Design Notes

January 02, 2011

Evolved ClawSuit Class

Deck the halls…and monsters’ faces!

The giftboxes opened yesterday revealing oodles of presents for everyone – including the Evolved ClawSuit Class for Members!

Far from jolly Santy ClawSuit

If you haven’t already mastered the Evolved ClawSuit Class, here’s a nice skill write up so you can be on your merry way in dominating the battlefield.    

The Evolved Clawsuit is an unexpected (and unwanted) gift to all the naughty beings of the world. You spread more damage than cheer -- and are incredibly good at it. Evolved ClawSuits regain mana when they strike an enemy in combat (more effective on Crits) and are struck by an enemy in combat.

Evolved ClawSuit Abilities:

  • Naughty, Rank 1
    20 mana, 3 second cooldown
    A quick damaging attack. Applies Naughty debuff, making this attack stronger, stacking up to 4 times. If Nice is present, it is replaced by Frostburn, a Damage over Time effect on the target.
  • Nice, Rank 2
    20 mana, 3 second cooldown
    A weak physical attack that heals the caster slightly. Applies Nice debuff, making this attack stronger and stacks up to 4 times. If Naughty is present, it is replaced by Holiday Cheer, a Heal over Time effect on the caster.
  • Check the List, Rank 3
    40 mana, 6 second cooldown
    If the target is Naughty, deals heavy damage and applies Lump of Coal, lowering the target’s Haste. If the target is Nice, applies Blitzen’s Blitz, increasing caster Haste and damage done while reducing damage taken. Does not consume Naughty or Nice.

  • Workshop Master, Rank 4
    Passive Ability
    Increases Strength and Intellect by 10%
  • Spiked Nog, Rank 4
    Passive Ability
    Critical Strike chance increased 5%
  • Arctic Stamina, Rank 5
    50 mana, 30 second cooldown
    Reduces your incoming damage by 30% and increases outgoing damage by 20% for 8 seconds

Evolved ClawSuits are a very well balanced Class, meaning that they would benefit from an array of Enhancements focusing on Strength, Intellect, Endurance or Dexterity.

clawsuits stats

Even without any applied Enhancements, a Rank 10 level 35 Evolved ClawSuit looks like that. Just without the name Beleen. Because that’s ME and u no can haz mah name =3

So play around with your new class and see which build best works for you! A great starting Enhancement would be Hybrid since it improves all of the stats Evolved ClawSuits rely on. You can get these Enhs from Mazumi the Ninja Trainer in Greenguard Forest, Artix in the Swordhaven Inn, and Tarvarya the Rustbucket Trainer at the Crash Site.

Happy New Year 2011 and Battle On!

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