Design Notes
December 10, 2014
New Game Updates for Dec. 12
New Release: Hunt for the Winter's Heart Hoard
Rumor has it that a treasure trove of unfathomable riches awaits brave heroes, but no one has ever returned... Can YOU claim ALL the glory?
Bonebreaker Adventure Map Updates
AQW’s first ever Adventure Pack, Bonebreak Berserker, receives its highly anticipated full update: new map, new battles, Armor sets, & much more!
Limited Time Shop: Tundra Stalker Armor Set
Listen up Rare Item Hunters! The rare Tundra Stalker arrives this Friday in the Limited Time Shop. Claim these Rare Items until Thurs. Dec. 18!
Next Week: AQW’s NEW Main Storyline
The 13 Lords of Chaos were ONLY the beginning! When the WorldBreaker rises, the fabled Ancients will return to power & forever change the world!

November 11, 2013
Luck of the Draw Event ends today, erm, well, technically tonight, Monday, November 11, at 11:59pm Server Time (which is also Eastern Standard Time buuut ‘Server Time’ is much less confusing, lol!)
*GASP!* There’s NO time for formalities and spiffy adjectives! Because at 11:59:59pm Server Time tonight, the Luck of the Draw Event will end, and a lucky 1,001 winners will be chosen to receive exclusive items!
The luckiest hero (or villain… or moglin… or potato??) will receive the Fallen Warlord Armor Set, custom designed by Dage the Evil.
1,000 other winners will get:
- 2nd prize: 25 winners - Exclusive armor
- 3rd prize: 50 winners - Exclusive weapon
- 4th prize: 75 winners - Exclusive weapon
- 5th prize: 100 winners - Exclusive weapon
- 6th prize: 250 winners - Exclusive weapon
- 7th prize: 500 winners - Exclusive weapon
Luck of the Draw Event?
WHAT. Where HAVE you been? You DON’T know about the Luck of the Draw Event? Well better late than never, so here’s the gist:
- Spin the Wheel of Doom and the Wheel of Destiny
- Automatically get prizes every time
- Automatically entered into the Luck of the Draw Event with each spin
- Spin it to win it… and if you’re lucky, you’ll win even more!
The clock is ticking! You only have a few hours left! And I’m running out of exclamation marks!!!
Go go GO!
In game, type this into the chat bar:
/join doom
/join destiny
to be taken to your wondrous wheel of fortunes!
Stop reading this and get in the game, player!
xoxo Beleen

September 16, 2013
Surviving Friday the 13th
You Got Lucky on this Unlucky Day!
If you’re reading these Design Notes… then congratulations! You survived the Curse of the Vampirates Friday the 13th Event!
Amongst the heated battles and hilarious puns, your fellow heroes snapped photos of their adventures during this special event.
Takao No Kami’s crew harpooning the Kraken!
Rexobrother and his mates plundering Captain Von Poach.
Ramu6262 soloing the dreaded Vampirate Captain.
Hats off to DNA94 and their hearties with their Infinity Tricorn hats!
Think ye captured epic screenshots too? Prove it by showing me on my Twitter!
Ye now be ready for Talk Like a Pirate Day, making landfall this Thursday, September 19. Spoilers be over the horizon… so stay tuned, matey!
xoxo Beleen

January 28, 2011
Ctrl + Alt + Del Event
The Winter-een-mas event is LIVE!
2 weeks of work, voice acting from Warlic (Ethan), Thyton (Lucas), Nythera (Lilah), Me (Zeke) and Korin (RPG), 2 new music tracks from Warlic, 5 new cutscenes co-authored by myself and Tim Buckley (creator of Ctrl + Alt Del) animated by Miltonius and myself, 3 new maps and several new CAD NPCs from J6, 14 quests from Beleen, 7 monsters from Miltonius and Skyline, and 26 brand new items, armors and pets from Dage, Skyline, Miltonius, J6 and me.
Some of you were there to grab the rares as soon as we released the pre-release area, giving you a sneak peek of the entire event, and a LOT MORE of you showed up just now when the full release went live!
Winter-een-mas is a holiday JUST for gamers and we are VERY happy to celebrate with you guys. Here at AE we're all big-time gamers and that love of video games connects us to you guys. Thanks for being a part of this event and special Thanks to Ctrl + Alt + Del for making this event possible.
If you complete the event you will recieve the Ctrl + Alt+ Deleted Achievement Badge on your Character Page and in your Book of Lore. The Event will last one week, after that the Rares shop will vanish forever and the event itself will turn into a Member Only area and take all of it's many item drops with it.
Inventory Increase!
After weeks of Zhoom and Minimal breaking their respective backs trying to find a way to get you guys some more inventory space we have finally delivered. Inventories have increased to 100 and bank size has increased to 250!
As promised, we gave EVERY CHARACTER 10 additional inventory spaces ABSOLUTELY FREE (If you just now made your character, sorry, you missed out).
The prices have not changed, BUT we have added 2 more new achievements to the Book of Lore... Maxed Out for getting all 100 Inventory Spaces, and Superhuman Vault for getting all 250 bank slots. *correction, the badges will get sorted out on Monday*
It would cose a LOT of ACs to get both of these items and we don't expect many people will ever get them, but if you are a SERIOUS collector who really NEEDS that space... just know that those two badges are waiting for you.
Other News!
We have released EVEN MORE Player Suggestion items this week, and Dage has release another item in his shop.
Epic Duel Shirts!
If you're a fan of our game, EpicDuel or just a fan of PvP then have WE GOT A SHIRT FOR YOU!
These brand new EpicDuel shirts are now ripe for the bying on HeroMart. They come in one glorius colors (shade, actually), Black but they also come with an AQW Achievement for your Character Page and Book of Lore plus the Color Custom Cyber Hunter armor, and an EpicDuel Achievement!
AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!
Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!

