Design Notes
August 12, 2014
Chaos Fan Art Winners: Alteon
12th Lord of Chaos Fan Art Contest winners announced!
A new chapter unfolds within Lorepedia…
…revealing the Fan Art Winners in the Chaos Lord Alteon category!
Grand Prize Winner: 12th Lord of Chaos
So much wow. So much depth. So much dynamicy (not a word, but it should be). Fellow hero and talented artist Norgalad painted this Alteon masterpiece and won the grand prize of: 1,000 AdventureCoins, the exclusive color-custom Chaos Paintbrush + Chaos Artist Palette dual weapon set, the Art of Chaos character page badge, and his art as an in-game House Item (to be released at a future date)!
All Other Winners
Please click here to see all the Alteon winners in the 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Runner Ups, and Above and Beyond categories. Such noble work from noble heroes!
Battle On!
xoxo Beleen =D

August 11, 2014
Chaos Fan Art Winners: Lionfang
11th Lord of Chaos Fan Art Contest winners announced!
Get ready to sink your teeth into the Chaos Lord Lionfang fan art winners!
Grand Prize Winner: 11th Lord of Chaos
This is pure chaos—and I ain’t lion! Fellow hero Stoikrex painted this Lionfang masterpiece and won the grand prize of: 1,000 AdventureCoins, the exclusive color-custom Chaos Paintbrush + Chaos Artist Palette dual weapon set, the Art of Chaos character page badge, and his art as an in-game House Item (to be released at a future date)!
All Other Winners
Please click here to see all the Lionfang winners in 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Runner Ups, and Above and Beyond. Great work everyone—you did a roaring good job!
Be sure to check out the Fan Art chapter in the Lorepedia to view all our Chaos Fan Art winners to date:
Battle On!
xoxo Beleen =D

July 30, 2014
Chaos Fan Art Winners: Ledgermayne
7th Lord of Chaos Fan Art Contest winners announced!
Exciting news, folks! A new Chapter has appeared in the Lorepedia!
As you can probably deduct, this chapter unfolds the pages that contain the Chaos Lord Fan Art winners!
Grand Prize Winner: 7th Lord of Chaos
This is a dream-come-true! Fellow player Nightmare created this AMAZING Chaos Lord Ledgermanye fan art and won the Grand Prize!
Your artwork is truly magical, Nightmare. Please accept: 1,000 AdventureCoins, the exclusive color-custom Chaos Paintbrush + Chaos Artist Palette dual weapon set, the Art of Chaos character page badge, AND your art as an in-game House Item (which will be released at a future date)!
All Other Winners
Please click here to see the 2nd Place, 3rd Place, and Runner Ups for the Chaos Lord Ledgermayne category. Great job everyone, and keep up the wondrous work!
xoxo Beleen <3

March 29, 2013
Face Chaos Lord Lionfang!
It's a HUGE Friday for AQW & AE!
Quick table of contents for today:
- Chaos Lord Lionfang Battle
- Lionfang Finale Rare Shop
- Darkblood StormKing Class
- Spring Seasonal Shop Opens
- Aria's Pet Egg Quests Begins Sunday
- Dage's Birthday Rares & Lucky Day leave next week
- Artists of Artix Sketchbook on HeroMart
Chaos Lord Lionfang!
Today you get to face Chaos Lord Lionfang!
He's got the Darkblood Weapon against Chaos and he plans to use it on Drakath. His plan? Take out Drakath to solidify his own Chaos Power then use that power to destroy all evil all over Lore. Unfortunately we know that the weapon won't work against Drakath AND that Chaos Lord Lionfang wasn't quite right in the head BEFORE he became chaorrupted.
You have been entrusted with the sacred Darkblood relic and your only chance to stop is from being wasted on Drakath is to face Lionfang and take it back before it's too late.
As usual, Lionfang will drop a Member Only version of his own Chaos Lord Armor and helm...
as well as a few other member and non-member items.
Lionfang Finale Rare Shop
You will also be able to find a week long Lionfang Rares Shop (will go rare Monday, April 8th) where you can find a number of rares that you won't ever see again once they are gone!
Amazing armors and powerful weapons from contributing artists Memet, Solrac, Aegis, Veneeria and more!
Darkblood StormKing Class
Each new area we release usually comes with a class that you can unlock by reaching rank 10 in that area's reputation faction. Today we release the thunderforge Rep class... the Darkblood StormKing!
