Design Notes
August 12, 2014
Chaos Fan Art Winners: Alteon
12th Lord of Chaos Fan Art Contest winners announced!
A new chapter unfolds within Lorepedia…
…revealing the Fan Art Winners in the Chaos Lord Alteon category!
Grand Prize Winner: 12th Lord of Chaos
So much wow. So much depth. So much dynamicy (not a word, but it should be). Fellow hero and talented artist Norgalad painted this Alteon masterpiece and won the grand prize of: 1,000 AdventureCoins, the exclusive color-custom Chaos Paintbrush + Chaos Artist Palette dual weapon set, the Art of Chaos character page badge, and his art as an in-game House Item (to be released at a future date)!
All Other Winners
Please click here to see all the Alteon winners in the 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Runner Ups, and Above and Beyond categories. Such noble work from noble heroes!
Battle On!
xoxo Beleen =D

September 30, 2013
Week of OMG!!!
We Have SO MUCH For You This Week
I'm going to keep this short, because the team has got a LOT of work to do if we're going to get everything out on time! Make sure to check out the current Reminders Design Notes post to stay up to date.
Can't handle the chaos... or so many releases!
Monday, September 30th
That is TODAY!
- Later tonight, the limited time gear in the Wheels of Doom and Destiny merge shops will be leaving... permanently. If you haven't gotten your "Skulls and Doom" or "Ancient Skulls and Doom" blades yet, now's the time!
Merge your Fortune Potions from the Wheels to create these blades!
- Check out our Pumpkin Carving Contest! Read Beleen's Design Notes for more information.
- Our Friday the 13th maps become Legend-only until December, when we have another Friday the 13th event!
Tuesday, October 1st
5th Upholder begins! Upgrade your account to get a sweet character page badge, access to FIVE Star Swords, and all the Legend-only perks you always get! (Like a free spin on the Wheel of Doom or Destiny, pets, exclusive storylines, and more!) If you already have an upgraded account and the upgrade will be active - or expires - on November 1st, then congratulations, you're already a 5th Upholder!
Legion Star Sword not pictured.
If you were an Upholder before and lost access to your Star Sword, never fear! You'll be able to go into your Book of Lore Upholder badge and access the shop to get it once more! We've had a LOT of people ask us to do this over the years, and now it is finally happening!
If you supported AQWorlds from the start as a Founder, you'll be able to access ALL of the Founder dragon pets... including this year's Green Armored and Galactic Armored Dragon pets!
Wednesday, October 2nd
Treasure Map time! Talk to Cleric Joy in Battleon to purchase a Treasure Map. Then use the clue in the item's description to find the location of the treasure hidden somewhere in-game.... and access ALL of the gear we've EVER added to the shop, plus the new Royal Dragoon set!
X marks the spot for treasure beyond measure!
Thursday, October 3rd
Run around corraling the server hamsters desperately trying to flee from the Friday insanity!
Friday, October 4th
Hang on to your helms, it's going to be a BIG release!
- Quibble's Talk Like a Pirate Day shop leaves! Last chance to get all of his awesomely piratical gear!
- The Blood Shadowcaster set arrives with the 3 month membership! If you purchase this package in October, you are automatically a 5th Upholder!
- All the previous year's Mogloween events return! Get your trick or treat ON!
- BattleMage Class releases! Memet will do a skills writeup later this week.
- Chaos War rares shop leaves... forever! (The Chaorrupted Locked Blades will NOT go rare.)
- We continue the Swordhaven Chaos Saga where we left off last week. If you haven't caught up yet, DO IT NOW! The cliffhanger ending was EVIL!

August 29, 2013
Friday: Ride the Chaos
Ride into Battle Against Chaos in Swordhaven!
Someone - or someONES - are making sure that NO ONE in Swordhaven can ignore the peril they are in. As Chaorrupted creatures begin to invade, King Alteon will need YOU to command the defense of the city.
Chaos vs King vs Hero
Talk to Denara, Royal Archivist, to gain the knowledge you need to defend the city, then head into the sewers to investigate one of the main sources of Swordhaven's infection.
Battle Chaos Bandits, Chaos Spy-Eyes (with NEW attacks from Arklen!), and descend into the creepily-Chaorrupted depths of Swordhaven's ancient, abandoned sewer system to take on the virulent Sludgelord!
Quibble's Final Swordhaven Update
As the AE team rides into Dragon*Con tomorrow, YOU can ride into battle against Chaos this Friday atop a Raptor or a Yokai Battle-dragon! Talk to Quibble in Battleon to get your own Raptor Rider, DragonKhan Rider, and (if Nulgath can harness the dark power to stop time) ArchFiend Dragon Rider!
- Raptor Rider
- Raptor Skull Helm
- Flaming Raptor Helm
- Horned Raptor Helm
- Raptor Rider Hood
- Raptor Commander Lance
- Raptor Commander Blade
- DragonKhan Rider
- DragonKhan Band
Quibble's Swordhaven shop and all its rare gear will be leaving Battleon in two weeks on Friday, September 13th!
Dark Dragon of Doom?!
Memet scrawled a note on the Whiteboard of Scrying. She's seen something doomtastic coming to the Wheel of Doom this weekend: the Dark Dragon Morph! Watch the Design Notes for more previews!

January 28, 2013
This Friday: King vs Beast
Defeat Graveclaw the Defiler in Shattersword Cavern!
Prepare for battle, Heroes! Decades ago, a young King Alteon defeated Graveclaw the Defiler, imprisoning him beneath the Forest of Chaos in Shattersword Cavern. To drain off his power, Gravelyn has been sending warriors down to face Graveclaw in battle. But the Cavern’s dark magic combined with Graveclaw’s own power to twist him… and those sent to fight him.
He’s gained enough strength to rise again, and this time he brings an entire army to confront Alteon, Gravelyn, and all those who confined him so many years ago. Head down into Shattersword Cavern and defeat Graveclaw before he can unleash his army against Swordhaven!
ALL players can watch a young King Alteon take on Graveclaw in the Forest of Chaos, but you'll need to upgrade to descend to the depths of Shattersword Cavern and defeat the beast! Find the golden Statue of King Alteon in Battleontown this Friday to begin the adventure!
The Hunt for Graveclaw's Kamas begins TODAY!
It may be that Graveclaw has already had contact with creatures outside his prison! The hunt for the Shattersword Kama is on! Battle creatures throughout Lore using the clue below as a starting point for where to look, then slay anything that might fit the hint!
Decipher the clue, defeat the creature, get the prize!
The location of this weapon - and the clue - will change tomorrow! The item is 0 ACs, so enjoy the free storage after you /party up with your friends and start hunting!
Magic users big and small, Graveclaw will recruit them all.
Find the creature, take its prize. Swift comes the Defiler's rise!
Quibble Coinbiter Arrives This Friday!
The traveling sales moglin, Quibble Coinbiter, returns to Battleon THIS FRIDAY with an all-new assortment of rare items (most of which he is willing to part with in exchange for AdventureCoins)!
This shop's theme is Golden Onslaughter/Darkblood, so prepare yourselves for the shiniest and darkest gear yet!
Look for more details on what comes in Quibble's shop later this week!
Leaving later today: Witch Hunter Shop, Boosts!
Both the Witch Hunter shop and the server-wide boosts leave game at midnight tonight! The Season of the Witch Hunter shop will return the next time something wicked this way comes. The server-wide boosts will happen regularly from now on, but we do not have a set schedule. Let us know on the forum, Twitter, and Facebook what special times YOU would like to see them!