacts, the Magmanacles.
Now, he seeks to steal the ancient power trapped deep inside the island's volcano. If he succeeds, he'll have enough strength to rules the seas... the land... and beyond. Head to /blazingbeach as we continue the story of ArchMage Pyralis and the refugees of Feverfew Isle.
Or, if you're just joining us, begin the adventure in /burningbeach, where Pyralis seekst your help to save her people from an imminent volcanic eruption and the power of a raging (and trapped!) Storm Elemental.
Pride 2023: Show Your True Colors...
...This month, and every month! Feeling like you're different, or don't belong, is always a challenge... and that's especially true in today's world. That's why it is so important to recognize that our differences and unique qualities are what make us special.
The Artix Entertainment community has always been made up of many different heroes. The AdventureQuest Worlds team is as diverse and multi-cultural as our community. And as a team, we feel it's important that we always respect ALL heroes.
That's why, as people around the United States celebrate Pride month, we're bringing back our gear, with an important change: the seasonal Pride shop is now a permanent one. We've added Mi, the non-binary NPC from Darkon's Elegy of Madness Saga, in the Shinkansen map* as the shop vendor.
They are proud to be Mi**, and we believe that you should always be proud of who you are and the struggles you've overcome.
Reward Drops:
- Pastel Rainbow Armor
- 2 Pastel Rainbow Helms
- Joy Explorer Ground Rune
All 4 drops are 0 AC and seasonal, and can be obtained by battling the MMMirage monster in /summerbreak.
Seasonal Shop Gear:
- Joy Explorer, Reversed Joy Explorer, and Joy Wanderer gear
- Prismatic Pride Outfit + accessories***
- Rainbow Pride Outfit + accessories
- Shades of Pink Outfit + accessories
- Shades of Violet Outfit + accessories
- Rainbow Crocodile Pet
Live a life full of color, happiness, joy, and pride. Battle On!
* As Mi says, "There is so much to do and to look at in the Shinkansen, so many different people and cultures. It’s the perfect place to hang out and just be yourself without worrying you’ll stick out. That’s why they chose to set up shop there."
** Mi's guitar is scheduled to arrive in-game next month, for International Non-Binary People's Day.
*** Four colors to customize (base, trim, accessories, and eye color)

June 02, 2023
Summer AdventureCoin Bonus Starts NOW
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
Summer officially begins on June 21st, but our holiday AC bonus starts NOW! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AC or Membership pack. It's the perfect time to reload your ACs as we begin our Summer holiday event lineup begin.
Gear up and get ready, because all Summer long, we'll be adding new items for you!
- Seasonal Summer Shop
- Featured Rare Shop
- Wheel of Doom Merge Shop
- 2023 Summer Collection Chest
Also happening this Summer:
- New main story updates
- Father's Day of DOOM
- the next chapter of the Hollowborn Saga
- Tanabata
- and a permanent in-game concert event featuring the NPCs*
Note: if you purchased ACs during the 24 hours before the bonus began, you will be automatically awarded the extra AdventureCoins.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
*if we can reach an agreement with their booking agent, that is...

June 02, 2023
Become a Deep Sea Defender
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive armor sets
Deep below the waves, down in the depths where no light shines, your Master waits. Your role: to serve and protect the ancient, eldritch god who steals hearts and souls of heroes, binding them to its will. Unlock all 14 color-customizable items in the DeepSea Defender upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the DeepSea Defender upgrade bonus to unlock 2 color-customizable armor sets:
- DeepSea Defender (walking armor)
- DeepSea Acolyte (floating, tentacled armor)
- Inscrutable Ask of the Sea Servant helm
- Tentacles of Total Devotion helm
- Face of Hatchi'Yuuuuck helm
- Tentacles of Terror cape
- Glowing Tendrils of Delusion cape
- The Abyss Awaits cape
- Shroud of the Abyss ground rune
- Accursed Spear of Madness polearm
- Blade of Blasphemy (single and dual-wield)
- Gauntlet of the Grim Guard (single and dual-wield)
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the DeepSea Defender pack on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the DeepSea Defender gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the DeepSea Defender gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Thank you for battling alongside us!
We are pushing hard to bring you more of what you've asked for: improved combat, quality of life updates, epic items, and a darker main story. If you're enjoying the updates (and you're able to), please consider supporting the game's development with an AC or Membership pack.