You can get the class one of two ways.
- Reach rank 10 Thunderforge reputation and drop a lot of gold to unlick the class.
- Open the Class Shop (Shops button in Game Menu, Ragnar in Battleon or Book of Lore) and pay 2000 AdventureCoins for the AC version if you don't feel like doing the repeatable rep quests in the Darkblood city of Falguard.
To read my Skills Breakdown whic tells you everything yuou need to know about the class (like how to use it) CLICK HERE!
Spring Seasonal Shop Opens
The Seasonal Key shop in Twilly has changed! The lock has melted and the Ice Token will not longer give you access to the rares! Now you will need to purchase the Storm Token from Twilly to open this shop until for a limited time.
This shop now contains:
- ThunderBolt Striker Armor (animated)
- ThunderHorn Helm
- Lightning Slasher
- DaggerDual Lightning Slashers
- Electric Storm Cape! (animated)
Remember that once the storms of spring pass and the lock heats up these items will go rare and get replaced by the summer seasonal items!
Aria's Pet Egg Hunt!
Sunday Aria begins her series of pet egg quests. For a limited time Aria will sell you rare monster eggs (one Member & one Non-Member) and you will be able to do a number of repeatable quests to merge your egg and farming items into several different rare pets.
This is a rare chance for non-members to farm for pets of their own and it won't last forever!
Dage's Birthday & Lucky Day Leaving!
It's been a great birthday month for Dage but next Wednesday, Dage's birthday rares (shop and SoulForge rares) will be leaving forever! Monday will also bring the Lucky Day Faire to a close until next year. How was your luck this year?
The Artists of Artix Sketchbook is LIVE!
It has been one of the most eagerly anticipated HeroMart items of all time but the wait is over. The Artists of Artix Sketchbook is LIVE on HEROMART! You can read more about that in the next Design Notes Post!

January 25, 2013
Chaos Lord Lionfang
Starting the AQW Power Weekend Right!
The Darkblood City of Falguard. Its great stone walls and massive oak doors have kept the secrets of the Darkblood safe for centuries... until now.
Months after mysteriously disappearing from Onslaught Tower, Archlord Lionfang has reappeard as Chaos Lord Lionfang and he is turning his chaorrupted army and startling new powers on the city of Falguard!
Join forces with Captain Madra of the Falguard Dreadwatch and safe as many of the Darkblood people from his wrath as you can. His powers are great, but if he unlocks the secret of the Darkblood weapon against Chaos then there will be no stopping him.
The city of Falguard features the Thunderforge Reputation Shop, Daily Rep Quests, repeatable rep grinding quests for Members, a Darkblood Weapon Shop, the Darkblood Armor shop and even the Darkblood Styalist for those of you who need your horns reshaped by Darkblood magic.
As always, this is just the beginning of the Reputation Shop. it will continue to be filled as the storyline unfolds before you.
AQW Power Weekend!
Welcome to new magical time we call the AQW Power Weekend!
Here's what you need to know.
- The Power Weekend runs from now until Monday around Noon, server time.
- Players can get DOUBLE XP on EVERY SERVER!
- Members can get slight MORE than DOUBLE XP on the MEMBER ONLY SERVERS.
- Members can also get DOUBLE REPUTATION on the MEMBER ONLY SERVERS.
It's as simple as that! This really is one weekend you don't want to miss out on.
MOD Birthday Shops!
This weekend it is Stratos and Vokun's Birthdays! Stratos is our Bug Hunter General as well as a holding a number of other positions in AE. Vokun is one of our newest volunteer developers on AQW's art team!
You can find Stratos's Birthday Shop in Battleon and Vokun;s in Shadowfall, but if you get lost just talk to Stratos in Battleon. His button should take you to Shadowfall!
We are getting reports that some of Vokun's birthday items are missing but we added everything that he sent us. He might have left a few items out of his show so we will add them as soon as we get them!
Don't forget that Quibble Coinbiter will be coming next week with a bunch of super sweet rares and items! he's always got some interesting stuff!
We added a big button to the Dragon's lair in battleon ebcause quite a few ne players had no idea that it was there. Just dropping some love on an old favorite.
The new Jade Samurai set has replaced the Golden Set that accomplanies the ONE YEAR UPGRADE. This set is ALSO Limited Time Only so grab it while it lasts!
