Design Notes
February 14, 2013
Alpha Omega Class
Tomorrow We Honor EpicDuel's OMEGA!
It's been months in development but the long wait is over and EpicDuel has launched their OMEGA release! They re-wrote more than half of their battle engine and turning the game on it's head. They have revamped everything from character creation to the very battle system that forms the core of the game.
Titan says it's been a roller coaster ride. People were excited at the announcement but it took far longer than expected so people got anxious and cranky, then it was released and people were FLIPPING OUT then started to notice a few bugs that were missed in testing. Soon ED plans to release it's second balancing patch and people are again excited to see what changes are coming to this game of blades, blood and bones.
In honor of their achievement, we are releasing the Alpha Omega Class tomorrow! The art was designed by ED's own Nightwraith and if you ask me it's one of the most impressive armors that we've seen in AQW.
Where Do I get It?
There will be a few ways that you will be able to get the class when we release it tomorrow.
- Members can earn the class by trading in 300 Combat Trophies from Bludrut Brawl to Ragnar in Battleon. He will have a new merge shop for classes as of tomorrow.
- Anyone can simply purchase the class for 1000 ACs (half-price from our normal classes) from Ragnar in Battleon, or from the Class Shop in your Book of Lore.
Now, let's get our hands dirty.
First, don't let the name Alpha Omega mislead you. This is NOT a re-release of Alpha Pirate (as some people seem to think) and has nothing to do with the Alpha Testing Phase of any of AE's games. Alpha is the beginning. Omega is the ultimate end. This class was designed to finish any battle that it starts and it's as simple as that.
The skills for this class were originally inspired by the skills of the Mercenary from Epic Duel, and evolved from there. Our balance testers have said that it can take a lot of punishment but have no problem dishing it out in one-on-one battles. They have also said that it feels like one of the most well-rounded and multi-purpose classes we've released in a while.
The balance testers also say that LUCK Enhancements work best with this class, even though it's built on the Warrior mana regen model and does physical damage. Got a better build? Let us know on the forums!
2 second cooldown
A strong attack known only to disciplined fighters.
15 mana, 1 second cooldown
Instantly attack twice, dealing extra damage.
Very simple. Anything you punch in the face get a bonus punch in the face ABSOLUTELY FREE!
30 mana, 6 second cooldown
Heals a friendly target for a large amount immediately, and up to 3 additional nearby targets for a smaller amount. Applies Radiance to the first target, healing for an additional amount over 16 seconds, and restoring some mana to the caster when the target takes damage..
It's not a HUGE heal but it's a nice life-saver and you CAN cast it on yourself. It also buffs your mana for as long as the heal's effect, Glow, stays on you.
30 mana, 10 second cooldown
Strike and weaken an enemy by stunning them for 4 seconds.
Does damage and carries a guaranteed stun, which is always nice. Especially in PvP.
Rank 4 passives
Damage Output Increased by 10%
Damage Resist increased by 10%
Hit harder and take less damage. Warrior based combat at its finest.
30 mana, 15 second cooldown
1 hit guaranteed to crit.
A guaranteed crit, every time. This skill is why I liked to play around with the ENH. If you already have one guarentted crit then ideally you want to make it stronger with STR but it's not the only skill that can crit and critical heals are REALLY NICE. Depends on your play style.
Rank 10 passive
Increases Haste by a 10%
I think this is the first time that we've had a rank 10 passive that was a flat stat boost like the rank 4's usually are, but rather than waiting for a 1/500 chance for a massive damage to go off, spead up all attacks and reduce all cooldowns making you do more damage overall. Again, you'll have to let us know what you think.
So there you have it. The class comes tomorrow along with ED's Valentines Event which features, amongst other things, 2 BRAND NEW CORES to play with so you probably want to check that one once you're done with AQW's release!