Design Notes

August 22, 2011

Rumors of Chaos Rising!

Bloodtusk Ravine is about to get BUSY!

The majority of the Trolls in the Ravine wish to forget the past and ignore their "more primitive" neighbors to the west. The Horcs know that vigilance is ever necessary, as not all Trolls are as placid as others. But factor in the Troll-Horc hybrids and you get an explosion of hated: for each other and themselves!

Meet Druuz and Rawg: cousins, hybrids, bitter enemies

Druuz and Rawg share a similar story, but a very different history. You'll learn more of their families and childhoods on Friday. And once you find them among the wilderness of the jungle and plateau this week, they'll be the starting point on your journey to get some orderly answers to the chaotic rumors floating around both towns!

Bloodtusk Ravine is boiling with tension, and Chaos is about to erupt!

For centuries, there has been an uneasy peace between the Horcs and the Trolls of Bloodtusk Ravine. Occasionally, events like tragic and forbidden romances will occur between the races, causing havoc and dissension among both peoples. But that is not enough Chaos for... the Twins!

Battle your way to the truth this weekend!

DoomWood on the Travel Map on Friday!

This Friday you'll be able to experience (or re-live) the most EPIC battle between Light and Darkness that Lore has ever seen! Just open your travel map and journey to Doomwood. /Cheer for J6 for finding the time to squeeze this vital map update into his ever-busy schedule.

No Suggestion Shop

Our artists are absolutely up to their elbows in pixels and paint this week Flashing gnarly gear for this week's release, so we're going to need to delay the Suggestion Shop. But that just means you'll have more time to work on your ideas before submitting them for consideration! Who knows, next time it might be YOUR art that makes it in-game!

Naval Commander for TLaPD

We asked you guys this morning whether you wanted Chaos Naval Commander, Platinum Naval Commander, or Fiery Naval Commander for the 2011 Talk Like a Pirate Day event. After reading the deluge of replies on Twitter and the forum, we went with the overwhelmingly popular Platinum Naval Commander! Like last year, an additionla pirate-themed armor will also be released.

Look for that to be released along with other epicly piratical gear this September 19th for Talk Like a Pirate Day 2011! Pictures and prices will come as TLaPD gets closer.

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