Design Notes
July 08, 2024
Pyroclastic Rewards
Get fired up with today's new monster drops
We're bringing the heat, because today's new reward items are on fire. Literally. Log in now and /join Xantown. Battle Xan the Pyromancer for a chance to get two super-hot new house guards and 2 plushie weapons.
Today's game update is fire... but a gentle one. If last week's treasure hunt difficulty was "inferno-level rage" today's update is like a campfire. Warm, soothing, and if you're lucky, you'll get a treat before it goes out.
This week's rewards include:
- Xan the Pyromancer Guard (0 AC, available for all heroes)
- Enraged Pyromancer Guard (0 AC, member-only, animated)
- Pyromancer Plushie (single-wield)
- Pyromancer Plushies (dual-wield)
Rewards will be permanently available.
Also new this week:
We AC-tagged some of the misc items that are required to access certain screens of the map /Shipwreck. These include:
- Crystalized Crowbar
- Trapdoor Key
- What is THAT?!
- Lobthulu Claw

July 02, 2024
Iconic ArtifactQuest Hunt
Log in now for today's new Treasure Hunt
Last week, we met Edden, a new TreasureHunter in the ShadowRealm. Today, he needs your help to unlock a mysterious chest and its legendary treasure! Talk to him now to begin your adventure, but be prepared... this is a 5 star treasure hunt (the hardest difficulty), so you'll need to work if you want this iconic artifact! Read on for more details!
Edden, the Hollowborn TreasureHunter, found a treasure chest from one of his previous journeys that he's never been able to open. But what he DID discover is that five very special runes are required, and that without those runes, any attempt to open the chest would destroy it.
You know what that means... time to begin hunting!
This week's seasonal, 0 AC rewards include:
- Artifact of Mystery (single-wield)
- Artifact of Mystery (dual-wield)
- Miniature house guard (0 AC, available for all heroes, 1% drop rate)
- Giant animated house guard (0 AC, member-only, 1% drop rate)
Treasure Hunt Notes
Hint Locations: Each time you successfully locate a rune, check your temporary inventory. You'll find a hint on where to go next in its item description.
Adventure Requirements: to begin today's update, you'll need to have completed the Whispering Helmet questline in the /ShadowRealm.
Rewards will be permanently available.

July 08, 2024
Game News: July 8 - 14
Read on for the latest news and information
Summer's here, and our weekly release schedule is heating up! Stay up to date with details on the new releases, server boosts, daily login gifts, art previews, balance updates, and more in this week's game digest post.
Tuesday, July 8: Pyroclastic Rewards
We're bringing the heat, because today's new reward items are on fire. Literally. Log in tomorrow and /join Xantown. Battle Xan the Pyromancer for a chance to get two super-hot new house guards and 2 plushie weapons.
Read the full post for more details.
Thursday, July 11: Void Aura Boost
Get double rewards as you battle to create the Necrotic Sword of Doom until July 17th.
Read the full post for more details.
Friday, July 8: Update Details
Read on for news about this weekend's new updates:
New Event: Cold Thunder Saga, Part 5
Rewards: Skye Mage Set, Twlight Unicorn weapon, new Summer drops
Summer Collection II: Summer Sidhe, Lunar/Solar sets, houses, and more
HeroPoints Shop: Chrono ShadowHunter Class + gear
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
Server Boost: double Rep
Saturday: Summer Rocker set from the Steaming Dragon in /beachparty
Sunday: Coral Reef Heroes weapons + pet from the Underwater Monsters in /lunacove
Stay up to date with new release plans and boosts on the Artix Calendar and see what the latest bug fixes and balance changes are in the Patch Notes.

June 25, 2024
New Midweek Update is Live!
Tuesday, June 25: Rockin' Treasure Hunt
This month is the year anniversary for Caddeus, a special guest designer who's been crafting each of these weekly treasure hunts, puzzles, or monster drops. Today's update is a continuation of the Geode Gauntlets and Big Crater hunts, which began last June. You know what that means... completing the first Big Crater hunt will be a pre-rock-ative. :D
To begin today's update... You'll need to have: the Big Crater house item.
- If you don't already have that, talk to Valencia in the /eventhub to accept your first quest. Then follow the clues from there to unlock a house item that will make a big impact on your home value.
- If you DO already have the Crater, click it and accept the quest it offers you. O_O?!
This week's seasonal, 0 AC rewards include:
- The Crater Good ground rune
- Rock Bottom house item
Rewards will be available until the summer event hub leaves.
Other updates going live today
- Vivid Rosales Blade (single + dual-wield) have been added as rewards to the "Follow the Compass Rose" quest from Valencia

