Design Notes
October 10, 2012
Last Call for VoT Class
Play AQWorlds' 3rd Birthday Event with TMBG...
Before it goes rare FOREVER! The entire TMBG event leaves this Friday, October 12th when we release the AQWorlds 4th birthday event. Now is your last chance to blast through the bounds of Space and Time with titanic musical guests They Might Be Giants to take down the Collector, the deadliest rare-item hunter of them all!
One of the highlights of the 3rd Birthday event is the Vindicator of They Class, which you can either purchase from Itzachi in Battleon for 2,000 Adventure Coins or through saving up Tokens of Vindication.
/Equip your most Collectible gear and play before this epic event is gone for good:
- The Vindicators of They AC and Token sets!
- Tokens of Vindication Merge Shop!
- Super-Fan Swag Merge Shop!
- It Might Be A House Item Shop!
- A 1 Hour EXP Boost!
- 3 awesome cutscenes!
- 10 storyline quests!
- Many side quests and hidden quests!
(Be sure to click ALL over the map to find these secret quests!) - 5 member-only bonus quests in the Member-only Lab map!
- Member and non-member daily quests!
- Quests for EVERY FACTION released before the event. (Rewards 5,000 Rep each!)
- Character page and Book of Lore achievements!
- And TWO ALL-NEW TMBG song written JUST for AQWorlds!

October 15, 2011
Vindicator Of They Class!
This EPIC Class arrives on Friday!
This Might Be the coolest class yet! Who are we kidding, the Vindicator of They Class is EPIC! With both offensive, stun and lifesteal skills, after you /equip the VoT class, you'll be able to easily up your kill count while collecting rares aplenty!
This class will only be available for a limited amount of time! The They Might Be Giants event will be in-game for a year and then that will go rare, too!
You Might Be Even More Awesome in this class!
- Vindicator of They Class - 2,000 ACs OR 90 Tokens of Vindication
- Vindicator of They Helm - 15 Tokens of Vindication
- Vindicator of They Blade - 45 Tokens of Vindication
- Vindicator of They Cape - 5 Tokens of Vindication
The Class can be purchased from Itzachi in Battleon for 2,000 ACs or by merging 90 Tokens of Vindication at the Token Shop in the /collection map. Non-members have a daily quest available which rewards a Token while members can do that quest AND a member-only daily quest which will award a second Token!
Skills of Vindication!
A Hero's got to have dexterity to annihilate opponents in combat, and with these cutting-edge skills - and two all-new animations- you'll really be able to let your blade-work shine!
Auto Attack
A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.
Super Taster
Summons a Super Taster to bite your foe, Causing a DoT and slowing enemy for 6 seconds.
I Just Want Your Half
Take a small amount of your foe's life force and heal yourself for a small amount.
We Want A Rock
Petrify your opponent for 10 seconds but applies a DoT To you.
I've Got A Fang & Hot Cha
Passive. Increase Haste by 20%
Mass Of Incandescent Gas
Create a tiny SUN, causing massive damage and applies a DoT.
They Might Be Giants Event - Happening Now!
AQWorlds' titanic 3rd birthday event is happening RIGHT NOW in-game! Log-in and party up with your friends to meet They Might Be Giants, our special mystery birthday guest, and... The Collector!
Thanks to Aranx for the action-packed screenshot!
Are you going to let yourself be kidnapped, trapped, and displayed for a race of grotesque, rare-collecting Aliens? I didn't think so! Get in there and Battle On in our biggest birthday event yet!

October 14, 2011
They Might Be Giants Special Event!
AQWorlds 3rd Birthday Event is live!
Happy 3rd Birthday, AQWorlds! The entire AQWorlds team want to thank you for /join'ing us for the BIGGEST birthday party event we've ever thrown!
With titanic musical guests They Might Be Giants, all the Heroes of Lore are in store for an event that will blast through the bounds of Space and Time to trap you in another dimension... where YOU are the most prized possession in The Collector's stash of epic rare Heroes!
Battle On to escape The Collector!
Your Great Destiny got you into this mess, but your epic battle skills and superior combat strategy are going to save you, They Might Be Giants, and a mystery guest star out!
Doppelgangers like to gang up on Heroes. It's in their name!
/Equip your most Collectible gear for:
- An EPIC AC Rares shop!
- Tokens of Vindication Merge Shop!
- The first pieces of the Vindicators of They set!
(Vindicator of They Class comes NEXT Friday!) - Super-Fan Swag Merge Shop!
- It Might Be A House Item Shop!
- A 1 Hour EXP Boost!
- 3 awesome cutscenes!
- 10 storyline quests!
- Many side quests and hidden quests!
(Be sure to click ALL over the map to find these secret quests!) - 5 member-only bonus quests in the Member-only Lab map!
- Member and non-member daily quests!
- Quests for EVERY FACTION which will reward you with 5,000 Rep each!
- Character page and Book of Lore achievements!
- And TWO ALL-NEW TMBG song written JUST for AQWorlds!
Check out this week's Design Notes to see the awesome equips and Hero-sized gear (not intended for Giants) available in the event!
Artix, Cysero, Yorumi, Samba, J6, the rest of the AQWorlds team, and I want to thank ALL of you for playing and staying with us through all of the Chaos, both in this event and in the rest of the game! (Drakath had a hand in it all, you can be sure!) Now get in there and BATTLE ON!
Happy birthday, AQWorlds!

