Deadmoor Spirit written by Cysero Special Release! Play Now Summer Madness AC Bonus Summer Madness AC Bonus
Return of the Living Devs Summer Event Line-Up
Limited Quantity Sets Velocity AE by Rolith Velocity on the AppStoreVelocity on the GooglePlay Chaos Queen Beleen

You are a true Hero!

Thank you for playing AdventureQuest Worlds alongside us. We hope you have as much fun playing the game as we do making it for you! It really is a dream come true for everyone here at Artix Entertainment. Our biggest thanks goes out to our upgraded Legends and AdventureCoin buyers who continue to support the game and our little indie game studio. Without their kind donations, we could never afford to keep the game running with new releases every week! So if you enjoy playing AQWorlds as much as we do, then please consider supporting the game with a premium Legend Upgrade and some AdventureCoins. I look forward to our many adventures ahead!


Battle On!

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