Design Notes
October 01, 2012
4th Upholders!
What is an Upholder?
AQW is coming up on another birthday! That's means that we are once again offering the chance to become an AQW Upholder (The same way that the Founders got their chance at the birth of the game and the way 1st Upholders got their chance three years ago, 2nd Upholders got the chance two years ago and 3rd Upholders got the chance last year at this time).
What Does A 4th Upholder Get?!
Normally, an Upholder gets a Character Page Badge and a rare Star Sword. This year, when you become a 4th Upholder you get TWO rare Star Swords. (they're both non-member, so you can swing that sword forever and 0 ACs so you can store it for free), an achievement badge on your character page and some CRAZY bragging rights.
Why two Star Swords?
Last year, Platinum was the theme of the Upholder Star Sword and the Naval Commander. This year is The Year of Chaos... but do we listen to those players who want a redesigned Chaorrupted Star Sword to match the design of the Chaotic Naval Commander...
...or do we listen to the players calling for a Chaotic Star Sword in the Chaos color scheme but who want to keep the original Star Sword design pure and unchanged?
Easy. We do both and give you TWO Star Swords!
Those of you who have been playing for a while know that Founders already get bragging rights. They can say "I was supporting the game before you even heard of it!" and they have the fancy Platinum Dragon pet and character page achievement badge to prove it!
I'm sure you've also seen somebody with the 1st Upholder Golden Star Sword, 2nd Upholder Onyx Star Sword or last year's 3rd Upholder Platinum Star Sword and said to yourself... "DANG! WHY did I have to miss out on that?!"
This is YOUR chance to grab some of the spotlight for yourself (even if you're already a Founder or a 1st Upholder, 2nd Upholder, 3rd Upholder or ALL FOUR!)
Sounds Great! How Do I become a 4th Upholder?!
It couldn't be simpler. Become an Member!
- If you are ALREADY a Member and your membership expires ON or AFTER November 1st, 2012, then you're are ALREADY a 4th Upholder. Gratz.
- If you help support AQW by buying ANY membership ANY TIME during the month of October (from October 1st to October 31st, as long as it expires on or after November 1st) then you become a 4th Upholder!
I Think My Membership Already Makes Me A 4th Upholder. How Can I Check?
Also, easy. Just click the Manage Account link on the left under the ACCOUNT section.
As soon as you sign in you'll see when your membership expires. Here's mine:
Cool! When Do I Get My Super Sweet 4th Upholder Swords and Badge?
Starting no later than Wednesday (Oct 3rd), you will find your 4th Upholder Badge in your Book of Lore in the Badges tab. Click on this badge and you will see that THIS YEAR it comes with a shop. You will be able to grab your swords from that shop and start showing them off as well as your Character Page Badge.
Only Memberships Count?
Yes. You can use Artix Points on the Portal site or any method in AQW to upgrade, but it MUST be an AQW Membership. AdventureCoins DO NOT COUNT TOWARD 4th Upholder.
Anything Else I Should Know?
We appreciate every single upgrade and AC that you guys pay for. Nearly every penny you spend goes back into the game. People seem to like the idea of ACs a lot more than Memberships a lot of you Members said that memberships benefits were getting thin and we listened to you adding more Member items, Member dailies, Member areas, Member rewards added to AC packages, Member Classes, Member Only Mid-week releases (it's been a while since I've been able to do one but I still have more planned!), Member Boss fights, Member perks to trade skills, the Members Only ability to create guilds (with more Member only bonuses planned as we expands the guild system) and your monthly Treasure Chest Key allowance!
You may not know this but AQW (like all AE games) is ENTIRELY supported by the players. We have no financial backers and nobody owns stock in the company. We get a few bcuks from advertizers but without you we would nobody to advertize to. Without you there is no way that we could possibly keep the game running and we cannot thank you all enough but our Founders will always hold a special place in our hearts for believing in us and supporting the game before we even had a game to support. Once again you Founders will receive an upgraded version of your Platinum Dragon pet... the Chaotic Armored Platinum Dragon Battle Pet!
We are happy to be able to provide our Founders with this special treat every year to keep saying thanks for believing in us. If you missed your chance to become a Founder in AQW, remember that we have two new games coming soon and BOTH OverSoul and Legend of Lore will offer you the chance to become Founders in those games!
I Love AQW! It's The Best Game EVER!
Thank you, AQW Player! What a nice thing to say! But seriously... thank YOU for playing. We LOVE making the game for you guys and thanks to the support of Founders four years year ago, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and now 4th Upholders and everyone in between we get to keep making it better and better every week!
It doesn't matter if you were here from the first day or THIS is YOUR first day... we're so happy that you could be with us to celebrate FOUR amazing years of AdventureQuest Worlds, and we hope that you will stick around for many more birthdays and keep adventuring with us.