Design Notes
March 18, 2015
Front and Centaur!
1st-of-its-kind: 4-legged Centaur Morph arrives Friday
WOAH Nellie! That up there… that’s not a typo, is it? ‘Cuz like… AQWorlds has NEVER had an entire armor MORPH before… *looks over to Memet* Is a Centaur Armor Morph REALLY arriving this Friday, March 20th!?
Yeehaw!! It sure is!!!! But hold your horses heroes, because one does not simply rock the Centaur morph. Here’s the lowdown on how you can giddy up as Lore’s first-ever four-legged legend!
Centaur Tier Package Details
Starting this Friday, March 20, 2015, at 6:00pm EST (server time), when you upgrade with ANY Legend membership package, you will unlock an assortment of Centaur Armors, Helms, Capes, Weapons, and/or Pets.
The more months you upgrade, the more goodies you get—and the more money you save!
12 month upgrade package: 12 items
Our best offer is your best bet for becoming the best Centaur in all of Lore! Note that the names below are subject to change (because ‘Weapon 2 with Mega Bonus’ just doesn’t do it enough justice!).
- Centaur Lord Armor
- Centaur Barbarian Guard armor
- 2 Centaur Helms
- 2 Barbarian Guard Helms
- 2 Capes
- 1 Weapon
- Centaur Kin Pet
- Weapon 2 (with mega bonus)*
- Weapon 3 (dual wield version)*
- Centaur Kin Battle Pet*
* Exclusively exclusive to the 12 month package only
6 month upgrade package: 10 items
- Centaur Lord Armor
- Centaur Barbarian Guard armor
- 2 Centaur Helms
- 2 Barbarian Guard Helms
- 2 Capes
- 1 Weapon
- Centaur Kin Pet
3 month upgrade package: 7 items
- Centaur Lord Armor
- 2 Centaur Helms
- 2 Capes
- 1 Weapon
- Centaur Kin Pet
1 month upgrade package: 4 items
- Centaur Lord Armor
- 1 Helm Centaur Helm
- 1 Cape
- 1 Weapon
I certainly hope these spoilers tickled your fancy (um, are Centaurs ticklish?), and everyone here at Artix Entertainment cannot wait to see screenshots of you and your friends galloping throughout Lore this Friday night!
Giddy Up and Battle On!
xoxo Beleen =D

February 25, 2015
New Game Updates on Feb. 27
Dage's Birthday ShopThe Dark Lord is leveling up! On Friday, harness Dage’s evilest & newest Items. And then... prepare yourself... because the Legion DoomKnight Class arrives Monday! |
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Coming Soon! ShadowFlame Dragon WarWar is on the horizon... are you ready for battle, soldier? Brandish your blade and prepare for the ShadowFlame Dragon War! |
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AQ DRAGONS fan art contest: happening now!Attention Dragon Masters! A new contest has started and we want YOU to create AQ DRAGONS fan art. Read more here! |
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January 14, 2015
New Game Updates on Jan. 16
Special Event this Friday: Za’nar: Void Invasion!
Zack Storch, faithful Artix Entertainment gamer & TV star on King of the Nerds, returns to AQWorlds this week in a special in-game event based on his new book, Za’nar: Impossibility! Read more about it here!
Nulgath’s Birthday
The Archfiend is leveling up IRL and wants to share his in-game items with you! Log in Friday night for rare Nulgath birthday items created by Nulgath himself!
Honorable Hero Gift: 500 ACs + Character Page Badge
Anyone who is a Level 10 or higher, with an account created before January 1 2015, who did not get a Mute or Ban in 2014, will get 500 ACs & the ‘Honorable Hero’ character page badge! Full details here!
Epic Loot for the Real World @ HeroMart
Returning soon by popular demand: the Panda Hoodie! Bundle Up & Battle On this weekend when the fuzzy hoody hits the shelves, and then stay tuned for a new J6 Shirt & the all new book by TV star Zack Storch arriving soon!
Play our new Mobile Game: DRAGONS!
How do you train your dragon? Raise 12 dragons in our new free game. AdventureQuest DRAGONS is available now on Google Play and iOS. Download it now at and become a dragon master!