June 11, 2024
New Midweek Update is Live!
Fishy Sword, Fresh Updates, and Fixes
Our Tuesday update is not all! Battle the River Fishman in /greenguardwest for a chance to get the 0 AC Fishy Sword. Plus, we'd updated and adjusted a number of old maps, quests, and items to make them more enjoyable for everyone.
First caught in 2012, it was only ever available as the Fishy Sword and Shield dual-wield weapon in the Fishing Gear Shop. Newer heroes will need to combine the Fishy Sword drop with Fishin' Chips to create the Fishy Sword and Shield.
Additional Updates
Based on your feedback across various platforms, we've made a few quality of life updates to older maps & items.
Raxgore Shortcut: if you've beaten all of the quests* in /doomvaultb, you'll now have a much faster way to go straight to Raxgore. You'll see a button that will take you to the bttle frame.
Valencia /Eventhub Update:
- Hollow Treasure Hunt button added
- Stars added to hunts to help communicate difficulty
- Rose Rapiers quest updated and rebalanced
Darkon House Item Stacks Increased
- Pizza: x1 > x8
- Re / Fa / La / Mi's Bean Bags: x1 > x4
- Drumsticks: x1 > x6
- Suki's Bookcase, Bed, Armorstand: x1 > x6
- Astravian Rug, Bookcase: x1 > x6
- Astravian Turret I + II: x1 > x6
- Astravia's Air Defense I + II: x1 > x6
- Juror #1 / #2 / #3 / #4: x1 > x22
In our quest to give all you nostalgia-lovers more of what you're after, we've been digging through old, unreleased item files and looking at player feedback for art (like NPCs/monsters/gear) from other AE games we can release in AQWorlds and man... today's planning call was full of meaty ideas and good memories.
Next week's call will be dedicated to reviewing a five-page doc covering specific feedback about the last year of midweek updates so future additions can bring you even more of what you want to see!
* Except the Ultra Raxgore quest

June 24, 2024
Game News: June 24 - 30
Read on for the latest news and information
Summer's here, and our weekly release schedule is heating up! Stay up to date with details on the new releases, server boosts, daily login gifts, art previews, balance updates, and more in this week's game digest post.
Tuesday, June 25: New Midweek Update
Tuesday's update is a continuation of the Geode Gauntlets and Big Crater hunts, which began last June. You know what that means... completing the first Big Crater hunt will be a pre-rock-ative! :D
Thursday Resource Boost
Get double rewards from select Legion Token quests and 2x Dark Unicorn Rib drops from Binky until July 3rd!
Art Preview: stare into the Abysss... AND SPARKLE!
Whether you love the light or dwell in darkness, this weekend has something for everyone! Journey to the ShadowRealm and quest to craft the Hollowborn TreasureHunter. Then head to Beleen's Pastelia map. Battle Rainbrutalcorn for Jun-icorn gear!
Friday, June 28: Update Details
Get details on this weekend's upcoming game release!
Dark Event
Quest to craft the pieces of the Hollowborn Treasure Hunter set as we celebrate AQW artist Lae's birthday!
Bright, Hot Rewards
- Battle the Rainbrutalcorn monster in /pastelia to collect new Unicorn weapons, then return next month to create midnight variants!
- Battle a lower-level version of Anqa in the /sunsetridge map to get blazingly-bright new fire weapons!
Summer Collection Update
Find all-new summer gear added into Quibble's rares shop + collection chest!
Leaving This Friday
Deadly Muse items from the May 31 Featured Gear Shop update
Double Server Boosts & Weekend Drops
Log in for new double server boosts, resource farming boosts, or item drops every day of the week!
Double Server Boost Schedule
Monday: Reputation
Wednesday: Class Points
Friday: Gold, Reputation, Class Points, EXP
Weekend Daily Gift Details
Saturday: battle Rainbrutalcorn in /pastelia for the rare Unicorn Toy weapons
Sunday: battle the Rose Bush in /balemorale for the rare White Rose & Friends pet
This weekend's login gifts will be available until July 31st.