January 25, 2011
Epic Win!
Ready for your daily dose of awesomsauce?
Hi everyone! It’s only Tuesday and already soooo much is going on that I just HAD to share with someone. And that someone is you!
So join me! Bask in the pink glow of these Design Notes as I reveal everything that’s going on this week… and maybe some spoilers that are coming in the near future =D
TWO Birthday’s Today? Two Captains, too?!
Ding! Stratos of the Skyguard and Captain Rhubarb have both leveled up today! Gratz, guys!
Got my goggles!
Stratos landed his airship in Battleon for his special day. Talk to the captain to get your hands on some super awesome Stratos-approved goggles and TWO of his own custom swords! I’m not sure how long Stratos will be in town… so make sure you wish him a Happy Birthday before he takes flight!
EpicDuel T-shirts—On Sale Now!
Wanna score some epic threads in real life? Head to HeroMart now and be the first to equip the super epic EpicDuel T-Shirt!
A +10 Defense buff comes standard when putting on this shirt. But as an added bonus, the Color Custom Cyber Hunter Armor in AQWorlds is yours when you enter the special code that comes with the shirt!
Ctrl+Alt+Del Event Details
It’s the moment we have all been waiting for…for the past week and a half. Cysero worked his magic with the creator of the webcomic Ctrl + Alt + Del and we will be hosting the in-game event this Friday!
The last week of January is a very special time of year for CAD fans... it's Winter-een-mas, a holiday just for gamers! But this Winter-een-mas… something is not quite right (other than the whole holiday not bring quite right). The Winter-een-mas Crown has been stolen and Ethan, Lucas, Lilah, and Zeke need your help getting it back!
There will be Winter-een-mas rare items pulled directly from the pages (web pages) of Ctrl + Alt + Del plus some stuff you've never seen before… like the 16-bit Item Sets in the AC Event Rare Shop!
Digital DOOMknight Armor and Helm, Blade of 16-Bit Awe, and the Light of Digital Destiny!
All these 16-bit digital items (and more!) will be in the AC event rare shop along with a 16 bit pet. Nearly all of the DROPS from the event will be non-member. BUT! After this week, the event goes Member Only so only members will have access to those drops. And when the event goes Member, the AC shop is GONE. Just a fair heads-up for everyone who is reading this now =D
Completely Color Customizable CardCaster Class?!
If you happen to follow me, Dage the Evil, or Cysero on Twitter, then you probably caught a sneak-peek at the newest Class making its way to our Inventory Bags.
CardCaster Class preview!
This completely color custom Class—based off Base, Accessory, Trim, and Eye Color—is still in the making and has no scheduled release date yet. But this Class is special. Very special. The only way to get this Class is by getting your hands on the not-yet-released BattleOn Game Cards set!
Artix, Mido, Cy, Dumoose, and the entire Team have been hard at work on a physical card game that will hit store shelves in the next few months (if everything works out like we hope it will).The card game is SUPER INCREDIBLY fun and I cannot wait until it is actually finished!
I’m sure Artix will give you some more spoilers as the card game nears its final stage. But for now… that’s all I can say. If I haven’t already said too much. Yipes!
And, um, as for the Inventory/Bank Space improvements…. Zhoom? …Minimal? Where are you guys?!
Alright! Time for me to get back to working on the Ctrl + Alt + Del event. As our first HUGE event of the new year… we gatta make sure it’s as epic as it can be!
Battle On!