January 07, 2015
New Game Updates on Jan. 9
New Zone: Eagle’s Reach Battlegrounds
Battle bosses @ Eagle’s Reach Keep, learn arctic monster slaying skills, and earn LOTS of Rep, XP & Class Points! Members can battle through the Hall of Honors for even greater rewards!
Golden Gladiator Tier Package
All that glitters is… Golden Gladiator! On Jan 9, get your gauntlets on the 12 Month Upgrade and unlock ALL 16 ITEMS in the Golden Gladiator set! Read more about it here.
Next Week: King of the Nerds star Zack Storch
Prepare for the Za’nar Invasion on Jan. 16! A special event based off the new book by Zack Storch features Chaos, a new Planet, & Void Dragons!
Get 10% More AdventureCoins / Artix Points
Use Paypal, a Credit Card, or Amazon to get 10% MORE AdventureCoins or Artix Points! Only available for a limited time. Read more about it here.

December 17, 2014
New Game Updates for Dec. 19
Game Changing Release: WorldBreaker Rising
A whole new AQ Worlds begins! The Queen of Monsters obliterates an entire continent to build her fortress. Rally your friends & BATTLE ON! Read more here.
Lineup of Frostval Shops in December 2014
Jingle bells, Quibble sells rare items in the game; 12/19 & 12/30 there’ll be new items for you to claim! 12/23 begins Limited Quantity Shop, too!
12 Days of Gifts & Holiday Boosts
Log in each day for a new FREE gift when you talk to Tinsel in Battleon! Earn double Gold, XP, Rep, and CP boosts over the holiday weekends. More info can be found here.
Play our New Mobile Game, AQ: DRAGONS!
How do you train your dragon? Raise 12 dragons in our new free game. AQ: DRAGONS is available on Google Play and iOS; coming soon to web! GET IT HERE, DRAGON MASTER!
New Holiday Art Contest: Enter Today!
Happy Holidays and Seasons Beatings! A new holiday contest has begun and we want YOU to create AQW-themed art. Click here for full details.
Bundle up and Battle ON!
xoxo Beleen =D

September 10, 2014
Breaking News: World Shatters Dungeon Crawl
New Releases Happening this Friday, September 12
Who has time to wait for the weekly newsletter in their inboxes anymore? I say... to the victor goes the spoilers!
Survive the Apocalypse
The Queen of Monsters has been freed—now the world has fallen into complete havoc!
- Prepare for travel to a new land
- Hunt down the Queen’s Titans
- Dungeon crawl to the Hall of LoreMasters
- Buff defenses & beat back new monsters
Mountains are falling… seas are rising… and no one knows what will become of the world this Friday at sundown!
Dage's Collaboration Shop
Dage knows a thing or two about being Evil and he's teaming up with other AQW artists to prove it!
- Dage x Laken Fallen Shaman Warrior armor and helms
- Dage x Blade Lycan Shadowstalker armor and helms
- Dage's Deep Terror Blade: unlocks exclusive gear in Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Dage may be the Undead Lord, but he certainly knows how to take care of his loyal friends and followers. If you haven't declared your allegiance to him, now is the time!
Win $100 with Rixty!
Score the motherload of all pirate treasures with this exclusive Rixty promo!
- Use Rixty to Upgrade and/or buy ACs
- Exclusive Item: Rixty Render Cutlass for Talk Like a Pirate Day
- Automatically entered to win $100
Be sure to read more to see all the details, and best of luck to you!
Soon: Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Ahoy matey! Quibble be settin’ sail to Battleon next week, and bringin' his Naval Commander CLASS, yarrrr!
- DoomKnight Naval Commander
- Golden Naval Commander
- ArchFiend Pirate Captain
- ‘nd more!
Quibble be havin’ somethin’ fer sea dogs ‘nd landlubbers alike, so make sure ye be ‘round next Friday, September 19, fer ye best Talk Like a Pirate Day event!

