Design Notes

October 04, 2017

Classes, Custom Weapons, and More

Custom Weapon Winners Update

Back in March, we started a new upgrade incentive to show our appreciation for all the heroes supporting AdventureQuest Worlds. Each month, we choose one account that upgraded the previous month, and work with them to design their own custom weapon. Today, I'm excited to announce the latest winner, our October winner - Less!

Each winner can choose to keep their custom weapon just for them, share it with up to 10 friends / alt accounts, or put it in a shop for everyone to use.

Past winners include:

Class News Update

First: Class name changes! We have changed a few class names so it's easier to tell which versions of a class are required to unlock special quests and shops in-game. Example: the AC variant of the Naval Commander is now the Heroic Naval Commander, and unlocks the quest for the Kaiju Naval Commander. The member-only version is the Legendary Naval Commander.

  • AC class variants: Heroic or Deadly (Class Name)
  • Member class variants: Legendary (Class Name)
  • Reputation/Merge shop classes: name stays the same

Other class names will stay the same. Any changed earlier today have been reverted.

Second: Monster Hunter Class update! Arklen and the class designers have some pretty awesome plans for this class, including summoning different battle pets depending on the class skill you choose. To do that, we need to finish up the server rewrite first. 

Third: PVP Testing. Have you gotten a chance to check out PVP on the PTR server? Yorumi has been focusing on squashing the PVP bugs all you testers sent in over the last couple of months. If you have, shoot your feedback over to Arklen on Twitter or let us know on the forum.

Fourth: Vampire Lord Class. Our combo 15th Anniversay-9th birthday-Mogloween class this year will be the Vampire Lord, a seasonal class that returns each October. A 2nd version, with the same skills but different art, will go rare. You'll be able to get it via farming OR immediately for 2000 AdventureCoins. Stay tuned for a class skills breakdown design notes post coming soon.

Quibble Coinbiter Leave Date

For all you heroes who haven't had a chance to check out Quibble Coinbiter's Talk Like a Pirate Day shop, this weekend is your LAST CHANCE to get all the loot and booty your bank can hold. The shop will leave on October 9th - we're extending his stay in Battleon until Monday, so make sure to grab the gear before it's gone!

Tags: Alina,
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