January 14, 2011
The Sandsea Port
Funny Place For A Port
The Sandsea Saga beings this week as Zhoom drags us into the hot, hot desert to help him find a small-time mage named Zahart.
Zhoom believes that Zahart might know something about the mysterious and unnatural sandstorm that recently uncovered the forgotten ruins of the city, surrounding the Sandsea Oasis Village. Track him down and get some answers.
Zhoom would clearly be able to track Zahart down by himseelf but with two of you that makes the hunt go that much faster. Don't worry, Zhoom has your back.
This is one of my new favorite areas of the game. Miltonius really outdid himself with the monsters and the amazing cutscene, Warlic's Sandsea Adventure music is one of the best he's produced for the entire game and J6's unbelievable backgrounds all come together to transport you to the dry wastes of the Sandsea.
Beware of Sandsharks!
Sandsea Oasis Village Updates!
This week we have updated a few of the Oasis shops. Zhoom has some brand new items in his Sandsea Rep shop, like the Assassin of the Sands armor and helm crafted by Dage and helm, and several new weapons!
You might also find that scimitar somewhere in today's release. Cassim the House Item vendor is also getting in a shipment of new items, which might be of interest to you.
A Change Of Items
The Staff that Dage is holding in the picture above is one of the new items coming to our friend Khuddar, the Black Market Vendor.
That is a face you can trust. I heard him say that some other items are arriving and some of his current items are vanishing!
Player Suggestion Changes
Last week we released Reddy's Solarflux Armor and he wasn't happen with Miltonius' version of his art. We stand behind each and ever one of out staff member's work, but Reddy was so unhappy that he said he'd rather have it removed from AQW than have it in as it is.
In a show of what I think makes BattleOn Games great, Miltonius listened to what Reddy had to say, looked at his own work and decided that Reddy had a point. Miltonius, on his own time, took a second shot at the art creating Reddy's EVOLVED SOLARFLUX ARMOR and HELM which will be added to the player suggestion shop today.
You have to admit, it's pretty hot. The first version of Solarflux will stay in the shop cause we like it, but the new version will ALSO be available.
In other Player Suggestion news, the SSS Sword has been removed, and everyone who purchased it has been given a full gold refund for the weapon.
Just so you know we have gotten some new HeroMart items in. Some of the player favorites which sold out a while ago have come back in very VERY limited supply.
Faith tells me we've got:
150 calendars (which come with Chronomancer)
30 Twillies
10 sm chickencow
10 med chickencow
5 XL chickencow
20 2XL chickencow
20 3XL chickencow
EpicDuel shirts will go on sale next weekend. The come with the really cool robotic color custom Cyber Hunter armor. I'll get some pix for you next week.
AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS!
Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!
Thyton Says Thanks
For those of you who were able to attend Thyton's improptu Live Drawing Event last night, thanks. It's a rare treat for us to get to interact with you so directly and you got to see how much fun we have in the lab.
You might not have seen this but after I threw the box at Thyton, he threw it right back. Hard.
For those of you who didn't get to catch it, check out Artix's Write-Up of the event! Have a great weekend!
Or else!