August 19, 2014
New Payment Solution: Openbucks
Become a Legend and get AdventureCoins with Openbucks!
Howdy heroes! Do you live in the USA or Canada? Well if you do, we’ve got great news for you!
We just teamed up with Openbucks, unlocking multiple ways for you to upgrade in your favorite MMO AdventureQuest Worlds!
What is Openbucks?
Openbucks is a payment method that lets you use a store gift card to pay for an AQWorlds account upgrade or AdventureCoins bundle! Openbucks accepts store gift cards from:
- Subway (accepted in both USA and Canada)
- CVS Pharmacy
- Burger King “Crown Card”
- Circle K
- Shell
- Dollar General
- Sports Authority
Openbucks has NO reload fees, NO usage fees, and NO extra charges. Openbucks is currently available in the USA and Canada only.
Where is Openbucks?
You can purchase or reload a gift card from an Openbucks retailer in over 100,000 locations! Search on Openbucks' Map to find out where a store is near you.
So many locations near me—so where will you find your Openbucks retailer?
For more information, you can also go to our Openbucks Page or the Openbucks site.
How to Upgrade with Openbucks
After obtaining your gift card, here are the basic steps to upgrade with Openbucks:
- Go to
- Choose which upgrade you would like to purchase
- Login to your AQWorlds account
- Click the Subway/CVS/Burger King icon to use Openbucks
- Select which Store Gift Card you have that you would like to redeem
- Follow the instructions to purchase an Artix Certificate and to redeem the Artix Certificate for an AQWorlds upgrade
- As soon as your payment is approved, you will receive payment confirmation emails that act as your receipt
Having Problems with Openbucks?
If you have an issue with Openbucks, please contact Openbucks via their Contact Us Page. No one here at Artix Entertainment has access to Openbucks’ system, so if you do have a payment issue, we will be unable to see what happened.
Additionally, please note that Openbucks is different from PayGarden, which are trading in store brand gift cards for AdventureCoins only. If you need help with PayGarden, please visit our Help Page here!
Battle on!
xoxo Beleen =D

July 16, 2014
New Release on Friday, July 18!
True Story Bro: Drakath’s Path towards becoming the Champion of Chaos
Check out all the new NEW happening this Friday, July 18, in the best MMO, AdventureQuest Worlds!
Drakath’s Story
How did Drakath become the Champion of Chaos? Find out this week!
- Single player adventure: you ARE Drakath!
- Play through Drakath’s past and meet young Princess Victoria
- Witness how Drakath became the Champion of Chaos through his own eyes
- Spoiler alert: your 1st look at the Queen of All Monsters!
Uncover Drakath’s past. Understand the present. And foresee the future in this week’s newest release!
Hot New Armor Type!
Summer is here—and so is the Summer Token Shop!
- NEW Armor Type: Fire Elemental Morph (yes, now you really ARE a monster!)
- Special Animation + Bonuses
- +4 weapons in Summer Token Shop
- +4 helms AND the Coolest Swimsuit Armor
Seize the day (and some loot) in the Summer Token Shop!
!! Wheels of Doom & Destiny !!
Important update from the Carnival of Fortune:
- EbilCorp forges contract, buys Wheels of Doom & Destiny
- Both WoD to be repossessed from AQWorlds
- Chairman Platinum to use WoDs for his diabolical schemes
On August 23, the Carnival of Fortune will close its gates and the Wheel of Doom & the Wheel of Destiny will be gone FOREVER! Spin Now by typing /join doom in the in-game chat bar!
NEW: PvP in BG!
Player vs Player combat is now live in Battle Gems!
- Gut-stomping battles against your friends!
- Climb the leaderboard & win trophies!
- 20 new items in PvP Shop!
- 216 obtainable PvP Titles!
Battle Gems now offers Gold Packages, so even more exclamation points are totally necessary!!!