Coming next week: Watch as a young King Alteon defeats Gravelclaw the Defiler, imprisoning him deep below the Forest of Chaos! Members will need to battle to the bottom of Shattersword Cavern to stop him from rising again!
This will be a pretty fun weekend and I have a few alts to level so maybe I'll see you guys on AQW!
Have a nice weekend.

January 23, 2013
Coming Friday
Darkblood, Treasure Chests, MOD Birthdays and More!
This Friday the new Chaos Lord Lionfang saga continues in the Darkblood city of Falguard.
Captain Madra and one of her Falguard Dreadwatch Soldiers
This week you will enter the mysterious Darkblood city of FALGUARD, whose doors have remained closed to outsiders for years. The Darkblood Scroll has been translated and a newly empowered CHAOS LORD LIONFANG plans to test out his new powers searching for the Darkblood weapon that may be able to defeat Chaos.
The City will feature the Thunderforge Reputation Shop (on Madra herself), A Weapon Shop, An Armor Shop, a Hair Shop, at least one dark alley, a few quests to grind Thunderguard Reputation (more for Members) and, of course, the storyline quests.
Can you find the secret weapon of the Darkblood before Chaos Lord Lionfang rips Falguard apart?
Other Stuff Happening This Week
- We have new treasure chest items coming for all of you who have unlocked been stocking the treasure chests up and Members who have been stockpiling your free Treasure Chest Keys from Twilly
- We have TWO Mod birthday shops coming Friday as well. Captain Stratos, Co-head Moderator and Bug Master General and Vokun, one of our newest volunteer assistant developers!
- The 1 Year Member Golden Set Member Package is going away, to be replaced by the Jade Samurai 1 Year Member Set which is exactly the same as the other package but with a different set.
Stuff Coming In The Future
We're working on some new Membership perks for you guys, in addition to the one that Alina talked about earlier. We are trying to workout a system where Members would simply get MORE ACs. If you buy the 2000 AC package and you're a Member then you would get more than 2000 ACs.
How many more? Still working on making it happen (It may never happen, but we're trying) so we'll saw for sure at that time.
Next week Quibble will be coming back to Battleon and will be bringing a host of all new, slightly used rares from the future (and past in this case). A few of you were asking if Xavier Lionfang's Silver Lion Armor would be released during the Lionfang Saga... well, it is.
Funny story: ORIGINALLY the Lionfang armor art was silver, but went back for a recolor and came out the gold version that we all know. Makes sense that Xavier would get his big brother's hand-me-downs.
Changes to Battleon will start happening soon. Things will start moving, appearing, vanishing, shifting, sliding and expanding.
The Search For New Mods Continues
Reens and Stratos are still looking for a few good players who help expand the Moderator team of AQW.
If you want to know how to apply, READ THIS CAREFULLY. I've had people e-mailing me and even trying to apply on Twitter which just proves that you either
- Didn't bother to read the directions,
- Skimmed them but didn't pay attention, or
- Can't read English well enough to be a Mod.
No matter which way you go, if you can't even apply correctly then you lacking some very necessary qualifications that we need in our Mods.
People have been asking me who "won the Mod contest?". I can't stress enough that this is not a contest to be won, it's a volunteer job to be applied for. It's a pretty serious and necessary position and we have some fairly high standards for what we expect from our Mods.
It's hours and hours of helping, reading thousands of player reports and trying your best to help other players. It's a thankless job but that's OK because we don't pay you anything. We even put restrictions on the items that Mods get. The only rewards are a gold name, the chance to test the releases before they are finished and the chance to help make AQW a better and safer game for everyone.

December 09, 2011
Chaos Versus Chaos!
Chaos Lord takes on the Chaos Champion
Lore has no fury like a Prophetess Chaorrupted! Members can watch as Bloodtusk's Chaos Lord faces Drakath head on and tries to take him down!* But Chaos IS Chaotic, so things do not go quite as planned. That's where YOU come in... you can't let a rogue Chaos Lord roam free, can you? A Chaos confrontation awaits you in the /dreamnexus!
Epically Chaotic rewards await you!
- Bloodtusk Chaos Lord Armor!
- Chaos Lord Human Armor!
- Chaos Eruption Blade!
- Solar Phoenix Pet!
- And more!
