Design Notes
November 12, 2010
The Hollow Halls
“The corridors in HollowSoul are so big that people often get lost and die within its walls.” You will soon see why!
It’s Friday again! Man, this week has just flown on by. With the release of the Novel and Calendar pre-orders in HeroMart… along with the Toys R Us meetings… and finals coming up in college… and preparing for this week’s release… and playing BladeHaven nonstop… and preparing for the holiday season… and battling the Flu irl… it has been one hectic week!
First thing on the agenda: HAPPY BIRTHDAY J6!
Yes, our very own bounty hunter is leveling up in real life! If you see J6 in game, make sure you wish him a happy birthday. You could always deliver him a personal happy birthday wish inside the Hyperium! Well… if you can find it, that is.
Secondly: HollowSoul Castle Expanded!
Duke Ellington is waiting for you in the Hollow Halls. Only the bravest Members will have the opportunity of exploring HollowSoul… but your success of reaching the end is something no one can promise. These corridors are unlike anything you have ever encountered. For starters, it’s a new map so of course you haven’t seen it! =p
But more importantly, there is no “right” path since the halls will forever change no matter which direction you go. Yeah, it’s pretty aggravating especially if you are trying to test it out and Cysero is over in the corner LOL’ing his mutton chops off. Grrr >………<
There are 3 Keys hidden inside 3 secret Treasure Chests throughout the Hollow Halls. You will have to search each random hall for each treasure chest without first getting pwned by the VERY aggressive monsters inside. Yup, they are all set to aggro so don’t think for a second that you can just run through blindly and hope to find each treasure chest without taking out the baddies first.
More fun in store: even if you are in a group with your close buddies, you will still get lost. Duke Ellington said that people get lost and die within the castle’s walls… and this will prove true tonight. Until you Respawn, and then will have to start back at the beginning. WAHAHAA!
Even more fun: you can go to the Hollow Halls anytime you want, but if you haven’t already completed Duke’s Quests in the first HollowSoul Castle map, then you will get stuck in the Hollow Halls FOREVER.
So let’s say that you completed Duke’s original quests, found all the keys in the Hollow Halls, survived the onslaught of aggroing monsters, and reached “the end.” There is a Hollowsoul Lich waiting for you! If you defeat him and get his skull, you can turn it back into the Duke for a chance to get the Hollow Revenant Armor. This armor is pretty killer on its own, but is also a pre-requirement for something totally awesomesauce in Duke Ellington’s Merge Shop.
Thirdadadly: Hollow Halls Merge Shop
Merge Shops are so much fun. Especially when the item requirements are crazy ridiculous! Duke Ellington has a new Merge Shop that has some killer items in it.
Every item in this shop requires more than 1 item turn in, either from the Hollow Halls, Hollowsoul Castle, or from other places in Lore. Happy Hunting!
Chaos Lord Ledgermayne—now available for everyone!
Last week the Members really showed Ledgehead who was boss. But tonight, everyone gets to bring the fight to the Arcangrove Chaos Lord!
Ledgermayne even has SIX more item drops in addition to his 9 original drops. So even if you have already defeated the Chaos Lord, you might wanna go back because he has something AMAZING you should check out…
OMGOMGOMG is that… woahh… what ARE THOSE? ...Mods? AhAH kidding. What you are looking at are the Atomosian Armaments and Academic Acoutrements… dual wielding “daggers” that are different items!
You can thank J6 for coming up with the necessary genius coding and Dage for making these awesome items! The merge shop in Hollow Halls has a similar item… and there *might* even be another one floating around in game somewhere… but that’s a secret.
So if you are caught up in the Arcangrove storyline, head on over to Rayst by the Tower of Magic and take the final fight to Chaos Lord Ledgermayne!
Pet ‘o the Month: Iron Rune Dragon
Look everyone—we remembered about the Pet of the Month! YAAAY! Since November is Month of the Dragon, Cysero made a VERY awesome Iron Run Dragon for you!
The Iron Rune Dragon is not actually a baby dragon but a dwarven construct shaped and given life deep within the Great Forge in Dwarfhold Keep. Or at least that’s what his item description says. This little guy will only be available for the month of November (and by ‘only’ I mean ‘probably, maybe, if we remember to take him out come December’) so make sure you get him while ya can!
I know there are A LOT of Dragon collectors out there… so don’t miss out on the Iron Rune Dragon!
Well folks, I think that might be it. I am very happy that I got to share all this with you (and flood your monitor screens with an absurd amount of pink).
Have a great weekend and Battle on!