Design Notes
May 19, 2023
New Featured Rare Sets
This Weekend: Forces of Light & Dark
May the Fourth may only be one day long, but here in AdventureQuest Worlds, we celebrate this pop-culture internet holiday ALL MONTH LONG! This weekend, we've added even MORE intergalatic items to the Featured Rare Gear Shop. Find the Grievous Fiend Spear, Underworld Fifth Master and NovaStriker sets available until June 16th, 2023.
Underworld Fifth Master Set
A powerful fouth wielder that has embraced ambition and greed, leader of the Sunless Sabers. Though they're peerless in skill and cruelty, the Fifth Empire commands them at their own peril. The Sunless sabers ultimately only serve themselves.
- Underworld Fifth Master
- Sunless Master's Hair + Locks*
- Sunless Saber Hooded Visor
- Sunless Saber Hood
- Underworld Fifth Master Cape
- Sunless Master Saber (single + dual-wield)
- Sunless Master Twin Saber (single + dual-wield)
Nova Striker Set
Nova Strikers, so named for their craving to kill stars. And they must kill these celestial bodies, or they and their devestating power will fade as quickly as a shooting star.
- Nova Striker Armor
- Nova Striker Faceguard
- Nova Striker Visor
- Nova Striker Wings
- Nova Striker's Armored Wings
- Nova Striker's Blade
- Nova Striker's Armblades
Don't Miss Last Week's Rare Sets
You got 99 problems but your STONKS ain't one. You asked for it, so here they are: May Meme sets! Gear up to celebrate May with new main story updates, improvements in Dwarfhold Keep, and now... Memes! Find the all-new Satisfied Hero + Villain sets, the GigaShad(owslayer) set, and more in your Geatured Gear Shop until June 9th.
Satisfied Meme Hero
Number go up! Number go down. RNG worst in town.
- Satisfied Trader Hero Suit
- Dissatisfied Trader Hero Suit
- Satisfied Meme Moglin Morph Helm
- STONKS UP GOOD cape (animated)
- NOT STONKS BAD cape (animated)
- Satisfied Corporate Trader Suit
- Dissatisfied Corporate Trader Suit
- Smirking Meme Villain Morph
- Satisfied Trader and Corporate Trader House Guests
- STONKS UP and NOT STONKS display wall items
GigaShadowSlayer Set
A GigaShadowSlayer is known by the size of their chin... or grin. They are so fierce and feared that no shirt can contain their dark power.
- GigaShadowSlayer armor
- UltraShad's Chin + Grin helms
- UltraShad's Chin + Cap (male / female)
Plus, find the...
- Cool, Cooler, and Coolest Swords
- Mutated Blade of the Truth*
- Apocryphal Nightmare Hunter Blade*