Design Notes
April 02, 2012
So Much Monday News
We've got a LOT coming up!
RAWR! We are so PUMPED for this month; we've got so many release plans and they all start this Wednesday! So lets get straight to what you guys can expext this week, and then for the rest of the month!
Coming this week:
Everyone's favorite boxing rabbit (at least, we're pretty sure it's a rabbit...) is back with a stash full of seasonal loot and an awesome boss fight! If you haven't joined us for our annual Grenwog event before, here's the breakdown of our Spring-Bunny-Egg themed holiday event:
In honor of Doomwood Pt 2 coming, we've made
the member-only Mini Grenlich pet!
- Egg hunt all over Lore with Cabdury the Bunny
- Backpack of Eggs and Vorpal Bunny pet w/ quests
- Grenwog boss battle
- Member-only Mini Grenlich pet (drops from the Grenwog boss)
- Return of previous years' seasonal rares
- New Grenwog gear like the Grenwog Slayer armor!
Aegis' Member-only Grenwog Slayer armor!
April Pet o' the Month - Armored Battle Lamb!
Careful, it'll bleat you to death baaa-dly! This member-only battle pet looks delicious but is really ferocious!
Great for ramming ewe-r opponents in baaa-ttle!
Also this week:
- Dage is working on some epic new loot for the Treasure Chest drops!
- Solrac is crafting some amazing armors for the Player Suggestion Shop!
- There will be NO mid-week release this week. Sorry guys! Cysero's hard at work on next week's Friday the 13th event with Voltaire!
- The first of FIVE weeks of in-game Artist Livestream events (one artist a week)! Log in on Wednesday at 4pm server time to see J6 draw an all-new item from your suggestions over Twitter!
Leaving this week:
- The Rares shop from The Magic Thief: Chaos in your Veins event leaves tonight!
- Cysero takes AQW back from EbilCorp at some point tomorrow!
- Lucky Fair leaves for another year on April 16th!
- The Limited Quantity Shop leaves Monday, April 9th (or once everything is sold out)!
Zard Rider armors are still in stock, but once they're gone, they're gone FOREVER!
Coming in April:
- Friday the 13th! Voltaire, Deady, and Evil Inter-dimensional Bunnies!
- Doomwood Part 2: The Blinding Light of Destiny! Artix returns to the AQW team to release an expansion to last Summer's blockbuster Doomwood zone!
Doomwood Part 2: Blinding Light of Destiny
will reach out and grab your attention!
Coming Soon:
- Our next tradeskill will be ALCHEMY! This minigame is a lot more involved than fishing and takes a fair bit of timing and skill to balance the different components. With 16 potion ingredients, you'll be able to create a wide range of extra-effective elixirs, tonics, and draughts! No release date yet, but Dumoose is hard at work!
Magic + Science = Alchemy! (Alina + Lim = BOOM!)
- In case you haven't heard, we've made action figures! Artix and Sepulchure are sitting in the War Room as we speak, and we're preparing to launch them - and their rare BLACK variants - soon! We don't have an exact release date, but as soon as we do, we'll be sure to let you all know!
Don't worry, we're not toying with you. They'll really release!
Artix (normal or black variant) figures come with:
- Paladin's Castle In-game House
- Paladin High Lord Class
- Palaldin High Lord Armor
- Artix's Helm (Legendary item!)
- High Lord's Battleaxe of Destiny
- Paladin High Lord Character Page Achievement
- FIVE original cards to modify your AQW Battle Card deck! (different from Seppy's toy's cards)
Sepulchure (normal or black variant) figures come with:
- DoomKnight's Fortress In-game House
- DoomKnight Overlord Class
- DoomKnight Overlord Armor
- Sepulchure's Helm (Legendary item!)
- Overlord's DoomBlade
- DoomKnight Overlord Character Page Achievement
- FIVE original cards to modify your AQW Battle Card deck! (different from Artix toy's cards)
These will be available in Toys R Us in the United States and on HeroMart shortly after that. I'm sad to say that I STILL have no fixed release date for you, but I keep getting told "Late April, Early May".
Have a great Monday, everyone! The Magic Thief rares will leave later tonight, so get your gear while you can!

August 05, 2011
J6's Hyperium Continues
The Mysterious Bounty Hunter Flies Again!
The puzzle-driven J6 area got a big expansion this week!
If you are up to date all you need to do to continue your space-western adventure is enter the Hyperium's VR room and head to the next area!
If you're NOT YET up to date, you will need to play through all of J6's previous content to get to this week's map, items, the much-coveted J5 armor and several cutscenes that raise a lot more questions about this masked man.
In related news, J6 will be at DragonCon with the rest of this year, so if you can make it to our annual panel at DragonCon in Atlanta, GA at the beginning of next month, then you'll get to meet the man behind the mask.
Player Suggestion Shop Update!
Once again we have taken a number of suggestions from players just like you and pulled them into the game in Yulgar's Player Suggestion Shop!
This week, both Dage and Mennace chose to reshape these items into AQW items!
- Gia Blade - Vamprincess Dorene137
- Paladin's Victory - pikachu199519
- Soul Stealer Advanced - Darkon Drago
- Demonic Revenge - Darkon Drago
- Snowstorm Hood - gompa
- Snowstorm - gompa
- DragonSlayer's Solace Hat - mietior
- DragonSlayer's Solace - mietior
- Royal Maximus - Prince Knight
As usual, each of these items have been given to their creators regardless if they are member, non-member or AC items.
If YOU have an idea for an item that you would like to see brought to life in AQW, please visit out Suggestion Forums and make a post. Who knows, maybe yours will be in the next round!
Please, remember: Even thought we do like to see your art and ideas on Twitter and Facebook, We ONLY take items from those forums to add to the game! We don't add every items in the forums, but if it's NOT in the forums, we WILL NOT add it.
New PET O' THE MONTH: The Vordred Nightmare Pony BATTLE PET!
It's a new month and that (sometimes) means a new PET O' THE MONTH!
This month, in honor of the completion of the Vordred Storyline and the internet's recent fascination with ponies, we've combined these two ideas into one terribly cute monstrosity of necromancy.
Introducing the member only BATTLE PET (Works as a normal pet, but for NECROMANCER it will replace your Skeleton base pet for damage dealing!)
He's been hugged and battle-tested against Noxus in the Shadowfall war to guage his lovable might. Visit Aria's Shop in Battleontown to get your own Vordred Nightmare Pony!
Sadly, J6's maps are so insanely involved that Yorumi didn't have time to properly code or test the Gender Change option which will hopefully come next week but we did make a few changes that you might have already noticed.
QUEST TRACKER: The first addition is a new Quest Tracker Button on your character portrait.
It's right there on the left, opposite your level. Just click this and any quests you are on will appear in a list on your screen to help you keep track of what you need to complete it without opening your Quest Log every time.
CHARACTER PAGE UPGRADE: The second change is on your character page. Now you can look at almost anyone's character page and see exactly what they have equipped right next to their image. (I say ALMOST anyone, because MOD items do not show correctly).
Now available for the iPhone and Android
The AE team created a mobile app our favorite voice actor... ME! So now, you too can have your life narrated by George Lowe (best known as the voice of Space Ghost!) Includes 300+ soundbites (even some favorites from the games.) At the touch of your fingertip, you will instantly be able to make any cramped elevator more uncomfortable.
Next week we begin work on our next CHAOS ZONE, you can also expect a Mennace LQS (keep watching the Design Notes for times, items lists, images and prices!). Until then, have a great weekend!
or else.