Design Notes

June 24, 2013

The Start of the Week…

…is the beginning of many adventures!

Happy Monday! Glad to see you made it out of Grimskull’s Dungeons alive. Or perhaps you didn’t. Thank goodness for Respawn, amirite? =D

We’ve got a whole action-packed week ahead of us in our favorite fantasy MMO. Check out everything in store—and everything that’s leaving the stores, too—in this week’s AdventureQuest Worlds release write-up!

Tyronius’ Shop leaves Tomorrow

The countdown timer is ticking! Adorned with Blood Lord loot, Tyronius’ Featured Artist Showcase Shop in the Battleon Game Manu leaves Tuesday afternoon.

Become Tyronius' Blood Lord in online fun game

Now is your last chance to get the Blood Lord Plate Set before it goes rare! Blood Majesty Set, and the color-custom Abyssal Darkness Set will return the next time Tyronius has a featured artist shop (but we don't know when that will be)! There’s something for everyone in Tyronius’ shop!

Beleen’s Featured “Artist” Shop on Tuesday

Alright folks. Let’s get something straight: I am, by no means, what you would consider an “artist.” As a writer, my artist expression flourishes with an ink-dipped quill on lined canvas.

Quill and parchement for online fun game AdvetureQuest Worlds

But when it comes to straight lines, shading, colors, and animations… I just kinda DERP all over the place. A kindergartener draws better than I. At least THEY understand the fundamentals of painting a picture…

The First Derp Fish by Beleen

My first attempt at a "catfish." Props for making it uglier than the real thing.

However! For whatever reason, I have been granted with the power of DERP. I make ridiculous monstrosities DERP and HURP all over the place, and tomorrow you too will be blessed (or cursed?!) with my derpy creations.

Oh and don’t worry, it wouldn’t be Beleen’s Shop if there wasn’t any PINK! After hearing your suggestions on my Twitter, I have buffed a bunch of your favorite items with Adorableness (aka lots and lots of pink)!

My shop should have an item that perfect for you! So long as you aren’t Artix. Who is going to have a Chickecow once he sees my shop… ^o^

I’ll post some previews on my Twitter first…and then flood the Design Notes tomorrow morning with ZOMG SO MUCH NONESENSE!!11!1one!!

The Showcase Scoop

Each Tuesday, AQWorlds releases a special “Limited Time Featured Artist Showcase Shop” loaded with items that an Artix Entertainment artist creates using their own style and flair.

The Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop will feature a complete Item Set made by an Artix Entertainment artist, created in any manner they so choose. This shop encourages our wonderful artists to unleash their creativity and make some truly epic Armors, Weapons, Helms, and other Items for AQWorlds.

And because it’s called the Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop, the artist’s items will run for 1 week (Tuesday until Tuesday) with a new artist’s Showcased Items replacing the previous set.

At least one RARE item will be included in each artist’s showcased shop. All other items in the shop may or may not return at a later date—that’s all up to the artist! TheRare Item will always sell for AdventureCoins (free storage woohoo!) and will ONLY be available during that week.  

*We say every Tuesday… and we mean it! We’re ganna keep on releasing new Artist Showcase Shops every Tuesday until we run out of artists… or run out of coffee. 

DragonClaw Armor Set leaves Thursday

All good things must come to an end. Including the special offer DragonClaw Armor Set when you purchase any AdventureCoins package worth $4.95 USD or more!

DragonClaw Armor Set in fantasy game

DragonClaw set bids its farewell on Thursday, June 27, at 6pm EST. If you wanna taste the power of the Dragon, get your DragonClaw Set now AND get more AdventureCoins that you crave!

Color-Custom Shadowfire replaces DragonClaw

Do we have a deal for you! The Color-Custom Shadowfire Armor Set will become available after 6pm EST on Thursday, June 27, when you purchase 900 AdventureCoins or more!

Shadowfire Armor Set

The Shadowfire Armor Set includes:

  • Shadowfire Emperor Armor
  • Shadowfire Skull
  • Oppression Katana
  • Shadow Katana cape
  • Character Page Badge

Scorn Saga Continues Friday evening

Descend into Dage’s Underworld this Friday night! Now that the Volcano on the Isle of Fotia has frozen over, a path leading deep into the Underworld has opened.

Journey into Dage's Underworld in free online game MMO

The entrance to the Underworld harbors Underworld Souls and the monstrous personifications of Guilty Joys: Anxiety, Old Age, Fear, Hunger, Death, Disease, Sleep, Agony, and Grief. With the guidance of Aeneas the Warrior and Sibyl the Prophetess, you must find the Golden Boughs, defeat each Guilty Joy, and make your way past the Elm of False Hopes to reach the river Acheron!Golden Bough in online adveture game

Dage's Legion Champion Armor and Class!

To prepare for the coming Legion Champion Class, we are releasing the Legion Champion armor this week! It is only available to Legion Members, but as long as you ARE in the Legion, you can purchase the armor for AdventureCoins OR farm Legion Tokens to create it!