July 01, 2014
Red, Fight, and Blue!
All the new NEW happening this 4th of July!
Want a sneak-peek at all the fun taking place this Friday, July 4th?
Uhh... DUH! They say a picture is worth a thousand words… so here’s 4,000 more to feast your eyes on!
Behold: Legendary Dungeons!
Calling all Legends! 3 new Legend-only Dungeons have just opened up!
- Pyramid of Pain
- Killer Katacombs
- Dungeon of Deadly Doom
Can you reach the end of each dungeon and claim the legendary prize within?
- Call of Hope cape
- Gilded Blade of Eternity
- Staff of Mayhem
In addition to looking AWESOME, these items will give you a boost during the Chaos finale too.
New: Limited Quantity Sets
Arriving Friday, July 4, at 12:30pm server time:
- Chaos Paragon Set: 1 armor, 1 helm, 1 cape
- Eternal Warrior Set: 1 armor, 4 helms, 1 cape, 2 weapons
- Chaos Conqueror Set: 1 armor, 1 helm, 1 cape, 1 weapon
- Blazing Chaos Pet; only 15,000 created
- Nine Tentails Set: 1 pet, 1 cape
Check out Alina’s post here for more info—and more photos!
Special Offer @ HeroMart knows how to put the FREE in freedom, and during this holiday weekend at HeroMart…
- Orders over $100 get a free $10 Artix Gift Certificate
- Orders over $200 get a free $25 Artix Gift Certificate
- Going Rare: Captain America T-Shirt and in-game items
When you celebrate Freedom Day with red, white, and blue… you’ll save green at!
Red, FIGHT, and Blue Seasonal Rares!
Attention Chaos Lords: let’s put aside our differences and celebrate Freedom Day the right way—with Seasonal Rare items OMG yes way!
- Liberty Blade; 4 animated versions
- Explosive Rocket Backpack
- Iron Maple Leaf Axe
- Cannon of Chaos: 2014 RARE
- and of course there's more =)
Find the Freedom Day Shop in Battleon on this 4th of July, and then battle on all holiday weekend long!
Beleen Nominated @ Dragon Slayer Awards
Hey… that’s ME! Please help me win the legendary Dragon Slayer Awards Trophy by nominating me at the 3rd Annual Dragon Slayer Awards, presented by Guild Launch and hosted on GameSkinny!
Nominate Beleen and AdventureQuest Worlds at
xoxo Beleen! =D

April 16, 2014
Guild Launch just launched!
Prepare to take your Guild to the next level!
I have exciting news to report: Guild Launch has just launched inside AdventureQuest Worlds!
You can log in now and speak with Elise in Battleon Town (north of Battleon, by the Guardian Tower) to begin your Guild Launch adventures.
BUUUT since knowledge is power, I suggest you continue reading to buff your Guild Launch INT stats. Or you can watch my goofy video tutorial showing you how to create your free Guild Launch Account and sync it with your AQW account =D
Watch the Guild Launch Tutorial Video
Click here to watch the full-sized Video Tutorial on YouTube
What is Guild Launch?
Imagine if Paladins, Elves, Wizards, and Dragons ruled Facebook… the end result would be Guild Launch! Guild Launch is an epic social networking and website hosting tool that will take you and your Guild to the next level.
Guild Launch lets you connect with your Guildmates in the real world, and offers new ways to come together & battle harder in game. With Guild Launch, you can create and customize your own Guild forum, set challenges and achievements, chat across AQW servers, enable voice chat, and more (translation: endless possibilities here, folks).
Oh yeah… and it’s FREE to create your own Guild Launch account! It seems the best things in life ARE free, after all =)
Guild Launch Features
- Always available, use wherever you can use a web browser
- Custom forums and layouts
- Recruitment and Guild search tools
- Guild news
- Customizable challenges and achievements
- Guild calendar
- Voice and cross-server chat (coming soon!)
Guild Leaders, listen up!
If you are the Guild Leader of your AQW Guild, it’s up to you to create your very own Guild Launch Hub to make communicating, recruiting, expanding, sharing adventures, and battling with your Guildmates easier than ever before. Here's an AWESOME example of the Tercessuinotlim Guild page!
Spoiler Alert: in the near future, AQWorlds and Guild Launch will be showcasing the BEST Guilds (major shout outs to you and your Guildmates), hosting our 1st ever Guild Contest, and releasing exclusive Guild Launch quests and item rewards. So be proactive and create your free Guild Launch account now!
Got Guild Launch Bugs, Probelms, or Issues?
Never fear, the Bug Tracker is here!
We hope that you have a flawless victory with Guild Launch, but should you encounter any problems, please send the AQW team a bug report and we will fix it as soon as we can!
Guilds 101
Need some help with your Guild inside AQWorlds? Check out the Guilds Chapter in the Lorepedia here!
As soon as time allows, I will post a video tutorial on how to create a new guild, how to invite Guildmates, show you all the perks of being in a Guild, and delve deeper into Guild Launch goodies =)
Some features in /guild not working
For now /join guild cities and halls has been removed as we revamp the system and make it all shiny and better. More on that to come.
So what are you still doing reading this? Log in to AQWorlds now and prepare to take your game to the next level with Guild Launch!
Battle On!
xoxo Beleen =D