January 14, 2011
Thyton's Live Draw Re-cap
We hope you had fun!
Yesterday we did a live draw with DragonFable, MechQuest & HeroSmash artist Thyton. A video of his art room at the secret underground lab was broadcasted inside AdventureQuest Worlds. It was really fun! Everyone on chat said Thyton looks like Vin Disel... Ichidori posted this on his Twitter.
As usual, we ran into a huge slew of unexpected problems... the first one being that we were unable to setup until just 30 minutes prior to the event! ...our HD camera broke so we used a tiny web cam instead. There were a lot of laughs... but unless you had super hearing abliities it may have been hard to hear through the distorted time-delayed sound. You guys are awesome though -- you stuck through it anyway. Over 5 thousand players watched as Thyton draw what they suggested. An EbilCorp tree ninja was hiding in the background for 30 minutes of the event and finally attacked Thyton. Zhoom appeared and took care of the EbilCorp Ninja.... "I don't like dem Ninjas". Just do not tell Zhoom that Thyton is a Ninja too, ok? ( I REALLY wish we had recorded this event) Cysero, Beleen, Ai No Miko, and Thyton also made a quick appearance. We hope aspiring artists found inspiration and hopefully learned something useful. (Other than to not let Artix hold the camera *shake* *shake* *shake*) If you were unable to join us, do not worry -- I have a feeling we will be doing this again soon!
1st Drawing: Panda Cannon
Beleen was sitting in the couch across from Thyton with her laptop. She was logged onto the Sir Ver server where players send an endless waterfall of purple tells to her screen. She read as best she could -- asking questions and making suggestions to Thyton on behalf of the players. The 1st drawing... as suggested by players, was a Panda launching cannon! Please note the functional accuracy right down to the panda cartridge dispenser. This will be available in HeroSmash (which is currently in open stress test) as an arm item, and in AQWorlds as a back item!
2nd Drawing.... Ninja Bot with Waffle Shoulder Pads and Spiky Hands!
The second drawing combined the player suggestions of Ninja... Robot... Spiky Hands... and waffle. There is still a high demand for a Waffletana (Waffle + Katana). But how would he hold it?
For Thyence! (Thyton Science?)
I would like to thank Thyton for allowing us stream live video of him drawing, unscripted, with thousands of players watching his every potential mistake. No pressure or anything! I liked his quick draw with only a few minutes left. Thyton said afterwords (when we shut off the video and did not know the sound was still going /facepalm) that he wished we could have done it for a few more hours. He really wanted to draw more player suggestions for the game. It was really fun! Many players told me that liked seeing that the AE team was made of real people and surprised that we were so goofy and fun in real life too. So if you guys agree... I would like to fix our video, audio, and technical issues and have semi-regular "Live Artist Drawings" with ALL of our various artists streamed in game. Maybe even a competition. Maybe even take you around the lab and show you what I do? O_O
Thanks again everyone. Look for these drawings to show up in HeroSmash soon, and for the Panda launcher to appear in AQWorlds in next week's release! If you have any cool ideas, please let me know on the Forums or on Twitter! Tonight in AQWorld's release... the adventure continues and Zhoom is in a wicked cutscene!

August 14, 2010
J6 Items Added
Sorry About That
Hi guys, sorry, the J6 weapons were added to the Event Rare shop as promised YESTERDAY! Don't know how they escaped! Derp!
We've been getting a LOT of great feedback on the event. We're really glad that you weren't terrified by the completely random odyessy that became this Friday the 13th Event.
Kimberly was so impressed by you guys during her Live Event that she wrote and recorded the song Battle On which you can hear in her area of the event. She has also said that if you donate $5 for any full One-Eyed Doll album, you get the Battle On song as a bonus! Check it out here.
Thanks for playing and we hope you keep enjoying the event. Have you found all the secrets yet?

August 13, 2010
Today is Friday the 13th!
The Special Event is happening now!
Brace yourself for the biggest and WIERDEST event in the history of our game. The event is now live and available for all players. A bonus zone has been added for members featuring out-takes from the voice recording with George Lowe. There are 6 maps, a gazillion cutscenes, and tons of items, rares and quests... we hope you have as much fun playing it as we had creating it for you!
New Record!
34,742 Players on AdventureQuest Worlds. Screenshot or it did not happen!
Having Problems?
Are you are unable to access the event... or is a map not loading? It is likely you have a half-download file stuck in your browser. Try completely closing your browser. Then after opening it, clear your temporary internet files (in the options.) Then play!

August 12, 2010
The Event Starts Tomorrow...
Crunch Time!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow at 6pm SUGT (Secret Underground Lab Time... which also happens to be EST if you happen to be up there... on the surface.) the Friday the 13th special event will begin! Well, that is the plan. We are desperately behind schedule, overwhelmed with bugs... and low on caffeine. With only one day left to build all of the remaining monsters, cutscenes, item shops and quests.... *gulps* hmmm. You know, we should make a documentary about one of these releases for you. It would be titled "Crazy guys and cute girls looking very panicked while staring intently at their computers... which are crashing... and then a zombie apocalypse broke out and they had to change the release to save the world from DOOOOM.... and there was cake." If this is your first time joining us for a major event... hold on to your helms. Tomorrow is going to be unpredictable. I will post a live play-by-play on the homepage for you. You will know what is happening (going wrong) every 15 minutes or so leading up to the start of the event. It is customary to watch in horror as everything we do falls apart minutes before the release in front of an audience of 30,000 players. Superstitious or not.... the problem with this release is it is actually happening on Friday the 13th!
Forum Topic: Feel free to wish Beleen, Miko, Miltonius, J6, Cysero, Llussion and the rest of the AQWorlds team good lu...... er.... wait. You can use any creative way you can think of (even making up your own words), but whatever you do, do not use the word "Luck"! I will start. "AQWorlds team - may the cake be with you.... always!"