October 12, 2011
They Might Be EPIC Rares!
AQWorlds' 3rd Birthday Event Rare Items!
When we invited They Might Be Giants to do AQWorlds' 3rd birthday blowout this year, we knew that the equips that were released alongside them had to be bigger than gigantic... they had to be universally EPIC! (The Universe is bigger than a normal giant, but only slightly bigger than the Giants They Might Be.)
We will have an AC shop as well as TWO merge shops! One will require Tokens of Vindication, which drop from daily quests. Members will have two daily quests available to them, while non-members can do one a day.*. The other will require various Super-Fan Tokens that the monsters will drop.
Here's a first look for many of you (unless you follow us on Twitter!) at some of the time-bending, space-rending, universe-ending equips that we will be releasing on Friday during the event!
* Members can earn up to 2 Tokens of Vindication a day, which lets them get items faster!
- Universe Armor - 800 ACs
- Celestial Hair - 100 ACs
- Universe Hood - 100 ACs
- Galactic Hackers - 175 ACs
- Particle Armor - 10 Tokens of Vindication (member)
- Particle Armaments - 6 Tokens of Vindication (member)
- Particle Pack - 3 Tokens of Vindication (non-member)
- Particle Blade - 5 Tokens of Vindication (non-member)
- Robot Parade Chassis - 6 Tokens of Vindication (non-member)
- Robot Parade Mask - 2 Tokens of Vindication (non-member)
- Robot Parade Copper Topper - 2 Tokens of Vindication (non-member)
- Robot Parade Blade - 3 Tokens of Vindication (member)
- Robot Parade Flag - 2 Tokens of Vindication (member)
- Paper Bag Head - 6 Tokens of Vindication (member)
- Hovering Sombrero Cape - 2 Tokens of Vindication (non-member)
- Chicken And Ice Cream Helm - 1 Super Fan Swag Token C (non-member)
We have MANY more rockin' rares (only available in-game for ONE year!) that we haven't shown you! You'll just have to log in and battle your way through the Collector's prison to earn these awesome equips!
Vindicator of They Class and Set!
They Might Need a Hero, and YOU definitely need a new class! Save John and John, battle your way through the daily quests they offer, and take down the obviously over-rated opponents (a win will up your Rare Score!), and you'll be well on your way to becoming a Vindicator of They! (Class will not release until NEXT Friday.)
The Vindicator of They non-member Class will be sold for 2000 ACs at Itzachi in BattleOn OR you can earn it by stocking up 90 Tokens of Vindication! The rest of the set will be available in the Tokens of Vindication Merge shop THIS Friday!
- Vindicator of They Class - 2,000 ACs OR 90 Tokens of Vindication
- Vindicator of They Helm - 15 Tokens of Vindication
- Vindicator of They Blade - 45 Tokens of Vindication
- Vindicator of They Cape - 5 Tokens of Vindication
Many members of the Artix Entertainment team (from more than just the AQW team) have been hard at work on this 3rd birthday event for weeks! And THIS Friday you'll see Part 1 of the biggest AQWorlds event with our BIGGEST guests ever!
WHAT "The Collector" Special In-Game Event
WHEN Friday, October 14th @ 6pm EST
WHO They Might Be Giants, the AQWorlds team and YOU!
WHY Celebrate AQWorld’s 3rd Birthday!
HOW Join us in-game, at
For more information about the event and the scoop on the Giants behind the band, check out our Event Page!

September 30, 2011
Announcement coming!
The Faxtron 3000 just recieved the signed piece is paper that makes our event for AQWorld's 3rd Birthday... OFFICIALLY ON! The band joining us this year is going to surprise players of many different ages. They are by far our biggest celebrity guests yet, but at the same time I would not be surprised if some of our younger players do not know them.... well, at least not yet (But, we would be very surprised if you have not heard many of their songs from the Radio, TV, and other media!) So, here is your AQWorlds lineup for October!
Coming this OCTOBER!
This week (Sept 30th) SkyGuard "Lore Under Attack"
Next week (Oct 7th) The path to Mystcroft re-opens: Mogloween 2011 begins!
Then (Oct 14th) SPECIAL EVENT! Part 1 w/ Special Guest
Then (Oct 21st) SPECIAL EVENT! Part 2 w/ Special Guest
OMG... then (Oct 28th) BRAND NEW Mogloween special, super spooky release!
The Special Event will introduce a terrifying new villain to the world of Lore, and reveal things about our worlds past that will likely change... everything!