Design Notes
April 10, 2013
Server Zoning Changes
Taking Action On Your Feedback!
Yesterday we began the server zoning experiment, which tested grouping our Filipino players into their own server (and Member servers if they are upgraded). We began this experiment to make players safer, happier, and to make selecting servers easier to understand.*
A lot of you liked the changes, but many of you had concerns. We always want to act upon your feedback as soon as possible, so today I met with Artix and Galanoth, and we've got a list of changes for you!
Changes to Server Zoning
Based on your comments, we have made the following changes to our server zone experiment:
- Minimal server will return for ALL players as our second International server!
- Filipino players will see the Talim Filipino server, Artix and Minimal international servers, and both Member servers when you log in once the coding changes are complete.**
- Brasilian players will see their server screen change in the near future, as we introduce a featured server display list, but we do not have plans to restrict them to a single set of servers.
- We are considering re-naming the Member servers. Sir Ver would become "Alteon," while Evil Sir Ver would become "Gravelyn" and receive an International Member server label.*** Give us your feedback on this idea!
* With 19 servers, it can be overwhelming for some new players.
** We are shooting to have the Minimal server and the rest of these changes out to you all by Friday.
*** All members would still be able to access both Member servers. Just the labels would change.
Thank you all for your comments, enthusiasm, or concern for your fellow players, and for working with us as we try new ways to make AQWorlds a better for all our players!