June 17, 2024
Game News: June 17 - 23
Read on for the latest news and information
Summer's here, and our weekly release schedule is heating up! Stay up to date with details on the new releases, server boosts, daily login gifts, art previews, balance updates, and more in this week's game digest post.
Monday, June 17: Starlight of Destiny Preview
Check out the first preview of the Starlight of Destiny axe. We're celebrating the Star Festival next month in all our main games with a stellar new farming reward item. Crafted just for this event by art superstar Hikari, the Starlight of Destiny axe has in-combat animation, to help you shine on the battlefield.
Versions of the axe will release in AQWorlds, AQ3D, AdventureQuest, DragonFable, and EpicDuel.
Note: The regular Blinding Light of Destiny will be required to accept the quest to farm for the StarLight of Destiny.
Tuesday, June 18: Death & Destiny
Our Tuesday update is live, and we've got double update headed your way! In honor of DragonFable's birthday this month, we've brought over one of their most frequently-encountered NPCs to stand guard in your /house. Talk to the Grim Reaper in the /Death map. Complete his new quest to unlock the Otherworld Death House Guard!
Then head to the Icestorm Arena and /equip your thickest winter gloves. You'll need them if you're going to grab the super-cool sets waiting for you there as we celebrate Lore's version of the Stanley cup with all-new hockey gear!
Read the Design Notes for more details on today's update.
Thursday, June 20: Unidentified 34 & 35 Boost
Get double rewards as you quest to collect resources to create the ArchFiend DoomLord set until June 26.
Unidentifed 34:
- Willpower Extraction
- Enough Doom for an ArchFiend
Get x2, x4, x6 or x8 items while the boost is on.
(Normal: x1, x2, x3, or x4)
Unidentifed 35:
- Nulgath Demands Work
- Enough Doom for an ArchFiend
Drop quantity + rate: x2, 30%
(Normal: x1, 15%)
Friday, June 21: Update Details
Read on for news about this weekend's new updates: new main story update, the first update in the Summer 2024 Collection, and more!
Log in this Weekend for:
- Main Story: new update in the Cold Thunder Saga
- New rewards: Anti-Ionan War Beast armor sets + Noise's Grave house items
- Summer 2024 Collection Chest: the first update :D
Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Server Boost: double Gold
- Saturday drops: Radical Kidz wall items
- Sunday drops: Sweatshirt Daimyo pet + house guard
Event Reminders...
Mark your calendars so you don't miss out! These maps, items, and limited-time drops are leaving soon.
- June 21: rare Mecha Dragon Commander set
- June 30: Father's Day maps + rewards, Chronomancer of Light, Shadowzard Mount set
Limited Time Daily Login Gifts
- June 22: Silver Skye drops from Warden Indradeep in CastleEblana
- June 22: Sacred Forest Scythe from Forest Guardian in /fableforest
- June 28: Peaceful Picnic, Fantasy Fir Tree, Sweet Shrub, and Fantasy Fountain drops from the Root of Evil in /livingdungeon
- June 30: Hockey Star Captain drops from /icestormarena
Stay up to date with new release plans and boosts on the Artix Calendar and see what the latest bug fixes and balance changes are in the Patch Notes.

June 10, 2024
Game News: June 10 - 16
Read on for the latest news and information
Summer's here, and our weekly release schedule is heating up! Stay up to date with details on the new releases, server boosts, daily login gifts, art previews, balance updates, and more in this week's game digest post.
Monday, June 9: Infinity Update
Artix announced a new tech demo test for AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity is coming this week!
Stay up to date with all the Infinity development news at
Tuesday, June 10: New Midweek Update
Battle the River Fishman in /greenguardwest this Tuesday for a chance to get the 0 AC Fishy Sword. Plus, we'd updated and adjusted a number of old maps, quests, and items to make them more enjoyable for everyone.
Read the full post for more details.
Wednesday, June 12: Art Preview
Loremasters have been getting a lot of love from the community this year. But even hardcore archivists need to get out and touch sand sometimes. That's why we chose to create a swimsuit set for LoreMaster Muusa this year. Coming to AQWorlds this summer!
Follow @Alina_AE on Twitter for more art previews.
Thursday, June 13: Dark Spirit Orbs Boost
Get double rewards as you battle to collect the resources to create Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor!
Read the full post for more details.
Friday, June 14: Release Details
Read on for news about this weekend's new updates: new main story update, Father's Day of Doom returns, Featured rares shop, and more!
Log in this Weekend for:
- Main Story: new update in the Cold Thunder Saga
- New rewards: Skye Rogue armor sets
- Holiday Event: Father's Day of Doom maps + gear return
- Featured Gear sets: color-custom Skye Rogue + Animeme Items
Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Server Boost: double Reputation
- Saturday drops: Sus moglin helms from the Baconcatzard in /eventhub
- Sunday drops: Father's Day of DOOM maces from GleebleGlarble in the /nursery
Event Reminders...
Mark your calendars so you don't miss out! These maps, items, and limited-time drops are leaving soon.
- June 14: rare Enchanted Harmonic Savant set
- June 21: rare Mecha Dragon Commander set
Rare Daily Login Gifts
- June 22: Silver Skye drops from Warden Indradeep in CastleEblana
- June 22: Sacred Forest Scythe from Forest Guardian in /fableforest
Stay up to date with new release plans and boosts on the Artix Calendar and see what the latest bug fixes and balance changes are in the Patch Notes.

