Design Notes
November 23, 2010
Child's Play
Thank you for making our donation possible!
Child's Play is a charity that raises money to make lives better for sick children in hospitals around the world. It was started by gamers, like you and me, and is a cause that the BattleOn Games Team feels very strongly about.
It fills us with happiness that we are able to pass along the support that you give to us to this worthy charity. We have just made a donation to Child's play on behalf of all the 2nd Upholders, AQWorlds Members, AdventureQuest Guardians, DragonFable DragonLords, MechQuest Star Captains, and Epic Duel supporters. Thank you for making it possible to support them with a platinum sponsorship!
Artix always says that you can never fail unless you give up. If you're still trying then the game's not over. It's really true. There is a great children's hospital in the town where I live and they were not on the Child's Play network of hospitals. So I did a few minutes worth of research on the internet, called the people in charge of fundraising and told them all about Child's Play. Today they are contacting the charity, becoming a benefactor and hopefully some of YOUR generosity will go to help the sick kids in that hospital a few blocks from my house!
If there is a children's hospital in YOUR town, maybe you can do the same thing! All it takes is a little effort and you can improve the lives of so many people. It's amazing to see what gamers can do when we put our minds to it!
Thanks, everyone, for supporting BattleOn Games (Did we tell you all that are changing the name of the company?), allowing us to make great adventures for you and for making our support of Child's Play possible! It's all because of you.