All rewards drop either from monsters in the map or from the Chaos Lord!
It has been a long road through the Ravine; you've watched the Trolls and Horcs ripped apart by distrust, torn apart by war, occupied by an Alliance army and forced to face the fact that one of their own was behind ALL of it! In a story full of twists, turns, death and betrayal, Chaos still keeps you guessing in this last installment of the Bloodtusk Ravine Saga!
TIP: Do NOT underestimate how angry Khasaanda is.
* Chaos Lord battle unlocks for Free Players NEXT Friday!
/Samba Dance Disco Game!
Are you ready to dance the night away? If YOU want to be able to /samba in-game, then you'd better head over to Samba's disco in Bloodtusk Ravine and get ready to get your fingers movin' to the groove. It's the ONLY way to unlock the member-only /samba emote! You can read Samba's Design Notes about the minigame here!
It's a Frostval Miracle!
We told you guys we didn't think Frostval would make it in this week but.... SURPRISE! We knew all along it'd go in. Frostval Fools! (You're a mean one, Mr. Cysero! You're a devious, prankful soul! /sing)
It's amazing how many of you displayed incredible Frostval Spirit cheering us on or saying you'd understand if we couldn't get the Frostval release out. For all of YOU, we bring the release of Frostvals Past. We'd give everyone else coal, but we're too full of cheer at getting the release out! So, Frostval release present for EVERYONE!
And speaking of PRESENTS: New member-only presents have been stored in the sack behind Cleric Joy in Battleon! Get your gifts now, but remember, they won't open until January 1st!
We've got a TON of super-snowy fun waiting for you when you /join frostvale! So if you haven't joined us for Frostval before, get ready to save the Spirit of Frostval, defeat the frigid twin perils of Ice and Snow Golems, and help your friends celebrate!
NEW Frostval content will be released NEXT Friday! You're going to be up against a chillingly cold-hearted villain this year, vile and dripping with icy venom, so bring your warmest ear-flap hat (Wikipedia tells me it's called an "ushanka"), bundle up and get ready to battle on!
I Can Has Mod: Cysero!
You cannot win Cysero himself, but you CAN win 2 hours with him in-game AND a super-awesome wish! If you haven't heard about this crazy contest before, then you'll want to make sure to read Cysero's deliciously golden, cheezburger-laden Design Notes post!

December 06, 2011
Chaos Lord Battle Friday
The Chaos Lord's fate is in your hands!
Revenge, loss, and defiance. All have a long history in Bloodtusk Ravine, and this Friday is no different! The NEW Chaos Lord is demanding a meeting with Drakath, and they're NOT planning to discuss which shade of purple is most flattering.
Members will be able to battle the Chaos Lord THIS Friday! The Chaos Lord battle will be open to ALL players NEXT Friday!
Click to see a larger picture
Journey to a place between Here and Everywhere, found inside your mind but outside Time - where nightmares walk, dreams go to die, and that Bloodtusk Ravine's Chaos Lord knows they can control! A realm fading in and out of existence, where Chaos will confront Chaos head on... and the outcome is up to you!
Members: Meet Molgulp the Mudluk!
This Wednesday (oh, hey, that's TOMORROW!), Members will get an all new mini-storyline! You'll want to speak to Molgulp to learn the ancient secrets of Mudluk weapons-crafting! In the process, you'll gain access to a whole shop's worth of swanky swamp swag to equip and enhance!
When You Wish Upon A MOD!
FallenPaladin, Winner #2 of the I Can Has MOD! Contest, wished that a blue version of Dage's Undead Legend armor would be available for ALL players for FREE! Tomorrow, that shop and FallenPaladin's NPC will appear in ShadowFall next to Dage the Evil! (Where else would you expect a new Ambassador of Evil to be?)
Do Undead Legends sing the Blues?
Frostval Begins Friday!
This Friday we'll re-release all of the past years of Frostval events! Re-visit the FrostMoglins in Frostvale, spread cheer and fight your fear of King Coal's cold as you battle ice monsters, save the Spirit of Frostval, and generally join in the joyous Frostval fun!
NEXT week we will begin the NEW Frostval releases! When all of Frostval is under seige by an Ice Elemental who revels in selfishness and aggresssion, you'll need to save all of Lore from becoming as cold-hearted (literally, hearts are turning to ICE) as he is! What I'm sayin' is... he's not a very n-ICE guy! Heh.* The dark side of the Alliance isn't that nice either, but you're going to need the help of the most Evil person you know if you're going to save Frostval... and Lore!
