Design Notes
June 14, 2024
Anime x Memes = Absolute Parody
Featured Rare Gear Available through August 30th
It's gonna be MEMES! You asked for memes and anime, and our artists have delivered. Find new anime, moglin, and meme-themed parody items in the Featured Gear Shop now, and return as even more arrive this weekend and next as daily login gift drops!
New rares this weekend:
- Enchanted Lovely Rocker armor (color-customizable)
- Lovely Rocker's Back-up Bass, Guitar, and Keytar
- Fellow Player and Fellow Gamer armors
- Fellow Player Cap helm and Back-up Board cape
- Fellow Player Skateboard
- Bro Morph helm
- Portable Twilly Spin Cycle cape
- Moglin Gawkers, Sus Moglin pets, Spin Cycle
- Moglin Home Entertainment floor item
- Amazed Twilly + Twigstagramer house guests
Click to Change Expression Helms
- Excited Rocker's Expressions helm
- Elated Rocker's Expressions helm
- Aspirational Rocker's Expressions helm
- Zealous Rocker's Expressions
- Lovely Rocker's Expressions
Twilly Supports You! Quest Pet
Find this iconic, rare meme x moglin pet in the Featured Gear Shop for 1,000 ACs. Click it to unlock a quest to get the house item variant and the Extremely Enthusiastic Hero morph helm.
Akiba Cosplay Shop:
The following items will be permanently available from the Cosplay Shop in /akiba.
- Lovely Rocker Hair
- Lovely Rocker Short Locks
- Lovely Rocker Ponytail
- Lovely Rocker Locks
- Lovely Rocker Bob Cut
- Lovely Rocker Shades
- Lovely Rocker's Drumsticks
- Lovely Rocker's Drum Set
- Lovely Rocker's Guitar
- Lovely Rocker's Keytar
The first shop Anime x Meme shop update included:
- Tuba Lord Bard armor
- Top Brass Helm
- Big Brass Blast cape
- Tuban Cannon Gun
- Abolute Evil armor
- Abolute Evil Aura
- Abolute Evil Vibe rune
- Disintegrating Twilly, Twig, and Zorbak pets
Our 2024 Meme x Anime rare items will be available until August 30th.

August 14, 2018
Moglin Kickstarter is LIVE!
Help us make our dream of moglin plush a reality!
Greetings and salutations friend... we're about to do something crazy together. Want to join us?
You've had moglins at your side in our video games. Now, help us bring Moglins to the real world!
Moglins like Twilly, Zorbak, Twig, & Quibble are magical forest creatures born in our video game worlds. Back our Moglin Kickstarter to help them escape and join you in the real one.
Of course, each Moglin also comes with a code to unlock an in-game pet of itself in multiple Artix Entertainment video games.
Unlock the Master of Moglins CLASS in AQWorlds with the $120 Ultimate Moglin Collection. The Class art shown above is a KickStarter exclusive. (You will still be able to get the class by purchasing all 12 moglins from HeroMart after the KickStarter ends, but the art will be different.)
Oh! Our new Artix Games Launcher lets you play our games (with your moglins) without needing a browser or the Flash plugin.
Put a Moglin on your desk to cheer you on. They’ll keep you company while writing, drawing, coding, and gaming. Moglins love to watch your favorite shows with you...even when no one else will. You can keep the joy for yourself, or give a Moglin to someone you love.
Moglins are the ultimate sidekicks for real life adventurers like you. Help us bring them from the fantasy world into the real one!
Check out all of the Moglins on our Kickstarter Page...