January 29, 2014
“New Releases” on Facebook
Get the AQWorlds Weekly Newsletter NOW!
Hi there! I know you love spoilers, and I know you love the weekly newsletters, but don’t you wish there was a way to get ahead of the game like right now?!
Now you can! I added a “New Releases” tab on the AQWorlds Facebook page that is updated with the weekly newsletter. It works just like the real newsletter but now you don’t have to fish it out of your inbox. Because it’s right there on Facebook. Sweeeeeeet!
I just updated “New Releases” with the brand-new newsletter regarding this Friday, January 31, releases. Check it out here!
xoxo Beleen

January 14, 2014
Spoiler Alert: Ultra Elemental Class
Sneak Peek at the newest Class arriving Friday
Normal is good… Evolved is better… and Ultra is the BEST! The Ultra Elemental Class is arriving this Friday, January 17, 2014. It is the first new class of the New Year, and it is probably the last Class you will EVER want to master!
The Ultra Elemental Class is unlike any other. You must harness each Elemental Orb Cape to prove yourself worthy of becoming the Ultra Elemental. Each Orb Cape offers special boosts when equipped:
- Water Orb: Class Points boost
extra damage against Chaos and Elemental monsters - Fire Orb: XP boost
extra damage against Chaos and Elemental monsters - Wind Orb: Gold boost, extra damage against Chaos and Elemental monsters
- Earth Orb: Reputation boost
extra damage against Chaos and Elemental monsters - Energy Orb: Class Points boost
extra damage against Chaos and Dragon monsters - Ice Orb: XP boost
extra damage against Chaos and Dragon monsters - Light Orb: Reputation boost
extra damage against Chaos and Undead monsters - Dark Orb: Gold boost
extra damage against Chaos and Human monsters
AC versions of the capes will be available from Draven Stormbringer in Battleon for AdventureCoins. Legends can quest for some of the Orb Capes (certain levels of Faction Rep will be required) and buy others with gold.
Once all Capes are in your possession, you shall turn them into Draven Stormbringer in Battleon who will grant you access to the Ultra Elemental Class Shop. This shop contains:
- Ultra Elemental Class: 0 AdventureCoins
- ALL Elemental Orb Capes: 0 AdventureCoins
- Exclusive Chaos Orb: ????????
The Ultra Elemental Class is undergoing hardcore skill training at the moment (HA, and I thought CrossFit was challenging!). Due to my sneaky-sneak abilities (and not knowing what "keep this a secret" means), I managed to catch a glimpse of the Ultra Elemental’s Skills before Dumoose chased me off.
- Elemental Fusion: Strike your opponent with the elements you currently have charged. Different effects based on which elemental magics are combined.
- Blaze: Deals a burst of fire damage and charges your next Elemental Fusion with Fire Magic.
- Stoneskin: Reduces all incoming damage for a duration. Charges your next Elemental Fusion with Earth Magic.
- Chain Lightning: Strike multiple opponents for increasing damage for each jump. Bounces up to 5 times. Charges your next Elemental Fusion with Energy Magic.
- Command of Darkness (passive): Strength increased by 10%
- Command of Light (passive): Intellect Increased by 10%
- Blizzard: All Elemental Fusions have a chance to unleash a fusion of Wind and Ice. The blizzard will lower your opponents haste significantly for 5 seconds.
These skills are subject to change before Friday, so don’t hold everything up there verbatim. I just wanted to share with you what I found because… well… that’s what spoiler alerts are all about!
I know you’re looking forward to mastering the Ultra Elemental Class. So make sure you log in this Friday night to be one of the first Ultra Elementals in Lore!
xoxo Beleen