* Rolith just hurled an orange at me as pun-ishment. He needs to put points in Pun Tolerance.
Have a great night, everyone! See you for the release tomorrow!

March 25, 2011
Fight Chaos Lord Tibicenas!
The Sandsea Saga comes to a close…ALMOST!
After thousands of years of imprisonment (and after weeks of us hunting him down), Tibicenas the Chaos Djinn is finally FREE! You and Zhoom must follow Tibicenas into the Djinn World and stop him before he takes his vengeance on the King of the Djinn, Efreet... and on the rest of Lore.
LOL! Stratos looks funny! Oh...wait... =(
Thought the other Chaos Lords put up a fight? Had trouble with Wolfwing, did ya? Just wait until you encounter Tibicenas. This Chaos baddie has a new battle mechanic armed with a life-stealing AOE.
But wait—there’ more! Tibicenas has 40,000 HP, a 20% chance to Crit, a 30% chance to Dodge, and goes Berserk once his HP falls low enough. You better have a Healer (or two!) in your group if you hope to defeat this Chaos Lord.
So let’s say you beat Tibicenas. Itchin’ for a tougher fight? Talk to Efreet to try your luck against Ultra- Tibicenas!
Need heals PLOX!
Only the most powerful Members will be able to take on this dangerous foe. Not only does Ultra-Tibi come stacked with a whopping 100,000 HP and an 80% life-stealing AOE, he also has a new ability that will stop you right in your tracks. His Petrify spell cannot be dodged and cannot be undone… and since you can only have 7 heroes in this particular map… you had better hope that your battle-buddies are well-armed and ready for a long ‘n crazy ‘n heated battle against Ultra-Tibicenas!
Both forms of Tibicenas are LOADED with item drops… but the ONLY WAY to get the Color Custom Zhoom Armor, Zhoom’s Dragonbow, and the Efreet Amor, Hair, and Face helms is by being a Member so that YOU can partake in the Ultra-Tibicenas battle!
A Sandstorm of new Sandsea Items
Quibble is staying in Battleon for one more week! And he’s got the new Malani Warrior set in stock!
The Malani Warrior Armor, Malani Warrior Turban, and Malani Scimitar are Completely COLOR CUSTOM! So play around with Base, Trim, Accessory, and Eye Colors to become the most unique Malani Warrior that Lore has EVER seen!
In addition to Quibble’s awesome new swag, the Chaos Sphinx will now drop the Sphinx pet, new items in the Sandsea Rep Shop, the Harpy in the Djinn world will drop her headdress, Tibicenas drops 7 items (including his Djinn armor morph!), and Ultra-Tibicenas has 8 items for you to obtain…if you can defeat him that is!
But there’s more! 13 more items, in fact. In the player suggestion shop! All of the items in this shop were inspired by our fellow players! All of the items here were inspired by your fellow players from our Forums. Wanna submit your weapon or armor ideas, too? Head to the forums with your masterpieces because you never know if – or when -- your idea will make it in game and used by thousands!
Woah. Now that’s a lot going on tonight. We wish you the best of luck in the Chaos Lord showdown and hope your weekend is a great one.
“Or else!” Cysero says.
BATTLE ON and ON and ON and ON until you get those item drops!

March 23, 2011
Bucket Of Stuff
I Tried For 20 Minutes To Come Up With A Better Title
We have a LOT of stuff going on again, so I'm going to tell YOU guys about some of the things you might care about. Keep in mind that for everything we TELL you that we are working on there are abiut 5 other things that can't tell you about.
A Call For Moderators!
Want to be a mod? Want to spend hours a day not getting paid while helping your fellow players, catching cheaters, hackers, scammers and muting people who use abusive language?
If you answered YES to either of these questions, then you should probably check yourself into the nearest psychiatric hospital as soon as you can, but I also have exciting news for you.
Reens and Stratos (the Lead Moderator and her Moderater Majordomo) are looking for new mods for AQWorlds (and HeroSmash), and now is your chance to apply! One thing Reens needs to stress - you MUST be over 18 year old. If you are under 18, if you don't include your age, or if you start with "I'm not 18 yet, but..." the application will not be considered.