May 27, 2024
Game News: May 27 - June 2
Read on for the latest news and information
Summer's almost here, and you know what that means: our flood of Spring updates is about to get super-heated! Get the latest details on this week's news, Treasure Hunt, Boosts, and find out more about this weekend's interlude boss battle.
Tuesday, May 28: Bounty Cache Hunt
This week's treasure hunt is live! Talk to Valencia in the /Museum to begin your hunt to recover the shipment of Lost Bounty Hunter gear. (Items are Color Custom to accessory)
Rewards include:
- GL-1ST Salvage Blade
- GL-1ST Salvage Blades
- Sheathed GL-1ST Salvage Blade cape
Another Treasure Hunt is here! (It sure feels like it's been awhile, with the recent run of midweek monster drops). This Treasure Hunt is, like the others that released this year, on the easier side to give as many players as possible a reason to try out some of the older hunts.
But never fear, our midweek update design team have been on a hunt of their own to find rewards that will hit that sweet spot for new and old heroes alike.
Rewards will be permanently available.
Thursday, May 30: Celestial Dungeon Boost
Get double rewards as you battle to create your Greatblade of the Entwined Eclipse until June 5th.
- Temple of the Midnight Sun: 2x Sliver of Sunlight
- Temple of the Solstice Moon: 2x Sliver of Moonlight
- Ascension of the Eclipse: 2x Ecliptic Offering
Friday, May 31: Update Details
Get a first look at what's coming in this weekend's upcoming game release. Last week's Cold Thunder Saga left many of you thunderstruck; but before you can continue, you'll need to shake off a destructively-beautiful, deadly stalker that devours the hearts and souls of those unfortunate enough to fall under her spell.
- Main Story: Cold Thunder Saga Interlude... the Deadly Muse
- New rewards: Sidhe's Devotees armor sets
- Zodiac Heroes: Virgo quest rewards
- Featured Gear sets: Anime x Meme fusion rares, Part 1
Events + Gear Leaving Soon
- May 31: rare Urban Dragon Warrior + Kyoki's Dragonslayer sets
- June 7: Seasonal May the Fourth Event Hub + Holiday drops
- June 14: rare Enchanted Harmonic Savant set
- June 21: rare Mecha Dragon Commander set
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Server Boost: double Gold, XP, Class Points, Rep
- Resource Boost: Celestial Dungeon drops
- Saturday: rare Cold Steel weapons from the Warden in /castleeblana
- Sunday: rare Sheathed Blade Blade + cape from Dage in /siegefortress
Log in now at

April 16, 2024
Game News: April 15 - 21
Read on for the latest news and information
Our flood of Spring updates continues this week with new rewards, rares, and the arrival of some much-anticipated gear. Get the latest details on this week's news, Treasure Hunt, Boosts, find out more about this weekend's new update.
Tuesday, April 16: Secret Lab Reward
This week's treasure can be found without too much hunting. (After last week's Eclipse event, Caddeus, the Tuesday update designer, was feeling kind!) Head to the /undergroundlab and talk to Artix. In his Merge Shop, you'll find a new pet who is Cuter on the Outside.
Rewards include:
- Doctor Ham-ster Stack pet
Rewards will be permanently available.
Thursday, April 18: Legion Token + Rib Boost
Get double rewards from select Legion Token quests and 2x Dark Unicorn Rib drops from Binky until March 13th in this special two-week Legion Token boost!
Legion Token Quests:
- Spring Cleaning
- First Class Entertainment
- Legion Quest: Light vs Dark
- Coal for the Legion
- Hearts and Souls
- Hearts and Souls (Member)
- Legion Castle Quest
- Research Materials
- Suffering is Magic
Dark Unicorn Rib
- Battle Binky in the /binky or /doomvault map to get x2 Dark Unicorn Ribs instead of x1
Log in each day for a new reward, bonus, or resource boost at
Friday, April 19: Update Details
Get details on this weekend's upcoming game release!
New game release
New Story: Yokai Dragon Invasion, Part 4
Reward Sets: Yokai Shadowscythe Empress gear
Featured Gear: Usagi Oni set, Gravelyn Bank Buddy pets, and more
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
Server Boost: double Rep
Resource Boost: Legion Token + Unicorn Rib
Saturday: Rare Usagi Oni houseguard + seasonal Kawaii Usagi houseguard
Sunday: Ruby, Amethyst, Jade Noble Yokai Battlegear
Stay up to date with new release plans and boosts on the Artix Calendar.

