Design Notes
October 04, 2013
Dragon Rises Triumphant
The Royal Wedding's Chaotic Conclusion!
Good King Alteon has been fighting Chaorruption since AQWorlds began, and THIS week, you will see how much of an effect Chaos has had on him! Log in now to play the conclusion of the Royal Wedding event, the rise of Swordhaven's Chaos Beast... and the beginning of the most Chaotic chapter in AQWorlds' history!
Chaotic DragonFORCE!
We had planned to finish the wedding release in one week last week. This week's storyline release IS a bit shorter than usual, but had we not split last week's release into two parts, we would not have been able to put nearly as much effort into this week's cutscenes as we did. I'd rather do them right than do them quickly! (Especially when the reactions to the release have been so emotional!)
Ghost, our lead animator, drew his reaction to what he did this week:
Sad Ghost felt ALL the feels!
Make sure to tweet your reactions to the storyline to @ArtixKrieger and @Alina_AE so we can keep track of how many feels you have felt! You can also share your reactions on the AQW Facebook page or our forum!
The new loading screen is live, too!
In addition to finishing LAST week's release THIS week, we also released:
Enjoy the beginning of the REAL Chaos in Swordhaven... and the rest of Lore!