What they need you to included in your email is:
1. Your real name, age, and country of residence.
2. AQW Game account name and email address
3. Master Account name and email address
4. Forum account name and email address if one is entered. (not required to have one)
5. Languages you speak/read
6. C.V. (Resume) *please note we'd like the CV in English.
Please send your COMPLETE application to [email protected] . If the application is not complete, they toss it out. And please - one application per person.
Reens and Stratos will read all the applications. If you are chosen to go through a further interview, they will contact you. Unfortunately, they cannot reply to everyone. If you do not hear from us, sorry.
The Next Limited Quantity Shop
Announcing the NEXT Limited Quantity Shop featuring Dage's Prometheus Set!
The next LQS opens at 1:00 PM EST (GMT -4 now thanks to Daylight Savings Time) on April 1st (As much as I love messing with people, this is not an April Fools Joke). The Shop Will Include 5000 of the Prometheus Armor, 5000 of the Prometheus Helm, 5000 of the Prometheus Back Item, 5000 of the Prometheus Sword (shown above). Each of the items listed above will cost AdventureCoins. It will also include a few extra items of various prices and quantities (some AC some not) and the rest of the unsold Scythes from the last LQS.
There will be a female version of the armor. It is NOT color custom. Prices will be higher than Quibble's (as one would expect from a Black Market vendor) but may or may not be announced ahead of time.
You may be asking yourself why we're opening the shop at 1:00 PM when a lot of you are still in school or work or doing something else. I told you that I would roll a random time EACH TIME we opened the LQS to give everyone a fair shot of being first to get the items.
I rolled my dice and the dice do not lie.
I rolled a 13 on my beloved D20. That means 13:00 hours or 1:00 EST. If I rolled a 20 (CRIT) I would roll my D4, if I get a 4, we stick with 20:00 hours. If i get a 1-3 it means I roll again and add the D4 to the D20 for 21:00 - 00:00 (that's 24) hours.
I could have just written a random number generator to pick the hour but dice are more fun. There is a reason I wanted to be the Luck enhancement vendor.
with 5000 rather pricey AC items they will probably last more than 24 hours, but if they do not... maybe next time I will randomly roll the perfect for YOU!
Quibble Is Staying
For another week after this Friday. Little guy has to rest his feet.
HeroSmash Alpha Phase 3 TONIGHT!
If you haven't been following Artix's Play-By-Play on over at HeroSmash, tonight we open our newest game to anyone who has EVER upgraded in any of our games (even EXPIRED AQw upgrades), Anyone who has ever purcahsed AdventureCoins (AExtras are not purchases), anyone who has ever purchased Battleon Points for their Master Account, or anyone who has ever purchased Varium for EpicDuel.
You will also that account attached to your Master Account.
If you meet these requirements then you WILL be able to play HeroSmash Alpha Phase 3 starting tonight at 6:30 EST and experience level 10, try out the new mix-n-match powers system that lets you pick and equip your own powers to customize your hero (or villain's) abilities!
Come log in and help us try and smash our HeroSmash servers!
Sandsea Finale Coming Friday!
After thousands of years, Tibicenas the Chaos Djinn is FREE and seeking revenge for his millenia spent as an outcast.
Follow Zhoom to the Djinn World, Pit your friendly Djinn, Saahir against Tibicenas to save The Efreet... and all of Lore from the insane corruption of Chaos.
There will be FOUR new armors in this release including a Chaos Lord Tibicenas Armor and Zhoom's Sandsea Ranger outfit! Remember that if you haven't completed all of the Sandsea Quests then you WON'T BE ABLE TO BATTLE THE CHAOS LORD!
See ya then! :)

November 05, 2010
Chaos Lord Showdown
in addition to Player Suggestion Shop Update, AE’s 1st ever Novel, Pumpkin Carving Winners announced, and quite possibly the longest Design Notes post that I have ever made.
I love Fridays! Once again, Artix and Cysero have entrusted me with tonight’s release while they are at ShadoCon in Tampa, Florida. Wahhaha >:D
Don’t worry, I haven’t had the time to change everything back to pink. …yet.
I hope you have equipped the necessary protective eyewear because this is going to be the longest, pinkest, and most uberly awesomely epic DN post to date!
A Cut Above the Rest: Onyx Starswords for 2nd Upholders!
