Design Notes

September 24, 2013

Zoshi’s Story

Tales of the Monster Hunter

Happy Tuesday hero! Later on today, the Featured Artist Shop in the Game Menu will showcase monster-hunting items from Zoshi the Monster Hunter.

Zoshi Monster Hunting Items online game

But just who is Zoshi? I know Zoshi is a super talented artist, and I know I’m a super talented coffee consumer, so last night I met up with him at the local AdventureBucks Coffee and listened to his story. 

Starbucks spoof AdventureBucks Coffee

Beleen: *slurp* Mmmm… this Venti Mocha Trobblechino is so yummy! *sluuurrrrrp*

Zoshi: Haha, slow down Beleen, or you’ll get a brain freeze.

Beleen: Tehehehe, *slurrp* I need a brain to get a brain freeze =p

Zoshi: Hahaha! You’re too funny.

Beleen: …I’m being serious… laugh out loud! So tell me *sluuurrrp* a little bit about yourself, Zoshi.

Zoshi: Back when I was a low-level warrior, my neighbor—a fellow Dragon Hunter—introduced me to DragonFable. After slaying countless beasts, I acquired a taste for giant monster battles. But then I wanted to test my blade against the universe, so I shot for the stars in MechQuest. And when AdventureQuest Worlds came out, I was completely obsessed.

Beleen: Just like how I am completely obsessed with giant coffee milkshakes!

Starbucks spoof AdventureBucks Coffee Beleen and Zoshi

Zoshi: Exactly! I couldn’t pull myself away from AQWorlds, and became enveloped within the awesome Artix community. A few months ago, I started helping Maegwyn on MechQuest, and now my artistic endeavors are directed towards AQWorlds. I’m just so thankful Maegwyn gave me the chance to shine!

Beleen: *slurrrrp* I like shiny things, too! So what’s your favorite thing about working with Artix Entertainment?

Zoshi: My favorite thing about AE.... where do I even start? I love the community more than anything. You guys are so unbelievably nice and I really appreciate all of your awesome feedback on everything! I love the weekly releases and constantly moving from one piece of art to the next. I never get tired of making things because every week there’s a new theme to look forward to.

Beleen: Awwwee, that’s sweeter than my Mocha coffee!

Zoshi: It’s true! I just really love and appreciate art and haven't stopped making art since I found my calling :)

Beleen: Awesome! *sluuurrrrrp* Do you have anything else you’d like to share with intrepid artists?

Zoshi: Absolutely! Hey, everyone: Don't let anyone tell you what’s good for YOU. You must do whatever makes you happiest!

Beleen: How inspirational! And you’re absolutely right! Your happiness is your number one priority, so do whatever it takes to be happy =D

Hydra online video game AdventureQuest Worlds

Zoshi: And being able to release my personal collection of Monster Hunting items for every AQWorlds hero to enjoy makes me happy! Just, please, Beleen, when you color customize your Dragon Hunter armor with BRIGHT PINK, stay away from Artix!

Beleen: …I can keep no such promise… mwahahaa….. *ssssllurrrrrpppp*

Want to make Zoshi even happier? Tell him how much you like his new Monster Hunting items on his Twitter!

And stay tuned, because Zoshi’s Featured Artist Shop will be arriving in-game later today.

Battle on!

xoxo Beleen

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