Rule the darkness!

Even MORE for you this week!

  • Summer Token Shop! (Previews go live today)
  • World War AQZ shop!
  • Treasure Chest update! (Members get two FREE keys to unlock them!)
  • Maya's Bestiary Writing/Drawing Contest!

June 18, 2013

Tyronius Tuesday

Featured Artist Showcase Shop

It’s Tuesday! You and 30,000 of our closest friends know what that means: time for another Featured Artist Showcase Shop!

Artist Showcase Shop online adventure games

Every Tuesday, your favorite online adventure game features a certain artist as they showcase their personal stash of items, unleashing their unique flair for the (AQ)world to enjoy!

As the timer ticks down on Aegis’ shop, everyone is anxiously awaiting Tyronius’ Blood Lord and Abyssal Darkness-themed armor sets!

Blood Lord armor set in online game

Blood Lord Set (color custom features)

Abyssal Darkness Set in online adventure game

Abyssal Darkness Set (completely color custom!)

Who is Tyronius?

Tyronius is the one and only true ShadowFire God. A thousand years ago, Tyronius fell to an ancient hero, losing all his power, his realm, and everything else. With the help of his time-traveling brother Cronix, Tyronius was brought back to life… kind of. By using the Blood Lords as puppet minions, Tyronius collects the released power from Chaos Lords, Dage, and Nulgath, slowly regaining his strength.

Tyronius the ShadowFire God

In the real world, Tyronius hails from Poland and is a volunteer artist, just like his twin brother, Cronix. Their father drew a lot and the boys always wanted to make an impression on him—and what an impression they have made! Tyronius first discovered Artix Entertainment when he was 12 years, but AQW ruled his heart.

Here is the 1st thing Tyronius ever made in January 2009!

Tyronius' first art creation

Four years later, Tyronius’ art has evolved and flourished, and absolutely loves what he does (and we totally feel the same way, Ty!). “Make money by doing what you love?! It's some kind of miracle in my opinion!” exclaims Tyronius. “I've been a dev since October 23th, 2012. Being a Dev is one of the best things in my whole life :) Thanks to AE, I've improved my skills. Every single design I made was for AE and the AQW community! I simply love everything about AE! I wish I can spend all time doing designs for AE ;) “


Now it’s your turn to taste the sweetness of Tyronius’ triumphs. Get your Blood Lord Plate Armor Set and the Abyssal Darkness Armor Set later on this afternoon!  

Get Some AdventureCoins!

Gold is good… but AdventureCoins are so much GOODER! If you wanna score the best items from Tyronius’ Shop and all throughout the game, you should really stock up on some ACs.


June 17, 2013

Monday Spoiler Alert

This is Madness… this is MONDAY!

Happy Monday everyone! Are you enjoying your summer vacation? Grab your passport for adventure, because the perfect vacation destination is AdventureQuest Worlds! And we’ve got a whole itinerary booked for endless summer fun =D  

Passport to free to play online games AdventureQuest Worlds

Happy Father’s Day

Daddies make the best heroes ever! Show your dad how much he’s taught you by celebrating Father’s Day with Seasonal Rare items, arriving later today.

Fathers Day Gift ideas in free online game

Every father will enjoy the bounty of BBQ grill gear, the up-to-par Golf Suit set, a Gravity Defying Coffee Mug, the paper-cut-inducing Newsparchement, and the good Ol Fishin’ Armor Set.

Sure beats giving your dad a lame tie or macaroni necklace =P

Tuesday’s Artist Showcase Shop

For the past 2 months, every Tuesday has been dedicated to one of our awesome AQW Artists. And they get to showcase their personal stash of never-before-seen (unless-spoiled-on-the-Design-Notes) items in Battleon’s the Featured Artist Showcase Shop. 

Become Tyronius' Blood Lord in online fun game

And tomorrow is Tyronius’ turn! Tyronius has been responsible for absolutely AMAZING armor sets since October of last year, and tomorrow is his chance at infinite stardom!

Visit the Design Notes tomorrow and get the full scoop on Tyronius.

Hero of Steal

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s the Hero of Steal Armor Set!

To celebrate the blockbuster movie release of the most super man the world has ever known, AQWorlds is releasing our own version of the “Hero of Steal.” These super items are some that Clark kent pass up! 

Hero of Steal item set is flying on in this Friday!

Future Goals

No one can really predict the future (…and if you CAN, please come work with the AQW team!). But just because our magical crystal ball is broken doesn’t mean we can’t set future goals!

  • Grimskull is coming this Friday, June 21
  • Members rejoice! Guilds Phase 2 PTR is still scheduled for later this Summer
  • Dage the Evil’s Legion Class still scheduled for this Summer
  • The Scorn Saga continues next week

Decorate Beleen’s Cubicle!

Wanna help me fill my cubicle with happy pictures, positive messages, and motivational photos? Gimmie some decoration inspiration on my Twitter ^____^

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