Design Notes
March 30, 2012
When Good Becomes Evil
The time has come for BATTLE!
Blood in the air and lions on the prowl! When both Rolith the Knight-Captain and many of the Pactoganol Knights go missing, Alina decides that the time to sit back and watch others fight has passed; it's time to decide whether being Evil in the service of saving lives is worth it. Enter the Battle PoisonMistress!
He'll want to take the Knight off after that.
Battle through a /poisonforest full of loyal knights put to the flame and traitorous deserters to reach the Lionfort! Let the battlerage consume you as Alina poisons her way through a forest of enemies to reach the captives!
Things are heating up now!
As Alina comes to terms with what she is willing to do in the name of Good, YOU will need to make your own choice to determine the fate of this week's villain. Be careful, because once you learn his identity, you'll understand the far-reaching consequences of this decision!
Thanks to Hizu for his work on the Traitorous Lieutenant monster and to Samba for pushing through a crashing Flash (9 crashes in one day) to rock out the cutscenes! Check out Alina's Armory shop, it's got some great new gear from Jemini for members and free player gold!
Limited Quantity Shop: Saturday at 10AM EST
Don't forget, tomorrow morning at 10AM server time - the first Limited Quantity Shop of 2012 releases! With epic equips like Zard Rider, Dragon Rider, and the Toxica set, you'll want to make sure to get in line before they're gone! To find out what time 10AM is in YOUR region of earth, check out this timezone converter!
Who knew Zard Riders could /samba in sync?
For pictures of the items, check out yesterday's Design Notes! Here's a reminder of the shop's items and their prices/quantities:
- Zard Rider - 1,000 ACs - 9,000 quantity
- Dragon Rider - 1,000 ACs - 9,000 quantity
- WyrmTamer - 800 ACs - 7,500 quantity
- Toxica Armor - 725 ACs - 6,000 quantity
- Solrac Legacy - 38,500 member gold - 10,000 quantity
- Zard Rider Hat - 85 ACs - 9,000 quantity
- Toxic Horns - 85 ACs - 6,000 quantity
- WyrmTamer Hood - 75 ACs - 7,500 quantity
- WyrmTamer Helm - 75 ACs - 7,500 quantity
- Legacy Locks - 16,500 member gold - 10,000 quantity
- Shorn Legacy Hair - 16,500 member gold - 10,000 quantity
- Toxica Scythe - 200 ACs - 5,000 quantity
- SolarEdge Armblades - 35,000 member gold - 10,000 quantity
- Toxic Smasher - 35,000 free gold - 20,000 quantity
I herd u like dragons, so I put a dragon on your dragon.
- Dragon-back Cape - 500 ACs - 8,000 quantity
- Sol-Wrap Cape - 10,000 free gold - 12,000 quantity
Coming Next Week:
- Grenwog!
- Player Suggestion Shop update!
- Treasure Chest loot update!
- Update on the winner of I Can Has Mod winner IF they reply!
That's it for this weekend, guys, but we think that's quite a lot for one weekend! Enjoy the releases!