In case you missed it, or have been AFK for over a month, or just joining in the legendary AQW madness that you are now an accomplice to, 2nd Upholders received their awesome badge and Onyx Starswords this past Wednesday!
Because of the support from our most dedicated players, this has been the best Birthday ever! We could not have gotten this far without you guys and gals! The entire AE team loves making games that you guys love to play—it’s almost like it’s our job or something =p So thank you all for your kindness and support, and we will continue doing our VERY best to make the very best games out there for you!
Chaos Lord Ledgermayne
As a special THANK YOU to all our wonderful Members and 2nd Upholders, you will be the FIRST to fight the Arcangrove Chaos Lord! (throwing you right into a heated Chaos boss battle is a great way to thank someone, right?)
You already survived the enchanting realm of Arcangrove and proved victorious throughout its perils. You pieced together the Supreme Arcane Staff and explored the Para-Elemental Plane of Magic, defeating the great Chaos Beast: the Mana Golem. So taking out Chaos Lord Ledgermayne should be a piece of cake…
Uh-hem, the cake is a LIE!
Chaos Lord Ledgermayne is waiting for YOU in the Para-Elemental Plane of Magic. And he…she…whatever-it-is is not too happy that you have foiled its plans of world domination thus far. A new boss mechanic will require you to pay close attention during the showdown if you hope to survive long enough.
Speak to Rayst in Arcangrove if you are ready to take on Chaos Lord Ledgermayne!
Items that are out of this World
If you are lucky enough to defeat the Chaos Lord, you might just be lucky enough to get his impressive item drops. Ledgermayne holds some of the coolest items that are out of this world. Literally. They’re from the para-element plane of magic. Not from this world ^___^
Here is a nice spoiler of the items that Ledgermayne has stored away under that big bulbous head of his: Astral Entity (seen above in their natural habitat), Wizard's Blessing & Dark Wizard's Disparage Staves, Ledgermayne Armor, Ledge Head, The Supreme Arcane Staff (a 1% Drop Rate!), Fragmented Astral Helm, Armored Astral Morph, and the Astral Runes Cape.
Best of luck to all of our Members and 2nd Upholders! You guys are ganna need it.
New Items in the Player Suggestion Shop
More items have been added to the Player Suggestion Shop inside Yulgar’s Inn! All of the items in this shop were inspired by our fellow players. We have some really talented artists out there. Did your item get picked? Check ‘em out!
- White Witch and Warlock Armor with matching hats, inspired by Redleafchannel
- Demonic Devourer, inspired by Max Man58
- The Clockwork Scythe, inspired by Unleashed Rage
- Petrified Autumn Wood Polearm, inspired by Mennace
- HolloEnergy Blade, inspired by Hollo
- And the Sword Of Animus, inspired by Vampirel28
We truly have some amazing artists out there! We are so honored that we get to make YOUR own ideas into amazing AQW items!!
If you wanna see your item in game, head on over to the forums and submit them in our Suggestion Thread! You never know if your idea will be the next one seen in the Player Suggestion Shop!
The Dragon’s Secret
Our first full-length novel, The Dragon's Secret, has arrived at HeroMart!
Written by Lyra Trice Solis, a member of the AdventureQuest storyline team, The Dragon's Secret tells the tale of apprentice mage John Black who loses his entire family to a dragon onslaught and vows to get his revenge one way… or another.
Filled with dragons, dwarves, and some VERY dark magic, The Dragon's Secret puts you right in the middle of the Great Fire War in a brand new and exciting way! Special in-game items in AdventureQuest, DragonFable, MechQuest, and AdventureQuest Worlds are given to those who discover The Dragon’s Secret.
Get the exclusive Crystal Seed Runed Staff in AQW by using the special promo-code found inside the novel!
Pumpkin Carving Contest Winners!
The results are in! Pumpkin Contest Winners! The prizes have been awarded to the winners. Thanks for making this the BEST Carving Contest yet! Way to squash the competition!
Last Week of Mogloween—get your tricks and treats!
This is the FINAL week of Mogloween! If you haven’t already gotten your fill of the MASSIVE amount of Mogloweeny Seasonal Rares… now is your last chance. The fight with the Vampire Lord Incubus still rages on, so if you haven’t already confronted him yet, you just might want to do so since he drops some pretty impressive items!