April 08, 2024
Happening Now: Total Solar Eclipse Event
Equip your Solar Viewers + Look Up!
Join the team and your fellow heroes in-game on Monday, April 8th as we celebrate the second Solar Eclipse of 2024 in-game! LeZard Man returns with his Eclipse shop and all-new farming rewards, including the Void Star-Eater and BlackOut armor sets!
Solar Eclipse Shop:
- leZard Man armor, Morph, and Tail
- Solar Eclipse Cape
- Eclipse Viewers Helm (male + female)
- Eclipse Flare Pet
- Eclipse in your Hand Mace
- Enchanted BlackOut armor, helm, and cape (New color-custom set)
New Farming Rewards
- Void Star-Eater armor
- Star-Eater's Morph + Ravenous Grin helms
- Star-Eater's Tail, Tentacles, + combo capes
- Star-Eater's Void Flare
- Star-Eater's Tusk (single + dual wield)
- Star-Eater's Collapse ground rune
- Star-Eater's Chibi Buddy pet
- BlackOut armor, helm, and cape
LeZard Man's quest, shop, and merge shop will be available from April 8 - 19th. He will return again on:
- September 17 (Lunar)
- October 2 (Solar)
- October 17 (Lunar)
- March 13 (Lunar)
- March 29 (Solar)
- September 7 (Lunar)
- September 21 (Solar)

April 01, 2024
Game News: April 1 - 7
Read on for the latest news and information
Spring into battle this week as we begin our flood of April events! Find new rewards, rares, and a hefty update to the Class Hall. Get the latest details on this week's news, Treasure Hunt, Boosts, find out more about this weekend's new game release.
Monday, April 1: Just Another Monday
Nothing to see here, move along.
Tuesday, April 2: Totally Sketchy Print
Defeat the Frogzard in Battleontown to get the first clue on a hunt that will send you around the world. Decode ciphers, battle monsters, and level up your real-life INT to earn a Certificate of Smarts... and the 0 AC rare Totally Sketchy Print wall item.
- 5 Star Adventure
- Available until May 3rd
Rewards include:
- Totally Sketchy Print
Thursday, April 4: Unidentified 34 & 35 Boost
Get double rewards as you quest to collect resources to create the ArchFiend DoomLord set until April 10th.
Unidentifed 34:
- Willpower Extraction
- Enough Doom for an ArchFiend
Get x2, x4, x6 or x8 items while the boost is on.
(Normal: x1, x2, x3, or x4)
Unidentifed 35:
- Nulgath Demands Work
- Enough Doom for an ArchFiend
Drop quantity + rate: x2, 30%
(Normal: x1, 15%)
Log in each day for a new reward, bonus, or resource boost at
Friday, April: Update Details
Get a first look at what's coming in this weekend's upcoming game release!
- Holiday Events return: Grenwog, Earth Day, and Solar New Year
- Class Hall Update: 18.5 new trainers + the Draconic Cuirass set
- April Seasonal Set: Bio-War Cultist returns
- New Battles: Dragrenwog Fusion Boss + Rewards
- New Bonus Pack: color-customizable Surge Disruptor upgrade bonus sets
Events + Gear Leaving Soon
Events & Shops
- April 5: Dage's Birthday + Lucky Day events, Dark Treasure Hunt rewards
- April 9: Dark AdventureCoin Bonus ends
- April 12: Dage's 2024 Birthday Rares
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Server Boost: double Class Points
- Resource Boost: Unidentified 34 & 35
- Saturday: seasonal Mecha Grenwog Egg Pet + House Item from Eggzilla in the Eventhub
- Sunday: seasonal Illness' Birthday Bears from the Grizzly Bear in the Citadel