Design Notes
April 10, 2013
Server Zoning Changes
Taking Action On Your Feedback!
Yesterday we began the server zoning experiment, which tested grouping our Filipino players into their own server (and Member servers if they are upgraded). We began this experiment to make players safer, happier, and to make selecting servers easier to understand.*
A lot of you liked the changes, but many of you had concerns. We always want to act upon your feedback as soon as possible, so today I met with Artix and Galanoth, and we've got a list of changes for you!
Changes to Server Zoning
Based on your comments, we have made the following changes to our server zone experiment:
- Minimal server will return for ALL players as our second International server!
- Filipino players will see the Talim Filipino server, Artix and Minimal international servers, and both Member servers when you log in once the coding changes are complete.**
- Brasilian players will see their server screen change in the near future, as we introduce a featured server display list, but we do not have plans to restrict them to a single set of servers.
- We are considering re-naming the Member servers. Sir Ver would become "Alteon," while Evil Sir Ver would become "Gravelyn" and receive an International Member server label.*** Give us your feedback on this idea!
* With 19 servers, it can be overwhelming for some new players.
** We are shooting to have the Minimal server and the rest of these changes out to you all by Friday.
*** All members would still be able to access both Member servers. Just the labels would change.
Thank you all for your comments, enthusiasm, or concern for your fellow players, and for working with us as we try new ways to make AQWorlds a better for all our players!

April 09, 2013
Introducing Server Zoning
Testing New Server Functionality!
Late last year, we introduced the first phase of server changes to help make playing AQWorlds more enjoyable for everyone. Chatting with new friends and making plans to battle with them against epic boss monsters is one of the best parts of being a Hero on Lore... and now we're trying to make that event BETTER with server zoning!
Today we're introducing a server zone for players in the Phillippines! Anyone playing from the Philipines will be required to log into the Talim* server OR our Member servers (if you have an upgraded account). Anyone outside the Philippines can also join the Talim server to battle with your friends! Canned-chat players in the Phillippines will be able to log into the Talim server, as well.
* Talim means "blade" in Tagalog.
Why Have Zoned Servers?
There are a few different reasons game companies use server realms or zones:
- Some of our servers are WAY more crowded than others. This should help reduce server crowding in over-populated servers like Cysero and Twilly.
- Another goal is to help players in the same parts of the world share in-game as well as real world experiences and victories.
Will My Country Get Its Own Server?
This is a test of the server zoning system. We want to test this with a Filipino-zoned server to see whether this experiment should be expanded to zones for other countries. Although not every country will get its own server (as some countries have fewer AQW players than others.)
Feedback Update
We've been watching everyone's reactions to the new server zoning experiment, and I want to address some of the questions that keep coming up.
- Server zoning is pretty common in many online games, though this is a new step for us to take.
- We are testing server zoning to see if it reduces a number of stresses on the team and our servers.
- We are tracking a lot of data which we'll use to review how effective the server zoning experiment is.
- If it is not as effective as we've theorized, then we'll review the idea and see what else can be done.
- Our main goal with the server zoning is to make as many players as possible SAFE and HAPPY.
We'll have more news in a few weeks, once we've had a chance to gather enough information.