Design Notes
July 11, 2017
July Custom Weapon Winner
Congratulations, Chadough!
Chadough is the winner of our monthly Custom Weapon raffle! Each month, we choose one winner from among all the accounts that have upgraded (bought membership or AdventureCoins) in the previous month and work with them to create a custom weapon.
Our luck was in, and Chadough logged onto AQW today! We were able to catch up with him in-game and give him the news in person. He'll spend some time deciding the details of his custom weapon, and we'll get that out to him by the end of the month.
Will You Do This Again?
Good question! Short answer, yes... at least, we will next month! During the first week of August, we'll choose one person from among a list of people who upgrade in July to get their very own custom weapon (with the option of sharing it with up to 10 friends). Keep an eye on the Design Notes to see if this fun surprise will continue after tha

July 07, 2017
This Friday: July Upgrade Bonus
This Friday, upgrade to unlock the Mystic DragonCaller gear!
To celebrate the magic of dragons... and the MIGHT of slaying them... Aranx crafted the Mystic DragonCaller for our July upgrade bonus gear. Unlock the full set when you buy any membership or AdventureCoin package worth $10 USD or more starting this Friday, July 7th, at 6 PM EST.
Unlock the darker Mythic DragonMaster set with a 12 month membership or 12000 AdventureCoin package. This upgrade bonus leaves August 4th, 2017.
Tier 1: Mystic DragonCaller
Shown on the left in the image above
Get the Gear with a
Tier 2: Mythic DragonMaster
Shown on the right in the image above
Get the gear for both tiers with a
Unlock the rewards
Get Up to 50% More AdventureCoins With Any AC Package!
Our Summer Madness AdventureCoin Bonus Sale is happening right now! Get more AdventureCoins with each AC package, and the larger the AC package you buy, the more bonus ACs you'll have to spend as we begin our Summer of Dragons storyline: the Seven Deadly Dragons!
So many of you emailed, Tweeted, Facebooked, and messaged us in-game thanking us for the bonus ACs last year that we wanted to keep that love and excitement flowing for the rest of the summer!
Note: this offer does not apply to AdventureCoin purchases bought on, or the bonus ACs that come with membership packages.
* On July 20th, the bonus amount will drop, so this is your best chance to get the MOST free ACs!