If you missed last week’s musical mayhem event, One-Eyed Doll is still around for an encore. Jam out to the “You’re a Vampire” music video and make sure to get your hands on the OED Event Items while you can!
BIG BladeHaven Update!
BladeHaven is our newest game… AND NOW it’s available for EVERYONE!
It's got FIRST PERSON slashing action, achievements, terrified villagers, Jimmy The Eye... pretty much everything you'd want out of a single-player, first person slasher webgame! You will need a Battleon Master Account linked to your other game accounts if you want to join the newest game taking the internet over by brute force. If you get the "Mercenary Contract" item in BLADEHAVEN then you automatically receive the Non-Member Mercenary Gnome Pet in AQWorlds!
I told you this was going to be a long one. But well worth it, right? Go forth my heroes and...
Battle On!

November 04, 2010
Chaos Lord coming!
Battle MAGIC ITSELF* this Friday
Minimal created a new combat feature for the upcoming Chaos Lord Battle in Arcangrove. It is really fun experimenting with ways to make the battles more interesting. In this fight... were you stand will be critical to victory. The release will happen tomorrow around 6pm EST. Beleen will be running the show from the lab while Cysero, Zazul, Faith and I attempt to secure an internet connection and join you from our booth at the ShadoCon convention.
* Pretend we used a cool super deep voice with an echo when you read that.
Forum Question: How good are your marketing skills? We have not updated our AQWorlds ads in ages... I think the last one was the one of me wearing my Pally undershorts... do you have any ideas for funny and creative AQworld's ads? Use your character! Come up with a funny slogan or situation and let us know. Who knows... maybe your character will end up plastered all over the internet O_O (Of course do not click on aq ads when you see them, those things are crazy expensive! Always type in to visit the site and play the game.)

August 27, 2010
The Cloister Release is Live!
And the next Lord of Chaos is revealed! …kinda!
I *could* tell you all about the Next Lord of Chaos. But… nawww… it’ll be much more fun seeing it for yourself! And a lot more fun keeping such a massive secret to myself! Wahhaha! >:D
Who’s That Chaos Lord?
Oh… that’s just mean. Okay, here’s a hint: You know Rayst, right? The creepy red-eyed mage at the Tower of Magic? Yeah, him. Go talk with Rayst and ask him Where You Should Go. He has sensed something amiss in the Tower’s Observatory and of course he wants YOU for the job. Maybe something interesting will happen up there…
Rayst knows Where You Should Go!
The Cloister
After investigating the flux of magic in the Observatory (or, um, whatever it turns out to be), continue your journey to the sacred Mother Tree of Arcangrove: The Cloister. Once a safe haven to the Druids, The Cloister is now overrun with nutty little Acornents, Karasu, and the dreaded Wendigo.
Ewa the Treekeeper needs your help restoring the balance to the Mother Tree in one of Lore’s most beautifully intricate maps. Srsly, this map is huge. Druids must have teamed up with J6 a long time ago to forge this awesome magical place. You’re probably ganna get lost. I know I did. And I have the cheat-sheet in front of me.
Anyway! I know you are really going to enjoy this new place. The AQW Team really put a lot of work into this release. The music Warlic made for this zone fits perfectly in… almost as if it were magic… Hmmm, coincidence? Not a chance. When you hear these tunes, you too will realize that it was fate (and maybe some caffeine) that brought these two together.
Along your travels, you may find some pretty unique items, including:
- Bladed Cypress Tendril
- Wendigo Armor
- Cypress Blade
- Diamonds of Time Staff
- Claws of the Weald
- Wendigo Morph (helm)
Are there more to be found? Mayhaps. You are just going to have to play through the release to find out =D
Target Sale Ends This Saturday!
Wanna save 15% on your AdventureQuest Worlds Upgrade? Hurry up and head on over to the closet Target Store to get you AQW Membership for only $19.95 $16.96! This awesome sale ends Saturday, August 28th (that’s tomorrow!) and no one knows if—or when—another sale like this will ever respawn! This Target deal is going Perma-RARE!! ^___^
We really hope you guys have fun playing through our release. DragonCon is next week so the entire Team is busily preparing things for crazy awesome 3-Hour Panel! If you happen to be in Atlanta, Georgia at 1pm on Saturday, September 4th, head on over to The Sheraton Hotel – The Savannah Room and come meet all of us! For more details, follow this magical hyperlink!
Battle On!